 * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS file which contains the complete et2 module
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel
 * @copyright Stylite 2011
 * @version $Id$

	// Include all widget classes here


	// Requirements for the etemplate2 object

	// Include the client side api core

 * The etemplate2 class manages a certain etemplate2 instance.
 * @param _container is the DOM-Node into which the DOM-Nodes of this instance
 * 	should be inserted
 * @param _menuaction is the URL to which the form data should be submitted.
function etemplate2(_container, _menuaction)
	if (typeof _menuaction == "undefined")
		_menuaction = "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate::ajax_process_content";

	// Copy the given parameters
	this.DOMContainer = _container;
	this.menuaction = _menuaction;

	// Unique ID to prevent DOM collisions across multiple templates
	this.uniqueId = _container.getAttribute("id") ? _container.getAttribute("id").replace('.','-') : '';

	 * Preset the object variable
	 * @type {et2_container}
	this.widgetContainer = null;


// List of templates (XML) that are known, not always used.  Indexed by id.
// We share list of templates with iframes and popups
try {
	if (opener && opener.etemplate2)
		etemplate2.prototype.templates = opener.etemplate2.prototype.templates;
	else if (top.etemplate2)
		etemplate2.prototype.templates = top.etemplate2.prototype.templates;
catch (e) {
	// catch security exception if opener is from a different domain
	console.log('Security exception accessing etemplate2.prototype of opener or top!');
if (typeof etemplate2.prototype.templates == "undefined")
	etemplate2.prototype.templates = {};

 * Calls the resize event of all widgets
 * @param {jQuery.event} e
etemplate2.prototype.resize = function(e)
	var event = e;
	var self = this;
	var excess_height = false;

	// Check if the framework has an specific excess height calculation
	if (typeof window.framework != 'undefined' && typeof window.framework.get_wExcessHeight != 'undefined')
		excess_height = window.framework.get_wExcessHeight(window);

	//@TODO implement getaccess height for other framework and remove
	if (typeof event != 'undefined' && event.type == 'resize')
		this.resize_timeout = setTimeout(function(){
			self.resize_timeout = false;
			if (self.widgetContainer)
				var appHeader = jQuery('#divAppboxHeader');

				//Calculate the excess height
				excess_height = egw(window).is_popup()? jQuery(window).height() - jQuery(self.DOMContainer).height() - appHeader.outerHeight()+11: false;
				// Recalculate excess height if the appheader is shown
				if (appHeader.length > 0 && appHeader.is(':visible')) excess_height -= appHeader.outerHeight()-9;

				// Do not resize if the template height is bigger than screen available height
				// For templates which have sub templates and they are bigger than screenHeight
				if(screen.availHeight < jQuery(self.DOMContainer).height()) excess_height = 0;

				// Call the "resize" event of all functions which implement the
				// "IResizeable" interface
				self.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
				}, self, et2_IResizeable);
	// Initial resize needs to be resized immediately (for instance for nextmatch resize)
	else if(this.widgetContainer)
		// Call the "resize" event of all functions which implement the
		// "IResizeable" interface
		this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {

		}, this, et2_IResizeable);

 * Clears the current instance.
etemplate2.prototype.clear = function()

	// Remove any handlers on window (resize)

	// call our destroy_session handler, if it is not already unbind, and unbind it after
	if (this.destroy_session)
	if (this.widgetContainer != null)
		// Un-register handler
		this.widgetContainer.egw().unregisterJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_assign, this, 'assign');

		this.widgetContainer = null;

	// Remove self from the index
	for(name in this.templates)
		if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[name] == "undefined") continue;
		for(var i = 0; i < etemplate2._byTemplate[name].length; i++)
			if(etemplate2._byTemplate[name][i] == this)

 * Creates an associative array containing the data array managers for each part
 * of the associative data array. A part is something like "content", "readonlys"
 * or "sel_options".
 * @param {object} _data object with values for attributes content, sel_options, readonlys, modifications
etemplate2.prototype._createArrayManagers = function(_data)
	if (typeof _data == "undefined")
		_data = {};

