 * mail - static javaScript functions
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Stylite AG [info@stylite.de]
 * @copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Stylite AG <info-AT-stylite.de>
 * @package mail
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$


 * UI for mail
 * @augments AppJS
app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
	appname: 'mail',

	 * et2 widget container
	et2: null,
	doStatus: null,

	mail_queuedFolders: [],
	mail_queuedFoldersIndex: 0,

	mail_selectedMails: [],
	mail_currentlyFocussed: '',
	mail_previewAreaActive: true, // we start with the area active

	nm_index: 'nm', // nm nome of index
	mail_fileSelectorWindow: null,
	mail_isMainWindow: true,

	// Some state variables to track preview pre-loading
	preview_preload: {
		timeout: null,
		request: null

	 * abbrevations for common access rights
	 * @array
	aclCommonRights:['lrs','lprs','ilprs',	'ilprws', 'akxeilprwts', 'custom'],
	 * Demonstrates ACL rights
	 * @array

	 * Initialize javascript for this application
	 * @memberOf mail
	init: function() {

	 * Destructor
	destroy: function()
		// Unbind from nm refresh
		if(this.et2 != null)
			var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm');
			if(nm != null)
		delete this.et2_obj;
		// call parent
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

	 * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
	 * and ready.  If you must store a reference to the et2 object,
	 * make sure to clean it up in destroy().
	 * @param et2 etemplate2 Newly ready object
	et2_ready: function(et2)
		// call parent; somehow this function is called more often. (twice on a display and compose) why?
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);
		this.et2_obj = et2;
		var isMainView = false;
		var isDisplay = false;
		var isCompose = false;
		for (var t in et2.templates)
			//alert(t); // as we iterate through this more than once, ... we separate trigger and action
			switch (t) {
				case 'mail.index':
					this.mail_isMainWindow = isMainView=true;
				case 'mail.display':
					this.mail_isMainWindow = false;
				case 'mail.compose':
					this.mail_isMainWindow = false;
					isCompose = true;
		//alert('action about to go down');
		if (isMainView)

			// Bind to nextmatch refresh to update folder status
			var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm');
			if(nm != null && (typeof jQuery._data(nm).events=='undefined'||typeof jQuery._data(nm).events.refresh == 'undefined'))
				var self = this;
				$j(nm).on('refresh',function() {self.mail_refreshFolderStatus.call(self,undefined,undefined,false);});
			var tree_wdg = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
			if (tree_wdg)
				tree_wdg.set_onopenstart(jQuery.proxy(this.openstart_tree, this));
				tree_wdg.set_onopenend(jQuery.proxy(this.openend_tree, this));
		if (isDisplay)
			var subject = this.et2.getWidgetById('mail_displaysubject');
			var body = this.et2.getWidgetById('mailDisplayBodySrc');
			var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('mail');
			if (typeof app_registry['view'] != 'undefined' && typeof app_registry['view_popup'] != 'undefined' )
				var w_h =app_registry['view_popup'].split('x');
				if (w_h[1] == 'egw_getWindowOuterHeight()') w_h[1] = (screen.availHeight>egw_getWindowOuterHeight()?screen.availHeight:egw_getWindowOuterHeight());
		if (isCompose)
			var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('mail');//this.appname);
			if (typeof app_registry['edit'] != 'undefined' && typeof app_registry['edit_popup'] != 'undefined' )
				var w_h =app_registry['edit_popup'].split('x');
				if (w_h[1] == 'egw_getWindowOuterHeight()') w_h[1] = (screen.availHeight>egw_getWindowOuterHeight()?screen.availHeight:egw_getWindowOuterHeight());
			//alert('resizing to'+(w_h[0]?w_h[0]:870)+','+(w_h[1]?w_h[1]:egw_getWindowOuterHeight()));
		//Vacation By_date filter
		if (typeof et2.templates['mail.sieve.vacation'] != 'undefined')

	 * mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed - implementation to decide wich mail of all the selected ones is the current
	 * @param _selected array of the selected mails
	 * @param _reset bool - tell the function to reset the global vars used
	mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed: function(_selected, _reset) {
		//console.log("mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed",_selected, _reset);
		// reinitialize the buffer-info on selected mails
		if (_reset == true || typeof _selected == 'undefined')
			if (_reset == true)
				//var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(nm_index);
				//if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed!='') nm.refresh([this.mail_currentlyFocussed],'delete');//egw.dataDeleteUID(this.mail_currentlyFocussed);
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed!='') egw.dataDeleteUID(this.mail_currentlyFocussed);
				for(var k = 0; k < this.mail_selectedMails.length; k++) egw.dataDeleteUID(this.mail_selectedMails[k]);
			this.mail_selectedMails = [];
			this.mail_currentlyFocussed = '';
			return '';
		for(var k = 0; k < _selected.length; k++)
			if (jQuery.inArray(_selected[k],this.mail_selectedMails)==-1)
				this.mail_currentlyFocussed = _selected[k];
		this.mail_selectedMails = _selected;
		return this.mail_currentlyFocussed;

	 * mail_open - implementation of the open action
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the elements(s) the action is to be performed on
	 * @param _mode - you may pass the mode. if not given view is used (tryastext|tryashtml are supported)
	mail_open: function(_action, _senders, _mode) {
		//console.log("mail_open",_action, _senders);
		if (typeof _senders == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _senders = [];
				_senders.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _senders == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _senders = [];
		var _id = _senders[0].id;
		// reinitialize the buffer-info on selected mails
		if (!(_mode == 'tryastext' || _mode == 'tryashtml' || _mode == 'view')) _mode = 'view';
		this.mail_selectedMails = [];
		this.mail_currentlyFocussed = _id;

		var dataElem = egw.dataGetUIDdata(_id);
		var subject = dataElem.data.subject;
		//alert('Open Message:'+_id+' '+subject);
		var h = egw().open( _id,'mail','view',_mode+'='+_id.replace(/=/g,"_") );
		egw(h).ready(function() {
			h.document.title = subject;
		var messages = {};
		messages['msg'] = [_id];
		// When body is requested, mail is marked as read by the mail server.  Update UI to match.
		if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags.read != 'undefined') dataElem.data.flags.read = 'read';
		if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && (dataElem.data.class.indexOf('unseen') >= 0 || dataElem.data.class.indexOf('recent') >= 0))
			// reduce counter without server roundtrip
			// not needed, as an explizit read flags the message as seen anyhow
			//egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_flagMessages',['read', messages, false]);

	 * Open a single message in html mode
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_openAsHtml: function(_action, _elems)
		this.mail_open(_action, _elems,'tryashtml');

	 * Open a single message in plain text mode
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_openAsText: function(_action, _elems)
		this.mail_open(_action, _elems,'tryastext');

	 * Compose, reply or forward a message
	 * @function
	 * @memberOf mail
	 * @param _action _action.id is 'compose', 'composeasnew', 'reply', 'reply_all' or 'forward' (forward can be multiple messages)
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_compose: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2 && this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		//console.log(_action, _elems);
		// Extra info passed to egw.open()
		var settings = {
			// 'Source' Mail UID
			id: '',
			// How to pull data from the Mail IDs for the compose
			from: ''

		// We only handle one for everything but forward
		settings.id = (typeof _elems == 'undefined'?'':_elems[0].id);

			case 'compose':
				if (_elems.length == 1)
					return this.mail_compose('forward',_elems);
			case 'forward':
			case 'forwardinline':
			case 'forwardasattach':
				if (_elems.length>1||_action.id == 'forwardasattach')
					settings.from = 'forward';
					settings.mode = 'forwardasattach';
					if (typeof _elems != 'undefined' && _elems.length>1)
						for(var j = 1; j < _elems.length; j++)
						settings.id = settings.id + ',' + _elems[j].id;
					settings.from = 'forward';
					settings.mode = 'forwardinline';
				// No further client side processing needed for these
				settings.from = _action.id;
		var compose_list = egw.getOpenWindows("mail", /^compose_/);
		var window_name = 'compose_' + compose_list.length + '_'+ (settings.from || '') + '_' + settings.id;
		return egw().open('','mail','add',settings,window_name,'mail');

	 * Set content into a compose window
	 * @function
	 * @memberOf mail
	 * @param {String} window_name The name of an open content window.
	 * @param content Data to set into the window's fields
	 * @param content.to Addresses to add to the to line
	 * @param content.cc Addresses to add to the CC line
	 * @param content.bcc Addresses to add to the BCC line
	 * @return {boolean} Success
	setCompose: function(window_name, content)
		// Get window
		var compose = window.open('', window_name);
		if(!compose || compose.closed) return false;

