 * eGroupWare eTemplate2 - Class which implements the organization node
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage dataview
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel
 * @copyright Stylite 2011
 * @version $Id$

"use strict"

	et2_core_common; // for et2_range functions

 * The ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH defines the count of children a node will be
 * created with.

 * An partition tree organization node can contain child nodes and organizes
 * those.
var et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode = et2_dataview_partitionNode.extend(
	/*et2_dataview_IIndexOperations, */{

	init: function(_root, _parent, _pidx) {

		if (typeof _parent == "undefined")
			_parent = null;

		if (typeof _pidx == "undefined")
			_pidx = 0;

		// Call the parent constructor

		this._children =  [];

		// Set the given parent and parent-index


	destroy: function() {
		// Free all child nodes
		for (var i = this._children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)


	 * Delete the buffered element count
	doInvalidate: function() {

		this._count = false;
		this._depth = false;
		this._avgHeightData = false;

	 * Calculates the count of elements by accumulating the counts of the child
	 * elements.
	getCount: function() {
		if (this._count === false)
			// Calculate the count of nodes
			this._count = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
				this._count += this._children[i].getCount();

		return this._count;

	 * Calculates the height of this node by accumulating the height of the
	 * child nodes.
	calculateHeight: function() {
		var result = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			result += this._children[i].getHeight();

		return result;

	 * Removes the given node from the tree
	removeNode: function(_node) {
		// Search the element on this level
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			if (this._children[i] == _node)
				return true;

		// Search the element on a lower level
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			if (this._children[i] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode &&
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Removes the child with the given index in the _children list
	removePIdxNode: function(_pidx) {
		// Invalidate this element

		// Delete the element at the given pidx and remove the parent reference
		this._children.splice(_pidx, 1)[0].setParent(null);

		// Recalculate the pidx of the children behind the one removed
		for (var i = _pidx; i < this._children.length; i++)

		return true;

	 * Removes the child with the given overall index
	removeIdxNode: function(_idx) {
		return this._iterateToIndex(_idx, function(ei, bi, child) {
			if (child.implements(et2_dataview_IIndexOperations))
				return child.removeIdxNode(_idx);

			return this.removePIdxNode(i);
		}, false);

	 * Returns the node with the given overall index and null if it is not found
	getIdxNode: function(_idx) {
		return this._iterateToIndex(_idx, function(ei, bi, child) {
			if (child.implements(et2_dataview_IIndexOperations))
				return child.getIdxNode()

			if (idx == bi)
				return child;
		}, null);

	 * getNodeAt returns the DOM node at the given index
	getNodeAt: function(_idx) {
		return this._iterateToIndex(_idx, function(ei, bi, child) {
			return child.getNodeAt(_idx);
		}, null);

	 * Returns all nodes in the given range
	getRangeNodes: function(_range, _create) {

		if (typeof _create == "undefined")
			_create = true;

		var result = [];

		// Create a copy of the children of this element, as the child list may
		// change due to new children being inserted.
		var children = this._copyChildren();

		// We did not have a intersect in the range now
		var hadIntersect = false;
		for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
			if (children[i].inRange(_range))
				hadIntersect = true;

				var res = children[i].getRangeNodes(_range, _create);

				if (res === false)
					return this.getRangeNodes(_range, _create);

				// Append the search results of the given element
				result = result.concat(res);
				// Abort as we are out of the range where intersects can happen
				if (hadIntersect)

		return result;

	 * Returns the nodes which are inside the given range
	getIdxRangeNodes: function(_idxRange, _create) {

		if (typeof _create == "undefined")
			_create = true;

		var result = [];

		// Create a copy of the children of this element, as the child list may
		// change due to new children being inserted.
		var children = this._copyChildren();

		// We did not have a intersect in the range now
		var hadIntersect = false;
		for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
			if (children[i].inIdxRange(_idxRange))
				hadIntersect = true;

				// Append the search results of the given element
				var res = children[i].getIdxRangeNodes(_idxRange,

				if (res === false)
					return this.getIdxRangeNodes(_idxRange, _create);

				result = result.concat(res);
				// Abort as we are out of the range where intersects can happen
				if (hadIntersect)

		return result;

	 * Reduces the given range to a spacer
	reduceRange: function(_range) {
		this._reduce(this.getRangeNodes(_range, false))

	 * Reduces the given index range to a spacer
	reduceIdxRange: function(_range) {
		this._reduce(this.getIdxRangeNodes(_range, false));

	getDepth: function() {
		if (this._depth === false)
			this._depth = 0;

			// Get the maximum depth and increase it by one
			for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
				this._depth = Math.max(this._depth, this._children[i].getDepth());

		return this._depth;

	_insertLeft: function(_idx, _nodes) {
		// Check whether the node left to the given index can still take some
		// nodes - if yes, insert the maximum amount of nodes into this node
		if (_idx > 0 && this._children[_idx - 1] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode
		    && this._children[_idx - 1]._children.length < ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH)
			// Calculate how many children can be inserted into the left node
			var child = this._children[_idx - 1];
			var c = Math.min(ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH - child._children.length, _nodes.length);

			// Insert the remaining children into the left node
			if (c > 0)
				var nodes = _nodes.splice(0, c);
				child.insertNodes(child._children.length, nodes);