	// Create all neccessary _data entries
	var neededEntries = ["content", "sel_options", "readonlys", "modifications",
	for (var i = 0; i < neededEntries.length; i++)
		if (typeof _data[neededEntries[i]] == "undefined" || !_data[neededEntries[i]])
			egw.debug("log", "Created not passed entry '" + neededEntries[i] +
				"' in data array.");
			_data[neededEntries[i]] = {};

	var result = {};

	// Create an array manager object for each part of the _data array.
	for (var key in _data)
		switch (key) {
			case "etemplate_exec_id":	// already processed
			case "app_header":
			case "readonlys":
				result[key] = new et2_readonlysArrayMgr(_data[key]);
				result[key].perspectiveData.owner = this.widgetContainer;
				result[key] = new et2_arrayMgr(_data[key]);
				result[key].perspectiveData.owner = this.widgetContainer;

	return result;

 * Bind our unload handler to notify server that eT session/request no longer needed
 * We only bind, if we have an etemplate_exec_id: not the case for pure client-side
 * calls, eg. via et2_dialog.
etemplate2.prototype.bind_unload = function()
	if (this.etemplate_exec_id)
		this.destroy_session = jQuery.proxy(function(ev)
			var request = egw.json("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate::ajax_destroy_session",
				[this.etemplate_exec_id], null, null, false);
		}, this);

		if (!window.onbeforeunload)
			window.onbeforeunload = this.destroy_session;

 * Unbind our unload handler
etemplate2.prototype.unbind_unload = function()
	if (window.onbeforeunload === this.destroy_session)
		window.onbeforeunload = null;
	delete this.destroy_session;

 * Download a URL not triggering our unload handler and therefore destroying our et2 request
 * @param {string} _url
etemplate2.prototype.download = function(_url)
	// need to unbind unload handler to NOT destroy et2 session

	document.location = _url;

	// bind unload handler again (can NOT do it direct, as this would be quick enough to be still triggered!)
	window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(this.bind_unload, this), 100);

 * Loads the template from the given URL and sets the data object
 * @param {string} _name name of template
 * @param {string} _url url to load template
 * @param {object} _data object with attributes content, langRequire, etemplate_exec_id, ...
 * @param {function} _callback called after tempalte is loaded
 * @param {object} _app local app object
 * @param {boolean} _no_et2_ready true: do not send et2_ready, used by et2_dialog to not overwrite app.js et2 object
etemplate2.prototype.load = function(_name, _url, _data, _callback, _app, _no_et2_ready)
	var app = _app || window.app;
	this.name = _name;	// store top-level template name to have it available in widgets
	// store template base url, in case initial template is loaded via webdav, to use that for further loads too
	// need to split off domain first, as it could contain app-name part of template eg. stylite.report.xet and https://my.stylite.de/egw/...
	if (_url && _url[0] != '/')
		this.template_base_url = _url.match(/https?:\/\/[^/]+/).shift();
		_url = _url.split(this.template_base_url)[1];
		this.template_base_url = '';
	this.template_base_url += _url.split(_name.split('.').shift())[0];

	egw().debug("info", "Loaded data", _data);
	var currentapp = this.app = _data.currentapp || egw().app_name();
	var appname = _name.split('.')[0];
	// if no app object provided and template app is not currentapp (eg. infolog CRM view)
	// create private app object / closure with just classes / prototypes
	if (!_app && appname && appname != currentapp && currentapp != 'home' && appname != 'home') app = { classes: window.app.classes };
	// remember used app object, to eg. use: onchange="widget.getInstanceMgr().app_object[app].callback()"
	this.app_obj = app;

	// extract $content['msg'] and call egw.message() with it
	var msg = _data.content.msg;
	if (typeof msg != 'undefined')
		delete _data.content.msg;

	// Register a handler for AJAX responses
	egw(currentapp, window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_assign, this, 'assign');

	if(egw.debug_level() >= 3)
			egw.window.console.groupCollapsed("Loading %s into ", _name, '#'+this.DOMContainer.id);
	// Timing & profiling on debug level 'log' (4)
	if(egw.debug_level() >= 4)
		var start_time = (new Date).getTime();