		// Get etemplate of popup
		var compose_et2 = compose.etemplate2.getByApplication('mail');
		if(!compose_et2 || compose_et2.length != 1 || !compose_et2[0].widgetContainer)
			return false;

		// Set each field provided
		var success = true;
		for(var field in content)
				var widget = compose_et2[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(field);

				// Merge array values, replace strings
				var value = widget.getValue() || content[field];
				egw.log("error", "Unable to set field %s to '%s' in window '%s'", field, content[field],window_name);
				success = false;
		return success;

	 * Compose, reply or forward a message
	 * @param _url url to open
	 * @param forwardByCompose boolean to decide about the method
	mail_openComposeWindow: function(_url,forwardByCompose,_elems) {
		var Check=true;
		var alreadyAsked=false;
		var _messageList;
		var sMessageList='';
		// check if mailgrid exists, before accessing it
		var cbAllVisibleMessages;
		var cbAllMessages = false;
		if (typeof forwardByCompose == 'undefined') forwardByCompose = true;
		if (forwardByCompose == false)
			cbAllMessages = cbAllVisibleMessages = Check = false;
		if (typeof prefAskForMultipleForward == 'undefined') prefAskForMultipleForward = egw.preference('prefaskformultipleforward','mail');
		if (cbAllMessages == true || cbAllVisibleMessages == true)
			Check = confirm(this.egw.lang('multiple forward of all mesages'));

		if ((cbAllMessages == true || cbAllVisibleMessages == true ) && Check == true)
			//_messageList = 'all'; // all is not supported by now, only visibly selected messages are chosen
			_messageList = this.mail_getFormData(_elems);
			if (Check == true) _messageList = this.mail_getFormData(_elems);
		if (typeof _messageList != 'undefined')
			for (var i in _messageList['msg']) {
		if (prefAskForMultipleForward == 1 && Check == true && alreadyAsked == false && sMessageList.length >0 && _messageList['msg'].length>1)
			askme = this.egw.lang('multipleforward');
			//if (cbAllMessages == true || cbAllVisibleMessages == true) askme = egw_appWindow('felamimail').lang_confirm_all_messages; // not supported
			Check = confirm(askme);
		//alert("Check:"+Check+" MessageList:"+sMessageList+"#");
		if (Check != true) sMessageList=''; // deny the appending off selected messages to new compose -> reset the sMessageList
		if (Check == true || sMessageList=='')
			if (sMessageList.length >0) {
				sMessageList= 'AsForward&from=forward&mode=asattach&reply_id='+sMessageList.substring(0,sMessageList.length-1);
		//ToDo: reset message selection

	 * mail_disablePreviewArea - implementation of the disablePreviewArea action
	 * @param _value
	mail_disablePreviewArea: function(_value) {
		var splitter = this.et2.getWidgetById('mailSplitter');
		if (typeof splitter == 'undefined' || splitter == null) return;
		var splitterDN = splitter.getDOMNode();

			this.mail_previewAreaActive = false;

		if (_value==true)
			if (this.mail_previewAreaActive) splitter.dock();
			this.mail_previewAreaActive = false;
			if (!this.mail_previewAreaActive) splitter.undock();
			this.mail_previewAreaActive = true;

	 * Create an expand on click box
	 * @param {object} _expContent an object with at least these elements
	 *					{build_children, data_one, data, widget, line}
	 * @param {object} _dataElem includes data of the widget which need to be expand
	 * @return _dataElem content of widgets
	url_email_expandOnClick: function (_expContent, _dataElem)

		for(var j = 0; j < _expContent.length; j++)
			var field = _expContent[j] || [];
			var content = _dataElem.data[field.data] || [];

			// Add in single address, if there
			if(typeof field.data_one != 'undefined')
				// Unique
				content = content.filter(function(value, index, self) {
					return self.indexOf(value) === index;

			// Disable whole box if there are none
			var line = this.et2.getWidgetById(field.line);
			if(line != null) line.set_disabled(content.length == 0);

			var widget = this.et2.getWidgetById(field.widget);
			if(widget == null) continue;

			// Programatically build the child elements
				// Remove any existing
				var children = widget.getChildren();
				for(var i = children.length-1; i >= 0; i--)

				// Add for current record
				for(var i = 0; i < content.length; i++)
					var value = content[i];
					var email = et2_createWidget('url-email',{value:value,readonly:true},widget);
				widget.set_value({content: content});

			// Show or hide button, as needed
			line.iterateOver(function(button) {
				// Avoid binding to any child buttons
				if(button.getParent() != line) return;
					// Disable if only 1 address
					content.length <=1 || (
					// Disable if all content is visible
					$j(widget.getDOMNode()).innerWidth() >= widget.getDOMNode().scrollWidth &&
					$j(widget.getDOMNode()).innerHeight() >= widget.getDOMNode().scrollHeight)

		return _dataElem;

	 * Set values for mail dispaly From,Sender,To,Cc, and Bcc
	 * Additionally, apply expand on click feature on thier widgets
	mail_display: function()
		var dataElem = {data:{FROM:"",SENDER:"",TO:"",CC:"",BCC:""}};
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
		var expand_content = [
			{build_children: true, data_one: 'FROM', data: 'FROM', widget: 'FROM', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersFrom'},
			{build_children: true,  data: 'SENDER', widget: 'SENDER', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersSender'},
			{build_children: true, data: 'TO', widget: 'TO', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersTo'},
			{build_children: true, data: 'CC', widget: 'CC', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersCc'},
			{build_children: true, data: 'BCC', widget:'BCC', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersBcc'}

		if (typeof  content != 'undefiend')
			dataElem.data = jQuery.extend(dataElem.data, content);

			this.url_email_expandOnClick(expand_content, dataElem);
			var toolbaractions = ((typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.displayToolbaractions != 'undefined')?JSON.parse(dataElem.data.displayToolbaractions):undefined);
			if (toolbaractions) this.et2.getWidgetById('displayToolbar').set_actions(toolbaractions);


	 * mail_preview - implementation of the preview action
	 * @param nextmatch et2_nextmatch The widget whose row was selected
	 * @param selected Array Selected row IDs.  May be empty if user unselected all rows.
	mail_preview: function(selected, nextmatch) {
		//console.log("mail_preview",nextmatch, selected);
		// Empty values, just in case selected is empty (user cleared selection)
		//dataElem.data is populated, when available with fromaddress(string),toaddress(string),additionaltoaddress(array),ccaddress (array)
		var dataElem = {data:{subject:"",fromaddress:"",toaddress:"",ccaddress:"",date:"",subject:"",attachmentsBlock:""}};
		if(typeof selected != 'undefined' && selected.length == 1)
			var _id = this.mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed(selected);
			dataElem = jQuery.extend(dataElem, egw.dataGetUIDdata(_id));
		//get_class does not exist yet
		//var pAAClass = this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea').get_class();
		if (this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea') && typeof _id != 'undefined' && _id !='' && typeof dataElem !== 'undefined')
			// Leave if we're here and there is nothing selected, too many, or no data
			this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea').set_class('previewAttachmentArea noContent mail_DisplayNone');
			var IframeHandle = this.et2.getWidgetById('messageIFRAME');

		// Widget ID:data key map of widgets we can directly set from cached data
		var data_widgets = {
			'previewFromAddress':	'fromaddress',
			'previewDate':			'date',
			'previewSubject':		'subject'

		// Set widget values from cached data
		for(var id in data_widgets)
			var widget = this.et2.getWidgetById(id);
			if(widget == null) continue;
			widget.set_value(dataElem.data[data_widgets[id]] || "");

		// Blank first, so we don't show previous email while loading
		var IframeHandle = this.et2.getWidgetById('messageIFRAME');

		// Set up additional content that can be expanded.
		// We add a new URL widget for each address, so they get all the UI
		// TO addresses have the first one split out, not all together
		// list of keys:
		var expand_content = [
			{build_children: true, data_one: 'toaddress', data: 'additionaltoaddress', widget: 'additionalToAddress', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersTo'},
			{build_children: true, data: 'ccaddress', widget: 'additionalCCAddress', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersCC'},
			{build_children: false, data: 'attachmentsBlock', widget:'previewAttachmentArea', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersAttachments'}

		dataElem = this.url_email_expandOnClick(expand_content,dataElem);