	_insertRight: function(_idx, _nodes) {
		// Check whether the node right to the given index can still take some
		// nodes - if yes, insert the nodes there
		if (_idx < this._children.length &&
		    this._children[_idx] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode &&
		    this._children[_idx]._children.length < ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH)
			var child = this._children[_idx];
			var c = Math.min(ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH - child._children.length, _nodes.length);

			// Insert the remaining children into the left node
			if (c > 0)
				var nodes = _nodes.splice(_nodes.length - c, c);
				child.insertNodes(0, nodes);

	 * Groups the nodes which should be inserted by packages of ten and insert
	 * those as children. If there are more than ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH
	 * children as a result of this action, this node gets destroyed and the
	 * children are given to the parent node.
	insertNodes: function(_idx, _nodes) {
		// Break if no nodes are to be inserted
		if (_nodes.length == 0)

		// Invalidate this node

		// Try to insert the given objects into an organization node at the left
		// or right side of the given index
		this._insertLeft(_idx, _nodes);
		this._insertRight(_idx, _nodes);

		// Update the pidx of the nodes after _idx
		for (var i = _idx; i < this._children.length; i++)
			this._children[i].setPIdx(i + _nodes.length);

		// Set the parent and the pidx of the new nodes
		for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++)
			_nodes[i].setPIdx(_idx + i);

		// Simply insert the nodes at the given position
		this._children.splice.apply(this._children, [_idx, 0].concat(_nodes));

		// Check whether the width of this element is greater than ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH
		// If yes, split the children into groups of ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH and
		// insert those into this node
		/*if (this._children.length > ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH)
			var insertNodes = [];

			while (_nodes.length > 0)
				var orgaNode = new et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode(this,

				// Get groups of ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH from the nodes while
				// reading the first level of nodes from organization nodes
				var newNodes = [];
				var isPartial = false;
				while (newNodes.length < ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH && _nodes.length > 0)
					var node = _nodes[0];

					if (!(node instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode))
						isPartial = true;
						if (node._children.length == 0)
							// Remove the node from the list and free it
							if (!isPartial && node._children.length == ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH)
								newNodes = newNodes.concat(node._children.splice(0,
									ET2_PARTITION_TREE_WIDTH - newNodes.length));
								isPartial = true;

				orgaNode.insertNodes(0, newNodes);


			this._children = [];
			this.insertNodes(0, insertNodes);

	rebuild: function() {
		// Get all leafs
		var children = [];

		// Free all organization nodes

		this.insertNodes(0, children);

	 * Accumulates the "average height" data
	getAvgHeightData: function(_data) {
		if (this._avgHeightData == false)
			this._avgHeightData = {"count": 0, "height": 0};

			for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)

			this._invalid = false;

		// Increment the data object entries by the buffered avg height data
		_data.count += this._avgHeightData.count;
		_data.height += this._avgHeightData.height;

	debug: function() {
		var children = [];
		var offs = false;

		for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
			var idx = children[i].getStartIndex();
			var node = children[i].getNodeAt(idx);

			if (node)
				if (offs === false)
					offs = node.offset().top;

				var actualTop = node.offset().top - offs;
				var calculatedTop = children[i].getPosTop();

				if (Math.abs(actualTop - calculatedTop) > 1)
					et2_debug("warn", i, "Position missmatch at idx ", idx,
						actualTop, calculatedTop, node);

				var actualHeight = node.outerHeight(true);
				var calculateHeight = children[i].getHeight();

				if (Math.abs(actualHeight - calculateHeight) > 1)
					et2_debug("warn", i, "Height missmatch at idx ", idx,
						actualHeight, calculateHeight, node);

	/* ---- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---- */

	_copyChildren: function() {
		// Copy the child array as querying the child nodes may change the tree
		var children = new Array(this._children.length);
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			children[i] = this._children[i];

		return children;

	_iterateToIndex: function(_idx, _func, _res) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			var child = this._children[i];

			var bi = child.getStartIndex();
			var ei = child.getStopIndex();

			if (bi > _idx)
				return res;

			if (bi <= _idx && ei > _idx)
				return _func.call(this, bi, ei, child);

		return res;

	 * Reduces the given nodes to a single spacer
	_reduce: function(_nodes) {
		if (_nodes.length == 0)

		// Check whether the first or last node is a spacer, if not create
		// a new one
		var ph;
		if (_nodes[0] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionSpacerNode)
			ph = _nodes[0]
		else if (_nodes[_nodes.length - 1] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionSpacerNode)
			ph = _nodes[_nodes.length - 1];
			// Create a new spacer node and insert it at the place of the
			// first node of the range
			ph = new et2_dataview_partitionSpacerNode(this.getRoot(), 0, 0);
			_nodes[0]._parent.insertNodes(_nodes[0]._pidx, [ph]);

			// Initialize the new placeholder

		// Get the height of the resulting spacer
		var height = _nodes[_nodes.length - 1].getPosBottom() - _nodes[0].getPosTop();

		// Get the count of actual elements in the nodes
		var count = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++)
			count += _nodes[i].getCount();

		// Update the spacer parameters
		ph.setParameters(count, height / count);

		// Free all elements (except for the spacer)
		for (var i = _nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			if (_nodes[i] != ph)

	 * Used when rebuilding the tree
	_getFlatList: function(_res) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
			if (this._children[i] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode)

	_clear: function() {
		for (var i = this._children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			if (this._children[i] instanceof et2_dataview_partitionOrganizationNode)

		this._children = [];