// htmlArea v3.0 - Copyright (c) 2003-2004 dynarch.com // 2002-2003 interactivetools.com, inc. // This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt). // // A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for fields. // For full source code and docs, visit http://www.interactivetools.com/ // // Version 3.0 developed by Mihai Bazon. // http://dynarch.com/mishoo/ // // $Id$ if (typeof _editor_url == "string") { // Leave exactly one backslash at the end of _editor_url _editor_url = _editor_url.replace(/\x2f*$/, '/'); } else { alert("WARNING: _editor_url is not set! You should set this variable to the editor files path; it should preferably be an absolute path, like in '/htmlarea/', but it can be relative if you prefer. Further we will try to load the editor files correctly but we'll probably fail."); _editor_url = ''; } // make sure we have a language if (typeof _editor_lang == "string") { _editor_lang = _editor_lang.toLowerCase(); } else { _editor_lang = "en"; } var __htmlareas = [ ]; // browser identification HTMLArea.agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); HTMLArea.is_ie = ((HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)); HTMLArea.is_opera = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("opera") != -1); HTMLArea.is_mac = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); HTMLArea.is_mac_ie = (HTMLArea.is_ie && HTMLArea.is_mac); HTMLArea.is_win_ie = (HTMLArea.is_ie && !HTMLArea.is_mac); HTMLArea.is_gecko = (navigator.product == "Gecko"); // Creates a new HTMLArea object. Tries to replace the textarea with the given // ID with it. function HTMLArea(textarea, config) { if (HTMLArea.checkSupportedBrowser()) { if (typeof config == "undefined") { this.config = new HTMLArea.Config(); } else { this.config = config; } this._htmlArea = null; this._textArea = textarea; this._editMode = "wysiwyg"; this.plugins = {}; this._timerToolbar = null; this._timerUndo = null; this._undoQueue = new Array(this.config.undoSteps); this._undoPos = -1; this._customUndo = true; this._mdoc = document; // cache the document, we need it in plugins this.doctype = ''; this.__htmlarea_id_num = __htmlareas.length; __htmlareas[this.__htmlarea_id_num] = this; this._notifyListeners = { }; // Panels var panels = this._panels = { right: { on: true, div: document.createElement('div'), panels: [ ] }, left: { on: true, div: document.createElement('div'), panels: [ ] }, top: { on: true, div: document.createElement('div'), panels: [ ] }, bottom: { on: true, div: document.createElement('div'), panels: [ ] } }; for(var i in panels) { panels[i].div.className = 'panels ' + i; } } }; HTMLArea.onload = function(){}; HTMLArea._scripts = []; HTMLArea.loadScript = function(url, plugin) { if (plugin) url = HTMLArea.getPluginDir(plugin) + '/' + url; this._scripts.push(url); }; HTMLArea.init = function() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var current = 0; var savetitle = document.title; var evt = HTMLArea.is_ie ? "onreadystatechange" : "onload"; function loadNextScript() { if (current > 0 && HTMLArea.is_ie && !/loaded|complete/.test(window.event.srcElement.readyState)) return; if (current < HTMLArea._scripts.length) { var url = HTMLArea._scripts[current++]; document.title = "[HTMLArea: loading script " + current + "/" + HTMLArea._scripts.length + "]"; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = url; script[evt] = loadNextScript; head.appendChild(script); } else { document.title = savetitle; HTMLArea.onload(); } }; loadNextScript(); }; HTMLArea.loadScript(_editor_url + "dialog.js"); HTMLArea.loadScript(_editor_url + "inline-dialog.js"); HTMLArea.loadScript(_editor_url + "popupwin.js"); HTMLArea.loadScript(_editor_url + "lang/" + _editor_lang + ".js"); // cache some regexps HTMLArea.RE_tagName = /(<\/|<)\s*([^ \t\n>]+)/ig; HTMLArea.RE_doctype = /()\n?/i; HTMLArea.RE_head = /((.|\n)*?)<\/head>/i; HTMLArea.RE_body = /((.|\n)*?)<\/body>/i; HTMLArea.RE_Specials = /([\/\^$*+?.()|{}[\]])/g; HTMLArea.Config = function () { var cfg = this; this.version = "3.0"; this.width = "auto"; this.height = "auto"; // enable creation of a status bar? this.statusBar = true; // intercept ^V and use the HTMLArea paste command // If false, then passes ^V through to browser editor widget this.htmlareaPaste = false; // maximum size of the undo queue this.undoSteps = 20; // the time interval at which undo samples are taken this.undoTimeout = 500; // 1/2 sec. // the next parameter specifies whether the toolbar should be included // in the size or not. this.sizeIncludesToolbar = true; // if true then HTMLArea will retrieve the full HTML, starting with the // tag. this.fullPage = false; // style included in the iframe document this.pageStyle = ""; // external stylesheets to load (REFERENCE THESE ABSOLUTELY) this.pageStyleSheets = [ ]; // specify a base href for relative links this.baseHref = null; // we can strip the base href out of relative links to leave them relative, reason for this // especially if you don't specify a baseHref is that mozilla at least (& IE ?) will prefix // the baseHref to any relative links to make them absolute, which isn't what you want most the time. this.stripBaseHref = true; // and we can strip the url of the editor page from named links (eg ...) // reason for this is that mozilla at least (and IE ?) prefixes location.href to any // that don't have a url prefixing them this.stripSelfNamedAnchors = true; // sometimes we want to be able to replace some string in the html comng in and going out // so that in the editor we use the "internal" string, and outside and in the source view // we use the "external" string this is useful for say making special codes for // your absolute links, your external string might be some special code, say "{server_url}" // an you say that the internal represenattion of that should be http://your.server/ this.specialReplacements = { }; // { 'external_string' : 'internal_string' } // set to true if you want Word code to be cleaned upon Paste this.killWordOnPaste = true; // enable the 'Target' field in the Make Link dialog this.makeLinkShowsTarget = true; // BaseURL included in the iframe document this.baseURL = document.baseURI || document.URL; if (this.baseURL && this.baseURL.match(/(.*)\/([^\/]+)/)) this.baseURL = RegExp.$1 + "/"; // URL-s this.imgURL = "images/"; this.popupURL = "popups/"; // remove tags (these have to be a regexp, or null if this functionality is not desired) this.htmlRemoveTags = null; /** CUSTOMIZING THE TOOLBAR * ------------------------- * * It is recommended that you customize the toolbar contents in an * external file (i.e. the one calling HTMLArea) and leave this one * unchanged. That's because when we (InteractiveTools.com) release a * new official version, it's less likely that you will have problems * upgrading HTMLArea. */ this.toolbar = [ ["popupeditor","separator"], ["formatblock","fontname","fontsize","bold","italic","underline","strikethrough","separator"], ["forecolor","hilitecolor","textindicator","separator"], ["subscript","superscript"], ["linebreak","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","justifyfull","separator"], ["insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","outdent","indent","separator"], ["inserthorizontalrule","createlink","insertimage","inserttable","separator"], ["killword","removeformat","toggleborders","lefttoright", "righttoleft", "separator","htmlmode","about"] ]; // Width of the "Right Side" panel, when present this.panel_dimensions = { left: '200px', // Width right: '200px', top: '100px', // Height bottom: '100px' } /* this.toolbar = [ [ "fontname", "space", "fontsize", "space", "formatblock", "space", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "separator", "subscript", "superscript", "separator", "copy", "cut", "paste", "space", "undo", "redo", "space", "removeformat", "killword" ], [ "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyfull", "separator", "lefttoright", "righttoleft", "separator", "orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator", "forecolor", "hilitecolor", "separator", "inserthorizontalrule", "createlink", "insertimage", "inserttable", "toggleborders", "htmlmode", "separator", "popupeditor", "separator", "showhelp", "about" ] ]; */ this.fontname = { "— font —": '', "Arial": 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif', "Courier New": 'courier new,courier,monospace', "Georgia": 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif', "Tahoma": 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', "Times New Roman": 'times new roman,times,serif', "Verdana": 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', "impact": 'impact', "WingDings": 'wingdings' }; this.fontsize = { "— size —" : "", "1 (8 pt)" : "1", "2 (10 pt)": "2", "3 (12 pt)": "3", "4 (14 pt)": "4", "5 (18 pt)": "5", "6 (24 pt)": "6", "7 (36 pt)": "7" }; this.formatblock = { "— format —" : "", "Heading 1": "h1", "Heading 2": "h2", "Heading 3": "h3", "Heading 4": "h4", "Heading 5": "h5", "Heading 6": "h6", "Normal" : "p", "Address" : "address", "Formatted": "pre" }; this.customSelects = {}; function cut_copy_paste(e, cmd, obj) { e.execCommand(cmd); }; this.debug = true; // ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS: please read below! // format of the btnList elements is "ID: [ ToolTip, Icon, Enabled in text mode?, ACTION ]" // - ID: unique ID for the button. If the button calls document.execCommand // it's wise to give it the same name as the called command. // - ACTION: function that gets called when the button is clicked. // it has the following prototype: // function(editor, buttonName) // - editor is the HTMLArea object that triggered the call // - buttonName is the ID of the clicked button // These 2 parameters makes it possible for you to use the same // handler for more HTMLArea objects or for more different buttons. // - ToolTip: default tooltip, for cases when it is not defined in the -lang- file (HTMLArea.I18N) // - Icon: path to an icon image file for the button // OR; you can use an 18x18 block of a larger image by supllying an array // that has three elemtents, the first is the larger image, the second is the column // the third is the row. The ros and columns numbering starts at 0 but there is // a header row and header column which have numbering to make life easier. // See images/buttons_main.gif to see how it's done. // - Enabled in text mode: if false the button gets disabled for text-only mode; otherwise enabled all the time. this.btnList = { /* bold: [ "Bold", "ed_format_bold.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("bold");} ], italic: [ "Italic", "ed_format_italic.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("italic");} ], underline: [ "Underline", "ed_format_underline.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("underline");} ], strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", "ed_format_strike.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("strikethrough");} ], subscript: [ "Subscript", "ed_format_sub.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("subscript");} ], superscript: [ "Superscript", "ed_format_sup.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("superscript");} ], justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", "ed_align_left.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyleft");} ], justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", "ed_align_center.gif", false, function(e){e.execCommand("justifycenter");}], justifyright: [ "Justify Right", "ed_align_right.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyright");} ], justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", "ed_align_justify.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyfull");} ], orderedlist: [ "Ordered List", "ed_list_num.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ], unorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", "ed_list_bullet.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ], insertorderedlist: [ "Ordered List", "ed_list_num.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ], insertunorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", "ed_list_bullet.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ], outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", "ed_indent_less.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("outdent");} ], indent: [ "Increase Indent", "ed_indent_more.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("indent");} ], forecolor: [ "Font Color", "ed_color_fg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("forecolor");} ], hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", "ed_color_bg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("hilitecolor");} ], undo: [ "Undoes your last action", "ed_undo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("undo");} ], redo: [ "Redoes your last action", "ed_redo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("redo");} ], cut: [ "Cut selection", "ed_cut.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ], copy: [ "Copy selection", "ed_copy.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ], paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", "ed_paste.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ], */ bold: [ "Bold", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("bold");} ], italic: [ "Italic", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("italic");} ], underline: [ "Underline", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,0], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("underline");} ], strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,0], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("strikethrough");} ], subscript: [ "Subscript", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,1], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("subscript");} ], superscript: [ "Superscript", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,1], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("superscript");} ], justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,0], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyleft");} ], justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,1], false, function(e){e.execCommand("justifycenter");}], justifyright: [ "Justify Right", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,0], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyright");} ], justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,1], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyfull");} ], orderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ], unorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ], insertorderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ], insertunorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ], outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("outdent");} ], indent: [ "Increase Indent",["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("indent");} ], forecolor: [ "Font Color", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("forecolor");} ], hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("hilitecolor");} ], undo: [ "Undoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("undo");} ], redo: [ "Redoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("redo");} ], cut: [ "Cut selection", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,0], false, cut_copy_paste ], copy: [ "Copy selection", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,0], false, cut_copy_paste ], paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,1], false, cut_copy_paste ], inserthorizontalrule: [ "Horizontal Rule", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,0], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule");} ], createlink: [ "Insert Web Link", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,1], false, function(e) {e._createLink();} ], insertimage: [ "Insert/Modify Image", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertimage");} ], inserttable: [ "Insert Table", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,2], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserttable");} ], htmlmode: [ "Toggle HTML Source", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",7,0], true, function(e) {e.execCommand("htmlmode");} ], toggleborders: [ "Toggle Borders", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",7,2], false, function(e) { e._toggleBorders() } ], print: [ "Print document", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",8,1], false, function(e) {e._iframe.contentWindow.print();} ], popupeditor: [ "Enlarge Editor", "fullscreen_maximize.gif", true, function(e, objname, obj) { e.execCommand("popupeditor"); } ], about: [ "About this editor", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",8,2], true, function(e) {e.execCommand("about");} ], showhelp: [ "Help using editor", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",9,2], true, function(e) {e.execCommand("showhelp");} ], splitblock: [ "Split Block", "ed_splitblock.gif", false, function(e) {e._splitBlock();} ], lefttoright: [ "Direction left to right", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,4], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("lefttoright");} ], righttoleft: [ "Direction right to left", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,4], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("righttoleft");} ], wordclean: [ "MS Word Cleaner", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,3], false, function(e) {e._wordClean();} ], clearfonts: [ "Clear Inline Font Specifications", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,4], false, function(e) {e._clearFonts();} ], removeformat: [ "Remove formatting", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,4], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("removeformat");} ], killword: [ "Clear MSOffice tags", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,3], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("killword");} ] }; /* ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS * --------------------- * * It is recommended that you add the custom buttons in an external * file and leave this one unchanged. That's because when we * (InteractiveTools.com) release a new official version, it's less * likely that you will have problems upgrading HTMLArea. * * Example on how to add a custom button when you construct the HTMLArea: * * var editor = new HTMLArea("your_text_area_id"); * var cfg = editor.config; // this is the default configuration * cfg.btnList["my-hilite"] = * [ function(editor) { editor.surroundHTML('', ''); }, // action * "Highlight selection", // tooltip * "my_hilite.gif", // image * false // disabled in text mode * ]; * cfg.