		// Update the internal list of selected mails, if needed
		if(this.mail_selectedMails.indexOf(_id) < 0)
		var toolbaractions = ((typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.toolbaractions != 'undefined')?JSON.parse(dataElem.data.toolbaractions):undefined);
		if (toolbaractions) this.et2.getWidgetById('toolbar').set_actions(toolbaractions);

		// Request email body from server

		var messages = {};
		messages['msg'] = [_id];

		// When body is requested, mail is marked as read by the mail server.  Update UI to match.
		if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags.read != 'undefined') dataElem.data.flags.read = 'read';
		if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.class != 'undefined' && (dataElem.data.class.indexOf('unseen') >= 0 || dataElem.data.class.indexOf('recent') >= 0))
			// reduce counter without server roundtrip
			egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_flagMessages',['read', messages, false]);
		// Pre-load next email already so user gets it faster
		// Browser will cache the file for us
		var fO = egw_getObjectManager('mail',false,1).getObjectById('nm').getFocusedObject();
		var next = false;
		if (fO) next = fO.getNext(1);
		// Stop until we get all the details worked out - server marks as seen automatically
		if(false && next && next.id)
			if(this.preview_preload.timer != null)
			// Wait 0.5s to avoid flooding server if user is scrolling through their mail
			this.preview_preload.timer = window.setTimeout( jQuery.proxy(function() {
				this.preview_preload.request = jQuery.get(

	 * If a preview header is partially hidden, this is the handler for clicking the
	 * expand button that shows all the content for that header.
	 * The button must be directly after the widget to be expanded in the template.
	 * The widget to be expended is set in the event data.
	 * requires: mainWindow, one mail selected for preview
	 * @param {jQuery event} event
	 * @param {Object} widget
	 * @param {DOMNode} button
	showAllHeader: function(event,widget,button) {
		// Show list as a list
		var list = jQuery(button).prev();
	/*	if (list.length <= 0)
			list = jQuery(button.target).prev();


		// Revert if user clicks elsewhere
		$j('body').one('click', list, function(ev) {

	mail_setMailBody: function(content) {
		var IframeHandle = this.et2.getWidgetById('messageIFRAME');

	 * mail_refreshFolderStatus, function to call to read the counters of a folder and apply them
	 * @param _nodeID
	 * @param mode
	mail_refreshFolderStatus: function(_nodeID,mode,_refreshGridArea,_refreshQuotaDisplay) {
		if (typeof _nodeID != 'undefined' && typeof _nodeID[_nodeID] != 'undefined' && _nodeID[_nodeID])
			_refreshGridArea = _nodeID[_refreshGridArea];
			mode = _nodeID[mode];
			_nodeID = _nodeID[_nodeID];
		var nodeToRefresh = 0;
		var mode2use = "none";
		if (typeof _refreshGridArea == 'undefined') _refreshGridArea=true;
		if (typeof _refreshQuotaDisplay == 'undefined') _refreshQuotaDisplay=true;
		if (_nodeID) nodeToRefresh = _nodeID;
		if (mode) {
			if (mode == "forced") {mode2use = mode;}
			var tree_wdg = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');

			var activeFolders = tree_wdg.getTreeNodeOpenItems(nodeToRefresh,mode2use);
			if (_refreshGridArea)
				// maybe to use the mode forced as trigger for grid reload and using the grids own autorefresh
				// would solve the refresh issue more accurately
				//if (mode == "forced") this.mail_refreshMessageGrid();
			if (_refreshQuotaDisplay)
			//the two lines below are not working yet.
			//var no =tree_wdg.getSelectedNode();
		} catch(e) { } // ignore the error; maybe the template is not loaded yet

	 * mail_refreshQuotaDisplay, function to call to read the quota for the active server
	mail_refreshQuotaDisplay: function(_server)

	 * mail_setQuotaDisplay, function to call to read the quota for the active server
	mail_setQuotaDisplay: function(_data)
		//this.et2 should do the same as etemplate2.getByApplication('mail')[0].widgetContainer
		var quotabox = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[quotainpercent]');
		//try to set it via set_value and set label

	 * Queues a refreshFolderList request for 10ms. Actually this will just execute the
	 * code after the calling script has finished.
	mail_queueRefreshFolderList: function(_folders)
		// as jsonq is too fast wrap it to be delayed a bit, to ensure the folder actions
		// are executed last of the queue
		window.setTimeout(function() {
		}, 100);

	 * mail_CheckFolderNoSelect - implementation of the mail_CheckFolderNoSelect action to control right click options on the tree
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	mail_CheckFolderNoSelect: function(action,_senders,_currentNode) {
		// Abort if user selected an un-selectable node
		// Use image over anything else because...?
		var ftree, node;
		ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		if (ftree)
			node = ftree.getNode(_senders[0].id);

		if (node && node.im0.indexOf('NoSelect') !== -1)
			return false;

		return true;

	 * mail_setFolderStatus, function to set the status for the visible folders
	mail_setFolderStatus: function(_status) {
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		for (var i in _status) {
			// display folder-name bold for unseen mails
			ftree.setStyle(i, 'font-weight: '+(_status[i].match(this._unseen_regexp) ? 'bold' : 'normal'));
			//alert(i +'->'+_status[i]);

	 * mail_setLeaf, function to set the id and description for the folder given by status key
	 * @param array _status status array with the required data (new id, desc, old desc)
	 *		key is the original id of the leaf to change
	 *		multiple sets can be passed to mail_setLeaf
	mail_setLeaf: function(_status) {
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		var selectedNode = ftree.getSelectedNode();
		for (var i in _status)
			// if olddesc is undefined or #skip# then skip the message, as we process subfolders
			if (typeof _status[i]['olddesc'] !== 'undefined' && _status[i]['olddesc'] !== '#skip-user-interaction-message#') egw_message(this.egw.lang("Renamed Folder %1 to %2",_status[i]['olddesc'],_status[i]['desc']));
			ftree.setStyle(i, 'font-weight: '+(_status[i]['desc'].match(this._unseen_regexp) ? 'bold' : 'normal'));
			//alert(i +'->'+_status[i]['id']+'+'+_status[i]['desc']);
			if (_status[i]['id']==selectedNode.id)
				var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
				nm.activeFilters["selectedFolder"] = _status[i]['id'];

	 * mail_removeLeaf, function to remove the leaf represented by the given ID
	 * @param array _status status array with the required data (KEY id, VALUE desc)
	 *		key is the id of the leaf to delete
	 *		multiple sets can be passed to mail_deleteLeaf
	mail_removeLeaf: function(_status) {
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		var selectedNode = ftree.getSelectedNode();
		for (var i in _status)
			// if olddesc is undefined or #skip# then skip the message, as we process subfolders
			if (typeof _status[i] !== 'undefined' && _status[i] !== '#skip-user-interaction-message#') egw_message(this.egw.lang("Removed Folder %1 ",_status[i]));
			var selectedNodeAfter = ftree.getSelectedNode();
			//alert(i +'->'+_status[i]['id']+'+'+_status[i]['desc']);
			if (selectedNodeAfter.id!=selectedNode.id && selectedNode.id==i)
				var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
				nm.activeFilters["selectedFolder"] = selectedNodeAfter.id;

	 * mail_reloadNode, function to reload the leaf represented by the given ID
	 * @param {Object.<string,string>|Object.<string,Object}}  _status
	 *		Object with the required data (KEY id, VALUE desc), or ID => {new data}
	mail_reloadNode: function(_status) {
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		var selectedNode = ftree.getSelectedNode();
		for (var i in _status)
			// if olddesc is undefined or #skip# then skip the message, as we process subfolders
			if (typeof _status[i] !== 'undefined' && _status[i] !== '#skip-user-interaction-message#')
				egw_message(this.egw.lang("Reloaded Folder %1 ",typeof _status[i] == "string" ? _status[i].replace(this._unseen_regexp, '') : _status[i].text.replace(this._unseen_regexp, '')));
			ftree.refreshItem(i,typeof _status[i] == "object" ? _status[i] : null);
			if (typeof _status[i] == "string") ftree.setStyle(i, 'font-weight: '+(_status[i].match(this._unseen_regexp) ? 'bold' : 'normal'));

		var selectedNodeAfter = ftree.getSelectedNode();

		// If selected folder changed, refresh nextmatch
		if (selectedNodeAfter != null && selectedNodeAfter.id!=selectedNode.id)
			var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
			nm.activeFilters["selectedFolder"] = selectedNodeAfter.id;