	// require necessary translations from server, if not already loaded
	if (!jQuery.isArray(_data.langRequire)) _data.langRequire = [];
	egw(currentapp, window).langRequire(window, _data.langRequire, function()
		// Initialize application js
		var app_callback = null;
		// Only initialize once
		// new app class with constructor function in app.classes[appname]
		if (typeof app[appname] !== 'object' && typeof app.classes[appname] == 'function')
			app[appname] = new app.classes[appname]();
		// old app class with constructor function in app[appname] (deprecated)
		else if(typeof app[appname] == "function")
			(function() { new app[appname]();}).call();
		else if (appname && typeof app[appname] !== "object")
			egw.debug("warn", "Did not load '%s' JS object",appname);
		// If etemplate current app does not match app owning the template,
		// initialize the current app too
		if (typeof app[this.app] !== 'object' && typeof app.classes[this.app] == 'function')
			app[this.app] = new app.classes[this.app]();
		if(typeof app[appname] == "object")
			app_callback = function(_et2, _name) {
				app[appname].et2_ready(_et2, _name);

		// Clear any existing instance

		// Create the basic widget container and attach it to the DOM
		this.widgetContainer = new et2_container(null);
		this.widgetContainer.setApiInstance(egw(currentapp, egw.elemWindow(this.DOMContainer)));

		// store the id to submit it back to server
		if(_data) {
			this.etemplate_exec_id = _data.etemplate_exec_id;
			// set app_header
			if (typeof _data.app_header == 'string')
			// bind our unload handler

		var _load = function() {
			egw.debug("log", "Loading template...");
			if(egw.debug_level() >= 4 && console.timeStamp)
				console.timeStamp("Begin rendering template");

			// Add into indexed list - do this before, so anything looking can find it,
			// even if it's not loaded
			if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[_name] == "undefined")
				etemplate2._byTemplate[_name] = [];

			// Read the XML structure of the requested template

			// List of Promises from widgets that are not quite fully loaded
			var deferred = [];

			// Inform the widget tree that it has been successfully loaded.

			// Connect to the window resize event
			jQuery(window).on("resize."+this.uniqueId, this, function(e) {e.data.resize(e);});

			if(egw.debug_level() >= 3 && console.groupEnd)
			if(deferred.length > 0)
				var still_deferred = 0;
				jQuery(deferred).each(function() {if(this.state() == "pending") still_deferred++;});
				if(still_deferred > 0)
					egw.debug("log", "Template loaded, waiting for %d/%d deferred to finish...",still_deferred, deferred.length);

			// Wait for everything to be loaded, then finish it up
			jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, deferred).done(jQuery.proxy(function() {
				egw.debug("log", "Finished loading %s, triggering load event", _name);

				if (typeof window.framework != 'undefined' && typeof window.framework.et2_loadingFinished != 'undefined')
					//Call loading finished method of the framework with local window
				// Trigger the "resize" event

				// Automatically set focus to first visible input for popups
				if(this.widgetContainer._egw.is_popup() && jQuery('[autofocus]',this.DOMContainer).focus().length == 0)
					var $input = jQuery('input:visible',this.DOMContainer)
						// Date fields open the calendar popup on focus
						.filter(function() {
						// Skip inputs that are out of tab ordering
						var $this = jQuery(this);
						return !$this.attr('tabindex') || $this.attr('tabIndex')>=0;

					// mobile device, focus only if the field is empty (usually means new entry)
					// should focus always for non-mobile one
					if (egwIsMobile() && $input.val() == "" || !egwIsMobile()) $input.focus();

				// Tell others about it
				if(typeof _callback == "function")
				if(app_callback && _callback != app_callback && !_no_et2_ready)
				if(appname && appname != this.app && typeof app[this.app] == "object" && !_no_et2_ready)
					// Loaded a template from a different application?
					// Let the application that loaded it know too
					app[this.app].et2_ready(this, this.name);

				jQuery(this.DOMContainer).trigger('load', this);

				// Profiling
				if(egw.debug_level() >= 4)
					var end_time = (new Date).getTime();
					var gen_time_div = jQuery('#divGenTime_'+appname);
					if (!gen_time_div.length) gen_time_div = jQuery('.pageGenTime');
					gen_time_div.append('<span class="et2RenderTime">'+egw.lang('eT2 rendering took %1s', (end_time-start_time)/1000)+'</span>');

		// Load & process
		try {
			if (this.templates[_name])
				// Set array managers first, or errors will happen

