*/ require_once('class.iface_notification.inc.php'); require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/class.config.inc.php'); /** * User notification via winpopup. */ class notification_winpopup implements iface_notification { /** * Appname */ const _appname = 'notifications'; /** * Login table in SQL database */ const _login_table = 'egw_access_log'; /** * holds account object for user who sends the message * * @var object */ private $sender; /** * holds account object for user to notify * * @var object */ private $recipient; /** * holds config object (sitewide application config) * * @var object */ private $config; /** * holds preferences object of user to notify * * @var object */ private $preferences; /** * holds the netbios command to be executed on notification * * @abstract * Example: /bin/echo '[MESSAGE]' | /usr/bin/smbclient -M computer-[4] -I [IP] -U '[SENDER]' * * Placeholders are: * [MESSAGE] is the notification message itself * [1] - [4] are the IP-Octets of the windows machine to notify * [IP] is the IP-Adress of the windows machine to notify * [SENDER] is the sender of the message * Note: the webserver-user needs execute rights for this command * Don't forget to enclose placeholders containing whitespaces with single apostrophes * * @var string */ private $netbios_command; /** * constructor of notification_winpopup * * @param object $_sender * @param object $_recipient * @param object $_config * @param object $_preferences */ public function __construct($_sender=false, $_recipient=false, $_config=false, $_preferences=false) { // If we are called from class notification sender, recipient, config and prefs are objects. // otherwise we have to fetch this objects for current user. if (!is_object($_sender)) { $this->sender = (object) $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($_sender); $this->sender->id =& $this->sender->account_id; } else { $this->sender = $_sender; } if (!is_object($_recipient)) { $this->recipient = (object) $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($_recipient); $this->recipient->id =& $this->recipient->account_id; } else { $this->recipient = $_recipient; } if(!is_object($_config)) { $config = new config(self::_appname); $this->config = (object) $config->read_repository(); } else { $this->config = $_config; } if(!is_object($_preferences)) { $prefs = new preferences($this->recipient->id); $preferences = $prefs->read(); $this->preferences = (object)$preferences[self::_appname ]; } else { $this->preferences = $_preferences; } } /** * sends notification * * @param string $_subject * @param array $_messages * @param array $_attachments */ public function send( $_subject = false, $_messages, $_attachments = false) { if(!$this->netbios_command) { throw new Exception( 'Winpopup plugin not configured yet. Skipped sending notification message. '. 'Please check var "netbios_command" in winpopup backend '. '('.EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. SEP. self::_appname. SEP. 'inc'. SEP. 'class.notification_winpopup.inc.php).'); } $sessions = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->list_sessions(0, 'asc', 'session_dla', true); $user_sessions = array(); foreach ($sessions as $session) { if ($session['session_lid'] == $this->recipient->lid. '@'. $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']) { if($this->valid_ip($session['session_ip'])) { $user_sessions[] = $session['session_ip']; } } } if ( empty($user_sessions) ) throw new Exception("User #{$this->recipient->id} isn't online. Can't send notification via winpopup"); $this->send_winpopup( $_messages['plain']['text'], $user_sessions ); return true; } /** * sends the winpopup message via command line string netbios_command specified above * * @param string $_message * @param array $_user_sessions */ private function send_winpopup( $_message, array $_user_sessions ) { foreach($_user_sessions as $user_session) { $ip_octets=explode(".",$user_session); // format the ip_octets to 3 digits each foreach($ip_octets as $id=>$ip_octet) { if(strlen($ip_octet)==1) { $ip_octets[$id] = '00'.$ip_octet; } if(strlen($ip_octet)==2) { $ip_octets[$id] = '0'.$ip_octet; } } $placeholders = array( '/\[MESSAGE\]/' => $_message, '/\[1\]/' => $ip_octets[0], '/\[2\]/' => $ip_octets[1], '/\[3\]/' => $ip_octets[2], '/\[4\]/' => $ip_octets[3], '/\[IP\]/' => $user_session, '/\[SENDER\]/' => $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($this->sender->id,'account_fullname'), ); $command = preg_replace(array_keys($placeholders), $placeholders, $this->netbios_command); exec($command,$output,$returncode); if($returncode != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed sending notification message via winpopup. Error while executing the specified command."); } } } /** * checks for a valid IPv4-address without CIDR notation * * @param string $_ip * @return true or false */ private function valid_ip($_ip) { return eregi('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$',$_ip); } }