	 * mail_refreshMessageGrid, function to call to reread ofthe current folder
	mail_refreshMessageGrid: function(_isPopup) {
		if (typeof _isPopup == 'undefined') _isPopup = false;
		var nm;
		if (_isPopup && !this.mail_isMainWindow)
			nm = window.opener.etemplate2.getByApplication('mail')[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
			nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
		nm.applyFilters(); // this should refresh the active folder

	 * mail_getMsg - gets the current Message
	 * @return string
	mail_getMsg: function()
		var msg_wdg = this.et2.getWidgetById('msg');
		if (msg_wdg)
			return msg_wdg.valueOf().htmlNode[0].innerHTML;
		return "";

	 * mail_setMsg - sets a Message, with the msg container, and controls if the container is enabled/disabled
	 * @param string myMsg - the message
	mail_setMsg: function(myMsg)
		var msg_wdg = this.et2.getWidgetById('msg');
		if (msg_wdg)

	 * Delete mails
	 * takes in all arguments
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems
	mail_delete: function(_action,_elems)
		var calledFromPopup = false;
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			calledFromPopup = true;
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		var msg = this.mail_getFormData(_elems);
		//alert(_action.id+','+ msg);
		if (!calledFromPopup) this.mail_setRowClass(_elems,'deleted');
		if (calledFromPopup && this.mail_isMainWindow==false) window.close();

	 * function to find (and reduce) unseen count from folder-name
	mail_reduceCounterWithoutServerRoundtrip: function()
		ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		var _foldernode = ftree.getSelectedNode();
		var counter = _foldernode.label.match(this._unseen_regexp);
		var icounter = 0;
		if ( counter ) icounter = parseInt(counter[0].replace(' (','').replace(')',''));
		if (icounter>0)
			var newcounter = icounter-1;
			if (newcounter>0) _foldernode.label = _foldernode.label.replace(' ('+String(icounter)+')',' ('+String(newcounter)+')');
			if (newcounter==0) _foldernode.label = _foldernode.label.replace(' ('+String(icounter)+')','');

	 * Regular expression to find (and remove) unseen count from folder-name
	_unseen_regexp: / \([0-9]+\)$/,

	 * mail_splitRowId
	mail_splitRowId: function(_rowID)
		res = _rowID.split('::');
		// as a rowID is perceeded by app::, should be mail!
		if (res.length==4 && parseInt(res[0])!=NaN )
			// we have an own created rowID; prepend app=mail
		return res;

	 * Delete mails - actually calls the backend function for deletion
	 * takes in all arguments
	 * @param _msg - message list
	 * @param _action - optional action
	mail_deleteMessages: function(_msg,_action,_calledFromPopup)
		var message, ftree, _foldernode, displayname;
		ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		if (ftree)
			_foldernode = ftree.getSelectedNode();

			displayname = _foldernode.label.replace(this._unseen_regexp, '');
			message = this.mail_splitRowId(_msg['msg'][0]);
			if (message[3]) _foldernode = displayname = jQuery.base64Decode(message[3]);
		// Tell server
		egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_deleteMessages',[_msg,(typeof _action == 'undefined'?'no':_action)])

		// Update list
		//var ids = [];
		//for (var i = 0; i < _msg['msg'].length; i++)
		//	ids.push(_msg['msg'][i].replace(/mail::/,''));
		//egw_refresh(this.egw.lang("deleted %1 messages in %2",_msg['msg'].length,(displayname?displayname:egw.lang('current folder'))),'mail',ids,'delete');
		egw_message(this.egw.lang("deleted %1 messages in %2",_msg['msg'].length,(displayname?displayname:egw.lang('current Folder'))));

	 * Delete mails show result - called from the backend function for display of deletionmessages
	 * takes in all arguments
	 * @param _msg - message list
	mail_deleteMessagesShowResult: function(_msg)
		// Update list
		var ids = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < _msg['msg'].length; i++)

	 * retry to Delete mails
	 * @param responseObject ->
	 * 	 reason - reason to report
	 * 	 messageList
	mail_retryForcedDelete: function(responseObject)
		var reason = responseObject['response'];
		var messageList = responseObject['messageList'];
		Check = confirm(reason);
		if (Check==true)
			egw_message(this.egw.lang('canceled deletion due to userinteraction'));

	 * UnDelete mailMessages
	 * @param _messageList
	mail_undeleteMessages: function(_messageList) {
	// setting class of row, the old style

	 * mail_emptyTrash
	mail_emptyTrash: function(action,_senders) {
		var server = _senders[0].iface.id.split('::');

		egw_message(this.egw.lang('empty trash'));
		// since the json reply is using egw_refresh, we should not need to call refreshFolderStatus
		// as the actions thereof are now bound to run after grid refresh

	 * mail_compressFolder
	mail_compressFolder: function(action,_senders) {
		egw_message(this.egw.lang('compress folder'));
		//	.sendRequest(true);
		// since the json reply is using egw_refresh, we should not need to call refreshFolderStatus
		// as the actions thereof are now bound to run after grid refresh

	 * mail_changeProfile
	 * @param folder, the ID of the selected Node -> should be an integer
	 * @param _widget, handle to the tree widget
	 * @param {boolean} getFolders Flag to indicate that the profile needs the mail
	 *	folders.  False means they're already loaded in the tree, and we don't need
	 *	them again
	mail_changeProfile: function(folder,_widget, getFolders) {
		if(typeof getFolders == 'undefined')
			getFolders = true;
	//	alert(folder);
		egw_message(this.egw.lang('Connect to Profile %1',_widget.getSelectedLabel().replace(this._unseen_regexp, '')));

		egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_changeProfile',[folder, getFolders], jQuery.proxy(function() {
			// Profile changed, select inbox
			var inbox = folder + '::INBOX';

		return true;

	 * mail_changeFolder
	 * @param _folder, the ID of the selected Node
	 * @param _widget, handle to the tree widget
	 * @param {string} _previous - Previously selected node ID
	mail_changeFolder: function(_folder,_widget, _previous) {

		// Abort if user selected an un-selectable node
		// Use image over anything else because...?
		var img = _widget.getSelectedNode().images[0];
		if (img.indexOf('NoSelect') !== -1)

		// Check if this is a top level node and
		// change profile if server has changed
		var server = _folder.split('::');
		var previousServer = _previous.split('::');
		var profile_selected = (_folder.indexOf('::') === -1);
		if (server[0] != previousServer[0] && profile_selected)
			// mail_changeProfile triggers a refresh, no need to do any more
			return this.mail_changeProfile(_folder,_widget, _widget.getSelectedNode().childsCount == 0);

		// Apply new selected folder to list, which updates data
		var nm = _widget.getRoot().getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
			nm.applyFilters({'selectedFolder': _folder});

		// Get nice folder name for message, if selected is not a profile
			var displayname = _widget.getSelectedLabel();
			var myMsg = (displayname?displayname:_folder).replace(this._unseen_regexp, '')+' '+this.egw.lang('selected');

		// Update non-grid

	 * Flag mail as 'read', 'unread', 'flagged' or 'unflagged'
	 * @param _action _action.id is 'read', 'unread', 'flagged' or 'unflagged'
	 * @param _elems
	mail_flag: function(_action, _elems)
		var do_nmactions = true;
		var msg;
		var ftree;
		var _folder;
		if (_action.id=='read')
			ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
			var _foldernode = ftree.getSelectedNode();
			_folder = _foldernode.id;
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			do_nmactions = false;//indicates that this action is probably a popup?
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				msg = {};
				msg['msg'] = [this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').getEntry('mail_id') || ''];
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					msg = {};
					msg['msg'] = [this.mail_currentlyFocussed];
					_elems = msg;
					do_nmactions = true;// is triggered from preview

		//alert(_action.id+' - '+_elems[0].id);
		//console.log(_action, _elems);
		var classToProcess = _action.id;
		if (_action.id=='read') classToProcess='seen';
		else if (_action.id=='label1') classToProcess='labelone';
		else if (_action.id=='label2') classToProcess='labeltwo';
		else if (_action.id=='label3') classToProcess='labelthree';
		else if (_action.id=='label4') classToProcess='labelfour';
		else if (_action.id=='label5') classToProcess='labelfive';

		if (do_nmactions)
			msg = this.mail_getFormData(_elems);
			if (_action.id.substring(0,2)=='un') {
				//old style, only available for undelete and unlabel (no toggle)
				if ( _action.id=='unlabel') // this means all labels should be removed
					var labels = ['labelone','labeltwo','labelthree','labelfour','labelfive'];
					for (i=0; i<labels.length; i++)	this.mail_removeRowClass(_elems,labels[i]);
				var msg_set = {msg:[]};
				var msg_unset = {msg:[]};
				var dataElem;
				var flags;
				var classes = '';
				for (i=0; i<msg.msg.length; i++)
					dataElem = egw.dataGetUIDdata(msg.msg[i]);
					if(typeof dataElem.data.flags == 'undefined')
						dataElem.data.flags = {};
					flags = dataElem.data.flags;
					classes = dataElem.data.class || "";
					classes = classes.split(' ');
					// since we toggle we need to unset the ones already set, and set the ones not set
					// flags is data, UI is done by class, so update both
					// Flags are there or not, class names are flag or 'un'+flag
					if(classes.indexOf(classToProcess) >= 0)
					if(classes.indexOf('un' + classToProcess) >= 0)
						classes.splice(classes.indexOf('un' + classToProcess),1);
					if (flags[_action.id])
						delete flags[_action.id];
						flags[_action.id] = _action.id;