				// Already have it
		catch (e) {
			// wired security exception in IE denying access to template cache in opener
			if (e.message == 'Permission denied')
				etemplate2.prototype.templates = {};
			// other error eg. in app.js et2_ready or event handlers --> rethrow it
				throw e;
		// Asynchronously load the XET file
		et2_loadXMLFromURL(_url, function(_xmldoc) {

			// Scan for templates and store them
			for(var i = 0; i < _xmldoc.childNodes.length; i++) {
				var template = _xmldoc.childNodes[i];
				if(template.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "template") continue;
				this.templates[template.getAttribute("id")] = template;
				if(!_name) this.name = template.getAttribute("id");
		}, this);

		// Split the given data into array manager objects and pass those to the
		// widget container - do this here because file is loaded async
	}, this);

 * Check if template contains any dirty (unsaved) content
 * @returns {Boolean}
etemplate2.prototype.isDirty = function()
	var dirty = false;
	this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
		if (_widget.isDirty && _widget.isDirty())
			dirty = true;

	return dirty;

 * Submit the et2_container form to a blank iframe in order to activate browser autocomplete
etemplate2.prototype.autocomplete_fixer = function ()
	var self = this;
	var form = self.DOMContainer;

	// Safari always do the autofill for password field regardless of autocomplete = off
	// and since there's no other way to switch the autocomplete of, we should switch the
	// form autocomplete off (e.g. compose dialog, attachment password field)
	if (navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i)
			&& jQuery('input[type="password"]').length > 0)

	if (form)
		// Stop submit propagation in order to not fire other possible submit events
		// for instance, CKEditor has its own submit event handler which we do not want to
		// fire that on submit
		form.onsubmit = function(e){e.stopPropagation();};

		// Firefox give a security warning when transmitting to "about:blank" from a https site
		// we work around that by giving existing etemplate/empty.html url
		// Safari shows same warning, thought Chrome userAgent also includes Safari
		if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(firefox|safari|iceweasel)/i) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i))
			jQuery(form).attr({action: egw.webserverUrl+'/api/templates/default/empty.html',method:'post'});
		// need to trigger submit because submit() would not trigger onsubmit event
		// since the submit does not get fired directly via user interaction.

 * Submit form via ajax
 * @param {(et2_button|string)} button button widget or string with id
 * @param {boolean} async true: do an asynchronious submit, default is synchronious
 * @param {boolean} no_validation - Do not do individual widget validation, just submit their current values
 * @param {et2_widget|undefined} _container container to submit, default whole template
 * @return {boolean} true if submit was send, false if eg. validation stoped submit
etemplate2.prototype.submit = function(button, async, no_validation, _container)
	if(typeof no_validation == 'undefined')
		no_validation = false;
	var container = _container || this.widgetContainer;

	// Get the form values
	var values = this.getValues(container);

	// Trigger the submit event
	var canSubmit = true;
		container.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
			if (_widget.submit(values) === false)
				canSubmit = false;
		}, this, et2_ISubmitListener);

	if (canSubmit)
		if (typeof button == 'string')
			button = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(button);
		// Button parameter used for submit buttons in datagrid
		// TODO: This should probably go in nextmatch's getValues(), along with selected rows somehow.
		// I'm just not sure how.
		if(button && !values.button)
			values.button = {};
			var path = button.getPath();
			var target = values;
			for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++)
				if(!values[path[i]]) values[path[i]] = {};
				target = values[path[i]];
			if(target != values || button.id.indexOf('[') != -1 && path.length == 0)
				var indexes = button.id.split('[');
				if (indexes.length > 1)
					indexes = [indexes.shift(), indexes.join('[')];
					indexes[1] = indexes[1].substring(0,indexes[1].length-1);
					var children = indexes[1].split('][');
						indexes = jQuery.merge([indexes[0]], children);
				var idx = '';
				for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
					idx = indexes[i];
					if(!target[idx] || target[idx]['$row_cont']) target[idx] = i < indexes.length -1 ? {} : true;
					target = target[idx];
			else if (typeof values.button == 'undefined' || jQuery.isEmptyObject(values.button))
				delete values.button;
				values[button.id] = true;

		// Create the request object
		if (this.menuaction)


