* @copyright (c) 2008-16 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id: class.sqlfs_stream_wrapper.inc.php 24997 2008-03-02 21:44:15Z ralfbecker $ */ namespace EGroupware\Api\Vfs\Links; use EGroupware\Api\Vfs; use EGroupware\Api; // explicitly import old phpgwapi classes used: use addressbook_vcal; /** * Define parent for Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper, if not already defined * * Allows to base Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper on an other wrapper */ if (!class_exists('EGroupware\\Api\\Vfs\\Links\\LinksParent', false)) { class LinksParent extends Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper {} } /** * EGroupware API: stream wrapper for linked files * * The files stored by the sqlfs_stream_wrapper in a /apps/$app/$id directory * * The links stream wrapper extends the sqlfs one, to implement an own ACL based on the access * of the entry the files are linked to. * * Applications can define a 'file_access' method in the link registry with the following signature: * * boolean function file_access(string $id,int $check,string $rel_path) * * If the do not implement such a function the title function is used to test if the user has * at least read access to an entry, and if true full (write) access to the files is granted. * * Entry directories are always reported existing and empty, if not existing in sqlfs. * * The stream wrapper interface is according to the docu on php.net * * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-wrapper-register.php */ class StreamWrapper extends LinksParent { /** * Scheme / protocoll used for this stream-wrapper */ const SCHEME = 'links'; /** * Prefix to predend to get an url from a path */ const PREFIX = 'links://default'; /** * Base url to store links */ const BASEURL = 'links://default/apps'; /** * Enable some debug output to the error_log */ const DEBUG = false; /** * Implements ACL based on the access of the user to the entry the files are linked to. * * @param string $url url to check * @param int $check mode to check: one or more or'ed together of: 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = executable * @return boolean */ static function check_extended_acl($url,$check) { if (Vfs::$is_root) { return true; } $path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH); list(,$apps,$app,$id,$rel_path) = explode('/',$path,5); if ($apps != 'apps') { $access = false; // no access to anything, but /apps $what = '!= apps'; } elseif (!$app) { $access = !($check & Vfs::WRITABLE); // always grant read access to /apps $what = '!$app'; } elseif (!self::check_app_rights($app)) { $access = false; // user has no access to the $app application $what = 'no app-rights'; } elseif (!$id) { $access = true; // grant read&write access to /apps/$app $what = 'app dir'; } // allow applications to implement their own access control to the file storage // otherwise use the title method to check if user has (at least read access) to the entry // which gives him then read AND write access to the file store of the entry else { // vfs & stream-wrapper use posix rights, Api\Link::file_access uses Api\Acl::{EDIT|READ}! $required = $check & Vfs::WRITABLE ? Api\Acl::EDIT : Api\Acl::READ; $access = Api\Link::file_access($app,$id,$required,$rel_path,Vfs::$user); $what = "from Api\Link::file_access('$app',$id,$required,'$rel_path,".Vfs::$user.")"; } if (self::DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$check) user=".Vfs::$user." ($what) ".($access?"access granted ($app:$id:$rel_path)":'no access!!!')); return $access; } /** * Check app-rights for current Vfs::$user * * @param string $app * @return boolean */ public static function check_app_rights($app) { if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] == Vfs::$user) { return isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app]); } static $user_apps = array(); if (!isset($user_apps[Vfs::$user])) { $user_apps[Vfs::$user] = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_user_applications(Vfs::$user); } return !empty($user_apps[Vfs::$user][$app]); } /** * This method is called in response to stat() calls on the URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * Reimplemented from sqlfs, as we have to pass the value of check_extends_acl(), due to the lack of late static binding. * And to return vcard for url /apps/addressbook/$id/.entry * * @param string $url * @param int $flags holds additional flags set by the streams API. It can hold one or more of the following values OR'd together: * - STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK For resources with the ability to link to other resource (such as an HTTP Location: forward, * or a filesystem symlink). This flag specified that only information about the link itself should be returned, * not the resource pointed to by the link. * This flag is set in response to calls to lstat(), is_link(), or filetype(). * - STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET If this flag is set, your wrapper should not raise any errors. If this flag is not set, * you are responsible for reporting errors using the trigger_error() function during stating of the path. * stat triggers it's own warning anyway, so it makes no sense to trigger one by our stream-wrapper! * @return array */ function url_stat ( $url, $flags ) { $eacl_check=self::check_extended_acl($url,Vfs::READABLE); // return vCard as /.entry if ( $eacl_check && substr($url,-7) == '/.entry' && (list($app) = array_slice(explode('/',$url),-3,1)) && $app === 'addressbook') { $ret = array( 'ino' => '#'.md5($url), 'name' => '.entry', 'mode' => self::MODE_FILE|Vfs::READABLE, // required by the stream wrapper 'size' => 1024, // fmail does NOT attach files with size 0! 