					// Update cache & call callbacks - updates list
					dataElem.data.class = classes.join(' ');

				// Notify server of changes
				if (msg_unset['msg'] && msg_unset['msg'].length)
				if (msg_set['msg'] && msg_set['msg'].length)
				// No further update needed, only in case of read, the counters should be refreshed
				if (_action.id=='read') this.mail_refreshFolderStatus(_folder,'thisfolderonly',false,true);
		// only refresh counter. not grid as the ajaxmethod is called asyncronously
		// on flagging, only seen/unseen has effect on counterdisplay
		if (_action.id=='read') this.mail_refreshFolderStatus(_folder,'thisfolderonly',false,true);

	 * Flag mail as 'read', 'unread', 'flagged' or 'unflagged'
	 * @param _action _action.id is 'read', 'unread', 'flagged' or 'unflagged'
	 * @param _elems
	mail_flagMessages: function(_flag, _elems,_isPopup)
		egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_flagMessages',[_flag, _elems]);
		//	.sendRequest(true);

	 * display header lines, or source of mail, depending on the url given
	 * @param _url
	mail_displayHeaderLines: function(_url) {
		// only used by right clickaction

	 * View header of a message
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_header: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.displayHeader';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&id='+_elems[0].id;

	 * View message source
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_mailsource: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.saveMessage';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&id='+_elems[0].id;
		url += '&location=display';

	 * Save a message
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_save: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.saveMessage';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&id='+_elems[0].id;
		document.location = url;

	 * User clicked an address (FROM, TO, etc)
	 * @param object tag_info with values for attributes id, label, title, ...
	 * @param et2_taglist widget
	address_click: function(tag_info, widget)
		console.log(this, arguments);

	 * displayAttachment
	displayAttachment: function(tag_info, widget, calledForCompose)
		//console.log(this, arguments, widget);
		var mailid;
		var attgrid;
		if (typeof calledForCompose == 'undefined' || typeof calledForCompose == 'object') calledForCompose=false;
		if (calledForCompose===false)
			if (this.mail_isMainWindow)
				mailid = this.mail_currentlyFocussed;//this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
				var p = widget.getParent();
				var cont = p.getArrayMgr("content").data;
				attgrid = cont[widget.id.replace(/\[filename\]/,'')];
				mailid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
				attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_displayattachments')[widget.id.replace(/\[filename\]/,'')];
		if (calledForCompose===true)
			// CALLED FOR COMPOSE; processedmail_id could hold several IDs seperated by comma
			attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('attachments')[widget.id.replace(/\[name\]/,'')];
			var mailids = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('processedmail_id');
			var mailida = mailids.split(',');
			mailid = mailida[widget.id.replace(/\[name\]/,'')];
			if (typeof attgrid.uid != 'undefined' && attgrid.uid && mailid.indexOf(attgrid.uid)==-1)
				for (i=0; i<mailida.length; i++)
					if (mailida[i].indexOf('::'+attgrid.uid)>-1) mailid = mailida[i];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		var width;
		var height;
		var windowName ='mail';
			case 'MESSAGE/RFC822':
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.displayMessage';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&id='+mailid;
				url += '&part='+attgrid.partID;
				url += '&is_winmail='+attgrid.winmailFlag;
				windowName = windowName+'displayMessage_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
				width = 870;
				height = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
			case 'IMAGE/JPEG':
			case 'IMAGE/PNG':
			case 'IMAGE/GIF':
			case 'IMAGE/BMP':
			case 'TEXT/PLAIN':
			case 'TEXT/HTML':
				$sfxMimeType = $value['mimeType'];
				$buff = explode('.',$value['name']);
				$suffix = '';
				if (is_array($buff)) $suffix = array_pop($buff); // take the last extension to check with ext2mime
				if (!empty($suffix)) $sfxMimeType = mime_magic::ext2mime($suffix);
				if (strtoupper($sfxMimeType) == 'TEXT/VCARD' || strtoupper($sfxMimeType) == 'TEXT/X-VCARD')
					$attachments[$key]['mimeType'] = $sfxMimeType;
					$value['mimeType'] = strtoupper($sfxMimeType);
			case 'TEXT/X-VCARD':
			case 'TEXT/VCARD':
			case 'TEXT/CALENDAR':
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.getAttachment';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&id='+mailid;
				url += '&part='+attgrid.partID;
				url += '&is_winmail='+attgrid.winmailFlag;
				windowName = windowName+'displayAttachment_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
				var reg = '800x600';
				var reg2;
				// handle calendar/vcard
				if (attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/CALENDAR')
					windowName = 'maildisplayEvent_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
					reg2 = egw.link_get_registry('calendar');
					if (typeof reg2['view'] != 'undefined' && typeof reg2['view_popup'] != 'undefined' )
						reg = reg2['view_popup'];
				if (attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/X-VCARD' || attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/VCARD')
					windowName = 'maildisplayContact_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
					reg2 = egw.link_get_registry('addressbook');
					if (typeof reg2['add'] != 'undefined' && typeof reg2['add_popup'] != 'undefined' )
						reg = reg2['add_popup'];
				var w_h =reg.split('x');
				width = w_h[0];
				height = w_h[1];
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.getAttachment';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&id='+mailid;
				url += '&part='+attgrid.partID;
				url += '&is_winmail='+attgrid.winmailFlag;
				windowName = windowName+'displayAttachment_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
				width = 870;
				height = 600;
				//document.location = url;

	 * displayUploadedFile
	displayUploadedFile: function(tag_info, widget)
		//console.log(this, tag_info, widget);
		var attgrid;
		attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('attachments')[widget.id.replace(/\[name\]/,'')];
		if (attgrid.uid && (attgrid.partID||attgrid.folder))
			this.displayAttachment(tag_info, widget, true);
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		var width;
		var height;
		var windowName ='mail';
			case 'IMAGE/JPEG':
			case 'IMAGE/PNG':
			case 'IMAGE/GIF':
			case 'IMAGE/BMP':
			case 'TEXT/PLAIN':
			case 'TEXT/HTML':
				$sfxMimeType = $value['mimeType'];
				$buff = explode('.',$value['name']);
				$suffix = '';
				if (is_array($buff)) $suffix = array_pop($buff); // take the last extension to check with ext2mime
				if (!empty($suffix)) $sfxMimeType = mime_magic::ext2mime($suffix);
				if (strtoupper($sfxMimeType) == 'TEXT/VCARD' || strtoupper($sfxMimeType) == 'TEXT/X-VCARD')
					$attachments[$key]['mimeType'] = $sfxMimeType;
					$value['mimeType'] = strtoupper($sfxMimeType);
			case 'TEXT/X-VCARD':
			case 'TEXT/VCARD':
			case 'TEXT/CALENDAR':
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_compose.getAttachment';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&filename='+attgrid.file;
				url += '&tmpname='+attgrid.tmp_name;
				url += '&name='+attgrid.name;
				//url += '&size='+attgrid.size;
				url += '&type='+attgrid.type;

