<?php /**************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare API - HTTP protocol class * * http://www.egroupware.org/api * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This is not part of eGroupWare, but is used by eGroupWare. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class http { var $host_name = ''; var $host_port = 80; var $proxy_host_name = ''; var $proxy_host_port = 80; var $request_method = 'GET'; var $user_agent = 'Manuel Lemos HTTP class test script'; var $request_uri = ''; var $protocol_version = '1.0'; var $debug = 0; var $support_cookies = 1; var $cookies = array(); /* private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */ var $state = 'Disconnected'; var $connection = 0; var $content_length = 0; var $read_length = 0; var $request_host = ''; var $months = array( 'Jan' => '01', 'Feb' => '02', 'Mar' => '03', 'Apr' => '04', 'May' => '05', 'Jun' => '06', 'Jul' => '07', 'Aug' => '08', 'Sep' => '09', 'Oct' => '10', 'Nov' => '11', 'Dec' => '12' ); /* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */ function OutputDebug($message) { echo $message,"\n"; } function GetLine() { for($line='';;) { if(feof($this->connection) || !($part=fgets($this->connection,100))) { return(0); } $line.=$part; $length=strlen($line); if($length>=2 && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n") { $line=substr($line,0,$length-2); if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("< $line"); } return($line); } } } function PutLine($line) { if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("> $line"); } return(fputs($this->connection,"$line\r\n")); } function PutData($data) { if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("> $data"); } return(fputs($this->connection,$data)); } function Readbytes($length) { if($this->debug) { if(($bytes=fread($this->connection,$length))!="") { $this->OutputDebug("< $bytes"); } return($bytes); } else { return(fread($this->connection,$length)); } } function EndOfInput() { return(feof($this->connection)); } function Connect($host_name,$host_port) { if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("Connecting to $host_name..."); } if(($this->connection=fsockopen($host_name,$host_port,&$error))==0) { switch($error) { case -3: return('-3 socket could not be created'); case -4: return('-4 dns lookup on hostname "'.$host_name.'" failed'); case -5: return('-5 connection refused or timed out'); case -6: return('-6 fdopen() call failed'); case -7: return('-7 setvbuf() call failed'); default: return($error.' could not connect to the host "'.$host_name.'"'); } } else { if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("Connected to $host_name"); } $this->state='Connected'; return(""); } } function Disconnect() { if($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Disconnected from '.$this->host_name); } fclose($this->connection); return(''); } /* Public methods */ function Open($arguments) { if($this->state!='Disconnected') { return('1 already connected'); } if(IsSet($arguments['HostName'])) { $this->host_name=$arguments['HostName']; } if(IsSet($arguments['HostPort'])) { $this->host_port=$arguments['HostPort']; } if(IsSet($arguments['ProxyHostName'])) { $this->proxy_host_name=$arguments['ProxyHostName']; } if(IsSet($arguments['ProxyHostPort'])) { $this->proxy_host_port=$arguments['ProxyHostPort']; } if(strlen($this->proxy_host_name)==0) { if(strlen($this->host_name)==0) { return('2 it was not specified a valid hostname'); } $host_name = $this->host_name; $host_port = $this->host_port; } else { $host_name = $this->proxy_host_name; $host_port = $this->proxy_host_port; } $error = $this->Connect($host_name,$host_port); if(strlen($error)==0) { $this->state = 'Connected'; } return($error); } function Close() { if($this->state == 'Disconnected') { return('1 already disconnected'); } $error = $this->Disconnect(); if(strlen($error) == 0) { $this->state = 'Disconnected'; } return($error); } function SendRequest($arguments) { switch($this->state) { case 'Disconnected': return('1 connection was not yet established'); case 'Connected': break; default: return('2 can not send request in the current connection state'); } if(IsSet($arguments['RequestMethod'])) { $this->request_method = $arguments['RequestMethod']; } if(IsSet($arguments['User-Agent'])) { $this->user_agent = $arguments['User-Agent']; } if(strlen($this->request_method) == 0) { return('3 it was not specified a valid request method'); } if(IsSet($arguments['RequestURI'])) { $this->request_uri = $arguments['RequestURI']; } if(strlen($this->request_uri) == 0 || substr($this->request_uri,0,1) != '/') { return('4 it was not specified a valid request URI'); } $request_body = ''; $headers=(IsSet($arguments['Headers']) ? $arguments['Headers'] : array()); if($this->request_method == 'POST') { if(IsSet($arguments['PostValues'])) { $values = $arguments['PostValues']; if(!@is_array($values)) { return('5 it was not specified a valid POST method values array'); } for($request_body = '',Reset($values),$value=0;$value<count($values);Next($values),$value++) { if($value>0) { $request_body .= '&'; } $request_body.=Key($values).'='.UrlEncode($values[Key($values)]); } $headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } } if(strlen($this->proxy_host_name) == 0) { $request_uri = $this->request_uri; } else { $request_uri = 'http://'.$this->host_name.($this->host_port==80 ? '' : ':'.$this->host_port).$this->request_uri; } if(($success = $this->PutLine($this->request_method.' '.$request_uri.' HTTP/'.$this->protocol_version))) { if(($body_length = bytes($request_body))) { $headers['Content-length'] = $body_length; } for($host_set=0,Reset($headers),$header=0;$header<count($headers);Next($headers),$header++) { $header_name = Key($headers); $header_value = $headers[$header_name]; if(@is_array($header_value)) { for(Reset($header_value),$value=0;$value<count($header_value);Next($header_value),$value++) { if(!$success = $this->PutLine("$header_name: ".$header_value[Key($header_value)])) { break 2; } } } else { if(!$success = $this->PutLine("$header_name: $header_value")) { break; } } if(strtolower(Key($headers)) == 'host') { $this->request_host = strtolower($header_value); $host_set = 1; } } if($success) { if(!$host_set) { $success = $this->PutLine('Host: '.