/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Description object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2011 */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; et2_core_interfaces; et2_core_baseWidget; expose; /vendor/bower-asset/cropper/dist/cropper.min.js; */ import { et2_baseWidget } from './et2_core_baseWidget'; import { et2_createWidget, et2_register_widget } from "./et2_core_widget"; import { ClassWithAttributes } from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import { et2_no_init } from "./et2_core_common"; import { egw } from "../jsapi/egw_global"; import { et2_dialog } from "./et2_widget_dialog"; /** * Class which implements the "image" XET-Tag * * @augments et2_baseWidget */ export class et2_image extends et2_baseWidget { /** * Constructor */ constructor(_parent, _attrs, _child) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_image._attributes, _child || {})); this.image = null; // Create the image or a/image tag this.image = jQuery(document.createElement("img")); if (this.options.label) { this.image.attr("alt", this.options.label).attr("title", this.options.label); } if (this.options.href) { this.image.addClass('et2_clickable'); } if (this.options["class"]) { this.image.addClass(this.options["class"]); } this.setDOMNode(this.image[0]); } click(_ev) { if (this.options.href) { this.egw().open_link(this.options.href, this.options.extra_link_target, this.options.extra_link_popup); } else { super.click(_ev); } } transformAttributes(_attrs) { super.transformAttributes(_attrs); // Check to expand name if (typeof _attrs["src"] != "undefined") { let manager = this.getArrayMgr("content"); if (manager && _attrs["src"]) { let src = manager.getEntry(_attrs["src"], false, true); if (typeof src != "undefined" && src !== null) { if (typeof src == "object") { src = egw().link('/index.php', src); } _attrs["src"] = src; } } } } set_label(_value) { this.options.label = _value; _value = this.egw().lang(_value); // label is NOT the alt attribute in eTemplate, but the title/tooltip this.image.attr("alt", _value).attr("title", _value); } setValue(_value) { // Value is src, images don't get IDs this.set_src(_value); } set_href(_value) { if (!this.isInTree()) { return false; } this.options.href = _value; this.image.wrapAll('"'); let href = this.options.href; let popup = this.options.extra_link_popup; let target = this.options.extra_link_target; let self = this; this.image.click(function (e) { if (self.options.expose_view) { /* TODO: Fix after implementing EXPOSE mixin class */ //self._init_blueimp_gallery(e,_value); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else { egw.open_link(href, target, popup); } e.preventDefault(); return false; }); return true; } /** * Set image src * * @param {string} _value image, app/image or url * @return {boolean} true if image was found, false if not (image is either not displayed or default_src is used) */ set_src(_value) { if (!this.isInTree()) { return false; } this.options.src = _value; // allow url's too if (_value[0] == '/' || _value.substr(0, 4) == 'http' || _value.substr(0, 5) == 'data:') { this.image.attr('src', _value).show(); return true; } let src = this.egw().image(_value); if (src) { this.image.attr("src", src).show(); return true; } src = null; if (this.options.default_src) { src = this.egw().image(this.options.default_src); } if (src) { this.image.attr("src", src).show(); } else { this.image.css("display", "none"); } return false; } /** * Function to get media content to feed the expose * @param {type} _value */ getMedia(_value) { let base_url = egw.webserverUrl.match(/^\/ig/) ? egw(window).window.location.origin + egw.webserverUrl + '/' : egw.webserverUrl + '/'; let mediaContent = []; if (_value) { mediaContent = [{ title: this.options.label, href: base_url + _value, type: this.options.type + "/*", thumbnail: base_url + _value }]; } return mediaContent; } /** * Implementation of "et2_IDetachedDOM" for fast viewing in gridview * * @param {array} _attrs */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { _attrs.push("src", "label", "href"); } getDetachedNodes() { return [this.image[0]]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { // Set the given DOM-Nodes this.image = jQuery(_nodes[0]); // Set the attributes if (_values["src"]) { this.set_src(_values["src"]); } // Not valid, but we'll deal if (_values["value"]) { this.setValue(_values["value"]); } if (_values["label"]) { this.set_label(_values["label"]); } if (_values["href"]) { this.image.addClass('et2_clickable'); this.set_href(_values["href"]); } } } et2_image._attributes = { "src": { "name": "Image", "type": "string", "description": "Displayed image" }, default_src: { name: "Default image", type: "string", description: "Image to use if src is not found" }, "href": { "name": "Link Target", "type": "string", "description": "Link URL, empty if you don't wan't to display a link.", "default": et2_no_init }, "extra_link_target": { "name": "Link target", "type": "string", "default": "_self", "description": "Link target descriptor" }, "extra_link_popup": { "name": "Popup", "type": "string", "description": "widthxheight, if popup should be used, eg. 640x480" }, "imagemap": { // TODO: Do something with this "name": "Image map", "description": "Currently not implemented" }, "label": { "name": "Label", "type": "string", "description": "Label for image" }, "expose_view": { name: "Expose view", type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Clicking on an image with href value would popup an expose view, and will show image referenced by href." } }; et2_image.legacyOptions = ["href", "extra_link_target", "imagemap", "extra_link_popup", "id"]; et2_register_widget(et2_image, ["image"]); /** * Widget displaying an application icon */ export class et2_appicon extends et2_image { set_src(_app) { if (!