/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Placeholder widgets * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2021 */ /*egw:uses et2_core_inputWidget; et2_core_valueWidget; et2_widget_description; */ import {et2_register_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {et2_inputWidget} from "./et2_core_inputWidget"; import {Et2Dialog} from "./Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog"; import {Et2LinkEntry} from "./Et2Link/Et2LinkEntry"; import {Et2Select} from "./Et2Select/Et2Select"; import {Et2Description} from "./Et2Description/Et2Description"; import {Et2Button} from "./Et2Button/Et2Button"; /** * Display a dialog to choose a placeholder */ export class et2_placeholder_select extends et2_inputWidget { static readonly _attributes : any = { insert_callback: { "name": "Insert callback", "description": "Method called with the selected placeholder text", "type": "js" }, dialog_title: { "name": "Dialog title", "type": "string", "default": "Insert Placeholder" } }; static placeholders : Object | null = null; button : JQuery; submit_callback : any; dialog : Et2Dialog; protected value : any; protected LIST_URL = 'EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Placeholder::ajax_get_placeholders'; protected TEMPLATE = '/api/templates/default/insert_merge_placeholder.xet?1'; /** * Constructor * * @param _parent * @param _attrs * @memberOf et2_vfsSelect */ constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_placeholder_select._attributes, _child || {})); // Allow no child widgets this.supportedWidgetClasses = []; } _content(_content, _callback) { let self = this; if(this.dialog) { this.dialog.close(); } var callback = _callback || this._buildDialog; if(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders === null) { this.egw().loading_prompt('placeholder_select', true, '', 'body'); this.egw().json( this.LIST_URL, [], function(_content) { if(typeof _content === 'object' && _content.message) { // Something went wrong this.egw().message(_content.message, 'error'); return; } this.egw().loading_prompt('placeholder_select', false); et2_placeholder_select.placeholders = _content; callback.apply(self, arguments); }.bind(this) ).sendRequest(true); } else { this._buildDialog(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders); } } /** * Builds placeholder selection dialog * * @param {object} _data content */ protected _buildDialog(_data) { let buttons = [ { label: this.egw().lang("Insert"), id: "submit", image: "export" } ]; let extra_buttons_action = {}; if(this.options.extra_buttons && this.options.method) { for(let i = 0; i < this.options.extra_buttons.length; i++) { delete (this.options.extra_buttons[i]['click']); buttons.push(this.options.extra_buttons[i]); extra_buttons_action[this.options.extra_buttons[i]['id']] = this.options.extra_buttons[i]['id']; } } buttons.push({label: this.egw().lang("Cancel"), id: "cancel", image: "cancel"}); let data = { content: {app: '', group: '', entry: {}}, sel_options: {app: [], group: []}, modifications: { outer_box: { entry: { application_list: [] } } } }; Object.keys(_data).map((key) => { data.sel_options.app.push( { value: key, label: this.egw().lang(key) }); }); data.sel_options.group = this._get_group_options(Object.keys(_data)[0]); data.content.app = data.sel_options.app[0].value; data.content.group = data.sel_options.group[0]?.value; data.content.entry = {app: data.content.app}; data.modifications.outer_box.entry.application_list = Object.keys(_data); // Remove non-app placeholders (user & general) let non_apps = ['user', 'general']; for(let i = 0; i < non_apps.length; i++) { let index = data.modifications.outer_box.entry.application_list.indexOf(non_apps[i]); data.modifications.outer_box.entry.application_list.splice(index, 1); } // callback for dialog this.submit_callback = function(submit_button_id, submit_value) { if((submit_button_id == 'submit' || (extra_buttons_action && extra_buttons_action[submit_button_id])) && submit_value) { this._do_insert_callback(submit_value); return true; } else if(submit_button_id == 'cancel') { return true; } else { // Keep dialog open return false; } }.bind(this); this.dialog = new Et2Dialog(this.egw()); this.dialog.transformAttributes({ callback: this.submit_callback, title: this.options.dialog_title || "Insert Placeholder", buttons: buttons, value: data, template: this.egw().webserverUrl + this.TEMPLATE, resizable: true, width: '' }); document.body.appendChild(this.dialog); this.dialog.addEventListener('open', this._on_template_load.bind(this)); } doLoadingFinished() { this._content.call(this, null); return true; } /** * Post-load of the dialog * Bind internal events, set some things that are difficult to do in the template */ _on_template_load() { let app = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("app"); let group = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("group"); let placeholder_list = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("placeholder_list"); let preview = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_placeholder"); let entry = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("entry"); placeholder_list.set_select_options(this._get_placeholders(app.get_value(), group.get_value())); // Bind some handlers app.onchange = (node, widget) => { preview.set_value(""); if(['user', 'filemanager'].indexOf(widget.get_value()) >= 0) { // These ones don't let you select an entry for preview (they don't work) entry.set_disabled(true); entry.set_value({app: 'user', id: '', query: ''}); } else if(widget.get_value() == 'general') { // Don't change entry app, leave it entry.set_disabled(false); } else { // Load app translations this.egw().langRequireApp(this.egw().window, widget.get_value()); entry.set_disabled(false); entry.set_value({app: widget.get_value(), id: '', query: ''}); } let groups = this._get_group_options(widget.get_value()); group.set_select_options(groups); group.set_value(groups[0].value); group.onchange(); } group.onchange = (select_node, select_widget) => { let options = this._get_placeholders(app.get_value(), group.get_value()) placeholder_list.set_select_options(options); preview.set_value(""); placeholder_list.updateComplete.then(() => placeholder_list.set_value(options[0].value)); } placeholder_list.onchange = this._on_placeholder_select.bind(this); entry.onchange = this._on_placeholder_select.bind(this); (this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("insert_placeholder")).onclick = () => { this.options.insert_callback(this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_placeholder").getDOMNode().textContent); }; (this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("insert_content")).onclick = () => { this.options.insert_callback(this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_content").getDOMNode().textContent); }; app.set_value(app.get_value()); } /** * User has selected a placeholder * Update the UI, and if they have an entry selected do the replacement and show that. */ _on_placeholder_select() { let app = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("app"); let entry = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("entry"); let placeholder_list = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("placeholder_list"); let preview = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_placeholder"); let preview_content = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_content"); // Show the selected placeholder this.set_value(placeholder_list.get_value()); preview.set_value(placeholder_list.get_value()); preview.getDOMNode().parentNode.style.visibility = placeholder_list.get_value()?.trim() ? null : 'hidden'; if(placeholder_list.get_value() && entry.get_value()) { // Show the selected placeholder replaced with value from the selected entry this.egw().json( 'EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Placeholder::ajax_fill_placeholders', [placeholder_list.get_value(), entry.get_value()], function(_content) { if(!_content) { _content = ''; } preview_content.set_value(_content); preview_content.getDOMNode().parentNode.style.visibility = _content.trim() ? null : 'hidden'; }.bind(this) ).sendRequest(true); } else { // No value, hide the row preview_content.getDOMNode().parentNode.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } /** * Get the list of placeholder groups under the selected application * @param appname * @returns {value:string, label:string}[] */ _get_group_options(appname : string) { let options = []; Object.keys(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname]).map((key) => { // @ts-ignore if(Object.keys(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname][key]).filter((key) => isNaN(key)).length > 0) { // Handle groups of groups if(typeof et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname][key].label !== "undefined") { options.push({label:key, value: et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname][key]}); } else { let a = {label: key, value:[]}; for(let sub of Object.keys(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname][key])) { if(!et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname][key][sub]) { continue; } a.value.push({ value: key + '-' + sub, label: this.egw().lang(sub) }); } options.push(a); } } else { options.push({ value: key, label: this.egw().lang(key) }); } }); return options; } /** * Get a list of placeholders under the given application + group * * @param appname * @param group * @returns {value:string, label:string}[] */ _get_placeholders(appname : string, group : string) { let _group = group.split('-', 2); let ph = et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname]; for(let i = 0; typeof ph !