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-hilite"]); // add the new button to the toolbar * * An alternate (also more convenient and recommended) way to * accomplish this is to use the registerButton function below. */ // initialize tooltips from the I18N module and generate correct image path for (var i in this.btnList) { var btn = this.btnList[i]; if(typeof btn[1] != 'string') { btn[1][0] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1][0]; } else { btn[1] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1]; } try { if (typeof HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i] != "undefined") { btn[0] = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i]; } } catch(e) { } } }; /** Helper function: register a new button with the configuration. It can be * called with all 5 arguments, or with only one (first one). When called with * only one argument it must be an object with the following properties: id, * tooltip, image, textMode, action. Examples: * * 1. config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite text", "my-hilite.gif", false, function(editor) {...}); * 2. config.registerButton({ * id : "my-hilite", // the ID of your button * tooltip : "Hilite text", // the tooltip * image : "my-hilite.gif", // image to be displayed in the toolbar * textMode : false, // disabled in text mode * action : function(editor) { // called when the button is clicked * editor.surroundHTML('', ''); * }, * context : "p" // will be disabled if outside a element * }); */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context) { var the_id; if (typeof id == "string") { the_id = id; } else if (typeof id == "object") { the_id = id.id; } else { alert("ERROR [HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments"); return false; } // check for existing id if (typeof this.customSelects[the_id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists."); } if (typeof this.btnList[the_id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists."); } switch (typeof id) { case "string": this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ]; break; case "object": this.btnList[id.id] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ]; break; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object) { if(!side) side = 'right'; var panel = this.addPanel(side); if(object) { object.drawPanelIn(panel); } } /** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor * configuration. You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the * buttons. Call it like this: * * FIXME: add example */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object) { // check for existing id if (typeof this.customSelects[object.id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists."); } if (typeof this.btnList[object.id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists."); } this.customSelects[object.id] = object; }; /** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar. * Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names * delimited by spaces. Note that the string should also begin with a space * and end with a space. Example: * * config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator "); * * It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than * create a brand new toolbar ;-) */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove) { var toolbar = this.toolbar; for (var i = toolbar.length; --i >= 0;) { var line = toolbar[i]; for (var j = line.length; --j >= 0; ) { if (remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0) { var len = 1; if (/separator|space/.test(line[j + 1])) { len = 2; } line.splice(j, len); } } } }; /** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with HTMLArea-s. */ HTMLArea.replaceAll = function(config) { var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); for (var i = tas.length; i > 0; (new HTMLArea(tas[--i], config)).generate()); }; /** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with HTMLArea. */ HTMLArea.replace = function(id, config) { var ta = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", id); return ta ? (new HTMLArea(ta, config)).generate() : null; }; // Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea HTMLArea.prototype._createToolbar = function () { var editor = this; // to access this in nested functions var toolbar = document.createElement("div"); this._toolbar = toolbar; toolbar.className = "toolbar"; toolbar.unselectable = "1"; var tb_row = null; var tb_objects = new Object(); this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects; // creates a new line in the toolbar function newLine() { var table = document.createElement("table"); table.border = "0px"; table.cellSpacing = "0px"; table.cellPadding = "0px"; toolbar.appendChild(table); // TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything // in the TABLE. var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tb_body); tb_row = document.createElement("tr"); tb_body.appendChild(tb_row); }; // END of function: newLine // init first line newLine(); // updates the state of a toolbar element. This function is member of // a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or // createSelect functions below). function setButtonStatus(id, newval) { var oldval = this[id]; var el = this.element; if (oldval != newval) { switch (id) { case "enabled": if (newval) { HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); el.disabled = false; } else { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); el.disabled = true; } break; case "active": if (newval) { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } else { HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } break; } this[id] = newval; } }; // END of function: setButtonStatus // this function will handle creation of combo boxes. Receives as // parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config. // This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt" // doesn't match a button. function createSelect(txt) { var options = null; var el = null; var cmd = null; var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects; var context = null; var tooltip = ""; switch (txt) { case "fontsize": case "fontname": case "formatblock": // the following line retrieves the correct // configuration option because the variable name // inside the Config object is named the same as the // button/select in the toolbar. For instance, if txt // == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or // a different way to write it in JS is // config["formatblock"]. options = editor.config[txt]; cmd = txt; break; default: // try to fetch it from the list of registered selects cmd = txt; var dropdown = customSelects[cmd]; if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") { options = dropdown.options; context = dropdown.context; if (typeof dropdown.tooltip != "undefined") { tooltip = dropdown.tooltip; } } else { alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition"); } break; } if (options) { el = document.createElement("select"); el.title = tooltip; var obj = { name : txt, // field name element : el, // the UI element (SELECT) enabled : true, // is it enabled? text : false, // enabled in text mode? cmd : cmd, // command ID state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state context : context }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; for (var i in options) { var op = document.createElement("option"); op.innerHTML = i; op.value = options[i]; el.appendChild(op); } HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "change", function () { editor._comboSelected(el, txt); }); } return el; }; // END of function: createSelect // appends a new button to toolbar function createButton(txt) { // the element that will be created var el = null; var btn = null; switch (txt) { case "separator": el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "separator"; break; case "space": el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "space"; break; case "linebreak": newLine(); return false; case "textindicator": el = document.createElement("div"); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("A")); el.className = "indicator"; el.title = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips.textindicator; var obj = { name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') element : el, // the UI element (DIV) enabled : true, // is it enabled? active : false, // is it pressed? text : false, // enabled in text mode? cmd : "textindicator", // the command ID state : setButtonStatus // for changing state }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; break; default: btn = editor.config.btnList[txt]; } if (!el && btn) { el = document.createElement("a"); el.style.display = 'block'; el.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; el.style.textDecoration = 'none'; el.title = btn[0]; el.className = "button"; // let's just pretend we have a button object, and // assign all the needed information to it. var obj = { name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') element : el, // the UI element (DIV) enabled : true, // is it enabled? active : false, // is it pressed? text : btn[2], // enabled in text mode? cmd : btn[3], // the command ID state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context? }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; // handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons /* -- This is now handled by a :hover pseudo class in htmlarea.css HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseover", function () { if (obj.enabled) { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonHover"); } }); */ HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseout", function () { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { //_removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); _removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); (obj.active) && _addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } }); HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mousedown", function (ev) { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { _addClass(el, "buttonActive"); _removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev); } }); // when clicked, do the following: HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "click", function (ev) { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { _removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); //_removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { editor.activateEditor(); } obj.cmd(editor, obj.name, obj); _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev); } }); var i_contain = null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie && ((!document.compatMode) || (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == "BackCompat"))) { i_contain = document.createElement('span'); } else { i_contain = document.createElement('div'); i_contain.style.position = 'relative'; } i_contain.style.overflow = 'hidden'; i_contain.style.width = "18px"; i_contain.style.height = "18px"; var img = document.createElement("img"); if(typeof btn[1] == 'string') { img.src = btn[1]; img.style.width = "18px"; img.style.height = "18px"; } else { img.src = btn[1][0]; img.style.position = 'relative'; img.style.top = btn[1][2] ? ('-' + (18 * (btn[1][2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; img.style.left = btn[1][1] ? ('-' + (18 * (btn[1][1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; } i_contain.appendChild(img); el.appendChild(i_contain); obj.imgel = img; obj.swapImage = function(newimg) { if(typeof newimg != 'string') { img.src = newimg[0]; img.style.position = 'relative'; img.style.top = newimg[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; img.style.left = newimg[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; } else { obj.imgel.src = newimg; img.style.top = '0px'; img.style.left = '0px'; } } } else if (!el) { el = createSelect(txt); } if (el) { var tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); tb_cell.appendChild(el); } else { alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + txt); } return el; }; var first = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.config.toolbar.length; ++i) { if (!first) { // createButton("linebreak"); } else { first = false; } var group = this.config.toolbar[i]; for (var j = 0; j < group.length; ++j) { var code = group[j]; if (/^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code)) { // special case, create text label var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized? var label = RegExp.$2; if (l7ed) { label = HTMLArea.I18N.custom[label]; } var tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); tb_cell.className = "label"; tb_cell.innerHTML = label; } else { createButton(code); } } } this._htmlArea.appendChild(toolbar); }; HTMLArea.prototype._createStatusBar = function() { var statusbar = document.createElement("div"); statusbar.className = "statusBar"; this._htmlArea.appendChild(statusbar); this._statusBar = statusbar; // statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": ")); // creates a holder for the path view div = document.createElement("span"); div.className = "statusBarTree"; div.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "; //div.innerHTML = "Path: "; this._statusBarTree = div; this._statusBar.appendChild(div); if (!this.config.statusBar) { // disable it... statusbar.style.display = "none"; } }; // Creates the HTMLArea object and replaces the textarea with it. HTMLArea.prototype.generate = function () { var editor = this; // we'll need "this" in some nested functions // get the textarea var textarea = this._textArea; if (typeof textarea == "string") { this._textArea = textarea = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", textarea); } this._ta_size = { w: textarea.offsetWidth, h: textarea.offsetHeight }; // create the editor framework var htmlarea = document.createElement("div"); htmlarea.className = "htmlarea"; this._htmlArea = htmlarea; if(this.config.width != 'auto' && this.config.width != 'toolbar') { htmlarea.style.width = this.config.width; } // insert the editor before the textarea. textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(htmlarea, textarea); // creates & appends the toolbar this._createToolbar(); // Create containing div (to hold editor and stylist) var innerEditor = document.createElement('div'); htmlarea.appendChild(innerEditor); innerEditor.style.position = 'relative'; this.innerEditor = innerEditor; // extract the textarea and insert it into the htmlarea textarea.parentNode.removeChild(textarea); innerEditor.appendChild(textarea); // create the IFRAME & add to container var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); innerEditor.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = _editor_url + "popups/blank.html"; this._iframe = iframe; // - I don't think this is required, see the .htmlarea iframe in htmlarea.css // remove the default border as it keeps us from computing correctly // the sizes. (somebody tell me why doesn't this work in IE) // if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { // iframe.style.borderWidth = "0px"; // } // Add the panels for(var i in this._panels) { innerEditor.appendChild(this._panels[i].div); } // creates & appends the status bar this._createStatusBar(); // Set up event listeners for saving the iframe content to the textarea if (textarea.form) { // we have a form, on submit get the HTMLArea content and // update original textarea. var f = textarea.form; if (typeof f.onsubmit == "function") { var funcref = f.onsubmit; if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnSubmit == "undefined") { f.__msh_prevOnSubmit = []; } f.__msh_prevOnSubmit.push(funcref); } f.onsubmit = function() { editor._textArea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML()); var a = this.__msh_prevOnSubmit; // call previous submit methods if they were there. if (typeof a != "undefined") { for (var i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { a[i](); } } }; if (typeof f.onreset == "function") { var funcref = f.onreset; if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnReset == "undefined") { f.__msh_prevOnReset = []; } f.__msh_prevOnReset.push(funcref); } f.onreset = function() { editor.setHTML(editor._textArea.value); editor.updateToolbar(); var a = this.