$this->host_name); $this->request_host = strtolower($this->host_name); } if(count($this->cookies) && IsSet($this->cookies[0])) { $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H-i-s'); for($cookies = array(),$domain=0,Reset($this->cookies[0]);$domain<count($this->cookies[0]);Next($this->cookies[0]),$domain++) { $domain_pattern = Key($this->cookies[0]); $match = strlen($this->request_host)-strlen($domain_pattern); if($match >= 0 && !strcmp($domain_pattern,substr($this->request_host,$match)) && ($match == 0 || $domain_pattern[0] == '.' || $this->request_host[$match-1] == '.')) { for(Reset($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern]),$path_part=0;$path_part<count($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern]);Next($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern]),$path_part++) { $path = Key($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern]); if(strlen($this->request_uri) >= strlen($path) && substr($this->request_uri,0,strlen($path)) == $path) { for(Reset($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path]),$cookie = 0;$cookie<count($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path]);Next($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path]),$cookie++) { $cookie_name = Key($this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path]); $expires = $this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path][$cookie_name]['expires']; if($expires == '' || strcmp($now,$expires)<0) { $cookies[$cookie_name] = $this->cookies[0][$domain_pattern][$path][$cookie_name]; } } } } } } for(Reset($cookies),$cookie=0;$cookie<count($cookies);Next($cookies),$cookie++) { $cookie_name = Key($cookies); if(!($success = $this->PutLine('Cookie: '.UrlEncode($cookie_name).'='.$cookies[$cookie_name]['value'].';'))) { break; } } } if($success) { if($success) { $success = $this->PutLine(''); if($body_length && $success) { $success = $this->PutData($request_body); } } } } } if(!$success) { return('5 could not send the HTTP request'); } $this->state = 'RequestSent'; return(''); } function ReadReplyHeaders(&$headers) { switch($this->state) { case 'Disconnected': return('1 connection was not yet established'); case 'Connected': return('2 request was not sent'); case 'RequestSent': break; default: return('3 can not get request headers in the current connection state'); } $headers = array(); $this->content_length = $this->read_length = 0; $this->content_length_set = 0; for(;;) { $line = $this->GetLine(); if(!is_string($line)) { return('4 could not read request reply'); } if($line == '') { $this->state = 'GotReplyHeaders'; return(''); } $header_name = strtolower(strtok($line,':')); $header_value = Trim(Chop(strtok("\r\n"))); if(IsSet($headers[$header_name])) { if(is_string($headers[$header_name])) { $headers[$header_name] = array($headers[$header_name]); } $headers[$header_name][] = $header_value; } else { $headers[$header_name] = $header_value; } switch($header_name) { case 'content-length': $this->content_length = (int)$headers[$header_name]; $this->content_length_set = 1; break; case 'set-cookie': if($this->support_cookies) { $cookie_name = trim(strtok($headers[$header_name],'=')); $cookie_value = strtok(';'); $domain = $this->request_host; $path = '/'; $expires = ''; $secure = 0; while(($name=strtolower(trim(strtok('=')))) != '') { $value=UrlDecode(strtok(';')); switch($name) { case 'domain': if($value == '' || !strpos($value,'.',$value[0] == '.')) { break; } $domain = strtolower($value); break; case 'path': if($value != '' && $value[0] == '/') { $path = $value; } break; case 'expires': if(ereg("^((Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday|Sun|Sunday), )?([0-9]{2})\\-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\-([0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2})\\:([0-9]{2}) GMT$",$value,$matches)) { $year = (int)$matches[5]; if($year<1900) { $year += ($year<70 ? 2000 : 1900); } $expires = "$year-".$this->months[$matches[4]].'-'.$matches[3].' '.$matches[6].':'.$matches[7].':'.$matches[8]; } break; case 'secure': $secure = 1; break; } } $this->cookies[$secure][$domain][$path][$cookie_name] = array( 'name' => $cookie_name, 'value' => $cookie_value, 'domain' => $domain, 'path' => $path, 'expires' => $expires, 'secure' => $secure ); } } } } function ReadReplyBody(&$body,$length) { switch($this->state) { case 'Disconnected': return('1 connection was not yet established'); case 'Connected': return('2 request was not sent'); case 'RequestSent': if(($error = $this->ReadReplyHeaders(&$headers)) != '') { return($error); } break; case 'GotReplyHeaders': break; default: return('3 can not get request headers in the current connection state'); } $body = ''; if($this->content_length_set) { $length = min($this->content_length-$this->read_length,$length); } if($length>0 && !$this->EndOfInput() && ($body = $this->ReadBytes($length)) == '') { return('4 could not get the request reply body'); } return(''); } function GetPersistentCookies(&$cookies) { $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H-i-s'); $cookies = array(); for($secure_cookies = 0,Reset($this->cookies);$secure_cookies<count($this->cookies);Next($this->cookies),$secure_cookies++) { $secure = Key($this->cookies); for($domain = 0,Reset($this->cookies[$secure]);$domain<count($this->cookies[$secure]);Next($this->cookies[$secure]),$domain++) { $domain_pattern = Key($this->cookies[$secure]); for(Reset($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern]),$path_part=0;$path_part<count($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern]);Next($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern]),$path_part++) { $path=Key($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern]); for(Reset($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path]),$cookie=0;$cookie<count($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path]);Next($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path]),$cookie++) { $cookie_name = Key($this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path]); $expires = $this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path][$cookie_name]['expires']; if($expires != '' && strcmp($now,$expires)<0) { $cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path][$cookie_name] = $this->cookies[$secure][$domain_pattern][$path][$cookie_name]; } } } } } } }