				windowName = windowName+'displayAttachment_'+attgrid.file.replace(/\//g,"_");
				var reg = '800x600';
				var reg2;
				// handle calendar/vcard
				if (attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/CALENDAR')
					windowName = 'maildisplayEvent_'+attgrid.file.replace(/\//g,"_");
					reg2 = egw.link_get_registry('calendar');
					if (typeof reg2['view'] != 'undefined' && typeof reg2['view_popup'] != 'undefined' )
						reg = reg2['view_popup'];
				if (attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/X-VCARD' || attgrid.type.toUpperCase()=='TEXT/VCARD')
					windowName = 'maildisplayContact_'+attgrid.file.replace(/\//g,"_");
					reg2 = egw.link_get_registry('addressbook');
					if (typeof reg2['add'] != 'undefined' && typeof reg2['add_popup'] != 'undefined' )
						reg = reg2['add_popup'];
				var w_h =reg.split('x');
				width = w_h[0];
				height = w_h[1];
			case 'MESSAGE/RFC822':
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.displayMessage';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&id='+mailid;
				url += '&part='+attgrid.partID;
				url += '&is_winmail='+attgrid.winmailFlag;
				windowName = windowName+'displayMessage_'+mailid+'_'+attgrid.partID;
				width = 870;
				height = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
				url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_compose.getAttachment';	// todo compose for Draft folder
				url += '&filename='+attgrid.file;
				url += '&tmpname='+attgrid.tmp_name;
				url += '&name='+attgrid.name;
				//url += '&size='+attgrid.size;
				url += '&type='+attgrid.type;
				url += '&mode='+'save';

				windowName = windowName+'displayAttachment_'+attgrid.file.replace(/\//g,"_");
				width = 870;
				height = 600;
				//document.location = url;

	saveAttachment: function(tag_info, widget)
		//console.log(this, arguments);
		var mailid;
		var attgrid;
		if (this.mail_isMainWindow)
			mailid = this.mail_currentlyFocussed;//this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			var p = widget.getParent();
			var cont = p.getArrayMgr("content").data;
			attgrid = cont[widget.id.replace(/\[save\]/,'')];
			mailid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_displayattachments')[widget.id.replace(/\[save\]/,'')];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		var width;
		var height;
		var windowName ='mail';
		url += 'menuaction=mail.mail_ui.getAttachment';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&mode=save';
		url += '&id='+mailid;
		url += '&part='+attgrid.partID;
		url += '&is_winmail='+attgrid.winmailFlag;
		document.location = url;

	saveAttachmentToVFS: function(tag_info, widget)
		//console.log(this, arguments);
		var mailid;
		var attgrid;
		if (this.mail_isMainWindow)
			mailid = this.mail_currentlyFocussed;//this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			var p = widget.getParent();
			var cont = p.getArrayMgr("content").data;
			attgrid = cont[widget.id.replace(/\[saveAsVFS\]/,'')];
			mailid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_displayattachments')[widget.id.replace(/\[saveAsVFS\]/,'')];
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		var width=640;
		var height=570;
		var windowName ='mail';
		url += 'menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_select.select';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&mode=saveas';
		url += '&id='+mailid+'::'+attgrid.partID+'::'+attgrid.winmailFlag;
		url += '&name='+attgrid.filename;
		url += '&type='+attgrid.type.toLowerCase();
		url += '&method=mail.mail_ui.vfsSaveAttachment';
		url += '&label='+egw.lang('Save');

	saveAllAttachmentsToVFS: function(tag_info, widget)
		var mailid;
		var attgrid;
		if (this.mail_isMainWindow)
			mailid = this.mail_currentlyFocussed;//this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			var p = widget.getParent();
			attgrid = p.getArrayMgr("content").data;
			mailid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id');
			attgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_displayattachments');
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		var width=640;
		var height=570;
		var windowName ='mail';
		url += 'menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_select.select';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&mode=select-dir';
		url += '&method=mail.mail_ui.vfsSaveAttachment';
		url += '&label='+egw.lang('Save all');
		for (i=0;i<attgrid.length;i++)
			if (attgrid[i] != null) url += '&id['+i+']='+mailid+'::'+attgrid[i].partID+'::'+attgrid[i].winmailFlag+'::'+attgrid[i].filename;

	 * Save a message to filemanager
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_save2fm: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
		var _id = _elems[0].id;
		var dataElem = egw.dataGetUIDdata(_id);
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_select.select';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&mode=saveas';
		var filename =dataElem.data.subject.replace(/[\f\n\t\v/\\:*#?<>\|]/g,"_");
		url += '&name='+encodeURIComponent(filename+'.eml');
		url += '&mime=message'+encodeURIComponent('/')+'rfc822';
		url += '&method=mail.mail_ui.vfsSaveMessage'
		url += '&id='+_elems[0].id;
		url += '&label=Save';
		//document.location = url;


	 * Save message as InfoLog
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _elems _elems[0].id is the row-id
	mail_infolog: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
			if (typeof _action.data.width == 'undefined' && typeof _action.data.height == 'undefined' && !(typeof _action.data.event == 'undefined' &&typeof _action.data.event.popup == 'undefined'))
				if (_action.data.event.popup)
					var app_registry = _action.data.event.popup;
					var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('infolog');//this.appname);
				if (typeof app_registry['edit'] != 'undefined' && typeof app_registry['edit_popup'] != 'undefined' )
					var w_h =app_registry['edit_popup'].split('x');
		//console.log(_action, _elems);
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.import_mail';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&rowid='+_elems[0].id;

	 * Save message as ticket
	 * @param _action _action.id is 'read', 'unread', 'flagged' or 'unflagged'
	 * @param _elems
	mail_tracker: function(_action, _elems)
		if (typeof _elems == 'undefined')
			if (this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id'))
				var _elems = [];
				_elems.push({id:this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('mail_id') || ''});
			if (typeof _elems == 'undefined' && this.mail_isMainWindow)
				if (this.mail_currentlyFocussed)
					var _elems = [];
			if (typeof _action.data.width == 'undefined' && typeof _action.data.height == 'undefined' && !(typeof _action.data.event == 'undefined' &&typeof _action.data.event.popup == 'undefined'))
				if (_action.data.event.popup)
					var app_registry = _action.data.event.popup;
					var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('infolog');//this.appname);
				if (typeof app_registry['edit'] != 'undefined' && typeof app_registry['edit_popup'] != 'undefined' )
					var w_h =app_registry['edit_popup'].split('x');
		var url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
		url += 'menuaction=tracker.tracker_ui.import_mail';	// todo compose for Draft folder
		url += '&rowid='+_elems[0].id;

	 * mail_getFormData
	 * @param _actionObjects, the senders
	 * @return structured array of message ids: array(msg=>message-ids)
	mail_getFormData: function(_actionObjects) {
		var messages = {};
		// if
		if (typeof _actionObjects['msg'] != 'undefined' && _actionObjects['msg'].length>0) return _actionObjects;
		if (_actionObjects.length>0)
			messages['msg'] = [];

		for (var i = 0; i < _actionObjects.length; i++)
			if (_actionObjects[i].id.length>0)
				messages['msg'][i] = _actionObjects[i].id;

		return messages;

	 * mail_setRowClass
	 * @param _actionObjects, the senders
	mail_setRowClass: function(_actionObjects,_class) {
		if (typeof _class == 'undefined') return false;

		if (typeof _actionObjects['msg'] == 'undefined')
			for (var i = 0; i < _actionObjects.length; i++)
				if (_actionObjects[i].id.length>0)
					var dataElem = $j(_actionObjects[i].iface.getDOMNode());

			for (var i = 0; i < _actionObjects['msg'].length; i++)
				var mail_uid = _actionObjects['msg'][i];

				// Get the record from data cache
				var dataElem = egw.dataGetUIDdata(mail_uid);
				if(dataElem == null || typeof dataElem == undefined)
					// Unknown ID, nothing to update

				// Update class
				dataElem.data.class += ' ' + _class;

				// Update record, which updates all listeners (including nextmatch)

	 * mail_removeRowFlag
	 * Removes a flag and updates the CSS class.  Updates the UI, but not the server.
	 * @param _actionObjects, the senders, or a messages object
	 * @param _class, the class to be removed
	mail_removeRowClass: function(_actionObjects,_class) {
		if (typeof _class == 'undefined') return false;

		if (typeof _actionObjects['msg'] == 'undefined')
			for (var i = 0; i < _actionObjects.length; i++)
				if (_actionObjects[i].id.length>0)
					var dataElem = $j(_actionObjects[i].iface.getDOMNode());

			for (var i = 0; i < _actionObjects['msg'].length; i++)
				var mail_uid = _actionObjects['msg'][i];

				// Get the record from data cache
				var dataElem = egw.dataGetUIDdata(mail_uid);
				if(dataElem == null || typeof dataElem == undefined)
					// Unknown ID, nothing to update

				// Update class
				var classes = dataElem.data.class || "";
				classes = classes.split(' ');
				if(classes.indexOf(_class) >= 0)
					dataElem.data.class = classes.join(' ');

					// Update record, which updates all listeners (including nextmatch)

