
 * Test Etemplate main file
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @package api
 * @copyright (c) 2017  Nathan Gray
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License

namespace EGroupware\Api;

require_once realpath(__DIR__.'/Etemplate/WidgetBaseTest.php');

 * Test the main class of Etemplate
 * Etemplate Widget base class scans the apps for widgets, which needs the app
 * list, pulled from the database, so we need to log in.
class EtemplateTest extends Etemplate\WidgetBaseTest {

	 * Etemplate checks in the app/template/ directory, so we can't easily
	 * use a specific test template.  Using this real template for testing.
	const TEST_TEMPLATE = 'api.prompt';

	protected $content = array('value' => 'test content');
	protected $sel_options = array(array('value' => 0, 'label' => 'label'));
	protected $readonlys = array('value' => true);

	 * Test reading xml files
	 * This really just tests that the files can be found and executed.
	public function testRead()
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		// Test missing template fails
		$this->assertEquals(false, $etemplate->read('totally invalid'), 'Reading invalid template');

		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		// This does not actually do anything with the template file
		$this->assertEquals(true, $etemplate->read(static::TEST_TEMPLATE));

		// This loads and parses
		$result = $this->mockedExec($etemplate, array());

		// Look for the load and match the template name
		foreach($result as $command)
			if($command['type'] == 'et2_load')
				$this->assertEquals(static::TEST_TEMPLATE, $command['data']['name']);

	 * Test that we can load the etemplate into a different DOM ID than the
	 * default, which is based on the template name.
	public function testSetDOMId()
		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		// Change the target DOM ID

		$result = $this->mockedExec($etemplate, array());

		// Check for the load
		foreach($result as $command)
			if($command['type'] == 'et2_load')
				$this->assertEquals('test_id', $command['data']['DOMNodeID']);

	 * Test that data that is passed in is passed on
	public function testExec()
		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		// Change the target DOM ID

		$result = $this->mockedExec($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys);

		// Check for the load
		$data = array();
		foreach($result as $command)
			if($command['type'] == 'et2_load')
				$data = $command['data'];

		$this->assertArraySubset($this->content, $data['data']['content'], false, 'Content does not match');
		$this->assertArraySubset($this->sel_options, $data['data']['sel_options'], false, 'Select options do not match');
		$this->assertArraySubset($this->readonlys, $data['data']['readonlys'], false, 'Readonlys does not match');

	 * Test that data passed in is passed back
	 * In this case, since there's one input widget and we're passing it's value, and
	 * we're not passing anything extra and no preserve, it should be the same.
	 * @depends testExec
	public function testRoundTrip()
		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		$this->readonlys['value'] = false;

		$result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys);

		$this->assertEquals($this->content, $result);

	 * Simple test of a read-only widget
	 * The value is passed in, but does not come back
	 * @depends testExec
	public function testSimpleReadonly()
		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		$this->readonlys['value'] = true;

		$result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys);

		// The only input widget is readonly, expect an empty array
		$this->assertEquals(array(), $result);

	 * Simple test of preserve
	 * The value is passed in, and comes back, even if the widget is readonly,
	 * or if there is no matching widget.
	 * @depends testExec
	public function testArbitraryPreserve()
		// Templates must be in the correct templates directory - use one from API
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		$this->readonlys['value'] = true;

		$preserve = array('arbitrary' => 'value');
		$result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys, $preserve);

		// The only input widget is readonly, expect preserve back
		$this->assertEquals($preserve, $result);

		// Now try with widget
		$this->readonlys['value'] = false;

		$result2 = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys, $preserve);

		// The only input widget is readonly, expect preserve + content back
		$this->assertArraySubset($this->content, $result2);
		$this->assertArraySubset($preserve, $result2);

	 * Test of editable widget value overriding preserved value but a readonly
	 * widget does not override preserved value.
	public function testReadonlyPreserve()
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		$this->readonlys['value'] = true;
		$preserve['value'] = 'preserved_value';

		$result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys, $preserve);

		// The only input widget is readonly, expect preserve back, not content
		$this->assertEquals($preserve['value'], $result['value']);

		$this->readonlys['value'] = false;
		$result2 = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $this->content, $this->sel_options, $this->readonlys, $preserve);

		// The only input widget is editable, expect content back, not preserve
		$this->assertEquals($this->content['value'], $result2['value']);