__msh_prevOnReset; // call previous reset methods if they were there. if (typeof a != "undefined") { for (var i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { a[i](); } } }; } // add a handler for the "back/forward" case -- on body.unload we save // the HTML content into the original textarea. try { HTMLArea._addEvent(window, 'unload', function() {textarea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML());} ); } catch(e) {}; // Hide textarea textarea.style.display = "none"; // Calculate the starting size, EXCLUDING THE TOOLBAR & STATUS BAR (always) var height = null; var width = null; switch(this.config.height) { // "auto" means the same height as the original textarea case 'auto' : { height = parseInt(this._ta_size.h); break; } // otherwise we expect it to be a PIXEL height default : { height = parseInt(this.config.height); break; } } switch(this.config.width) { // toolbar means the width is the same as the toolbar case 'toolbar': {width = parseInt(this._toolbar.offsetWidth); break; } // auto means the same as the textarea case 'auto' : {width = parseInt(this._ta_size.w); break; } // otherwise it is expected to be a PIXEL width default : {width = parseInt(this.config.width); break; } } if (this.config.sizeIncludesToolbar) { // substract toolbar height height -= this._toolbar.offsetHeight; height -= this._statusBar.offsetHeight; } // Minimal size = 100x100 width = Math.max(width, 100); height = Math.max(height,100); this.setInnerSize(width,height); this.notifyOn('panel_change',function(){editor.setInnerSize();}); // IMPORTANT: we have to allow Mozilla a short time to recognize the // new frame. Otherwise we get a stupid exception. setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); }; /** Size the htmlArea according to the available space * Width and Height include toolbar! **/ HTMLArea.prototype.getInnerSize = function() { return this._innerSize; } HTMLArea.prototype.setInnerSize = function(width, height) { if(typeof width == 'undefined' || width == null) { width = this._innerSize.width; } if(typeof height == 'undefined' || height == null) { height = this._innerSize.height; } this._innerSize = {'width':width,'height':height}; var editorWidth = width; var editorHeight = height; var editorLeft = 0; var editorTop = 0; var panels = this._panels; var panel = panels.right; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.width = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right) + (HTMLArea.ie_ie ? -1 : -2) + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = height + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.right = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 1 : 2) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = 'block'; editorWidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0); } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.left; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.width = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.ie_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = height + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 0 : 0) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorWidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0); editorLeft = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0) + 'px'; } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.top; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = '0px'; panel.div.style.width = width + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorHeight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top); editorTop = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top) + 'px'; } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.bottom; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.bottom = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = '0px'; panel.div.style.width = width + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorHeight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom); } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } // Set the dimensions of the container this.innerEditor.style.width = width + 'px'; this.innerEditor.style.height = height + 'px'; this.innerEditor.style.position = 'relative'; // and the iframe this._iframe.style.width = editorWidth + 'px'; this._iframe.style.height = editorHeight + 'px'; this._iframe.style.position = 'absolute'; this._iframe.style.left = editorLeft; this._iframe.style.top = editorTop; // the editor including the toolbar now have the same size as the // original textarea.. which means that we need to reduce that a bit. this._textArea.style.width = editorWidth + 'px'; this._textArea.style.height = editorHeight + 'px'; this._textArea.style.position = 'absolute'; this._textArea.style.left = editorLeft; this._textArea.style.top = editorTop; this.notifyOf('resize', {'width':width,'height':height,'editorWidth':editorWidth,'editorHeight':editorHeight,'editorTop':editorTop,'editorLeft':editorLeft}); } HTMLArea.prototype.addPanel = function(side) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.side = side; HTMLArea.addClasses(div, 'panel'); this._panels[side].panels.push(div); this._panels[side].div.appendChild(div); this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':div}); return div; } HTMLArea.prototype.removePanel = function(panel) { panel.side.div.removeChild(panel); var clean = [ ]; for(var i = 0; i < panel.side.panels.length; i++) { if(panel.side.panels[i] != panel) { clean.push(panel.side.panels[i]); } } panel.side.panels = clean; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.hidePanel = function(panel) { panel.style.display = 'none'; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'hide','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.showPanel = function(panel) { panel.style.display = ''; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'show','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.hidePanels = function(sides) { if(typeof sides == 'undefined') { sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; } var reShow = []; for(var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++) { if(this._panels[sides[i]].on) { reShow.push(sides[i]); this._panels[sides[i]].on = false; } } this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_hide','sides':sides}); } HTMLArea.prototype.showPanels = function(sides) { if(typeof sides == 'undefined') { sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; } var reHide = []; for(var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++) { if(!this._panels[sides[i]].on) { reHide.push(sides[i]); this._panels[sides[i]].on = true; } } this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_show','sides':sides}); } HTMLArea.objectProperties = function(obj) { var props = [ ]; for(var x in obj) { props[props.length] = x; } return props; } HTMLArea.prototype.activateEditor = function() { if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && this._doc.designMode != 'on') { try{HTMLArea.last_on.designMode = 'off';} catch(e) { } if(this._iframe.style.display == 'none') { this._iframe.style.display = ''; this._doc.designMode = 'on'; this._iframe.style.display = 'none'; } else { this._doc.designMode = 'on'; } } else { this._doc.body.contentEditable = true; } HTMLArea.last_on = this._doc; } HTMLArea.prototype.deactivateEditor = function() { if(HTMLArea.is_gecko && this._doc.designMode == 'on') { this._doc.designMode = 'off'; HTMLArea.last_on = null; } else { this._doc.body.contentEditable = false; } } HTMLArea.prototype.initIframe = function() { var doc = null; var editor = this; try { doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document; if (!doc) { // Try again.. // FIXME: don't know what else to do here. Normally // we'll never reach this point. if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) { setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); return false; } else { alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized."); } } } catch(e) { setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); } if (!editor.config.fullPage) { doc.open(); var html = "\n"; html += "\n"; if(typeof editor.config.baseHref != 'undefined') { html += ""; } html += "\n"; html += "\n"; if(typeof editor.config.pageStyleSheets !== 'undefined') { for(style_i = 0; style_i < editor.config.pageStyleSheets.length; style_i++) { if(editor.config.pageStyleSheets[style_i].length > 0) html += ""; //html += "\n"; } } html += "\n"; html += "\n"; html += editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value); html += "\n"; html += ""; doc.write(html); doc.close(); } else { var html = editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value); if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) { editor.setDoctype(RegExp.$1); html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, ""); } doc.open(); doc.write(html); doc.close(); } this._doc = doc; // If we have multiple editors some bug in Mozilla makes some lose editing ability if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { HTMLArea._addEvents( editor._iframe.contentWindow, ["mousedown"], function() { editor.activateEditor(); } ); } else { editor.activateEditor(); } // editor.focusEditor(); // intercept some events; for updating the toolbar & keyboard handlers HTMLArea._addEvents (doc, ["keydown", "keypress", "mousedown", "mouseup", "drag"], function (event) { return editor._editorEvent(HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event); }); // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers for (var i in editor.plugins) { var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance; if (typeof plugin.onGenerate == "function") plugin.onGenerate(); if (typeof plugin.onGenerateOnce == "function") { plugin.onGenerateOnce(); plugin.onGenerateOnce = null; } } if(typeof editor._onGenerate == "function") { editor._onGenerate();} setTimeout(function() { editor.updateToolbar(); }, 250); if (typeof editor.onGenerate == "function") editor.onGenerate(); } // Switches editor mode; parameter can be "textmode" or "wysiwyg". If no // parameter was passed this function toggles between modes. HTMLArea.prototype.setMode = function(mode) { if (typeof mode == "undefined") { mode = ((this._editMode == "textmode") ? "wysiwyg" : "textmode"); } switch (mode) { case "textmode": { var html = this.outwardHtml(this.getHTML()); this._textArea.value = html; // Hide the iframe this.deactivateEditor(); this._iframe.style.display = 'none'; this._textArea.style.display = "block"; if (this.config.statusBar) { this._statusBar.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["TEXT_MODE"]; } this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'text'}); break; } case "wysiwyg": { var html = this.inwardHtml(this.getHTML()); this.deactivateEditor(); if (!this.config.fullPage) { this._doc.body.innerHTML = html; } else { this.setFullHTML(html); } this._iframe.style.display = ''; this._textArea.style.display = "none"; this.activateEditor(); if (this.config.statusBar) { this._statusBar.innerHTML = ''; this._statusBar.appendChild(this._statusBarTree); } this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'wysiwyg'}); break; } default: { alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!"); return false; } } this._editMode = mode; // this.focusEditor(); for (var i in this.plugins) { var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance; if (typeof plugin.onMode == "function") plugin.onMode(mode); } }; HTMLArea.prototype.setFullHTML = function(html) { var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline; RegExp.multiline = true; if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) { this.setDoctype(RegExp.$1); html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, ""); } RegExp.multiline = save_multiline; if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_head)) this._doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1; if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_body)) this._doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1; } else { var html_re = /((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/i; html = html.replace(html_re, "$1"); this._doc.open(); this._doc.write(html); this._doc.close(); this.activateEditor(); // this._doc.body.contentEditable = true; return true; } }; /*************************************************** * Category: PLUGINS ***************************************************/ // Create the specified plugin and register it with this HTMLArea HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin = function() { var plugin = arguments[0]; var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) args.push(arguments[i]); this.registerPlugin2(plugin, args); }; // this is the variant of the function above where the plugin arguments are // already packed in an array. Externally, it should be only used in the // full-screen editor code, in order to initialize plugins with the same // parameters as in the opener window. HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin2 = function(plugin, args) { if (typeof plugin == "string") plugin = eval(plugin); if (typeof plugin == "undefined") { /* FIXME: This should never happen. But why does it do? */ return false; } var obj = new plugin(this, args); if (obj) { var clone = {}; var info = plugin._pluginInfo; for (var i in info) clone[i] = info[i]; clone.instance = obj; clone.args = args; this.plugins[plugin._pluginInfo.name] = clone; } else alert("Can't register plugin " + plugin.toString() + "."); }; // static function that loads the required plugin and lang file, based on the // language loaded already for HTMLArea. You better make sure that the plugin // _has_ that language, otherwise shit might happen ;-) HTMLArea.getPluginDir = function(pluginName) { return _editor_url + "plugins/" + pluginName; }; HTMLArea.loadPlugin = function(pluginName) { var dir = this.getPluginDir(pluginName); var plugin = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, function (str, l1, l2, l3) { return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3; }).toLowerCase() + ".js"; var plugin_file = dir + "/" + plugin; var plugin_lang = dir + "/lang/" + _editor_lang + ".js"; document.write(""); document.write(""); //this.loadScript(plugin_file); //this.loadScript(plugin_lang); }; HTMLArea.loadStyle = function(style, plugin) { var url = _editor_url || ''; if (typeof plugin != "undefined") { url += "plugins/" + plugin + "/"; } url += style; if (/^\//.test(style)) url = style; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = url; head.appendChild(link); //document.write(""); }; HTMLArea.loadStyle(typeof _editor_css == "string" ? _editor_css : "htmlarea.css"); /*************************************************** * Category: EDITOR UTILITIES ***************************************************/ HTMLArea.prototype.debugTree = function() { var ta = document.createElement("textarea"); ta.style.width = "100%"; ta.style.height = "20em"; ta.value = ""; function debug(indent, str) { for (; --indent >= 0;) ta.value += " "; ta.value += str + "\n"; }; function _dt(root, level) { var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(), i; var ns = HTMLArea.is_ie ? root.scopeName : root.prefix; debug(level, "- " + tag + " [" + ns + "]"); for (i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) if (i.nodeType == 1) _dt(i, level + 2); }; _dt(this._doc.body, 0); document.body.appendChild(ta); }; HTMLArea.getInnerText = function(el) { var txt = '', i; for (i = el.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) { if (i.nodeType == 3) txt += i.data; else if (i.nodeType == 1) txt += HTMLArea.getInnerText(i); } return txt; }; HTMLArea.prototype._wordClean = function() { var editor = this, stats = { empty_tags : 0, mso_class : 0, mso_style : 0, mso_xmlel : 0, orig_len : this._doc.body.innerHTML.length, T : (new Date()).getTime() }, stats_txt = { empty_tags : "Empty tags removed: ", mso_class : "MSO class names removed: ", mso_style : "MSO inline style removed: ", mso_xmlel : "MSO XML elements stripped: " }; function showStats() { var txt = "HTMLArea word cleaner stats: \n\n"; for (var i in stats) if (stats_txt[i]) txt += stats_txt[i] + stats[i] + "\n"; txt += "\nInitial document length: " + stats.orig_len + "\n"; txt += "Final document length: " + editor._doc.body.innerHTML.length + "\n"; txt += "Clean-up took " + (((new Date()).getTime() - stats.T) / 1000) + " seconds"; alert(txt); }; function clearClass(node) { var newc = node.className.replace(/(^|\s)mso.*?(\s|$)/ig, ' '); if (newc != node.className) { node.className = newc; if (!/\S/.test(node.className)) { node.removeAttribute("className"); ++stats.mso_class; } } }; function clearStyle(node) { var declarations = node.style.cssText.split(/\s*;\s*/); for (var i = declarations.length; --i >= 0;) if (/^mso|^tab-stops/i.test(declarations[i]) || /^margin\s*:\s*0..\s+0..\s+0../i.test(declarations[i])) { ++stats.mso_style; declarations.splice(i, 1); } node.style.cssText = declarations.join("; "); }; function stripTag(el) { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) el.outerHTML = HTMLArea.htmlEncode(el.innerText); else { var txt = document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.getInnerText(el)); el.parentNode.insertBefore(txt, el); el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } ++stats.mso_xmlel; }; function checkEmpty(el) { if (/^(a|span|b|strong|i|em|font)$/i.test(el.tagName) && !el.firstChild) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); ++stats.empty_tags; } }; function parseTree(root) { var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(), i, next; if ((HTMLArea.is_ie && root.scopeName != 'HTML') || (!HTMLArea.is_ie && /:/.test(tag))) { stripTag(root); return false; } else { clearClass(root); clearStyle(root); for (i = root.firstChild; i; i = next) { next = i.nextSibling; if (i.nodeType == 1 && parseTree(i)) checkEmpty(i); } } return true; }; parseTree(this._doc.body); // showStats(); // this.debugTree(); // this.setHTML(this.getHTML()); // this.setHTML(this.getInnerHTML()); // this.forceRedraw(); this.updateToolbar(); }; HTMLArea.prototype._clearFonts = function() { var D = this.getInnerHTML(); if(confirm('Would you like to clear font typefaces?')) { D = D.replace(/face="[^"]*"/gi, ''); D = D.replace(/font-family:[^;}"']+;?/gi, ''); } if(confirm('Would you like to clear font sizes?')) { D = D.replace(/size="[^"]*"/gi, ''); D = D.replace(/font-size:[^;}"']+;?/gi, ''); } if(confirm('Would you like to clear font colours?')) { D = D.replace(/color="[^"]*"/gi, ''); D = D.replace(/([^-])color:[^;}"']+;?