	// Tree widget stubs
	 * mail_dragStart - displays information while dragging
	 * @param action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the elements dragged
	 * @return the ddhelper
	mail_dragStart: function(action,_senders) {
		return $j("<div class=\"ddhelper\">" + _senders.length + " Mails selected </div>");
	 * mail_move - implementation of the move action from drag n drop
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the elements dragged
	 * @param _target - the representation of the target
	mail_move: function(_action,_senders,_target) {
		var target = _action.id == 'drop_move_mail' ? _target.iface.id : _action.id.substr(5);
		var messages = this.mail_getFormData(_senders);
		//alert('mail_move('+messages.msg.join(',')+' --> '+target+')');
		// TODO: Write move/copy function which cares about doing the same stuff
		// as the "onNodeSelect" function!
		egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_copyMessages',[target, messages, 'move'])
		var nm = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index);
		//for (var i = 0; i < messages['msg'].length; i++) egw.dataDeleteUID(messages['msg'][i]);
	 * mail_copy - implementation of the copy action from drag n drop
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the elements dragged
	 * @param _target - the representation of the target
	mail_copy: function(_action,_senders,_target) {
		var target = _action.id == 'drop_copy_mail' ? _target.iface.id : _action.id.substr(5);
		var messages = this.mail_getFormData(_senders);
		//alert('mail_copy('+messages.msg.join(',')+' --> '+target+')');
		// TODO: Write move/copy function which cares about doing the same stuff
		// as the "onNodeSelect" function!
		egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_copyMessages',[target, messages])

	 * mail_AddFolder - implementation of the AddFolder action of right click options on the tree
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	mail_AddFolder: function(_action,_senders) {
		//action.id == 'add'
		//_senders.iface.id == target leaf / leaf to edit
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		OldFolderName = ftree.getLabel(_senders[0].id).replace(this._unseen_regexp,'');
		var buttons = [
			{text: this.egw.lang("Add"), id: "add", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true},
			{text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"}
		et2_dialog.show_prompt(function(_button_id, _value) {
			var NewFolderName = null;
			if (_value.length>0) NewFolderName = _value;
			if (NewFolderName && NewFolderName.length>0)
				switch (_button_id)
					case "add":
						egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_addFolder',[_senders[0].id, NewFolderName])
					case "cancel":
		this.egw.lang("Enter the name for the new Folder:"),
		this.egw.lang("Add a new Folder to %1:",OldFolderName),
		'', buttons);

	 * mail_RenameFolder - implementation of the RenameFolder action of right click options on the tree
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	mail_RenameFolder: function(_action,_senders) {
		//action.id == 'rename'
		//_senders.iface.id == target leaf / leaf to edit
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		OldFolderName = ftree.getLabel(_senders[0].id).replace(this._unseen_regexp,'');
		var buttons = [
			{text: this.egw.lang("Rename"), id: "rename", class: "ui-priority-primary", image: 'edit', "default": true},
			{text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"}
		et2_dialog.show_prompt(function(_button_id, _value) {
			var NewFolderName = null;
			if (_value.length>0) NewFolderName = _value;
			if (NewFolderName && NewFolderName.length>0)
				switch (_button_id)
					case "rename":
						egw.json('mail.mail_ui.ajax_renameFolder',[_senders[0].id, NewFolderName])
					case "cancel":
		this.egw.lang("Rename Folder %1 to:",OldFolderName),
		this.egw.lang("Rename Folder %1 ?",OldFolderName),
		OldFolderName, buttons);

	 * mail_MoveFolder - implementation of the MoveFolder action on the tree
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActionObject[]} _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	 * @param {egwActionObject} destination Drop target egwActionObject representing the destination
	mail_MoveFolder: function(_action,_senders,destination) {
		if(!destination || !destination.id)
			egw.debug('warn', "Move folder, but no target");
		// Some UI feedback while the folder is moved - using just the iface DOMNode would
		// put the load image in every row
		var load_node = $j(destination.iface.getDOMNode()).closest('td').prev()

		for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++)
			egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_MoveFolder',[_senders[i].id, destination.id],
				// Move is done (successfully or not), remove loading
				function() {load_node.removeClass('loading');}

	 * mail_DeleteFolder - implementation of the DeleteFolder action of right click options on the tree
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	mail_DeleteFolder: function(_action,_senders) {
		//action.id == 'delete'
		//_senders.iface.id == target leaf / leaf to edit
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		OldFolderName = ftree.getLabel(_senders[0].id).replace(this._unseen_regexp,'');
		var buttons = [
			{text: this.egw.lang("Yes"), id: "delete", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true},
			{text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"}
		et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id, _value) {
			switch (_button_id)
				case "delete":
				case "cancel":
		this.egw.lang("Do you really want to DELETE Folder %1 ?",OldFolderName)+" "+(ftree.hasChildren(_senders[0].id)?this.egw.lang("All subfolders will be deleted too, and all messages in all affected folders will be lost"):this.egw.lang("All messages in the folder will be lost")),
		this.egw.lang("DELETE Folder %1 ?",OldFolderName),
		OldFolderName, buttons);

	 * Send names of uploaded files (again) to server, to process them: either copy to vfs or ask overwrite/rename
	 * @param _event
	 * @param _file_count
	 * @param {string?} _path where the file is uploaded to, default current directory
	uploadForImport: function(_event, _file_count, _path)
		// path is probably not needed when uploading for file; maybe it is when from vfs
		if(typeof _path == 'undefined')
			//_path = this.get_path();
		if (_file_count && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(_event.data.getValue()))
			var widget = _event.data;
//			var request = new egw_json_request('mail_ui::ajax_importMessage', ['upload', widget.getValue(), _path], this);
//			widget.set_value('');
//			request.sendRequest();//false, this._upload_callback, this);

	 * Send names of uploaded files (again) to server, to process them: either copy to vfs or ask overwrite/rename
	 * @param _event
	 * @param _file_count
	 * @param {string} [_path=current directory] Where the file is uploaded to.
	uploadForCompose: function(_event, _file_count, _path)
		// path is probably not needed when uploading for file; maybe it is when from vfs
		if(typeof _path == 'undefined')
			//_path = this.get_path();
		if (_file_count && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(_event.data.getValue()))
			var widget = _event.data;
//			var request = new egw_json_request('mail_ui::ajax_importMessage', ['upload', widget.getValue(), _path], this);
//			widget.set_value('');
//			request.sendRequest();//false, this._upload_callback, this);

	vfsUploadForImport: function(_egw, _widget, _window) {
		//console.log(_egw, _widget, _window);
		if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget)) return;
		if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget.getValue()))

	vfsUploadForCompose: function(_egw, _widget, _window)
		//console.log(_egw, _widget, _window);
		if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget)) return;
		if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget.getValue()))

	submitOnChange: function(_egw, _widget, _window) {
		//console.log(_egw, _widget, _window);
		if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget))
			if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(_widget.getValue()))

	saveAsDraft: function(_egw, _widget, _window)

	saveAsDraftAndPrint: function(_egw, _widget, _window)

	signature_open: function(_egw, _widget)
		var id = _widget[0].id.replace(/row_/,'');
		var siggrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('sig')[id];
		console.log(_egw, _widget,siggrid,id);

	signature_delete: function(_egw, _widget)
		var id = _widget[0].id.replace(/row_/,'');
		var siggrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('sig')[id];
		console.log(_egw, _widget,siggrid,id);

	profile_open: function(_egw, _widget)
		var id = _widget[0].id.replace(/row_/,'');
		var accgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('acc')[id];
		console.log(_egw, _widget,accgrid,id);

	profile_delete: function(_egw, _widget)
		var id = _widget[0].id.replace(/row_/,'');
		var accgrid = this.et2.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('acc')[id];
		console.log(_egw, _widget,accgrid,id);


	 * Focus handler for folder, address, reject textbox/taglist to automatic check associated radio button
	 * @param {event} _ev 
	 * @param {object} _widget taglist
	sieve_focus_radioBtn: function(_ev, _widget)
		_widget.getRoot().getWidgetById('action').set_value(_widget.id.replace(/^action_([^_]+)_text$/, '$1'));

	 * Select all aliases
	sieve_vac_all_aliases: function()
		var addr = this.et2.getWidgetById('addresses');

	 * Disable/Enable date widgets on vacation seive rules form when status is "by_date"
	vacationFilterStatusChange: function()
		var status = this.et2.getWidgetById('status');
		var s_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('start_date');
		var e_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('end_date');
		var by_date_label = this.et2.getWidgetById('by_date_label');

		if (status && s_date && e_date && by_date_label)
			s_date.set_disabled(status.get_value() != "by_date");
			e_date.set_disabled(status.get_value() != "by_date");
			by_date_label.set_disabled(status.get_value() != "by_date");