			// unbind our session-destroy handler, as we are submitting

			var api = this.widgetContainer.egw();
			var request = api.json(this.menuaction, [this.etemplate_exec_id, values, no_validation], null, this, async);
			this.widgetContainer.egw().debug("warn", "Missing menuaction for submit.  Values: ", values);
	return canSubmit;

 * Does a full form post submit.
 * Only use this one if you need it, use the ajax submit() instead
etemplate2.prototype.postSubmit = function()
	// Get the form values
	var values = this.getValues(this.widgetContainer);

	// Trigger the submit event
	var canSubmit = true;
	this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
		if (_widget.submit(values) === false)
			canSubmit = false;
	}, this, et2_ISubmitListener);

	if (canSubmit)
		// unbind our session-destroy handler, as we are submitting

		var form = jQuery("<form id='form' action='"+egw().webserverUrl +
			"/index.php?menuaction=" + this.widgetContainer.egw().getAppName()+".EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate.process_exec&ajax=true' method='POST'>");

		var etemplate_id = jQuery(document.createElement("input"))

		var input = document.createElement("input");
		input.type = "hidden";
		input.name = 'value';
		input.value = egw().jsonEncode(values);

 * Fetches all input element values and returns them in an associative
 * array. Widgets which introduce namespacing can use the internal _target
 * parameter to add another layer.
 * @param {et2_widget} _root widget to start iterating
etemplate2.prototype.getValues = function(_root)
	var result = {};

	// Iterate over the widget tree
	_root.iterateOver(function(_widget) {

		// The widget must have an id to be included in the values array
		if (_widget.id == "")

		// Get the path to the node we have to store the value at
		var path = _widget.getPath();

		// check if id contains a hierachical name, eg. "button[save]"
		var id = _widget.id;
		var indexes = id.split('[');
		if (indexes.length > 1)
			indexes = [indexes.shift(), indexes.join('[')];
			indexes[1] = indexes[1].substring(0,indexes[1].length-1);
			var children = indexes[1].split('][');
				indexes = jQuery.merge([indexes[0]], children);
			path = path.concat(indexes);
			// Take the last one as the ID
			id = path.pop();

		// Set the _target variable to that node
		var _target = result;
		for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++)
			// Create a new object for not-existing path nodes
			if (typeof _target[path[i]] === 'undefined')
				_target[path[i]] = {};

			// Check whether the path node is really an object
			if (typeof _target[path[i]] === 'object')
				_target = _target[path[i]];
				egw.debug("error", "ID collision while writing at path " +
					"node '" + path[i] + "'");

		// Handle arrays, eg radio[]
		if(id === "")
			id = typeof _target == "undefined" ? 0 : Object.keys(_target).length;

		var value = _widget.getValue();

		// Check whether the entry is really undefined
		if (typeof _target[id] != "undefined" && (typeof _target[id] != 'object' || typeof value != 'object'))
			// Don't warn about children of nextmatch header - they're part of nm value
				egw.debug("warn", _widget, "Overwriting value of '" + _widget.id +
					"', id exists twice!");

		// Store the value of the widget and reset its dirty flag
		if (value !== null)
			// Merge, if possible (link widget)
			if(typeof _target[id] == 'object' && typeof value == 'object')
				_target[id] = jQuery.extend({},_target[id],value);
				_target[id] = value;
		else if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(_target))
			// Avoid sending back empty sub-arrays
			_target = result;
			for (var i = 0; i < path.length-1; i++)
				_target = _target[path[i]];
			delete _target[path[path.length-1]];

	}, this, et2_IInput);

	egw().debug("info", "Value", result);
	return result;

 * "Intelligently" refresh the template based on the given ID
 * Rather than blindly re-load the entire template, we try to be a little smarter about it.
 * If there's a message provided, we try to find where it goes and set it directly.  Then
 * we look for a nextmatch widget, and tell it to refresh its data based on that ID.
 * @see egw_message.refresh()
 * @param {string} msg message to try to display.  eg: "Entry added" (not used anymore, handeled by egw_refresh and egw_message)
 * @param {string} app app-name
 * @param {(string|null)} id application specific entry ID to try to refresh
 * @param {(string|null)} type type of change.  One of 'update','edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
 * @return {boolean} true if nextmatch found and refreshed, false if not
etemplate2.prototype.refresh = function(msg, app, id, type)
	msg, app;	// unused but required by function signature
	var refresh_done = false;