/gi, '$1'); } D = D.replace(/(style|class)="\s*"/gi, ''); D = D.replace(/<(font|span)\s*>/gi, ''); this.setHTML(D); this.updateToolbar(); } HTMLArea.prototype._splitBlock = function() { this._doc.execCommand('formatblock', false, ''); } HTMLArea.prototype.forceRedraw = function() { this._doc.body.style.visibility = "hidden"; this._doc.body.style.visibility = "visible"; // this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML(); }; // focuses the iframe window. returns a reference to the editor document. HTMLArea.prototype.focusEditor = function() { switch (this._editMode) { // notice the try { ... } catch block to avoid some rare exceptions in FireFox // (perhaps also in other Gecko browsers). Manual focus by user is required in // case of an error. Somebody has an idea? case "wysiwyg" : try { // We don't want to focus the field unless at least one field has been activated. if(HTMLArea.last_on) { this.activateEditor(); this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } } catch (e) {} break; case "textmode": try { this._textArea.focus() } catch (e) {} break; default : alert("ERROR: mode " + this._editMode + " is not defined"); } return this._doc; }; // takes a snapshot of the current text (for undo) HTMLArea.prototype._undoTakeSnapshot = function() { ++this._undoPos; if (this._undoPos >= this.config.undoSteps) { // remove the first element this._undoQueue.shift(); --this._undoPos; } // use the fasted method (getInnerHTML); var take = true; var txt = this.getInnerHTML(); if (this._undoPos > 0) take = (this._undoQueue[this._undoPos - 1] != txt); if (take) { this._undoQueue[this._undoPos] = txt; } else { this._undoPos--; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.undo = function() { if (this._undoPos > 0) { var txt = this._undoQueue[--this._undoPos]; if (txt) this.setHTML(txt); else ++this._undoPos; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.redo = function() { if (this._undoPos < this._undoQueue.length - 1) { var txt = this._undoQueue[++this._undoPos]; if (txt) this.setHTML(txt); else --this._undoPos; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.disableToolbar = function(except) { if(typeof except == 'undefined') { except = [ ]; } else if(typeof except != 'object') { except = [except]; } for (var i in this._toolbarObjects) { var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i]; if(except.contains(i)) { continue; } btn.state("enabled", false); } } HTMLArea.prototype.enableToolbar = function() { this.updateToolbar(); } if(!Array.prototype.contains) { Array.prototype.contains = function(needle) { var haystack = this; for(var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { if(needle == haystack[i]) return true; } return false; } } // updates enabled/disable/active state of the toolbar elements HTMLArea.prototype.updateToolbar = function(noStatus) { var doc = this._doc; var text = (this._editMode == "textmode"); var ancestors = null; if (!text) { ancestors = this.getAllAncestors(); if (this.config.statusBar && !noStatus) { this._statusBarTree.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "; // clear for (var i = ancestors.length; --i >= 0;) { var el = ancestors[i]; if (!el) { // hell knows why we get here; this // could be a classic example of why // it's good to check for conditions // that are impossible to happen ;-) continue; } var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "javascript:void(0)"; a.el = el; a.editor = this; a.onclick = function() { this.blur(); this.editor.selectNodeContents(this.el); this.editor.updateToolbar(true); return false; }; a.oncontextmenu = function() { // TODO: add context menu here this.blur(); var info = "Inline style:\n\n"; info += this.el.style.cssText.split(/;\s*/).join(";\n"); alert(info); return false; }; var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); a.title = el.style.cssText; if (el.id) { txt += "#" + el.id; } if (el.className) { txt += "." + el.className; } a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); this._statusBarTree.appendChild(a); if (i != 0) { this._statusBarTree.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(0xbb))); } } } } for (var i in this._toolbarObjects) { var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i]; var cmd = i; var inContext = true; if (btn.context && !text) { inContext = false; var context = btn.context; var attrs = []; if (/(.*)\[(.*?)\]/.test(context)) { context = RegExp.$1; attrs = RegExp.$2.split(","); } context = context.toLowerCase(); var match = (context == "*"); for (var k = 0; k < ancestors.length; ++k) { if (!ancestors[k]) { // the impossible really happens. continue; } if (match || (ancestors[k].tagName.toLowerCase() == context)) { inContext = true; for (var ka = 0; ka < attrs.length; ++ka) { if (!eval("ancestors[k]." + attrs[ka])) { inContext = false; break; } } if (inContext) { break; } } } } btn.state("enabled", (!text || btn.text) && inContext); if (typeof cmd == "function") { continue; } // look-it-up in the custom dropdown boxes var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[cmd]; if ((!text || btn.text) && (typeof dropdown != "undefined")) { dropdown.refresh(this); continue; } switch (cmd) { case "fontname": case "fontsize": if (!text) try { var value = ("" + doc.queryCommandValue(cmd)).toLowerCase(); if (!value) { btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; break; } // HACK -- retrieve the config option for this // combo box. We rely on the fact that the // variable in config has the same name as // button name in the toolbar. var options = this.config[cmd]; var k = 0; for (var j in options) { // FIXME: the following line is scary. if ((j.toLowerCase() == value) || (options[j].substr(0, value.length).toLowerCase() == value)) { btn.element.selectedIndex = k; throw "ok"; } ++k; } btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; } catch(e) {}; // It's better to search for the format block by tag name from the // current selection upwards, because IE has a tendancy to return // things like 'heading 1' for 'h1', which breaks things if you want // to call your heading blocks 'header 1'. Stupid MS. case "formatblock" : var blocks = [ ]; for(var i in this.config['formatblock']) { blocks[blocks.length] = this.config['formatblock'][i]; } var deepestAncestor = this._getFirstAncestor(this._getSelection(), blocks); if(deepestAncestor) { for(var x= 0; x < blocks.length; x++) { if(blocks[x].toLowerCase() == deepestAncestor.tagName.toLowerCase()) { btn.element.selectedIndex = x; } } } else { btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; } break; break; case "textindicator": if (!text) { try {with (btn.element.style) { backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor( doc.queryCommandValue(HTMLArea.is_ie ? "backcolor" : "hilitecolor")); if (/transparent/i.test(backgroundColor)) { // Mozilla backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor")); } color = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor")); fontFamily = doc.queryCommandValue("fontname"); fontWeight = doc.queryCommandState("bold") ? "bold" : "normal"; fontStyle = doc.queryCommandState("italic") ? "italic" : "normal"; }} catch (e) { // alert(e + "\n\n" + cmd); } } break; case "htmlmode": btn.state("active", text); break; case "lefttoright": case "righttoleft": var el = this.getParentElement(); while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) el = el.parentNode; if (el) btn.state("active", (el.style.direction == ((cmd == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr"))); break; default: cmd = cmd.replace(/(un)?orderedlist/i, "insert$1orderedlist"); try { btn.state("active", (!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd))); } catch (e) {} } } // take undo snapshots if (this._customUndo && !this._timerUndo) { this._undoTakeSnapshot(); var editor = this; this._timerUndo = setTimeout(function() { editor._timerUndo = null; }, this.config.undoTimeout); } // Insert a space in certain locations, this is just to make editing a little // easier (to "get out of" tags), it's not essential. if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { var s = this._getSelection(); if(s && s.isCollapsed && s.anchorNode && s.anchorNode.nodeType == 3) { if(s.anchorOffset == s.anchorNode.length) { if(HTMLArea.isBlockElement(s.anchorNode.parentNode)) { if(s.anchorNode.data != '\xA0' && !s.anchorNode.nextSibling) { s.anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this._doc.createTextNode('\xA0'), s.anchorNode.nextSibling); } } else { if(!s.anchorNode.parentNode.nextSibling) { s.anchorNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this._doc.createTextNode('\xA0'), s.anchorNode.parentNode.nextSibling); } } } } } // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers for (var i in this.plugins) { var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance; if (typeof plugin.onUpdateToolbar == "function") plugin.onUpdateToolbar(); } }; /** Returns a node after which we can insert other nodes, in the current * selection. The selection is removed. It splits a text node, if needed. */ HTMLArea.prototype.insertNodeAtSelection = function(toBeInserted) { if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); // remove the current selection sel.removeAllRanges(); range.deleteContents(); var node = range.startContainer; var pos = range.startOffset; switch (node.nodeType) { case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE // we have to split it at the caret position. if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 3) { // do optimized insertion node.insertData(pos, toBeInserted.data); range = this._createRange(); range.setEnd(node, pos + toBeInserted.length); range.setStart(node, pos + toBeInserted.length); sel.addRange(range); } else { node = node.splitText(pos); var selnode = toBeInserted; if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) { selnode = selnode.firstChild; } node.parentNode.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node); this.selectNodeContents(selnode); this.updateToolbar(); } break; case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE var selnode = toBeInserted; if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) { selnode = selnode.firstChild; } node.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node.childNodes[pos]); this.selectNodeContents(selnode); this.updateToolbar(); break; } } else { return null; // this function not yet used for IE } }; // Returns the deepest node that contains both endpoints of the selection. HTMLArea.prototype.getParentElement = function(sel) { if(typeof sel == 'undefined') { sel = this._getSelection(); } var range = this._createRange(sel); if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { switch (sel.type) { case "Text": case "None": // It seems that even for selection of type "None", // there _is_ a parent element and it's value is not // only correct, but very important to us. MSIE is // certainly the buggiest browser in the world and I // wonder, God, how can Earth stand it? return range.parentElement(); case "Control": return range.item(0); default: return this._doc.body; } } else try { var p = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (!range.collapsed && range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startOffset - range.endOffset <= 1 && range.startContainer.hasChildNodes()) p = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]; /* alert(range.startContainer + ":" + range.startOffset + "\n" + range.endContainer + ":" + range.endOffset); */ while (p.nodeType == 3) { p = p.parentNode; } return p; } catch (e) { return null; } }; // Returns an array with all the ancestor nodes of the selection. HTMLArea.prototype.getAllAncestors = function() { var p = this.getParentElement(); var a = []; while (p && (p.nodeType == 1) && (p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body')) { a.push(p); p = p.parentNode; } a.push(this._doc.body); return a; }; // Returns the deepest ancestor of the selection that is of the current type HTMLArea.prototype._getFirstAncestor = function(sel, types) { var prnt = this._activeElement(sel); if(prnt == null) { try { prnt = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? this._createRange(sel).parentElement() : this._createRange(sel).commonAncestorContainer); } catch(e) { return null; } } if(typeof types == 'string') { types = [types]; } while(prnt) { if(prnt.nodeType == 1) { if(types == null) return prnt; if(types.contains(prnt.tagName.toLowerCase())) { return prnt; } if(prnt.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body') break; if(prnt.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') break; } prnt = prnt.parentNode; } return null; } /** * Returns the selected element, if any. That is, * the element that you have last selected in the "path" * at the bottom of the editor, or a "control" (eg image) * * @returns null | element */ HTMLArea.prototype._activeElement = function(sel) { if(sel == null) return null; if(this._selectionEmpty(sel)) return null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { if(sel.type.toLowerCase() == "control") { return sel.createRange().item(0); } else { // If it's not a control, then we need to see if // the selection is the _entire_ text of a parent node // (this happens when a node is clicked in the tree) var range = sel.createRange(); var p_elm = this.getParentElement(sel); if(p_elm.innerHTML == range.htmlText) { return p_elm; } /* if(p_elm) { var p_rng = this._doc.body.createTextRange(); p_rng.moveToElementText(p_elm); if(p_rng.isEqual(range)) { return p_elm; } } if(range.parentElement()) { var prnt_range = this._doc.body.createTextRange(); prnt_range.moveToElementText(range.parentElement()); if(prnt_range.isEqual(range)) { return range.parentElement(); } } */ return null; } } else { // For Mozilla we just see if the selection is not collapsed (something is selected) // and that the anchor (start of selection) is an element. This might not be totally // correct, we possibly should do a simlar check to IE? if(! sel.isCollapsed) { if(sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1) { return sel.anchorNode; } } return null; } } HTMLArea.prototype._selectionEmpty = function(sel) { if(!sel) return true; if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { return this._createRange(sel).htmlText == ''; } else if(typeof sel.isCollapsed != 'undefined') { return sel.isCollapsed; } return true; } HTMLArea.prototype._getAncestorBlock = function(sel) { // Scan upwards to find a block level element that we can change or apply to var prnt = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? this._createRange(sel).parentElement : this._createRange(sel).commonAncestorContainer); while(prnt && (prnt.nodeType == 1)) { switch(prnt.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'div' : case 'p' : case 'address' : case 'blockquote' : case 'center' : case 'del' : case 'ins' : case 'pre' : case 'h1' : case 'h2' : case 'h3' : case 'h4' : case 'h5' : case 'h6' : case 'h7' : // Block Element return prnt; case 'body' : case 'noframes' : case 'dd' : case 'li' : case 'th' : case 'td' : case 'noscript' : // Halting element (stop searching) return null; default : // Keep lookin break; } } return null; } HTMLArea.prototype._createImplicitBlock = function(type) { // expand it until we reach a block element in either direction // then wrap the selection in a block and return var sel = this._getSelection(); if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { sel.empty(); } else { sel.collapseToStart(); } var rng = this._createRange(sel); // Expand UP // Expand DN } HTMLArea.prototype._formatBlock = function(block_format) { var ancestors = this.getAllAncestors(); var apply_to = null; // Block format can be a tag followed with class defs // eg div.blue.left var target_tag = null; var target_classNames = [ ]; if(block_format.indexOf('.') >= 0) { target_tag = block_format.substr(0, block_format.indexOf('.')).toLowerCase();; target_classNames = block_format.substr(block_format.indexOf('.'), block_format.length - block_format.indexOf('.')).replace(/\./g, '').replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '').split(' '); } else { target_tag = block_format.toLowerCase(); } var sel = this._getSelection(); var rng = this._createRange(sel); var apply_to = null; if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { if(sel.isCollapsed) { // With no selection we want to apply to the whole contents of the ancestor block apply_to = this._getAncestorBlock(sel); if(apply_to == null) { // If there wasn't an ancestor, make one. apply_to = this._createImplicitBlock(sel, target_tag); } } else { // With a selection it's more tricky switch(target_tag) { case 'h1' : case 'h2' : case 'h3' : case 'h4' : case 'h5' : case 'h6' : case 'h7' : apply_to = [ ]; var search_tags = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7']; for(var y = 0; y < search_tags.length; y++) { var headers = this._doc.getElementsByTagName(search_tag[y]); for(var x = 0; x < headers.length; x++) { if(sel.containsNode(headers[x])) { apply_to[apply_to.length] = headers[x]; } } } if(apply_to.length > 0) break; // If there wern't any in the selection drop through case 'div' : apply_to = this._doc.createElement(target_tag); apply_to.appendChild(rng.extractContents()); rng.insertNode(apply_to); break; case 'p' : case 'center' : case 'pre' : case 'ins' : case 'del' : case 'blockquote' : case 'address' : apply_to = [ ]; var paras = this._doc.getElementsByTagName(target_tag); for(var x = 0; x < paras.length; x++) { if(sel.containsNode(paras[x])) { apply_to[apply_to.length] = paras[x]; } } if(apply_to.length == 0) { sel.collapseToStart(); return this._formatBlock(block_format); } break; } } } } // Selects the contents inside the given node HTMLArea.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node, pos) { this.focusEditor(); this.forceRedraw(); var range; var collapsed = (typeof pos != "undefined"); if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { // Tables and Images get selected as "objects" rather than the text contents if(!collapsed && node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/table|img/)) { range = this._doc.body.createControlRange(); range.add(node); } else { range = this._doc.