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'mtime' => time(), 'ctime' => time(), 'nlink' => 1, // eGW addition to return some extra values 'mime' => $app == 'addressbook' ? 'text/vcard' : 'text/calendar', ); } // if entry directory does not exist --> return fake directory elseif (!($ret = parent::url_stat($url,$flags)) && $eacl_check) { list(,/*$apps*/,/*$app*/,$id,$rel_path) = explode('/', Vfs::parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), 5); if ($id && !isset($rel_path)) { $ret = array( 'ino' => '#'.md5($url), 'name' => $id, 'mode' => self::MODE_DIR, // required by the stream wrapper 'size' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'mtime' => time(), 'ctime' => time(), 'nlink' => 2, // eGW addition to return some extra values 'mime' => Vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE, ); } } if (self::DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url', $flags) calling parent::url_stat(,,".array2string($eacl_check).') returning '.array2string($ret)); return $ret; } /** * Set or delete extended acl for a given path and owner (or delete them if is_null($rights) * * Reimplemented, to NOT call the sqlfs functions, as we dont allow to modify the ACL (defined by the apps) * * @param string $path string with path * @param int $rights =null rights to set, or null to delete the entry * @param int/boolean $owner =null owner for whom to set the rights, null for the current user, or false to delete all rights for $path * @param int $fs_id =null fs_id to use, to not query it again (eg. because it's already deleted) * @return boolean true if acl is set/deleted, false on error */ static function eacl($path,$rights=null,$owner=null,$fs_id=null) { unset($path, $rights, $owner, $fs_id); // not used, but required by function signature return false; } /** * Get all ext. ACL set for a path * * Reimplemented, to NOT call the sqlfs functions, as we dont allow to modify the ACL (defined by the apps) * * @param string $path * @return array/boolean array with array('path'=>$path,'owner'=>$owner,'rights'=>$rights) or false if $path not found */ static function get_eacl($path) { unset($path); // not used, but required by function signature return false; } /** * mkdir for links * * Reimplemented as we have no static late binding to allow the extended sqlfs to call our eacl and to set no default rights for entry dirs * * This method is called in response to mkdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should attempt to create the directory specified by path. * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support creating directories. * * @param string $path * @param int $mode not used(!), we inherit 005 for /apps/$app and set 000 for /apps/$app/$id * @param int $options Posible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS and STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE, we allways use recursive! * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ function mkdir($path,$mode,$options) { unset($mode); // not used, but required by function signature if($path[0] != '/') { if (strpos($path,'?') !== false) $query = Vfs::parse_url($path,PHP_URL_QUERY); $path = Vfs::parse_url($path,PHP_URL_PATH).($query ? '?'.$query : ''); } list(,$apps,$app,$id) = explode('/',$path); $ret = false; if ($apps == 'apps' && $app && !$id || self::check_extended_acl($path,Vfs::WRITABLE)) // app directory itself is allways ok { $current_is_root = Vfs::$is_root; Vfs::$is_root = true; $current_user = Vfs::$user; Vfs::$user = 0; $sqlfs = new parent(); $ret = $sqlfs->mkdir($path,0,$options|STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); if ($id) $sqlfs->chmod($path,0); // no other rights Vfs::$user = $current_user; Vfs::$is_root = $current_is_root; } //error_log(__METHOD__."($path,$mode,$options) apps=$apps, app=$app, id=$id: returning $ret"); return $ret; } /** * This method is called in response to rmdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * Reimplemented to do nothing (specially not complain), if an entry directory does not exist, * as we always report them as existing! * * @param string $url * @param int $options Possible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS. * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function rmdir ( $url, $options ) { $path = $url != '/' ? Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH) : $url; list(,/*$apps*/,/*$app*/,/*$id*/,$rest) = explode('/',$path); // never delete entry-dir, as it makes attic inaccessible if (empty($rest)) { return true; } return parent::rmdir( $path, $options ); } /** * This method is called immediately after your stream object is created. * * Reimplemented from sqlfs to ensure $this->url_stat is called, to fill sqlfs stat cache with our eacl! * And to return vcard for url /apps/addressbook/$id/.entry * * @param string $url URL that was passed to fopen() and that this object is expected to retrieve * @param string $mode mode used to open the file, as detailed for fopen() * @param int $options additional flags set by the streams API (or'ed together): * - STREAM_USE_PATH If path is relative, search for the resource using the include_path. * - STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS If this flag is set, you are responsible for raising errors using trigger_error() during opening of the stream. * If this flag is not set, you should not raise any errors. * @param string $opened_path full path of the file/resource, if the open was successfull and STREAM_USE_PATH was set * @return boolean true if the ressource was opened successful, otherwise false */ function stream_open ( $url, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) { // the following call is necessary to fill sqlfs_stream_wrapper::$stat_cache, WITH the extendes ACL! $stat = $this->url_stat($url,0); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$url', '$mode', $options) stat=".array2string($stat)); // return vCard as /.entry if ($stat && $mode[0] == 'r' && substr($url,-7) === '/.entry' && (list($app) = array_slice(explode('/',$url),-3,1)) && $app === 'addressbook') { list($id) = array_slice(explode('/',$url),-2,1); $ab_vcard = new addressbook_vcal('addressbook','text/vcard'); if (!($charset = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['vcard_charset'])) { $charset = 'utf-8'; } if (!($vcard =& $ab_vcard->getVCard($id, $charset))) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$url', '$mode', $options) addressbook_vcal::getVCard($id) returned false!"); return false; } //error_log(__METHOD__."('$url', '$mode', $options) addressbook_vcal::getVCard($id) returned ".$GLOBALS[$name]); $this->opened_stream = fopen('php://temp', 'wb'); fwrite($this->opened_stream, $vcard); fseek($this->opened_stream, 0, SEEK_SET); return true; } // create not existing entry directories on the fly if ($mode[0] != 'r' && ($dir = Vfs::dirname($url)) && !parent::url_stat($dir, 0) && self::check_extended_acl($dir, Vfs::WRITABLE)) { $this->mkdir($dir,0,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); } return parent::stream_open($url,$mode,$options,$opened_path); } /** * This method is called immediately when your stream object is created for examining directory contents with opendir(). * * Reimplemented to give no error, if entry directory does not exist. * * @param string $url URL that was passed to opendir() and that this object is expected to explore. * @param $options * @return booelan */ function dir_opendir ( $url, $options ) { if (!parent::url_stat($url, STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET) && $this->url_stat($url, STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) { $this->opened_dir = array(); return true; } return parent::dir_opendir($url, $options); } /** * Reimplemented to create an entry directory on the fly AND delete our stat cache! * * @param string $url * @param int $time =null modification time (unix timestamp), default null = current time * @param int $atime =null access time (unix timestamp), default null = current time, not implemented in the vfs! */ protected function touch($url,$time=null,$atime=null) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$time,$atime)"); if (!($stat = $this->url_stat($url,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET))) { // file does not exist --> create an empty one if (!($f = fopen(self::SCHEME.'://default'.Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH),'w')) || !fclose($f)) { return false; } } return is_null($time) ? true : parent::touch($url,$time,$atime); } /** * This method is called in response to rename() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * Reimplemented to create the entry directory, in case it's only faked to be there. * * @param string $path_from * @param string $path_to * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ function rename ( $path_from, $path_to ) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path_from,$path_to)"); // Check to make sure target _really_ exists, not just fake dir from Links/StreamWrapper $path = Vfs::parse_url($path_to, PHP_URL_PATH); list(,/*$apps*/,/*$app*/,$id) = explode('/', $path); if($id && !parent::url_stat(Vfs::dirname($path_to),STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) { $this->mkdir(Vfs::dirname($path), 0, STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE ); } return parent::rename($path_from,$path_to); } /** * Method called for symlink() * * Reimplemented to really create (not just fake) an entry directory on the fly * * @param string $target * @param string $link * @return boolean true on success false on error */ static function symlink($target,$link) { $parent = new \EGroupware\Api\Vfs\Links\LinksParent(); if (!$parent->url_stat($dir = Vfs::dirname($link),0) && parent::check_extended_acl($dir,Vfs::WRITABLE)) { $parent->mkdir($dir,0,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); } return parent::symlink($target,$link); } /** * Register this stream-wrapper */ public static function register() { stream_register_wrapper(self::SCHEME, __CLASS__); } } StreamWrapper::register();