	// Refresh nextmatches
	this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
		// Trigger refresh
		refresh_done = true;
	}, this, et2_nextmatch);

	return refresh_done;

 * "Intelligently" refresh a given app
 * @see egw_message.refresh()
 * @param {string} _msg message to try to display.  eg: "Entry added" (not used anymore, handeled by egw_refresh and egw_message)
 * @param {string} _app app-name
 * @param {(string|null)} _id application specific entry ID to try to refresh
 * @param {(string|null)} _type type of change.  One of 'update','edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
 * @return {boolean} true if nextmatch found and refreshed, false if not
etemplate2.app_refresh = function(_msg, _app, _id, _type)
	var refresh_done = false;
	var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(_app);
	for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
		refresh_done = et2[i].refresh(_msg,_app,_id,_type) || refresh_done;
	return refresh_done;

 * "Intelligently" print a given etemplate
 * Mostly, we let the nextmatch change how many rows it's showing, so you don't
 * get just one printed page.
 * @return {Deferred[]} A list of Deferred objects that must complete before
 *  actual printing can begin.
etemplate2.prototype.print = function()
	// Sometimes changes take time
	var deferred = [];

	// Skip hidden etemplates
	if(jQuery(this.DOMContainer).filter(':visible').length === 0) return [];

	// Allow any widget to change for printing
	this.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) {
		// Skip widgets from a different etemplate (home)
		if(_widget.getInstanceManager() != this) return;
		var result = _widget.beforePrint();
		if (typeof result == "object" && result.done)

	return deferred;

// Some static things to make getting into widget context a little easier //

 * List of etemplates by loaded template
etemplate2._byTemplate = {};

 * Get a list of etemplate2 objects that loaded the given template name
 * @param template String Name of the template that was loaded
 * @return Array list of etemplate2 that have that template

etemplate2.getByTemplate = function(template)
	if(typeof etemplate2._byTemplate[template] != "undefined")
		return etemplate2._byTemplate[template];
		// Return empty array so you can always iterate over results
		return [];

 * Get a list of etemplate2 objects that are associated with the given application
 * "Associated" is determined by the first part of the template
 * @param {string} app app-name
 * @return {array} list of etemplate2 that have that app as the first part of their loaded template
etemplate2.getByApplication = function(app)
	var list = [];
	for(var name in etemplate2._byTemplate)
		if(name.indexOf(app + ".") == 0)
			list = list.concat(etemplate2._byTemplate[name]);
	return list;

 * Get a etemplate2 object from the given DOM ID
 * @param {string} id DOM ID of the container node
 * @returns {etemplate2|null}
etemplate2.getById = function(id)
	for( var name in etemplate2._byTemplate)
		for(var i = 0; i < etemplate2._byTemplate[name].length; i++)
			var et = etemplate2._byTemplate[name][i];

			if(et.DOMContainer.getAttribute("id") == id)
				return et;
	return null;

 * Plugin for egw.json type "et2_load"
 * @param _type
 * @param _response
 * @returns {Boolean}
function etemplate2_handle_load(_type, _response)
	// Check the parameters
	var data = _response.data;

	// handle Api\Framework::refresh_opener()
	if (jQuery.isArray(data['refresh-opener']))
		if (window.opener)// && typeof window.opener.egw_refresh == 'function')
			var egw = window.egw(opener);
			egw.refresh.apply(egw, data['refresh-opener']);
	var egw = window.egw(window);

	// need to set app_header before message, as message temp. replaces app_header
	if (typeof data.data == 'object' && typeof data.data.app_header == 'string')
		egw.app_header(data.data.app_header, data.data.currentapp||null);
		delete data.data.app_header;

	// handle Api\Framework::message()
	if (jQuery.isArray(data.message))
		egw.message.apply(egw, data.message);

	// handle Api\Framework::window_close(), this will terminate execution
	if (data['window-close'])
		if (typeof data['window-close'] == 'string' && data['window-close'] !== 'true')
		return true;

	// handle Api\Framework::window_focus()
	if (data['window-focus'])

	// handle framework.setSidebox calls
	if (window.framework && jQuery.isArray(data.setSidebox))
		window.framework.setSidebox.apply(window.framework, data.setSidebox);