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); } range.select(); } else { var sel = this._getSelection(); range = this._doc.createRange(); // Tables and Images get selected as "objects" rather than the text contents if(!collapsed && node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase().match(/table|img/)) { range.selectNode(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); } else { range.selectNodeContents(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); } sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }; /** Call this function to insert HTML code at the current position. It deletes * the selection, if any. */ HTMLArea.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { range.pasteHTML(html); } else { // construct a new document fragment with the given HTML var fragment = this._doc.createDocumentFragment(); var div = this._doc.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = html; while (div.firstChild) { // the following call also removes the node from div fragment.appendChild(div.firstChild); } // this also removes the selection var node = this.insertNodeAtSelection(fragment); } }; /** * Call this function to surround the existing HTML code in the selection with * your tags. FIXME: buggy! This function will be deprecated "soon". */ HTMLArea.prototype.surroundHTML = function(startTag, endTag) { var html = this.getSelectedHTML(); // the following also deletes the selection this.insertHTML(startTag + html + endTag); }; /// Retrieve the selected block HTMLArea.prototype.getSelectedHTML = function() { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); var existing = null; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { existing = range.htmlText; } else { existing = HTMLArea.getHTML(range.cloneContents(), false, this); } return existing; }; /// Return true if we have some selection HTMLArea.prototype.hasSelectedText = function() { // FIXME: come _on_ mishoo, you can do better than this ;-) return this.getSelectedHTML() != ''; }; HTMLArea.prototype._createLink = function(link) { var editor = this; var outparam = null; if (typeof link == "undefined") { link = this.getParentElement(); if (link) { if (/^img$/i.test(link.tagName)) link = link.parentNode; if (!/^a$/i.test(link.tagName)) link = null; } } if (!link) { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); var compare = 0; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { compare = range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range); } else { compare = range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, range); } if (compare == 0) { alert("You need to select some text before creating a link"); return; } outparam = { f_href : '', f_title : '', f_target : '', f_usetarget : editor.config.makeLinkShowsTarget }; } else outparam = { f_href : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(link.href) : link.getAttribute("href"), f_title : link.title, f_target : link.target, f_usetarget : editor.config.makeLinkShowsTarget }; this._popupDialog("link.html", function(param) { if (!param) return false; var a = link; if (!a) try { editor._doc.execCommand("createlink", false, param.f_href); a = editor.getParentElement(); var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { a = range.startContainer; if (!/^a$/i.test(a.tagName)) { a = a.nextSibling; if (a == null) a = range.startContainer.parentNode; } } } catch(e) {} else { var href = param.f_href.trim(); editor.selectNodeContents(a); if (href == "") { editor._doc.execCommand("unlink", false, null); editor.updateToolbar(); return false; } else { a.href = href; } } if (!(a && /^a$/i.test(a.tagName))) return false; a.target = param.f_target.trim(); a.title = param.f_title.trim(); editor.selectNodeContents(a); editor.updateToolbar(); }, outparam); }; // Called when the user clicks on "InsertImage" button. If an image is already // there, it will just modify it's properties. HTMLArea.prototype._insertImage = function(image) { var editor = this; // for nested functions var outparam = null; if (typeof image == "undefined") { image = this.getParentElement(); if (image && !/^img$/i.test(image.tagName)) image = null; } if (image) outparam = { f_base : editor.config.baseURL, f_url : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(image.src) : image.getAttribute("src"), f_alt : image.alt, f_border : image.border, f_align : image.align, f_vert : image.vspace, f_horiz : image.hspace }; this._popupDialog("insert_image.html", function(param) { if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel return false; } var img = image; if (!img) { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); editor._doc.execCommand("insertimage", false, param.f_url); if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { img = range.parentElement(); // wonder if this works... if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img") { img = img.previousSibling; } } else { img = range.startContainer.previousSibling; } } else { img.src = param.f_url; } for (var field in param) { var value = param[field]; switch (field) { case "f_alt" : img.alt = value; break; case "f_border" : img.border = parseInt(value || "0"); break; case "f_align" : img.align = value; break; case "f_vert" : img.vspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break; case "f_horiz" : img.hspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break; } } }, outparam); }; // Called when the user clicks the Insert Table button HTMLArea.prototype._insertTable = function() { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); var editor = this; // for nested functions this._popupDialog("insert_table.html", function(param) { if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel return false; } var doc = editor._doc; // create the table element var table = doc.createElement("table"); // assign the given arguments for (var field in param) { var value = param[field]; if (!value) { continue; } switch (field) { case "f_width" : table.style.width = value + param["f_unit"]; break; case "f_align" : table.align = value; break; case "f_border" : table.border = parseInt(value); break; case "f_spacing" : table.cellSpacing = parseInt(value); break; case "f_padding" : table.cellPadding = parseInt(value); break; } } var cellwidth = 0; if (param.f_fixed) cellwidth = Math.floor(100 / parseInt(param.f_cols)); var tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); for (var i = 0; i < param["f_rows"]; ++i) { var tr = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(tr); for (var j = 0; j < param["f_cols"]; ++j) { var td = doc.createElement("td"); if (cellwidth) td.style.width = cellwidth + "%"; tr.appendChild(td); // Mozilla likes to see something inside the cell. (HTMLArea.is_gecko) && td.appendChild(doc.createElement("br")); } } if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { range.pasteHTML(table.outerHTML); } else { // insert the table editor.insertNodeAtSelection(table); } return true; }, null); }; /*************************************************** * Category: EVENT HANDLERS ***************************************************/ // el is reference to the SELECT object // txt is the name of the select field, as in config.toolbar HTMLArea.prototype._comboSelected = function(el, txt) { this.focusEditor(); var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; switch (txt) { case "fontname": case "fontsize": this.execCommand(txt, false, value); break; case "formatblock": // (HTMLArea.is_ie) && (value = "<" + value + ">"); value = "<" + value + ">" this.execCommand(txt, false, value); break; default: // try to look it up in the registered dropdowns var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[txt]; if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") { dropdown.action(this); } else { alert("FIXME: combo box " + txt + " not implemented"); } } }; // the execCommand function (intercepts some commands and replaces them with // our own implementation) HTMLArea.prototype.execCommand = function(cmdID, UI, param) { var editor = this; // for nested functions this.focusEditor(); cmdID = cmdID.toLowerCase(); if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) try { this._doc.execCommand('useCSS', false, true); } catch (e) {}; switch (cmdID) { case "htmlmode" : this.setMode(); break; case "hilitecolor": (HTMLArea.is_ie) && (cmdID = "backcolor"); case "forecolor": this._popupDialog("select_color.html", function(color) { if (color) { // selection not canceled editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, "#" + color); } }, HTMLArea._colorToRgb(this._doc.queryCommandValue(cmdID))); break; case "createlink": this._createLink(); break; case "popupeditor": // this object will be passed to the newly opened window HTMLArea._object = this; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { //if (confirm(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["IE-sucks-full-screen"])) { window.open(this.popupURL("fullscreen.html"), "ha_fullscreen", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no," + "scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480"); } } else { window.open(this.popupURL("fullscreen.html"), "ha_fullscreen", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,width=640,height=480," + "scrollbars=no,resizable=yes"); } break; case "undo": case "redo": if (this._customUndo) this[cmdID](); else this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); break; case "inserttable": this._insertTable(); break; case "insertimage": this._insertImage(); break; case "about" : this._popupDialog("about.html", null, this); break; case "showhelp" : window.open(_editor_url + "reference.html", "ha_help"); break; case "killword": this._wordClean(); break; case "cut": case "copy": case "paste": try { this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); if (this.config.killWordOnPaste) this._wordClean(); } catch (e) { if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) { if (typeof HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"] == "undefined") { HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"] = "Unprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically " + "for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at mozilla.org " + "which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard.\n\n" + "[FIXME: please translate this message in your language definition file.]"; } if (confirm(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Moz-Clipboard"])) window.open("http://mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html"); } } break; case "lefttoright": case "righttoleft": var dir = (cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr"; var el = this.getParentElement(); while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) el = el.parentNode; if (el) { if (el.style.direction == dir) el.style.direction = ""; else el.style.direction = dir; } break; default: try { this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); } catch(e) { if (this.config.debug) { alert(e + "\n\nby execCommand(" + cmdID + ");"); } } } this.updateToolbar(); return false; }; /** A generic event handler for things that happen in the IFRAME's document. * This function also handles key bindings. */ HTMLArea.prototype._editorEvent = function(ev) { var editor = this; var keyEvent = (HTMLArea.is_ie && ev.type == "keydown") || (!HTMLArea.is_ie && ev.type == "keypress"); if (keyEvent) for (var i in editor.plugins) { var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance; if (typeof plugin.onKeyPress == "function") if (plugin.onKeyPress(ev)) return false; } if (keyEvent && ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey) { var sel = null; var range = null; var key = String.fromCharCode(HTMLArea.is_ie ? ev.keyCode : ev.charCode).toLowerCase(); var cmd = null; var value = null; switch (key) { case 'a': if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { // KEY select all sel = this._getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); range = this._createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(this._doc.body); sel.addRange(range); HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } break; // simple key commands follow case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break; case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break; case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break; case 's': cmd = "strikethrough"; break; case 'l': cmd = "justifyleft"; break; case 'e': cmd = "justifycenter"; break; case 'r': cmd = "justifyright"; break; case 'j': cmd = "justifyfull"; break; case 'z': cmd = "undo"; break; case 'y': cmd = "redo"; break; case 'v': if (HTMLArea.is_ie || editor.config.htmlareaPaste) { cmd = "paste"; } break; case 'n': cmd = "formatblock"; value = HTMLArea.is_ie ? "" : "p"; break; case '0': cmd = "killword"; break; // headings case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': cmd = "formatblock"; value = "h" + key; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) value = "<" + value + ">"; break; } if (cmd) { // execute simple command this.execCommand(cmd, false, value); HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } } else if (keyEvent) { // other keys here switch (ev.keyCode) { case 13: // KEY enter if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && !ev.shiftKey) { this.dom_checkInsertP(); HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } break; case 8: // KEY backspace case 46: // KEY delete if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && !ev.shiftKey) { if (this.dom_checkBackspace()) HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } else if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { if (this.ie_checkBackspace()) HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } break; } } // update the toolbar state after some time if (editor._timerToolbar) { clearTimeout(editor._timerToolbar); } editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout(function() { editor.updateToolbar(); editor._timerToolbar = null; }, 100); }; HTMLArea.prototype.convertNode = function(el, newTagName) { var newel = this._doc.createElement(newTagName); while (el.firstChild) newel.appendChild(el.firstChild); return newel; }; HTMLArea.prototype.ie_checkBackspace = function() { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); var r2 = range.duplicate(); r2.moveStart("character", -1); var a = r2.parentElement(); if (a != range.parentElement() && /^a$/i.test(a.tagName)) { r2.collapse(true); r2.moveEnd("character", 1); r2.pasteHTML(''); r2.select(); return true; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.dom_checkBackspace = function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var sel = self._getSelection(); var range = self._createRange(sel); var SC = range.startContainer; var SO = range.startOffset; var EC = range.endContainer; var EO = range.endOffset; var newr = SC.nextSibling; if (SC.nodeType == 3) SC = SC.parentNode; if (!/\S/.test(SC.tagName)) { var p = document.createElement("p"); while (SC.firstChild) p.appendChild(SC.firstChild); SC.parentNode.insertBefore(p, SC); SC.parentNode.removeChild(SC); var r = range.cloneRange(); r.setStartBefore(newr); r.setEndAfter(newr); r.extractContents(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(r); } }, 10); }; /** The idea here is * 1. See if we are in a block element * 2. If we are not, then wrap the current "block" of text into a paragraph * 3. Now that we have a block element, select all the text between the insertion point * and just AFTER the end of the block * eg The quick |brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.| * --------------------------------------- * 4. Extract that from the document, making * The quick * and a document fragment with * brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. * 5. Reinsert it just after the block element * The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. * * Along the way, allow inserting blank paragraphs, which will look like */ HTMLArea.prototype.dom_checkInsertP = function() { // Get the insertion point, we'll scrub any highlighted text the user wants rid of while we are there. var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); if (!range.collapsed) { range.deleteContents(); } this.deactivateEditor(); //sel.removeAllRanges(); //sel.addRange(range); var SC = range.startContainer; var SO = range.startOffset; var EC = range.endContainer; var EO = range.endOffset; // If the insertion point is character 0 of the // document, then insert a space character that we will wrap into a paragraph // in a bit. if (SC == EC && SC == body && !SO && !EO) { p = this._doc.createTextNode(" "); body.insertBefore(p, body.firstChild); range.selectNodeContents(p); SC = range.startContainer; SO = range.startOffset; EC = range.endContainer; EO = range.endOffset; } // See if we are in a block element, if so, great. var p = this.getAllAncestors(); var block = null; var body = this._doc.body; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) { if(HTMLArea.isParaContainer(p[i])) { break; } else if (HTMLArea.isBlockElement(p[i]) && !