	 * action - handling actions on sieve rules
	 * @param _type - action name
	 * @param _selected - selected row from the sieve rule list
	 * @param _msg - messages
	action: function(_type, _selected)
		var  actionData ;
		var that = this;
		var typeId = _type.id;
		var linkData = '';
		var ruleID = ((_selected[0].id.split("_").pop()) - 1); // subtract the row id from 1 because the first row id is reserved by grid header
		if (_type)

			switch (_type.id)
				case 'delete':

					var callbackDeleteDialog = function (button_id)
						if (button_id == et2_dialog.YES_BUTTON )
							actionData = _type.parent.data.widget.getArrayMgr('content');
							that._do_action(typeId, actionData['data'],ruleID);
					var confirmDeleteDialog = et2_dialog.show_dialog(callbackDeleteDialog, this.egw.lang("Do you really want to DELETE this Rule"),this.egw.lang("Delete"), {},et2_dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO_CANCEL, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE);

				case 'add'	:
					linkData = "mail.mail_sieve.edit";
				case 'edit'	:
					linkData = "mail.mail_sieve.edit&ruleID="+ruleID;
				case 'enable':
					actionData = _type.parent.data.widget.getArrayMgr('content');
				case 'disable':
					actionData = _type.parent.data.widget.getArrayMgr('content');



	* Send back action resault to server
	* @param {string} _typeId action name
	* @param {object} _data content
	* @param {string} _selectedID selected row id
	* @param {string} _msg message
	_do_action: function(_typeID, _data,_selectedID,_msg)
		if (_typeID && _data)
			var request = egw().json('mail.mail_sieve.ajax_action', [this.et2_obj.etemplate_exec_id, _typeID,_selectedID,_msg],null,null,true);

	* @todo: Need to find a way how to refresh the grid
	sieve_refresh: function()
		var request = egw().json('mail.mail_sieve.ajax_sieve_egw_refresh', [this.et2_obj.etemplate_exec_id],null,this.et2_obj,true);

	 * Select the right combination of the rights for radio buttons from the selected common right
	 * @@param {jQuery event} event
	 * @param {widget} widget common right selectBox
	acl_common_rights_selector: function(event,widget)
		var rowId = widget.id.replace(/[^0-9.]+/g, '');
		var rights = (widget.get_value() == "custom")?[]:(widget.get_value() == "akxeilprwts")? widget.get_value().replace(/[k,x,t,e]/g,"cd").split(""):widget.get_value().split("");
		for (var i=0;i<this.aclRights.length;i++)
			var rightsWidget = this.et2.getWidgetById(rowId+'[acl_' + this.aclRights[i]+ ']');
			rightsWidget.set_value((jQuery.inArray(this.aclRights[i],rights) != -1 )?true:false);

	 * Choose the right common right option for common ACL selecBox
	 * @param {jQuery event} event
	 * @param {widget} widget radioButton rights
	acl_common_rights: function(event, widget)
	   var rowId = widget.id.replace(/[^0-9.]+/g, '');
	   var aclCommonWidget = this.et2.getWidgetById(rowId + '[acl]');
	   var rights = '';

	   for (var i=0;i<this.aclRights.length;i++)
		   var rightsWidget = this.et2.getWidgetById(rowId+'[acl_' + this.aclRights[i]+ ']');
		   if (rightsWidget.get_value() == "true")
			   rights += this.aclRights[i];


	   for (var i=0;i<this.aclCommonRights.length;i++)
		   if (rights.split("").sort().toString() == this.aclCommonRights[i].split("").sort().toString())
			   rights = this.aclCommonRights[i];
	   if (jQuery.inArray(rights,this.aclCommonRights ) == -1)

	 * Open seive filter list
	 * @param {egwAction} action - Action user did to get here
	 * @param {egwActionObject[]} selected - selected row(s)
	 * @todo get the account id and open the relevant sieve, ATM alway open sieve rules which is set in preferences
	edit_sieve: function(action, selected)
			   'menuaction': 'mail.mail_sieve.index',
			   'ajax': 'true'

	 * @todo get the account id and open the relevant vacation, ATM alway open vacation rules which is set in preferences
	edit_vacation: function()

	 * Popup the subscription dialog
	 * @param {action} _action
	 * @param {sender} _senders
	edit_subscribe: function (_action,_senders)
		var acc_id = parseInt(_senders[0].id);
		this.egw.open_link('mail.mail_ui.subscription&acc_id='+acc_id, '_blank', '720x500');

	 * Subscribe selected unsubscribed folder
	 * @param {action} _action
	 * @param {sender} _senders
	subscribe_folder: function(_action,_senders)
		var mailbox = _senders[0].id.split('::');
		var folder = mailbox[1], acc_id = mailbox[0];
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		egw_message(this.egw.lang('Subscribe to Folder %1',ftree.getLabel(_senders[0].id).replace(this._unseen_regexp,'')));

	 * Unsubscribe selected subscribed folder
	 * @param {action} _action
	 * @param {sender} _senders
	unsubscribe_folder: function(_action,_senders)
		var mailbox = _senders[0].id.split('::');
		var folder = mailbox[1], acc_id = mailbox[0];
		var ftree = this.et2.getWidgetById(this.nm_index+'[foldertree]');
		egw_message(this.egw.lang('Unsubscribe from Folder %1',ftree.getLabel(_senders[0].id).replace(this._unseen_regexp,'')));

	 * Edit a folder acl for account(s)
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	edit_acl: function(_action, _senders)
		var mailbox = _senders[0].id.split('::');
		var folder = mailbox[1], acc_id = mailbox[0];
		this.egw.open_link('mail.mail_acl.edit&mailbox='+ jQuery.base64Encode(folder)+'&acc_id='+acc_id, '_blank', '640x480');

	 * Edit a mail account
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	edit_account: function(_action, _senders)
		var acc_id = parseInt(_senders[0].id);
		this.egw.open_link('mail.mail_wizard.edit&acc_id='+acc_id, '_blank', '720x500');

	 * Hide Cc and Bcc rows from the compose popup
	hide_cc_compose: function ()

	 * Display Cc or Bcc fields in compose popup
	 * @param {jQuery event} event
	 * @param {widget object} widget clicked label (Cc or Bcc) from compose popup
	compose_cc_expander: function(event,widget)
		var Cc = this.et2.getWidgetById('cc_expander');
		var Bcc = this.et2.getWidgetById('bcc_expander');

		if (typeof widget != "undefined" && widget.id == "cc_expander")
			if (typeof Cc !='undefined')

		else if (typeof widget != "undefined" && widget.id == "bcc_expander")
			if (typeof Bcc !='undefined')
		else if (typeof widget == "undefined")
			var CcField = this.et2.getWidgetById('cc');
			var BccField = this.et2.getWidgetById('bcc');
			if (CcField.get_value().length)
				if (typeof Cc !='undefined')
			if (BccField.get_value().length)
				if (typeof Bcc !='undefined')

	 * Lock tree so it does NOT receive any more mouse-clicks
	lock_tree: function()
		if (!document.getElementById('mail_folder_lock_div'))
			var parent = jQuery('#mail-index_nm\\[foldertree\\]');
			var lock_div = jQuery(document.createElement('div'));
			lock_div.attr('id', 'mail_folder_lock_div')

	 * Unlock tree so it receives again mouse-clicks after calling lock_tree()
	unlock_tree: function()

	 * Called when tree opens up an account or folder
	 * @param {String} _id account-id[::folder-name]
	 * @param {et2_widget_tree} _widget
	 * @param {Number} _hasChildren 0 - item has no child nodes, -1 - item is closed, 1 - item is opened
	openstart_tree: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren)
		if (_id.indexOf('::') == -1 &&	// it's an account, not a folder in an account
		return true;	// allow opening of node

	 * Called when tree opens up an account or folder
	 * @param {String} _id account-id[::folder-name]
	 * @param {et2_widget_tree} _widget
	 * @param {Number} _hasChildren 0 - item has no child nodes, -1 - item is closed, 1 - item is opened
	openend_tree: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren)
		if (_id.indexOf('::') == -1 &&	// it's an account, not a folder in an account
			_hasChildren == 1)

	 * Print a mail from list

	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders - the representation of the tree leaf to be manipulated
	mail_print: function(_action, _senders)
		this.egw.message('Not yet implemented ;-)');