// This file defines a set of functions and an associative array.
// The key of the array corresponds to a header in the source
// import file and the value of the array item will be used in
// the creation of the output file.
// An exported Outlook file looks like this:
// Title<tab>First Name<tab>Middle Name<tab>Last Name<tab>...
// <tab>Patrick<tab><tab>Walsh<tab>...
// Where the first line explains each optional field.  This is what
// will be looked up in the key.
// The array need not be in any order and any fields not defined will
// not be transferred.  If the val='+', the value will be appended to
// the previous field and any text after the '+' will be appended 
// before the value.  For example, the following would add a comma and
// a space between LastName and FirstName and store it in FullName:
//	array("LastName" => "FullName","FirstName" => "+, ");
// Also start with a '#' symbol and a comma separated list will be
// turned into a number of the same entries.

	class import_conv
		var $currentrecord = array(); //used for buffering to allow uid lines to go first
		var $id;
		var $type = 'csv';

		var $import = array(
			"Title" => "title", 
			"First Name" => "n_given",
			"Middle Name" => "n_middle",
			"Last Name" => "n_family",
			"Suffix" => "n_suffix",
			"Company" => "org_name",  //objectclass: organization
			"Department" => "org_unit", //objectclass: organizationalPerson
			"Job Title" => "title", //objectclass: organizationalPerson
			"Business Street" => "adr_one_street",
			"Business Street 2" => "address2",
			"Business Street 3" => "address3",
			"Business City" => "adr_one_locality",
			"Business State" => "adr_one_region",
			"Business Postal Code" => "adr_one_postalcode",
			"Business Country" => "adr_one_countryname",
			"Home Street" => "adr_two_street",
			"Home City" => "adr_two_locality",
			"Home State" => "adr_two_region",
			"Home Postal Code" => "adr_two_postalcode",
			"Home Country" => "adr_two_countryname",
			"Home Street 2" => "",
			"Home Street 3" => "",
			"Other Street" => "",
			"Other City" => "",
			"Other State" => "",
			"Other Postal Code" => "",
			"Other Country" => "",
			"Assistant's Phone" => "tel_msg",
			"Business Fax" => "tel_fax",
			"Business Phone" => "tel_work",
			"Business Phone 2" => "ophone",
			"Callback" => "",
			"Car Phone" => "tel_car",
			"Company Main Phone" => "",
			"Home Fax" => "",
			"Home Phone" => "tel_home",
			"Home Phone 2" => "", //This will make another homePhone entry
			"ISDN" => "tel_isdn",
			"Mobile Phone" => "tel_cell", //newPilotPerson
			"Other Fax" => "",
			"Other Phone" => "",
			"Pager" => "tel_pager",
			"Primary Phone" => "",
			"Radio Phone" => "",
			"TTY/TDD Phone" => "",
			"Telex" => "", //organization
			"Account" => "",
			"Anniversary" => "",
			"Assistant's Name" => "", //newPilotPerson
			"Billing Information" => "",
			"Birthday" => "bday",
			"Categories" => "", 
			"Children" => "",
			"Directory Server" => "",
			"E-mail Address" => "email",
			"E-mail Display Name" => "",
			"E-mail 2 Address" => "email_home",
			"E-mail 2 Display Name" => "",
			"E-mail 3 Address" => "", //add another...
			"E-mail 3 Display Name" => "",
			"Gender" => "",
			"Government ID Number" => "",
			"Hobby" => "",
			"Initials" => "",
			"Internet Free Busy" => "",
			"Keywords" => "",
			"Language" => "",
			"Location" => "",
			"Manager's Name" => "",
			"Mileage" => "",
			"Notes" => "note",
			"Office Location" => "",
			"Organizational ID Number" => "",
			"PO Box" => "",
			"Priority" => "",
			"Private Profession" => "",
			"Referred By" => "",
			"Sensitivity" => "",
			"Spouse" => "",
			"User 1" => "",
			"User 2" => "",
			"User 3" => "",
			"User 4" => "",
			"Web Page" => "url"

		function import_start_file($buffer,$j="",$k="") {
			return $buffer;

		function import_start_record($buffer) {
			$this->currentrecord = $top;
			return $buffer;

		function import_new_attrib($buffer,$name,$value) {
			$value = trim($value);
			$value = str_replace("\n","<BR>",$value);
			$value = str_replace("\r","",$value);
			$this->currentrecord += array($name => $value);

			return $buffer;

		function import_end_record($buffer) {
			global $phpgw_info;
			while ( list($name, $value) = each($this->currentrecord)) {
				$buffer[$this->id][$name] = $value;
				//echo '<br>'.$name.' => '.$value;
			return $buffer;

		function import_end_file($buffer,$access="private",$cat_id=0) {
			global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;

			$contacts = CreateObject("phpgwapi.contacts");
			//echo '<br>'; 
			for ($i=1;$i<=count($buffer);$i++) {
				while ( list($name,$value) = @each($buffer[$i]) ) {
					//echo '<br>'.$i.': '.$name.' => '.$value;
					$entry[$i][$name] = $value;
				$entry[$i]['email_type']      = 'INTERNET';
				$entry[$i]['email_home_type'] = 'INTERNET';
				$entry[$i]['adr_one_type']    = 'intl';
				$entry[$i]['adr_two_type']    = 'intl';
				//echo '<br>';
			$num = $i - 1;
			return "Successfully imported $num records into your addressbook.";