/body|html/i.test(p[i].tagName)) { block = p[i]; break; } } // If not in a block element, we'll have to turn some stuff into a paragraph if (!block) { // We want to wrap as much stuff as possible into the paragraph in both directions // from the insertion point. We start with the start container and walk back up to the // node just before any of the paragraph containers. var wrap = range.startContainer; while(wrap.parentNode && !HTMLArea.isParaContainer(wrap.parentNode)) { wrap = wrap.parentNode; } var start = wrap; var end = wrap; // Now we walk up the sibling list until we hit the top of the document // or an element that we shouldn't put in a p (eg other p, div, ul, ol, table) while(start.previousSibling) { if(start.previousSibling.tagName) { if(!HTMLArea.isBlockElement(start.previousSibling)) { start = start.previousSibling; } else { break; } } else { start = start.previousSibling; } } // Same down the list while(end.nextSibling) { if(end.nextSibling.tagName) { if(!HTMLArea.isBlockElement(end.nextSibling)) { end = end.nextSibling; } else { break; } } else { end = end.nextSibling; } } // Select the entire block range.setStartBefore(start); range.setEndAfter(end); // Make it a paragraph range.surroundContents(this._doc.createElement('p')); // Which becomes the block element block = range.startContainer.firstChild; // And finally reset the insertion point to where it was originally range.setStart(SC, SO); } // The start point is the insertion point, so just move the end point to immediatly // after the block range.setEndAfter(block); // Extract the range, to split the block // If we just did range.extractContents() then Mozilla does wierd stuff // with selections, but if we clone, then remove the original range and extract // the clone, it's quite happy. var r2 = range.cloneRange(); sel.removeRange(range); var df = r2.extractContents(); if(df.childNodes.length == 0) { df.appendChild(this._doc.createElement('p')); df.firstChild.appendChild(this._doc.createElement('br')); } if(df.childNodes.length > 1) { var nb = this._doc.createElement('p'); while(df.firstChild) { var s = df.firstChild; df.removeChild(s); nb.appendChild(s); } df.appendChild(nb); } // If the original block is empty, put a nsbp in it. if (!/\S/.test(block.innerHTML)) block.innerHTML = " "; p = df.firstChild; if (!/\S/.test(p.innerHTML)) p.innerHTML = ""; // If the new block is empty and it's a heading, make it a paragraph // note, the new block is empty when you are hitting enter at the end of the existing block if (/^\s*\s*$/.test(p.innerHTML) && /^h[1-6]$/i.test(p.tagName)) { df.appendChild(this.convertNode(p, "p")); df.removeChild(p); } var newblock = block.parentNode.insertBefore(df.firstChild, block.nextSibling); /* if(block.nextSibling) { block.parentNode.insertBefore(df, block.nextSibling); } else { block.parentNode.appendChild(df); } */ // Select the range (to set the insertion) // collapse to the start of the new block // (remember the block might be , so if we collapsed to the end the would be noticable) //range.selectNode(newblock.firstChild); //range.collapse(true); this.activateEditor(); var sel = this._getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.collapse(newblock,0); // scroll into view this.scrollToElement(newblock); //this.forceRedraw(); }; HTMLArea.prototype.scrollToElement = function(e) { if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { var top = 0; var left = 0; while(e) { top += e.offsetTop; left += e.offsetLeft; if(e.offsetParent && e.offsetParent.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') { e = e.offsetParent; } else { e = null; } } this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(left, top); } } // retrieve the HTML HTMLArea.prototype.getHTML = function() { var html = ''; switch (this._editMode) { case "wysiwyg" : { if (!this.config.fullPage) html = HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.body, false, this); else html = this.doctype + "\n" + HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.documentElement, true, this); break; } case "textmode" : { html = this._textArea.value; break; } default : { alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!"); return false; } } return html; }; HTMLArea.prototype.outwardHtml = function(html) { html = html.replace(/<(\/?)b(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1strong$2"); html = html.replace(/<(\/?)i(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1em$2"); // Figure out what our server name is, and how it's referenced var serverBase = location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/'; // IE puts this in can't figure out why html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/null\//g, serverBase); // Make semi-absolute links to be truely absolute // we do this just to standardize so that special replacements knows what // to expect html = html.replace(/((href|src|background)=[\'\"])\/+/ig, '$1' + serverBase); html = this.outwardSpecialReplacements(html); html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html); return html; } HTMLArea.prototype.inwardHtml = function(html) { // Midas uses b and i instead of strong and em, um, hello, // mozilla, this is the 21st century calling! if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) { html = html.replace(/<(\/?)strong(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1b$2"); html = html.replace(/<(\/?)em(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1i$2"); } html = this.inwardSpecialReplacements(html); // For IE's sake, make any URLs that are semi-absolute (="/....") to be // truely absolute var nullRE = new RegExp('((href|src|background)=[\'"])/+', 'gi'); html = html.replace(nullRE, '$1' + location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/'); html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html); return html; } HTMLArea.prototype.outwardSpecialReplacements = function(html) { for(var i in this.config.specialReplacements) { var from = this.config.specialReplacements[i]; var to = i; // alert('out : ' + from + '=>' + to); var reg = new RegExp(from.replace(HTMLArea.RE_Specials, '\\$1'), 'g'); html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); //html = html.replace(from, to); } return html; } HTMLArea.prototype.inwardSpecialReplacements = function(html) { // alert("inward"); for(var i in this.config.specialReplacements) { var from = i; var to = this.config.specialReplacements[i]; // alert('in : ' + from + '=>' + to); // // html = html.replace(reg, to); // html = html.replace(from, to); var reg = new RegExp(from.replace(HTMLArea.RE_Specials, '\\$1'), 'g'); html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); // IE uses doubled dollar signs to escape backrefs, also beware that IE also implements $& $_ and $' like perl. } return html; } HTMLArea.prototype.fixRelativeLinks = function(html) { if(typeof this.config.stripSelfNamedAnchors != 'undefined' && this.config.stripSelfNamedAnchors) { var stripRe = new RegExp(document.location.href.replace(HTMLArea.RE_Specials, '\\$1') + '(#.*)', 'g'); html = html.replace(stripRe, '$1'); } if(typeof this.config.stripBaseHref != 'undefined' && this.config.stipBaseHref) { var baseRe = null if(typeof this.config.baseHref != 'undefined' && this.config.baseHref != null) { baseRe = new RegExp(this.config.baseHref.replace(HTMLArea.RE_Specials, '\\$1'), 'g'); } else { baseRe = new RegExp(document.location.href.replace(/([^\/]*\/?)$/, '').replace(HTMLArea.RE_Specials, '\\$1'), 'g'); } html = html.replace(baseRe, ''); } if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { // This is now done in inward & outward // Don't know why but IE is doing this (putting http://null/ on links?! // alert(html); // var nullRE = new RegExp('https?:\/\/null\/', 'g'); // html = html.replace(nullRE, location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*\/).*/, '$1')); // alert(html); } return html; } // retrieve the HTML (fastest version, but uses innerHTML) HTMLArea.prototype.getInnerHTML = function() { if(!this._doc.body) return ''; switch (this._editMode) { case "wysiwyg" : if (!this.config.fullPage) // return this._doc.body.innerHTML; html = this._doc.body.innerHTML; else html = this.doctype + "\n" + this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML; break; case "textmode" : html = this._textArea.value; break; default : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!"); return false; } return html; }; // completely change the HTML inside HTMLArea.prototype.setHTML = function(html) { switch (this._editMode) { case "wysiwyg" : if (!this.config.fullPage) this._doc.body.innerHTML = html; else // this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html; this._doc.body.innerHTML = html; break; case "textmode" : this._textArea.value = html; break; default : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!"); } return false; }; // sets the given doctype (useful when config.fullPage is true) HTMLArea.prototype.setDoctype = function(doctype) { this.doctype = doctype; }; /*************************************************** * Category: UTILITY FUNCTIONS ***************************************************/ // variable used to pass the object to the popup editor window. HTMLArea._object = null; // function that returns a clone of the given object HTMLArea.cloneObject = function(obj) { if (!obj) return null; var newObj = new Object; // check for array objects if (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Array(") == 1) { newObj = obj.constructor(); } // check for function objects (as usual, IE is fucked up) if (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Function(") == 1) { newObj = obj; // just copy reference to it } else for (var n in obj) { var node = obj[n]; if (typeof node == 'object') { newObj[n] = HTMLArea.cloneObject(node); } else { newObj[n] = node; } } return newObj; }; // FIXME!!! this should return false for IE < 5.5 HTMLArea.checkSupportedBrowser = function() { if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) { if (navigator.productSub < 20021201) { alert("You need at least Mozilla-1.3 Alpha.\n" + "Sorry, your Gecko is not supported."); return false; } if (navigator.productSub < 20030210) { alert("Mozilla < 1.3 Beta is not supported!\n" + "I'll try, though, but it might not work."); } } return HTMLArea.is_gecko || HTMLArea.is_ie; }; // selection & ranges // returns the current selection object HTMLArea.prototype._getSelection = function() { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { return this._doc.selection; } else { return this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); } }; // returns a range for the current selection HTMLArea.prototype._createRange = function(sel) { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { return sel.createRange(); } else { this.focusEditor(); if (typeof sel != "undefined") { try { return sel.getRangeAt(0); } catch(e) { return this._doc.createRange(); } } else { return this._doc.createRange(); } } }; // event handling HTMLArea._addEvent = function(el, evname, func) { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func); } else { el.addEventListener(evname, func, true); } }; HTMLArea._addEvents = function(el, evs, func) { for (var i = evs.length; --i >= 0;) { HTMLArea._addEvent(el, evs[i], func); } }; HTMLArea._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { el.detachEvent("on" + evname, func); } else { el.removeEventListener(evname, func, true); } }; HTMLArea._removeEvents = function(el, evs, func) { for (var i = evs.length; --i >= 0;) { HTMLArea._removeEvent(el, evs[i], func); } }; HTMLArea._stopEvent = function(ev) { if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { ev.cancelBubble = true; ev.returnValue = false; } else { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }; HTMLArea.prototype.notifyOn = function(ev, fn) { if(typeof this._notifyListeners[ev] == 'undefined') { this._notifyListeners[ev] = [ ]; } this._notifyListeners[ev].push(fn); } HTMLArea.prototype.notifyOf = function(ev, args) { if(this._notifyListeners[ev]) { for(var i = 0; i < this._notifyListeners[ev].length; i++) { this._notifyListeners[ev][i](ev, args); } } } HTMLArea._removeClass = function(el, className) { if (!(el && el.className)) { return; } var cls = el.className.split(" "); var ar = new Array(); for (var i = cls.length; i > 0;) { if (cls[--i] != className) { ar[ar.length] = cls[i]; } } el.className = ar.join(" "); }; HTMLArea._addClass = function(el, className) { // remove the class first, if already there HTMLArea._removeClass(el, className); el.className += " " + className; }; HTMLArea._hasClass = function(el, className) { if (!(el && el.className)) { return false; } var cls = el.className.split(" "); for (var i = cls.length; i > 0;) { if (cls[--i] == className) { return true; } } return false; }; HTMLArea._blockTags = " body form textarea fieldset ul ol dl li div " + "p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 quote pre table thead " + "tbody tfoot tr td th iframe address blockquote"; HTMLArea.isBlockElement = function(el) { return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (HTMLArea._blockTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); }; HTMLArea._paraContainerTags = " body td th caption fieldset div"; HTMLArea.isParaContainer = function(el) { return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (HTMLArea._paraContainerTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); } HTMLArea._closingTags = " head script style div span tr td tbody table em strong b i code cite dfn abbr acronym font a title "; HTMLArea.needsClosingTag = function(el) { return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (HTMLArea._closingTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); }; // performs HTML encoding of some given string HTMLArea.htmlEncode = function(str) { if(typeof str.replace == 'undefined') str = str.toString(); // we don't need regexp for that, but.. so be it for now. str = str.replace(/&/ig, "&"); str = str.replace(//ig, ">"); str = str.replace(/\xA0/g, " "); // Decimal 160, non-breaking-space str = str.replace(/\x22/g, """); // \x22 means '"' -- we use hex reprezentation so that we don't disturb // JS compressors (well, at least mine fails.. ;) return str; }; // Retrieves the HTML code from the given node. This is a replacement for // getting innerHTML, using standard DOM calls. // Wrapper catch a Mozilla-Exception with non well formed html source code HTMLArea.getHTML = function(root, outputRoot, editor){ try{ return HTMLArea.getHTMLWrapper(root,outputRoot,editor); } catch(e){ alert('Your Document is not well formed. Check JavaScript console for details.'); return editor._iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; } } HTMLArea.getHTMLWrapper = function(root, outputRoot, editor) { var html = ""; switch (root.nodeType) { case 10:// Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE case 6: // Node.ENTITY_NODE case 12:// Node.NOTATION_NODE // this all are for the document type, probably not necessary break; case 2: // Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE // Never get here, this has to be handled in the ELEMENT case because // of IE crapness requring that some attributes are grabbed directly from // the attribute (nodeValue doesn't return correct values), see //http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=3porgu4mc4ofcoa1uqkf7u8kvv064kjjb4%404ax.com // for information break; case 4: // Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE // Mozilla seems to convert CDATA into a comment when going into wysiwyg mode, // don't know about IE html += ''; break; case 5: // Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE html += '&' + root.nodeValue + ';'; break; case 7: // Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE // PI's don't seem to survive going into the wysiwyg mode, (at least in moz) // so this is purely academic html += '' + root.target + ' ' + root.data + ' ?>'; break; case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE case 11: // Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE case 9: // Node.DOCUMENT_NODE { var closed; var i; var root_tag = (root.nodeType == 1) ? root.tagName.toLowerCase() : ''; if (root_tag == 'br' && !root.nextSibling) break; if (outputRoot) outputRoot = !(editor.config.htmlRemoveTags && editor.config.htmlRemoveTags.test(root_tag)); if (HTMLArea.is_ie && root_tag == "head") { if (outputRoot) html += ""; // lowercasize var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline; RegExp.multiline = true; var txt = root.innerHTML.replace(HTMLArea.RE_tagName, function(str, p1, p2) { return p1 + p2.toLowerCase(); }); RegExp.multiline = save_multiline; html += txt; if (outputRoot) html += ""; break; } else if (outputRoot) { closed = (!(root.hasChildNodes() || HTMLArea.needsClosingTag(root))); html = "<" + root.tagName.toLowerCase(); var attrs = root.attributes; for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) { var a = attrs.item(i); if (!a.specified) { continue; } var name = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (/_moz_editor_bogus_node/.test(name)) { html = ""; break; } if (/(_moz)|(contenteditable)|(_msh)/.test(name)) { // avoid certain attributes continue; } var value; if (name != "style") { // IE5.5 reports 25 when cellSpacing is // 1; other values might be doomed too. // For this reason we extract the // values directly from the root node. // I'm starting to HATE JavaScript // development. Browser differences // suck. // // Using Gecko the values of href and src are converted to absolute links // unless we get them using nodeValue() if (typeof root[a.nodeName] != "undefined" && name != "href" && name != "src" && !/^on/.test(name)) { value = root[a.nodeName]; } else { value = a.nodeValue; // IE seems not willing to return the original values - it converts to absolute // links using a.nodeValue, a.value, a.stringValue, root.getAttribute("href") // So we have to strip the baseurl manually :-/ if (HTMLArea.is_ie && (name == "href" || name == "src")) { value = editor.stripBaseURL(value); } } } else { // IE fails to put style in attributes list // FIXME: cssText reported by IE is UPPERCASE value = root.style.cssText; } if (/^(_moz)?