* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /**************************************************************************\ * These are the few functions needed for parsing the inline comments * \**************************************************************************/ /*! @function array_print @abstract output an array for HTML. @syntax array_print($array); @example array_print($my_array); */ function array_print($array) { if(floor(phpversion()) == 4) { ob_start(); echo '
'; print_r($array); echo '
'; $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $contents; } else { echo '
'; var_dump($array); echo '
'; } } /*! @function parseobject @abstract Parses inline comments for a single function @author seek3r @syntax parseobject($input); @example $return_data = parseobject($doc_data); */ function parseobject($input) { $types = array('abstract','param','example','syntax','result','description','discussion','author','copyright','package','access'); $new = explode("@",$input); while (list($x,$y) = each($new)) { if (!isset($object) || trim($new[0]) == $object) { $t = trim($new[0]); $t = trim(ereg_replace('#'.'function'.' ','',$t)); reset($types); while(list($z,$type) = each($types)) { if(ereg('#'.$type.' ',$y)) { $xkey = $type; $out = $y; $out = trim(ereg_replace('#'.$type.' ','',$out)); break; } else { $xkey = 'unknown'; $out = $y; } } if($out != $new[0]) { $output[$t][$xkey][] = $out; } } } if ($GLOBALS['object_type'].' '.$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object'] == $t) { $GLOBALS['special_request'] = $output[$t]; } return Array('name' => $t, 'value' => $output[$t]); } /*! @function parsesimpleobject @abstract Parses inline comments for a single function, in a more limited fashion @author seek3r @syntax parsesimpleobject($input); @example $return_data = parsesimpleobject($simple_doc_data); */ function parsesimpleobject($input) { $types = array('abstract','param','example','syntax','result','description','discussion','author','copyright','package','access'); $input = ereg_replace ("@", "@#", $input); $new = explode("@",$input); if (count($new) < 3) { return False; } unset ($new[0], $new[1]); while (list($x,$y) = each($new)) { if (!isset($object) || trim($new[0]) == $object) { $t = trim($new[0]); reset($types); while(list($z,$type) = each($types)) { if(ereg('#'.$type.' ',$y)) { $xkey = $type; $out = $y; $out = trim(ereg_replace('#'.$type.' ','',$out)); break; } else { $xkey = 'unknown'; $out = $y; } } if($out != $new[0]) { $output[$t][$xkey][] = $out; } } } if ($GLOBALS['object_type'].' '.$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object'] == $t) { $GLOBALS['special_request'] = $output[$t]; } return Array('name' => $t, 'value' => $output[$t]); } /**************************************************************************\ * This section handles processing most of the input params for * * limiting and selecting what to print * \**************************************************************************/ if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object_type'])) { $GLOBALS['object_type'] = 'function'; } else { $GLOBALS['object_type'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object_type']; } $app = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['app']; $fn = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['fn']; if($app) { if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/i",$app)) { echo 'Invalid application
'; exit; } } else { $app = 'phpgwapi'; } if ($fn) { if (preg_match("/^class\.([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\.inc\.php+$/",$fn) || preg_match("/^functions\.inc\.php+$/",$fn) || preg_match("/^xml_functions\.inc\.php+$/",$fn)) { $files[] = $fn; } else { echo 'No valid file selected'; exit; } } else { $d = dir('../'.$app.'/inc/'); while ($x = $d->read()) { if (preg_match("/^class\.([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\.inc\.php+$/",$x) || preg_match("/^functions\.inc\.php+$/",$x)) { $files[] = $x; } } $d->close; sort($files); } /**************************************************************************\ * Now that I have the list of files, I loop thru all of them and get the * * inline comments from them and load each of them into an array * \**************************************************************************/ while (list($p,$fn) = each($files)) { $matches = $elements = $data = $startstop = array(); $string = $t = $out = $xkey = $new = ''; $file = '../'.$app.'/inc/' . $fn; // echo 'Looking at: ' . $file . "