	// regular et2 re-load
	if (typeof data.url == "string" && typeof data.data === 'object')
		if(typeof this.load == 'function')
			// Called from etemplate
			this.load(data.name, data.url, data.data);
			return true;
			// Not etemplate
			var node = document.getElementById(data.DOMNodeID);
					// Node has children already?  Check for loading over an
					// existing etemplate
					var old = etemplate2.getById(node.id);
					if(old) old.clear();
				var et2 = new etemplate2(node);
				et2.load(data.name, data.url, data.data);
				return true;
				egw.debug("error", "Could not find target node %s", data.DOMNodeId);

	throw("Error while parsing et2_load response");

 * Plugin for egw.json type "et2_validation_error"
 * @param _type
 * @param _response
function etemplate2_handle_validation_error(_type, _response)
	// Display validation errors
	for(var id in _response.data)
		var widget = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(id);

			// Handle validation_error (messages coming back from server as a response) if widget is children of a tabbox
			var tmpWidget = widget;
			while(tmpWidget._parent && tmpWidget._type != 'tabbox')
				tmpWidget = tmpWidget._parent;
			//Acvtivate the tab where the widget with validation error is located
			if (tmpWidget._type == 'tabbox') tmpWidget.activateTab(widget);

	egw().debug("warn","Validation errors", _response.data);
 * Handle assign for attributes on etemplate2 widgets
 * @param {string} type "assign"
 * @param {object} res Response
 * res.data.id {String} Widget ID
 * res.data.key {String} Attribute name
 * res.data.value New value for widget
 * res.data.etemplate_exec_id
 * @param {object} req
 * @returns {Boolean} Handled by this plugin
 * @throws Invalid parameters if the required res.data parameters are missing
function etemplate2_handle_assign(type, res, req)
	type, req;	// unused, but required by plugin signature

	//Check whether all needed parameters have been passed and call the alertHandler function
	if ((typeof res.data.id != 'undefined') &&
		(typeof res.data.key != 'undefined') &&
		(typeof res.data.value != 'undefined')
		if(typeof res.data.etemplate_exec_id == 'undefined' ||
			res.data.etemplate_exec_id != this.etemplate_exec_id)
			// Not for this etemplate, but not an error
			return false;
		if (res.data.key == 'etemplate_exec_id')
			this.etemplate_exec_id = res.data.value;
			return true;
		if(this.widgetContainer == null)
			// Right etemplate, but it's already been cleared.
			egw.debug('warn', "Tried to call assign on an un-loaded etemplate", res.data);
			return false;
		var widget = this.widgetContainer.getWidgetById(res.data.id);
		if (widget)
			if(typeof widget['set_' + res.data.key] != 'function')
				egw.debug('warn', "Cannot set %s attribute %s via JSON assign, no set_%s()",res.data.id,res.data.key,res.data.key);
				return false;
				widget['set_' + res.data.key].call(widget,res.data.value);
				return true;
			catch (e)
				egw.debug("error", "When assigning %s on %s via AJAX, \n"+(e.message||e+""),res.data.key,res.data.id,widget);
		return false;
	throw 'Invalid parameters';
// Calls etemplate2_handle_response in the context of the object which
// requested the response from the server
egw(window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_load, null, 'et2_load');
egw(window).registerJSONPlugin(etemplate2_handle_validation_error, null, 'et2_validation_error');

 * Compatability function for etemplate
 * When we're fully on et2, replace each useage with a call to etemplate2 widget.getInstanceManager().submit()
 * @param obj DOM Node, usually a button
 * @param widget et2_widget
function xajax_eT_wrapper(obj,widget)
	egw().debug("warn", "xajax_eT_wrapper() is deprecated, replace with widget.getInstanceManager().submit()");
	if(typeof obj == "object")
		jQuery("div.popupManual div.noPrint").hide();
		if(typeof widget == "undefined" && obj.id)
			// Try to find the widget by ID so we don't have to change every call
			var et2 = etemplate2.getByApplication(egw_getAppName());
			for(var i = 0; i < et2.length; i++)
				widget = et2[i].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(obj.id);
				if(widget.getInstanceManager) break;
		jQuery("div.popupManual div.noPrint").show();