_app) _app = this.egw().app_name(); this.image.addClass('et2_appicon'); return super.set_src(_app == 'sitemgr-link' ? 'sitemgr/sitemgr-link' : // got removed from jdots (this.egw().app(_app, 'icon_app') || _app) + '/' + (this.egw().app(_app, 'icon') || 'navbar')); } } et2_appicon._attributes = { default_src: { name: "Default image", type: "string", default: "nonav", description: "Image to use if there is no application icon" } }; et2_register_widget(et2_appicon, ["appicon"]); /** * Avatar widget to display user profile picture or * user letter avatar based on user's firstname lastname. * * @augments et2_baseWidget */ export class et2_avatar extends et2_image { constructor(_parent, _attrs, _child) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_avatar._attributes, _child || {})); if (this.options.frame == 'circle') { this.image.attr('style', 'border-radius:50%'); } if (this.options.contact_id) this.setValue(this.options.contact_id); } /** * Generate letter avatar with given data * @param {type} _fname * @param {type} _lname * @param {type} _id * @returns {string} return data url */ static lavatar(_fname, _lname, _id) { let str = _fname + _lname + _id; let getBgColor = function (_str) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < _str.length; i++) { hash = _str[i].charCodeAt(0) + hash; } return et2_avatar.LAVATAR_BG_COLORS[hash % et2_avatar.LAVATAR_BG_COLORS.length]; }; let bg = getBgColor(str); let size = et2_avatar.LAVATAR_SIZE * (window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1); let text = (_fname ? _fname[0].toUpperCase() : "") + (_lname ? _lname[0].toUpperCase() : ""); let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = size; canvas.height = size; let context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.fillStyle = bg; context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.font = Math.round(canvas.width / 2) + "px Arial"; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillStyle = et2_avatar.LAVATAR_TEXT_COLOR; context.fillText(text, size / 2, size / 1.5); let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(); canvas.remove(); return dataURL; } /** * Function runs after uplaod in avatar dialog is finished and it tries to * update image and cropper container. * @param {type} e */ static uploadAvatar_onFinish(e) { let file = e.data.resumable.files[0].file; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { jQuery('#_cropper_image').attr('src', e.target.result); jQuery('#_cropper_image').cropper('replace', e.target.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } /** * Function to set contact id * contact id could be in one of these formats: * 'number', will be consider as contact_id * 'contact:number', similar to above * 'account:number', will be consider as account id * @example: contact_id = "account:4" * * @param {string} _contact_id contact id could be as above mentioned formats */ set_contact_id(_contact_id) { let params = {}; let id = 'contact_id'; this.image.addClass('et2_avatar'); if (!_contact_id) { _contact_id = this.egw().user('account_id'); } else if (_contact_id.match(/account:/)) { id = 'account_id'; _contact_id = _contact_id.replace('account:', ''); } else { id = 'contact_id'; _contact_id = _contact_id.replace('contact:', ''); } // if our src (incl. cache-buster) already includes the correct id, use that one if (this.options.src && this.options.src.match("(&|\\?)contact_id=" + _contact_id + "(&|\\$)")) { return; } params[id] = _contact_id; this.set_src(egw.link('/api/avatar.php', params)); } /** * Function to set value */ setValue(_value) { this.set_contact_id(_value); } /** * Implementation of "et2_IDetachedDOM" for fast viewing in gridview */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { _attrs.push("contact_id", "label", "href"); } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { // Set the given DOM-Nodes this.image = jQuery(_nodes[0]); if (_values["contact_id"]) { this.set_contact_id(_values["contact_id"]); } if (_values["label"]) { this.set_label(_values["label"]); } if (_values["href"]) { this.image.addClass('et2_clickable'); this.set_href(_values["href"]); } } /** * Build Editable Mask Layer (EML) in order to show edit/delete actions * on top of profile picture. * @param {boolean} _noDelete disable delete button in initialization */ _buildEditableLayer(_noDelete) { let self = this; // editable mask layer (eml) let wrapper = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('avatar').insertAfter(this.image); this.image.appendTo(wrapper); let eml = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('eml') .insertAfter(this.image); // edit button jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('emlEdit') .click(function () { let buttons = [ { "button_id": 1, "text": self.egw().lang('save'), id: 'save', image: 'check', "default": true }, { "button_id": 0, "text": self.egw().lang('cancel'), id: 'cancel', image: 'cancelled' } ]; let dialog = function (_title, _value, _buttons, _egw_or_appname) { return et2_createWidget("dialog", { callback: function (_buttons, _value) { if (_buttons == 'save') { let canvas = jQuery('#_cropper_image').cropper('getCroppedCanvas'); self.image.attr('src', canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0)); self.egw().json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_update_photo', [self.