\n"; $f = fopen($file,'r'); while (!feof($f)) { $string .= fgets($f,8000); } fclose($f); preg_match_all("#\*\!(.*)\*/#sUi",$string,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); /**************************************************************************\ * Now that I have the list of found inline docs, I need to figure out * * which group they belong to. * \**************************************************************************/ $idx = 0; $ssmatches = $matches; reset($ssmatches); while (list($sskey,$ssval) = each($ssmatches)) { if (preg_match ("/@class_start/i", $ssval[1])) { $ssval[1] = ereg_replace ("@", "@#", $ssval[1]); $ssval[1] = explode("@",$ssval[1]); $ssresult = trim(ereg_replace ("#class_start", "", $ssval[1][1])); $sstype = 'class'; unset($matches[$idx][1][0], $matches[$idx][1][1]); $matches_starts[$sstype.' '.$ssresult] = $matches[$idx][1]; unset($matches[$idx]); } elseif (preg_match ("/@class_end $ssresult/i", $ssval[1])) { unset($ssresult); unset($matches[$idx]); } elseif (preg_match ("/@collection_start/i", $ssval[1])) { $ssval[1] = ereg_replace ("@", "@#", $ssval[1]); $ssval[1] = explode("@",$ssval[1]); $ssresult = trim(ereg_replace ("#collection_start", "", $ssval[1][1])); $sstype = 'collection'; unset($matches[$idx][1][0], $matches[$idx][1][1]); $matches_starts[$sstype.' '.$ssresult] = $matches[$idx][1]; unset($matches[$idx]); } elseif (preg_match ("/@collection_end $ssresult/i", $ssval[1])) { unset($ssresult); unset($matches[$idx]); } else { if (isset($ssresult)) { $startstop[$idx] = $sstype.' '.$ssresult; } else { $startstop[$idx] = 'some_lame_string_that_wont_be_used_by_a_function'; } } $idx = $idx + 1; } unset($ssmatches, $sskey, $ssval, $ssresult, $sstype, $idx); reset($startstop); /**************************************************************************\ * Now that I have the list groups and which records belong in which groups * * its time to parse each function and stick it under the appropriate group * * if there is no defined group for a function, then it gets tossed under * * a special group named by the file it was found in * \**************************************************************************/ while (list($key,$val) = each($matches)) { preg_match_all("#@(.*)$#sUi",$val[1],$data); $data[1][0] = ereg_replace ("@", "@#", $data[1][0]); $returndata = parseobject($data[1][0], $fn); if ($startstop[$key] == 'some_lame_string_that_wont_be_used_by_a_function') { $doc_array['file '.$fn][0]['files'][] = $fn; $doc_array['file '.$fn][0]['files'] = array_unique($doc_array['file '.$fn][0]['files']); $doc_array['file '.$fn][$returndata['name']] = $returndata['value']; } else { if (!isset($doc_array[$startstop[$key]][0]) && isset($matches_starts[$startstop[$key]])) { $returndoc = parsesimpleobject($matches_starts[$startstop[$key]]); if ($returndoc != False) { $returndoc['value']['files'][] = $fn; $returndoc['value']['files'] = array_unique($returndoc['value']['files']); } $doc_array[$startstop[$key]][0] = $returndoc['value']; } else { $doc_array[$startstop[$key]][0]['files'][] = $fn; $doc_array[$startstop[$key]][0]['files'] = array_unique($doc_array[$startstop[$key]][0]['files']); } $doc_array[$startstop[$key]][$returndata['name']] = $returndata['value']; } } } if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object'])) { $doc_array = Array($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['object'] => $GLOBALS['special_request']); } include ('../phpgwapi/inc/class.Template.inc.php'); $curdir = getcwd(); $GLOBALS['template'] = new template($curdir); $output_format = 'html'; $GLOBALS['template']->set_file(array('tpl_file' => 'inlinedocparser_'.$output_format.'.tpl',)); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','border_top'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file', 'group'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file', 'object'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','border_bottom'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','generic'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','abstract'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','params'); $GLOBALS['template']->set_block('tpl_file','param_entry'); $GLOBALS['template']->fp('doc','border_top',True); reset($doc_array); while(list($group_key, $group_value) = each($doc_array)) { $GLOBALS['template']->set_var('group_name',$group_key); /* This is where most of the work in creating the output gets done */ while(list($object_key, $object_value) = each($group_value)) { $GLOBALS['template']->set_var('object_name',$object_key); if(is_array($object_value)) { while(list($docline_key, $docline_value) = each($object_value)) { $GLOBALS['template']->set_var('generic_name',$docline_key); $GLOBALS['template']->set_var('generic_value',$docline_value[0]); $GLOBALS['template']->fp('object_contents','generic',True); } $GLOBALS['template']->fp('group_contents','object',True); } } $GLOBALS['template']->fp('doc','group',True); } $GLOBALS['template']->fp('doc','border_bottom',True); $GLOBALS['template']->pfp('out', 'doc'); array_print($doc_array); ?>