  * phpGroupWare                                                             *
  * http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *

  /* $Id$ */
  // NOTE: Please use spaces to seperate the field names.  It makes copy and pasting easier.

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE config (
    config_name     varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    config_value    varchar(100),
    UNIQUE config_name (config_name)
  $sql = "CREATE TABLE applications (
    app_name     varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    app_title    varchar(50),
    app_enabled  int,
    app_order    int,
    app_tables   varchar(255),
    app_version  varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0.0',
    UNIQUE app_name (app_name)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id           int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
    account_lid          varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    account_pwd          varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    account_firstname    varchar(50),
    account_lastname     varchar(50),
    account_permissions  text,
    account_groups       varchar(30),
    account_lastlogin    int(11),
    account_lastloginfrom varchar(255),
    account_lastpwd_change int(11),
    account_status       enum('A','L') DEFAULT 'A' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (account_id),
    UNIQUE account_lid (account_lid)

  $sql = "create table groups (
    group_id	int NOT NULL auto_increment,
    group_name	varchar(255),
    group_apps    varchar(255),
    primary key(group_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE preferences (
    preference_owner   varchar(20),
    preference_name    varchar(50),
    preference_value   varchar(50),
    preference_appname varchar(50)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE sessions (
    session_id        varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    session_lid       varchar(20),
    session_pwd       varchar(255),
    session_ip        varchar(255),
    session_logintime int(11),
    session_dla       int(11),
    UNIQUE sessionid (session_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE app_sessions (
    sessionid	varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    loginid	varchar(20),
    app	varchar(20),
    content	text

  $sql = "create table access_log (
    sessionid	varchar(255),
    loginid	  varchar(30),
    ip		   varchar(30),
    li		   int,
    lo		   varchar(255)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE profiles (
    con int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
    owner varchar(20),
    title varchar(255),
    phone_number varchar(255),
    comments text,
    picture_format varchar(255),
    picture blob,
    PRIMARY KEY (con)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE addressbook (
    ab_id       int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    ab_owner    varchar(25),
    ab_access   varchar(10),
    ab_firstname varchar(255),
    ab_lastname varchar(255),
    ab_email    varchar(255),
    ab_hphone   varchar(255),
    ab_wphone   varchar(255),
    ab_fax      varchar(255),
    ab_pager    varchar(255),
    ab_mphone   varchar(255),
    ab_ophone   varchar(255),
    ab_street   varchar(255),
    ab_city     varchar(255),
    ab_state    varchar(255),
    ab_zip      varchar(255),
    ab_bday     varchar(255),
    ab_notes    text,
    ab_company  varchar(255),
    ab_company_id int(10) unsigned,
    ab_title    varchar(60),
    ab_address2 varchar(60),
    ab_url      varchar(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (ab_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE customers (
    company_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    company_name varchar(255),
    website varchar(80),
    ftpsite varchar(80),
    industry_type varchar(50),
    status varchar(30),
    software varchar(40),
    lastjobnum int(10) unsigned,
    lastjobfinished date,
    busrelationship varchar(30),
    notes text,
    PRIMARY KEY (company_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE todo (
    todo_id      int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
    todo_id_parent	int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    todo_owner   varchar(25),
    todo_access  varchar(10),
    todo_des     text,
    todo_pri     int(11),
    todo_status  int(11),
    todo_datecreated  int(11),
    todo_startdate int(11),
    todo_enddate int(11),
    PRIMARY KEY (todo_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry (
    cal_id	int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
    cal_group_id	int(11),
    cal_create_by varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    cal_date	int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    cal_time	int(11),
    cal_mod_date int(11),
    cal_mod_time int(11),
    cal_duration int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    cal_priority int(11) DEFAULT '2',
    cal_type	varchar(10),
    cal_access	char(10),
    cal_name	varchar(80) NOT NULL,
    cal_description text,
    PRIMARY KEY (cal_id)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_repeats (
    cal_id	int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    cal_type	enum('daily','weekly','monthlyByDay','monthlyByDate','yearly') DEFAULT 'daily' NOT NULL,
    cal_end	int(11),
    cal_frequency int(11) DEFAULT '1',
    cal_days	char(7)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_user (
    cal_id       int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    cal_login    varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    cal_status   char(1) DEFAULT 'A',
    PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_login)

  $sql = "create table webcal_entry_groups (
    cal_id	int,
    groups	varchar(255)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE newsgroups (
    con             int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    name            varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    messagecount    int(11) NOT NULL,
    lastmessage     int(11) NOT NULL,
    active          char DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,
    lastread        int(11),
    PRIMARY KEY (con),
    UNIQUE name (name)

  $sql = "CREATE TABLE lang (
    message_id      varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
    app_name        varchar(100) DEFAULT 'common' NOT NULL,
    lang            varchar(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
    content         text NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (message_id,app_name,lang)

  // I decied too hold off on this table until 0.9.4pre1 (jengo)  
/*  $sql = "create table domains (
    domain_id       int NOT NULL auto_increment,
    domain_name     varchar(255),
    domain_database varchar(255),
    domain_status   enum('Active,Disabled'),
    primary key(domain_id)