== "undefined" && i < _group.length; i++) { ph = ph[_group[i]]; } return ph || []; } /** * Get the correct insert text call the insert callback with it * * @param dialog_values */ _do_insert_callback(dialog_values : Object) { this.options.insert_callback(this.get_value()); } set_value(value) { this.value = value; } getValue() { return this.value; } }; et2_register_widget(et2_placeholder_select, ["placeholder-select"]); /** * Display a dialog to choose from a set list of placeholder snippets */ export class et2_placeholder_snippet_select extends et2_placeholder_select { static readonly _attributes : any = { dialog_title: { "default": "Insert address" } }; static placeholders = { "addressbook": { "addresses": { "{{org_name}}\n{{n_fn}}\n{{adr_one_street}}{{NELF adr_one_street2}}\n{{adr_one_formatted}}": "Business address", "{{n_fn}}\n{{adr_two_street}}{{NELF adr_two_street2}}\n{{adr_two_formatted}}": "Home address", "{{n_fn}}\n{{email}}\n{{tel_work}}": "Name, email, phone" } } }; button : JQuery; submit_callback : any; dialog : Et2Dialog; protected value : any; protected LIST_URL = 'EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Placeholder::ajax_get_placeholders'; protected TEMPLATE = '/api/templates/default/placeholder_snippet.xet?1'; /** * Constructor * * @param _parent * @param _attrs * @memberOf et2_vfsSelect */ constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_placeholder_select._attributes, _child || {})); // Load app translations this.egw().langRequireApp(this.egw().window, "addressbook"); } /** * Post-load of the dialog * Bind internal events, set some things that are difficult to do in the template */ _on_template_load() { let app = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("app"); let placeholder_list = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("placeholder_list"); let preview = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_content"); let entry = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("entry"); placeholder_list.set_select_options(this._get_placeholders("addressbook", "addresses")); // Further setup / styling that can't be done in etemplate app.setAttribute("readonly", true); // Bind some handlers app.onchange = (node, widget) => { entry.set_value({app: widget.get_value()}); placeholder_list.set_select_options(this._get_placeholders(app.value, "addresses")); } placeholder_list.onchange = this._on_placeholder_select.bind(this); entry.onchange = this._on_placeholder_select.bind(this); app.set_value(app.value); this._on_placeholder_select(); } /** * User has selected a placeholder * Update the UI, and if they have an entry selected do the replacement and show that. */ _on_placeholder_select() { let app = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("app"); let entry = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("entry"); let placeholder_list = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("placeholder_list"); let preview_content = this.dialog.template.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById("preview_content"); let placeholder = ""; if(app && app.value) { placeholder = Object.keys(et2_placeholder_snippet_select.placeholders[app.value]["addresses"])[placeholder_list.value]; } if(placeholder && entry.get_value()) { // Show the selected placeholder replaced with value from the selected entry this.egw().json( 'EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Placeholder::ajax_fill_placeholders', [placeholder, {app: "addressbook", id: entry.get_value()}], function(_content) { if(!_content) { _content = ''; } this.set_value(_content); preview_content.set_value(_content); preview_content.getDOMNode().parentNode.style.visibility = _content.trim() ? null : 'hidden'; }.bind(this) ).sendRequest(true); } else { // No value, hide the row preview_content.getDOMNode().parentNode.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if(!entry.get_value()) { entry._searchNode.focus(); } } /** * Get the list of placeholder groups under the selected application * @param appname * @returns {value:string, label:string}[] */ _get_group_options(appname : string) { let options = []; Object.keys(et2_placeholder_select.placeholders[appname]).map((key) => { options.push( { value: key, label: this.egw().lang(key) }); }); return options; } /** * Get a list of placeholders under the given application + group * * @param appname * @param group * @returns {value:string, label:string}[] */ _get_placeholders(appname : string, group : string) { let options = []; Object.keys(et2_placeholder_snippet_select.placeholders[appname][group]).map((key, index) => { options.push( { value: index, label: this.egw().lang(et2_placeholder_snippet_select.placeholders[appname][group][key]) }); }); return options; } /** * Get the correct insert text call the insert callback with it * * @param dialog_values */ _do_insert_callback(dialog_values : Object) { this.options.insert_callback(this.get_value()); } set_value(value) { this.value = value; } getValue() { return this.value; } }; et2_register_widget(et2_placeholder_snippet_select, ["placeholder-snippet"]);