$/.test(value)) { // Mozilla reports some special tags // here; we don't need them. continue; } html += " " + name + '="' + HTMLArea.htmlEncode(value) + '"'; } if (html != "") { html += closed ? " />" : ">"; } } for (i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) { html += HTMLArea.getHTMLWrapper(i, true, editor); } if (outputRoot && !closed) { html += "" + root.tagName.toLowerCase() + ">"; } break; } case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE // If a text node is alone in an element and all spaces, replace it with an non breaking one // This partially undoes the damage done by moz, which translates ' 's into spaces in the data element html = /^script|style$/i.test(root.parentNode.tagName) ? root.data : HTMLArea.htmlEncode(root.data); break; case 8: // Node.COMMENT_NODE html = ""; break; // skip comments, for now. } return html; }; HTMLArea.prototype.stripBaseURL = function(string) { var baseurl = this.config.baseURL; // strip to last directory in case baseurl points to a file baseurl = baseurl.replace(/[^\/]+$/, ''); var basere = new RegExp(baseurl); string = string.replace(basere, ""); // strip host-part of URL which is added by MSIE to links relative to server root baseurl = baseurl.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/, '$1'); basere = new RegExp(baseurl); return string.replace(basere, ""); }; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); }; // creates a rgb-style color from a number HTMLArea._makeColor = function(v) { if (typeof v != "number") { // already in rgb (hopefully); IE doesn't get here. return v; } // IE sends number; convert to rgb. var r = v & 0xFF; var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF; var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF; return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; }; // returns hexadecimal color representation from a number or a rgb-style color. HTMLArea._colorToRgb = function(v) { if (!v) return ''; // returns the hex representation of one byte (2 digits) function hex(d) { return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16); }; if (typeof v == "number") { // we're talking to IE here var r = v & 0xFF; var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF; var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF; return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); } if (v.substr(0, 3) == "rgb") { // in rgb(...) form -- Mozilla var re = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/; if (v.match(re)) { var r = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var g = parseInt(RegExp.$2); var b = parseInt(RegExp.$3); return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); } // doesn't match RE?! maybe uses percentages or float numbers // -- FIXME: not yet implemented. return null; } if (v.substr(0, 1) == "#") { // already hex rgb (hopefully :D ) return v; } // if everything else fails ;) return null; }; // modal dialogs for Mozilla (for IE we're using the showModalDialog() call). // receives an URL to the popup dialog and a function that receives one value; // this function will get called after the dialog is closed, with the return // value of the dialog. HTMLArea.prototype._popupDialog = function(url, action, init) { Dialog(this.popupURL(url), action, init); }; // paths HTMLArea.prototype.imgURL = function(file, plugin) { if (typeof plugin == "undefined") return _editor_url + file; else return _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/img/" + file; }; HTMLArea.prototype.popupURL = function(file) { var url = ""; if (file.match(/^plugin:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/)) { var plugin = RegExp.$1; var popup = RegExp.$2; if (!/\.html$/.test(popup)) popup += ".html"; url = _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/popups/" + popup; } else url = _editor_url + this.config.popupURL + file; return url; }; /** * FIX: Internet Explorer returns an item having the _name_ equal to the given * id, even if it's not having any id. This way it can return a different form * field even if it's not a textarea. This workarounds the problem by * specifically looking to search only elements having a certain tag name. */ HTMLArea.getElementById = function(tag, id) { var el, i, objs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (i = objs.length; --i >= 0 && (el = objs[i]);) if (el.id == id) return el; return null; }; /** Use some CSS trickery to toggle borders on tables */ HTMLArea.prototype._toggleBorders = function() { tables = this._doc.getElementsByTagName('TABLE'); if(tables.length != 0) { if(!this.borders) { name = "bordered"; this.borders = true; } else { name = ""; this.borders = false; } for (var ix=0;ix < tables.length;ix++) { if(this.borders) { HTMLArea._addClass(tables[ix], 'htmtableborders'); } else { HTMLArea._removeClass(tables[ix], 'htmtableborders'); } } } return true; } HTMLArea.addClasses = function(el, classes) { if(el != null) { var thiers = el.className.trim().split(' '); var ours = classes.split(' '); for(var x = 0; x < ours.length; x++) { var exists = false; for(var i = 0; exists == false && i < thiers.length; i++) { if(thiers[i] == ours[x]) { exists = true; } } if(exists == false) { thiers[thiers.length] = ours[x]; } } el.className = thiers.join(' ').trim(); } } HTMLArea.removeClasses = function(el, classes) { var existing = el.className.trim().split(); var new_classes = [ ]; var remove = classes.trim().split(); for(var i = 0; i < existing.length; i++) { var found = false; for(var x = 0; x < remove.length && !found; x++) { if(existing[i] == remove[x]) { found = true; } } if(!found) { new_classes[new_classes.length] = existing[i]; } } return new_classes.join(' '); } /** Alias these for convenience */ HTMLArea.addClass = HTMLArea._addClass; HTMLArea.removeClass = HTMLArea._removeClass; HTMLArea._addClasses = HTMLArea.addClasses; HTMLArea._removeClasses = HTMLArea.removeClasses; /** Use XML HTTPRequest to post some data back to the server and do something * with the response (asyncronously!), this is used by such things as the tidy functions */ HTMLArea._postback = function(url, data, handler) { var req = null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } var content = ''; for(var i in data) { content += (content.length ? '&' : '') + i + '=' + escape(data[i]); } function callBack() { if(req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { handler(req.responseText, req); } else { alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText); } } } req.onreadystatechange = callBack; req.open('POST', url, true); req.setRequestHeader ( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' ); //alert(content); req.send(content); } HTMLArea._getback = function(url, handler) { var req = null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } function callBack() { if(req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { handler(req.responseText, req); } else { alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText); } } } req.onreadystatechange = callBack; req.open('GET', url, true); req.send(null); } HTMLArea._geturlcontent = function(url) { var req = null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie) { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // Synchronous! req.open('GET', url, false); req.send(null); if(req.status == 200) { return req.responseText; } else { return ''; } } /** * Unless somebody already has, make a little function to debug things */ if(typeof dump == 'undefined') { function dump(o) { var s = ''; for (var prop in o) { s += prop + ' = ' + o[prop] + '\n'; } x = window.open("", "debugger"); x.document.write('' + s + ''); } } HTMLArea.arrayContainsArray = function(a1, a2) { var all_found = true; for(var x = 0; x < a2.length; x++) { var found = false; for(var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { if(a1[i] == a2[x]) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { all_found = false; break; } } return all_found; } HTMLArea.arrayFilter = function(a1, filterfn) { var new_a = [ ]; for(var x = 0; x < a1.length; x++) { if(filterfn(a1[x])) new_a[new_a.length] = a1[x]; } return new_a; } HTMLArea.uniq_count = 0; HTMLArea.uniq = function(prefix) { return prefix + HTMLArea.uniq_count++; } /** New language handling functions **/ /** Load a language file. * This function should not be used directly, HTMLArea._lc will use it when necessary. * @param context Case sensitive context name, eg 'HTMLArea', 'TableOperations', ... * @TODO Make this useful. */ HTMLArea._loadlang = function(context) { return { }; } /** Return a localised string. * @param string English language string * @param context Case sensitive context name, eg 'HTMLArea' (default), 'TableOperations'... */ HTMLArea._lc = function(string, context) { if(typeof HTMLArea._lc_catalog == 'undefined') { HTMLArea._lc_catalog = [ ]; } if(typeof context == 'undefined') { context = 'HTMLArea'; } if(typeof HTMLArea._lc_catalog[context] == 'undefined') { HTMLArea._lc_catalog[context] = HTMLArea._loadlang(context); } if(typeof HTMLArea._lc_catalog[context][string] == 'undefined') { return string; // Indicate it's untranslated } else { return HTMLArea._lc_catalog[context][string]; } } HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren = function(el) { var children = el.childNodes; for(var i =0; i < children.length;i++) { if(children[i].tagName) { if(children[i].style.display != 'none') { return true; } } } return false; } HTMLArea._loadback = function(src, callback) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var evt = HTMLArea.is_ie ? "onreadystatechange" : "onload"; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = src; script[evt] = function() { if(HTMLArea.is_ie && !/loaded|complete/.test(window.event.srcElement.readyState)) return; callback(); } head.appendChild(script); }; HTMLArea.collectionToArray = function(collection) { var array = [ ]; for(var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) { array.push(collection.item(i)); } return array; } if(!Array.prototype.append) { Array.prototype.append = function(a) { for(var i = 0; i
element * }); */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context) { var the_id; if (typeof id == "string") { the_id = id; } else if (typeof id == "object") { the_id = id.id; } else { alert("ERROR [HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments"); return false; } // check for existing id if (typeof this.customSelects[the_id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists."); } if (typeof this.btnList[the_id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists."); } switch (typeof id) { case "string": this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ]; break; case "object": this.btnList[id.id] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ]; break; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object) { if(!side) side = 'right'; var panel = this.addPanel(side); if(object) { object.drawPanelIn(panel); } } /** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor * configuration. You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the * buttons. Call it like this: * * FIXME: add example */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object) { // check for existing id if (typeof this.customSelects[object.id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists."); } if (typeof this.btnList[object.id] != "undefined") { // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists."); } this.customSelects[object.id] = object; }; /** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar. * Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names * delimited by spaces. Note that the string should also begin with a space * and end with a space. Example: * * config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator "); * * It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than * create a brand new toolbar ;-) */ HTMLArea.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove) { var toolbar = this.toolbar; for (var i = toolbar.length; --i >= 0;) { var line = toolbar[i]; for (var j = line.length; --j >= 0; ) { if (remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0) { var len = 1; if (/separator|space/.test(line[j + 1])) { len = 2; } line.splice(j, len); } } } }; /** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with HTMLArea-s. */ HTMLArea.replaceAll = function(config) { var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); for (var i = tas.length; i > 0; (new HTMLArea(tas[--i], config)).generate()); }; /** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with HTMLArea. */ HTMLArea.replace = function(id, config) { var ta = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", id); return ta ? (new HTMLArea(ta, config)).generate() : null; }; // Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea HTMLArea.prototype._createToolbar = function () { var editor = this; // to access this in nested functions var toolbar = document.createElement("div"); this._toolbar = toolbar; toolbar.className = "toolbar"; toolbar.unselectable = "1"; var tb_row = null; var tb_objects = new Object(); this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects; // creates a new line in the toolbar function newLine() { var table = document.createElement("table"); table.border = "0px"; table.cellSpacing = "0px"; table.cellPadding = "0px"; toolbar.appendChild(table); // TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything // in the TABLE. var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tb_body); tb_row = document.createElement("tr"); tb_body.appendChild(tb_row); }; // END of function: newLine // init first line newLine(); // updates the state of a toolbar element. This function is member of // a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or // createSelect functions below). function setButtonStatus(id, newval) { var oldval = this[id]; var el = this.element; if (oldval != newval) { switch (id) { case "enabled": if (newval) { HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); el.disabled = false; } else { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); el.disabled = true; } break; case "active": if (newval) { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } else { HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } break; } this[id] = newval; } }; // END of function: setButtonStatus // this function will handle creation of combo boxes. Receives as // parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config. // This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt" // doesn't match a button. function createSelect(txt) { var options = null; var el = null; var cmd = null; var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects; var context = null; var tooltip = ""; switch (txt) { case "fontsize": case "fontname": case "formatblock": // the following line retrieves the correct // configuration option because the variable name // inside the Config object is named the same as the // button/select in the toolbar. For instance, if txt // == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or // a different way to write it in JS is // config["formatblock"]. options = editor.config[txt]; cmd = txt; break; default: // try to fetch it from the list of registered selects cmd = txt; var dropdown = customSelects[cmd]; if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") { options = dropdown.options; context = dropdown.context; if (typeof dropdown.tooltip != "undefined") { tooltip = dropdown.tooltip; } } else { alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition"); } break; } if (options) { el = document.createElement("select"); el.title = tooltip; var obj = { name : txt, // field name element : el, // the UI element (SELECT) enabled : true, // is it enabled? text : false, // enabled in text mode? cmd : cmd, // command ID state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state context : context }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; for (var i in options) { var op = document.createElement("option"); op.innerHTML = i; op.value = options[i]; el.appendChild(op); } HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "change", function () { editor._comboSelected(el, txt); }); } return el; }; // END of function: createSelect // appends a new button to toolbar function createButton(txt) { // the element that will be created var el = null; var btn = null; switch (txt) { case "separator": el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "separator"; break; case "space": el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "space"; break; case "linebreak": newLine(); return false; case "textindicator": el = document.createElement("div"); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("A")); el.className = "indicator"; el.title = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips.textindicator; var obj = { name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') element : el, // the UI element (DIV) enabled : true, // is it enabled? active : false, // is it pressed? text : false, // enabled in text mode? cmd : "textindicator", // the command ID state : setButtonStatus // for changing state }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; break; default: btn = editor.config.btnList[txt]; } if (!el && btn) { el = document.createElement("a"); el.style.display = 'block'; el.