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0)], function (res) { if (res) { del.show(); } }).sendRequest(); } }, title: _title || egw.lang('Input required'), buttons: _buttons || et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, value: { content: _value }, width: "90%", height: "450", resizable: false, position: "top+10", template: egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/avatar_edit.xet?2' }, et2_dialog._create_parent(_egw_or_appname)); }; dialog(egw.lang('Edit avatar'), self.options, buttons, null); }) .appendTo(eml); // delete button var del = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('emlDelete') .click(function () { et2_dialog.show_dialog(function (_btn) { if (_btn == et2_dialog.YES_BUTTON) { self.egw().json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_update_photo', [self.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, null], function (res) { if (res) { self.image.attr('src', ''); del.hide(); egw.refresh('Avatar Deleted.', egw.app_name()); } }).sendRequest(); } }, egw.lang('Delete this photo?'), egw.lang('Delete'), null, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO); }) .appendTo(eml); if (_noDelete) del.hide(); // invisible the mask eml.css('opacity', '0'); eml.parent().css('position', "relative"); // bind handler for activating actions on editable mask eml.on({ mouseover: function () { eml.css('opacity', '0.9'); }, mouseout: function () { eml.css('opacity', '0'); } }); } /** * We need to build the Editable Mask Layer after widget gets loaded */ doLoadingFinished() { super.doLoadingFinished(); let self = this; if (this.options.contact_id && this.options.editable) { egw(window).json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_noPhotoExists', [this.options.contact_id], function (noPhotoExists) { if (noPhotoExists) self.image.attr('src', ''); self._buildEditableLayer(noPhotoExists); }).sendRequest(true); } if (this.options.crop) { jQuery(this.image).cropper({ aspectRatio: 1 / 1, crop: function (e) { console.log(e); } }); } return true; } } et2_avatar._attributes = { "contact_id": { name: "Contact id", type: "string", default: "", description: "Contact id should be either user account_id {account:number} or contact_id {contact:number or number}" }, "default_src": { "ignore": true }, "frame": { name: "Avatar frame", type: "string", default: "circle", description: "Define the shape of frame that avatar will be shown inside it. it can get {circle,rectangle} values which default value is cicle." }, editable: { name: "Edit avatar", type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Make avatar widget editable to be able to crop profile picture or upload a new photo" }, crop: { name: "Crop avatar", type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Create crop container and cropping feature" } }; /** * background oolor codes */ et2_avatar.LAVATAR_BG_COLORS = [ '#5a8770', '#b2b7bb', '#6fa9ab', '#f5af29', '#0088b9', '#f18636', '#d93a37', '#a6b12e', '#0088b9', '#f18636', '#d93a37', '#a6b12e', '#5c9bbc', '#f5888d', '#9a89b5', '#407887', '#9a89b5', '#5a8770', '#d33f33', '#a2b01f', '#f0b126', '#0087bf', '#f18636', '#0087bf', '#b2b7bb', '#72acae', '#9c8ab4', '#5a8770', '#eeb424', '#407887' ]; /** * Text color */ et2_avatar.LAVATAR_TEXT_COLOR = '#ffffff'; et2_avatar.LAVATAR_SIZE = 128; et2_register_widget(et2_avatar, ["avatar"]); /** * Avatar readonly widget to only display user profile picture or * user letter avatar based on user's firstname lastname. */ export class et2_avatar_ro extends et2_avatar { constructor(_parent, _attrs, _child) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_avatar_ro._attributes, _child || {})); this.options.editable = false; } } et2_register_widget(et2_avatar_ro, ["avatar_ro"]); /** * Letter Avatar widget to display user profile picture (given url) or * user letter avatar based on user's firstname lastname. * * It will use client-side lavatar if all the following conditions are met: * - contact_id, lname and fname are all set. * - the given src url includes flag of lavatar=1 which means there's * no personal avatar set for the contact yet. * * @augments et2_baseWidget */ export class et2_lavatar extends et2_image { constructor(_parent, _attrs, _child) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_lavatar._attributes, _child || {})); } set_src(_url) { if (_url && decodeURIComponent(_url).match("lavatar=1") && (this.options.fname || this.options.lname) && this.options.contact_id) { this.set_src(et2_avatar.lavatar(this.options.fname, this.options.lname, this.options.contact_id)); return false; } super.set_src(_url); } } et2_lavatar._attributes = { lname: { name: "last name", type: "string", default: "", description: "" }, fname: { name: "first name", type: "string", default: "", description: "" }, contact_id: { name: "contact id", type: "string", default: "", description: "" } }; et2_register_widget(et2_lavatar, ["lavatar"]); //# sourceMappingURL=et2_widget_image.js.map