import {css, CSSResultArray, html, LitElement} from "@lion/core"; import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; /** * Widget for the actual content of a dialog, used when we're not doing a template * */ export class Et2DialogContent extends Et2Widget(LitElement) { static styles : CSSResultArray = [ css` :host { display: block; min-width: 300px; min-height: 32px; } .dialog { } .dialog_icon { margin-right: 2ex; vertical-align: middle; } ` ]; get properties() { return {, message: String, dialog_type: Number, icon: String, value: Object } } /** * Details for dialog type options */ private readonly _dialog_types : any = [ //PLAIN_MESSAGE: 0 "", //INFORMATION_MESSAGE: 1, "dialog_info", //QUESTION_MESSAGE: 2, "dialog_help", //WARNING_MESSAGE: 3, "dialog_warning", //ERROR_MESSAGE: 4, "dialog_error" ]; constructor() { super(); this.icon = ""; this.dialog_type = 0; } /** * Block until after the paint - This is needed to deal with children not fully "done" before the OverlayController * tries to do things with them * * @returns {Promise} */ async performUpdate() { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve())); return super.performUpdate(); } render() { let icon = this.icon || this.parentNode.egw().image(this._dialog_types[this.dialog_type]) || ""; return html`
Empty dialog - add some content
`; } } customElements.define("et2-dialog-content", Et2DialogContent);