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; el.style.textDecoration = 'none'; el.title = btn[0]; el.className = "button"; // let's just pretend we have a button object, and // assign all the needed information to it. var obj = { name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') element : el, // the UI element (DIV) enabled : true, // is it enabled? active : false, // is it pressed? text : btn[2], // enabled in text mode? cmd : btn[3], // the command ID state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context? }; tb_objects[txt] = obj; // handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons /* -- This is now handled by a :hover pseudo class in htmlarea.css HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseover", function () { if (obj.enabled) { HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonHover"); } }); */ HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseout", function () { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { //_removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); _removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); (obj.active) && _addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); } }); HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mousedown", function (ev) { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { _addClass(el, "buttonActive"); _removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev); } }); // when clicked, do the following: HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "click", function (ev) { if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) { _removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); //_removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); if(HTMLArea.is_gecko) { editor.activateEditor(); } obj.cmd(editor, obj.name, obj); _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev); } }); var i_contain = null; if(HTMLArea.is_ie && ((!document.compatMode) || (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == "BackCompat"))) { i_contain = document.createElement('span'); } else { i_contain = document.createElement('div'); i_contain.style.position = 'relative'; } i_contain.style.overflow = 'hidden'; i_contain.style.width = "18px"; i_contain.style.height = "18px"; var img = document.createElement("img"); if(typeof btn[1] == 'string') { img.src = btn[1]; img.style.width = "18px"; img.style.height = "18px"; } else { img.src = btn[1][0]; img.style.position = 'relative'; img.style.top = btn[1][2] ? ('-' + (18 * (btn[1][2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; img.style.left = btn[1][1] ? ('-' + (18 * (btn[1][1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; } i_contain.appendChild(img); el.appendChild(i_contain); obj.imgel = img; obj.swapImage = function(newimg) { if(typeof newimg != 'string') { img.src = newimg[0]; img.style.position = 'relative'; img.style.top = newimg[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; img.style.left = newimg[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; } else { obj.imgel.src = newimg; img.style.top = '0px'; img.style.left = '0px'; } } } else if (!el) { el = createSelect(txt); } if (el) { var tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); tb_cell.appendChild(el); } else { alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + txt); } return el; }; var first = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.config.toolbar.length; ++i) { if (!first) { // createButton("linebreak"); } else { first = false; } var group = this.config.toolbar[i]; for (var j = 0; j < group.length; ++j) { var code = group[j]; if (/^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code)) { // special case, create text label var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized? var label = RegExp.$2; if (l7ed) { label = HTMLArea.I18N.custom[label]; } var tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); tb_cell.className = "label"; tb_cell.innerHTML = label; } else { createButton(code); } } } this._htmlArea.appendChild(toolbar); }; HTMLArea.prototype._createStatusBar = function() { var statusbar = document.createElement("div"); statusbar.className = "statusBar"; this._htmlArea.appendChild(statusbar); this._statusBar = statusbar; // statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": ")); // creates a holder for the path view div = document.createElement("span"); div.className = "statusBarTree"; div.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "; //div.innerHTML = "Path: "; this._statusBarTree = div; this._statusBar.appendChild(div); if (!this.config.statusBar) { // disable it... statusbar.style.display = "none"; } }; // Creates the HTMLArea object and replaces the textarea with it. HTMLArea.prototype.generate = function () { var editor = this; // we'll need "this" in some nested functions // get the textarea var textarea = this._textArea; if (typeof textarea == "string") { this._textArea = textarea = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", textarea); } this._ta_size = { w: textarea.offsetWidth, h: textarea.offsetHeight }; // create the editor framework var htmlarea = document.createElement("div"); htmlarea.className = "htmlarea"; this._htmlArea = htmlarea; if(this.config.width != 'auto' && this.config.width != 'toolbar') { htmlarea.style.width = this.config.width; } // insert the editor before the textarea. textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(htmlarea, textarea); // creates & appends the toolbar this._createToolbar(); // Create containing div (to hold editor and stylist) var innerEditor = document.createElement('div'); htmlarea.appendChild(innerEditor); innerEditor.style.position = 'relative'; this.innerEditor = innerEditor; // extract the textarea and insert it into the htmlarea textarea.parentNode.removeChild(textarea); innerEditor.appendChild(textarea); // create the IFRAME & add to container var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); innerEditor.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = _editor_url + "popups/blank.html"; this._iframe = iframe; // - I don't think this is required, see the .htmlarea iframe in htmlarea.css // remove the default border as it keeps us from computing correctly // the sizes. (somebody tell me why doesn't this work in IE) // if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { // iframe.style.borderWidth = "0px"; // } // Add the panels for(var i in this._panels) { innerEditor.appendChild(this._panels[i].div); } // creates & appends the status bar this._createStatusBar(); // Set up event listeners for saving the iframe content to the textarea if (textarea.form) { // we have a form, on submit get the HTMLArea content and // update original textarea. var f = textarea.form; if (typeof f.onsubmit == "function") { var funcref = f.onsubmit; if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnSubmit == "undefined") { f.__msh_prevOnSubmit = []; } f.__msh_prevOnSubmit.push(funcref); } f.onsubmit = function() { editor._textArea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML()); var a = this.__msh_prevOnSubmit; // call previous submit methods if they were there. if (typeof a != "undefined") { for (var i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { a[i](); } } }; if (typeof f.onreset == "function") { var funcref = f.onreset; if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnReset == "undefined") { f.__msh_prevOnReset = []; } f.__msh_prevOnReset.push(funcref); } f.onreset = function() { editor.setHTML(editor._textArea.value); editor.updateToolbar(); var a = this.__msh_prevOnReset; // call previous reset methods if they were there. if (typeof a != "undefined") { for (var i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { a[i](); } } }; } // add a handler for the "back/forward" case -- on body.unload we save // the HTML content into the original textarea. try { HTMLArea._addEvent(window, 'unload', function() {textarea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML());} ); } catch(e) {}; // Hide textarea textarea.style.display = "none"; // Calculate the starting size, EXCLUDING THE TOOLBAR & STATUS BAR (always) var height = null; var width = null; switch(this.config.height) { // "auto" means the same height as the original textarea case 'auto' : { height = parseInt(this._ta_size.h); break; } // otherwise we expect it to be a PIXEL height default : { height = parseInt(this.config.height); break; } } switch(this.config.width) { // toolbar means the width is the same as the toolbar case 'toolbar': {width = parseInt(this._toolbar.offsetWidth); break; } // auto means the same as the textarea case 'auto' : {width = parseInt(this._ta_size.w); break; } // otherwise it is expected to be a PIXEL width default : {width = parseInt(this.config.width); break; } } if (this.config.sizeIncludesToolbar) { // substract toolbar height height -= this._toolbar.offsetHeight; height -= this._statusBar.offsetHeight; } // Minimal size = 100x100 width = Math.max(width, 100); height = Math.max(height,100); this.setInnerSize(width,height); this.notifyOn('panel_change',function(){editor.setInnerSize();}); // IMPORTANT: we have to allow Mozilla a short time to recognize the // new frame. Otherwise we get a stupid exception. setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); }; /** Size the htmlArea according to the available space * Width and Height include toolbar! **/ HTMLArea.prototype.getInnerSize = function() { return this._innerSize; } HTMLArea.prototype.setInnerSize = function(width, height) { if(typeof width == 'undefined' || width == null) { width = this._innerSize.width; } if(typeof height == 'undefined' || height == null) { height = this._innerSize.height; } this._innerSize = {'width':width,'height':height}; var editorWidth = width; var editorHeight = height; var editorLeft = 0; var editorTop = 0; var panels = this._panels; var panel = panels.right; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.width = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right) + (HTMLArea.ie_ie ? -1 : -2) + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = height + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.right = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 1 : 2) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = 'block'; editorWidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0); } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.left; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.width = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.ie_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = height + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? -1 : -1) + 'px'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 0 : 0) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorWidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0); editorLeft = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left) + (HTMLArea.is_ie ? 2 : 0) + 'px'; } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.top; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.top = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = '0px'; panel.div.style.width = width + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorHeight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top); editorTop = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.top) + 'px'; } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } var panel = panels.bottom; if(panel.on && panel.panels.length && HTMLArea.hasDisplayedChildren(panel.div)) { panel.div.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.div.style.bottom = '0px'; panel.div.style.left = '0px'; panel.div.style.width = width + 'px'; panel.div.style.height = parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom) + 'px'; panel.div.style.padding = "0px"; panel.div.style.overflow = "auto"; panel.div.style.display = "block"; editorHeight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom); } else { panel.div.style.display = 'none'; } // Set the dimensions of the container this.innerEditor.style.width = width + 'px'; this.innerEditor.style.height = height + 'px'; this.innerEditor.style.position = 'relative'; // and the iframe this._iframe.style.width = editorWidth + 'px'; this._iframe.style.height = editorHeight + 'px'; this._iframe.style.position = 'absolute'; this._iframe.style.left = editorLeft; this._iframe.style.top = editorTop; // the editor including the toolbar now have the same size as the // original textarea.. which means that we need to reduce that a bit. this._textArea.style.width = editorWidth + 'px'; this._textArea.style.height = editorHeight + 'px'; this._textArea.style.position = 'absolute'; this._textArea.style.left = editorLeft; this._textArea.style.top = editorTop; this.notifyOf('resize', {'width':width,'height':height,'editorWidth':editorWidth,'editorHeight':editorHeight,'editorTop':editorTop,'editorLeft':editorLeft}); } HTMLArea.prototype.addPanel = function(side) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.side = side; HTMLArea.addClasses(div, 'panel'); this._panels[side].panels.push(div); this._panels[side].div.appendChild(div); this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':div}); return div; } HTMLArea.prototype.removePanel = function(panel) { panel.side.div.removeChild(panel); var clean = [ ]; for(var i = 0; i < panel.side.panels.length; i++) { if(panel.side.panels[i] != panel) { clean.push(panel.side.panels[i]); } } panel.side.panels = clean; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.hidePanel = function(panel) { panel.style.display = 'none'; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'hide','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.showPanel = function(panel) { panel.style.display = ''; this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'show','panel':panel}); } HTMLArea.prototype.hidePanels = function(sides) { if(typeof sides == 'undefined') { sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; } var reShow = []; for(var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++) { if(this._panels[sides[i]].on) { reShow.push(sides[i]); this._panels[sides[i]].on = false; } } this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_hide','sides':sides}); } HTMLArea.prototype.showPanels = function(sides) { if(typeof sides == 'undefined') { sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; } var reHide = []; for(var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++) { if(!this._panels[sides[i]].on) { reHide.push(sides[i]); this._panels[sides[i]].on = true; } } this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_show','sides':sides}); } HTMLArea.objectProperties = function(obj) { var props = [ ]; for(var x in obj) { props[props.length] = x; } return props; } HTMLArea.prototype.activateEditor = function() { if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && this._doc.designMode != 'on') { try{HTMLArea.last_on.designMode = 'off';} catch(e) { } if(this._iframe.style.display == 'none') { this._iframe.style.display = ''; this._doc.designMode = 'on'; this._iframe.style.display = 'none'; } else { this._doc.designMode = 'on'; } } else { this._doc.body.contentEditable = true; } HTMLArea.last_on = this._doc; } HTMLArea.prototype.deactivateEditor = function() { if(HTMLArea.is_gecko && this._doc.designMode == 'on') { this._doc.designMode = 'off'; HTMLArea.last_on = null; } else { this._doc.body.contentEditable = false; } } HTMLArea.prototype.initIframe = function() { var doc = null; var editor = this; try { doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document; if (!doc) { // Try again.. // FIXME: don't know what else to do here. Normally // we'll never reach this point. if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) { setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); return false; } else { alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized."); } } } catch(e) { setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe()}, 50); } if (!editor.config.fullPage) { doc.open(); var html = "\n"; html += "
" : "p"; break; case '0': cmd = "killword"; break; // headings case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': cmd = "formatblock"; value = "h" + key; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) value = "<" + value + ">"; break; } if (cmd) { // execute simple command this.execCommand(cmd, false, value); HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } } else if (keyEvent) { // other keys here switch (ev.keyCode) { case 13: // KEY enter if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && !ev.shiftKey) { this.dom_checkInsertP(); HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } break; case 8: // KEY backspace case 46: // KEY delete if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && !ev.shiftKey) { if (this.dom_checkBackspace()) HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } else if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { if (this.ie_checkBackspace()) HTMLArea._stopEvent(ev); } break; } } // update the toolbar state after some time if (editor._timerToolbar) { clearTimeout(editor._timerToolbar); } editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout(function() { editor.updateToolbar(); editor._timerToolbar = null; }, 100); }; HTMLArea.prototype.convertNode = function(el, newTagName) { var newel = this._doc.createElement(newTagName); while (el.firstChild) newel.appendChild(el.firstChild); return newel; }; HTMLArea.prototype.ie_checkBackspace = function() { var sel = this._getSelection(); var range = this._createRange(sel); var r2 = range.duplicate(); r2.moveStart("character", -1); var a = r2.parentElement(); if (a != range.parentElement() && /^a$/i.test(a.tagName)) { r2.collapse(true); r2.moveEnd("character", 1); r2.pasteHTML(''); r2.select(); return true; } }; HTMLArea.prototype.dom_checkBackspace = function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var sel = self._getSelection(); var range = self._createRange(sel); var SC = range.startContainer; var SO = range.startOffset; var EC = range.endContainer; var EO = range.endOffset; var newr = SC.nextSibling; if (SC.nodeType == 3) SC = SC.parentNode; if (!/\S/.test(SC.tagName)) { var p = document.createElement("p"); while (SC.firstChild) p.appendChild(SC.firstChild); SC.parentNode.insertBefore(p, SC); SC.parentNode.removeChild(SC); var r = range.cloneRange(); r.setStartBefore(newr); r.setEndAfter(newr); r.extractContents(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(r); } }, 10); }; /** The idea here is * 1. See if we are in a block element * 2. If we are not, then wrap the current "block" of text into a paragraph * 3. Now that we have a block element, select all the text between the insertion point * and just AFTER the end of the block * eg
The quick |brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick
brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
' + s + '