* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* Mail Interface class
class mail_ui
* Methods callable via menuaction
* @var array
var $public_functions = array
'index' => True,
'TestConnection' => True,
* instance of mail_bo
* @var object
var $mail_bo;
* Constructor
function __construct()
// no autohide of the sidebox, as we use it for folderlist now.
if (!empty($_GET["resetConnection"])) $connectionReset = html::purify($_GET["resetConnection"]);
$icServerID =& egw_cache::getSession('mail','activeProfileID');
if ($connectionReset)
error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Connection Reset triggered:'.$connectionReset.' for Profile with ID:'.$icServerID);
$this->mail_bo = mail_bo::getInstance(false,$icServerID);
// no icServer Object: something failed big time
if (!isset($this->mail_bo->icServer)) exit; // ToDo: Exception or the dialog for setting up a server config
if (!($this->mail_bo->icServer->_connected == 1)) $this->mail_bo->openConnection($icServerID);
* Main mail page
* @param array $content=null
* @param string $msg=null
function index(array $content=null,$msg=null)
if (!is_array($content))
$content = array(
'nm' => egw_session::appsession('index','mail'),
if (!is_array($content['nm']))
$content['nm'] = array(
'get_rows' => 'mail.mail_ui.get_rows', // I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. 'notes.bo.get_rows'
'filter' => '1', // current dir only
'no_filter2' => True, // I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter)
'no_cat' => True, // I disable the cat-selectbox
'lettersearch' => false, // I show a lettersearch
'searchletter' => false, // I0 active letter of the lettersearch or false for [all]
'start' => 0, // IO position in list
'order' => 'date', // IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders)
'sort' => 'ASC', // IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
'default_cols' => 'subject,fromaddress,date,size', // I columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns
'csv_fields' => false, // I false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames,
//or array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type)
'actions' => self::get_actions(),
'row_id' => 'row_id', // is a concatenation of trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']):profileID:base64_encode(FOLDERNAME):uid
//$content['nm']['path'] = self::get_home_dir();
$etpl = new etemplate('mail.index');
return $etpl->exec('mail.mail_ui.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
* Test Connection
* Simple Test, resets the active connections cachedObjects / ImapServer
function TestConnection ()
$preferences =& $this->mail_bo->mailPreferences->preferences;
if ($preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] == 'none') die('You should not be here!');
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']))
$icServerID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'];
if (is_object($preferences)) $imapServer = $preferences->getIncomingServer($icServerID);
if (isset($imapServer->ImapServerId) && !empty($imapServer->ImapServerId))
$icServerID = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'] = $imapServer->ImapServerId;
echo "
".lang('Test Connection and display basic information about the selected profile')." ";
_debug_array('Connection Reset triggered:'.$connectionReset.' for Profile with ID:'.$icServerID);
if (mail_bo::$idna2)
_debug_array('Umlautdomains supported (see Example below)');
$dom = 'füßler.com';
$encDom = mail_bo::$idna2->encode($dom);
if ($preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] == 'reset') exit;
echo "".lang('IMAP Server')." ";
if($imapServer->_connectionErrorObject) $eO = $imapServer->_connectionErrorObject;
$sieveServer = clone $imapServer;
if (!empty($imapServer->adminPassword)) $imapServer->adminPassword='**********************';
if ($preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] == 'nopasswords' || $preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] == 'nocredentials')
if (!empty($imapServer->password)) $imapServer->password='**********************';
if ($preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] == 'nocredentials')
if (!empty($imapServer->adminUsername)) $imapServer->adminUsername='++++++++++++++++++++++';
if (!empty($imapServer->username)) $imapServer->username='++++++++++++++++++++++';
if (!empty($imapServer->loginName)) $imapServer->loginName='++++++++++++++++++++++';
if ($preferences->preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] <> 'basic')
_debug_array(array('ImapServerId' =>$imapServer->ImapServerId,
echo "".lang('Connection Status')." ";
$lE = false;
if ($eO && $eO->message)
$lE = true;
$isError = egw_cache::getCache(egw_cache::INSTANCE,'email','icServerIMAP_connectionError'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),null,array(),$expiration=60*5);
if ($isError[$icServerID]) {
$lE = true;
_debug_array(($lE?'':lang('Successfully connected')));
$suF = $this->mail_bo->getSpecialUseFolders();
if (is_array($suF) && !empty($suF)) _debug_array(array(lang('Server supports Special-Use Folders')=>$suF));
if(($sieveServer instanceof defaultimap) && $sieveServer->enableSieve) {
$scriptName = (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['sieveScriptName'])) ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['sieveScriptName'] : 'mail';
$rules = $sieveServer->retrieveRules($sieveServer->scriptName,true);
$vacation = $sieveServer->getVacation($sieveServer->scriptName);
echo "".lang('Sieve Connection Status')." ";
$isSieveError = egw_cache::getCache(egw_cache::INSTANCE,'email','icServerSIEVE_connectionError'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),$callback=null,$callback_params=array(),$expiration=60*15);
if ($isSieveError[$icServerID])
_debug_array(array(lang('Successfully connected'),$rules));
echo "".lang('Preferences')." ";
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ImapServerId:'.$imapServer->ImapServerId.' Prefs:'.array2string($preferences->preferences));
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ImapServerObject:'.array2string($imapServer));
if (is_object($preferences)) $activeIdentity =& $preferences->getIdentity($icServerID, true);
$maxMessages = 50;
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['prefMailGridBehavior']) && (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['prefMailGridBehavior'] <> 0)
$maxMessages = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['prefMailGridBehavior'];
$userPreferences =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail'];
// retrieve data for/from user defined accounts
$selectedID = 0;
if($this->preferences->userDefinedAccounts) $allAccountData = $this->bopreferences->getAllAccountData($this->preferences);
if ($allAccountData) {
foreach ($allAccountData as $tmpkey => $accountData)
$identity =& $accountData['identity'];
$icServer =& $accountData['icServer'];
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Userdefined Profiles ImapServerId:'.$icServer->ImapServerId);
if (empty($icServer->host)) continue;
$identities[$identity->id]=$identity->realName.' '.$identity->organization.' <'.$identity->emailAddress.'>';
if (!empty($identity->default)) $identities[$identity->id] = $identities[$identity->id].'('.lang('selected').') ';
if (count($identities)>0)
echo "".lang('available personal EMail-Accounts/Profiles')." ";
if (empty($imapServer->host) && count($identities)==0 && $this->preferences->userDefinedAccounts)
// redirect to new personal account
'msg' => lang("There is no IMAP Server configured.")." - ".lang("Please configure access to an existing individual IMAP account."),
* Get actions / context menu for index
* Changes here, require to log out, as $content['nm'] get stored in session!
* @var &$action_links
* @return array see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions()
private function get_actions(array &$action_links=array())
// duplicated from mail_hooks
static $deleteOptions = array(
'move_to_trash' => 'move to trash',
'mark_as_deleted' => 'mark as deleted',
'remove_immediately' => 'remove immediately',
// todo: real hierarchical folder list
$folders = array(
'Drafts' => 'Drafts',
'Sent' => 'Sent',
$lastFolderUsedForMove = null;
$moveaction = 'move_';
$lastFolderUsedForMoveCont = egw_cache::getCache(egw_cache::INSTANCE,'email','lastFolderUsedForMove'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),null,array(),$expiration=60*60*1);
if (isset($lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID]))
$_folder = $this->mail_bo->icServer->getCurrentMailbox();
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$_folder."<->".$lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID].function_backtrace());
//if ($_folder!=$lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID]) $this->mail_bo->icServer->selectMailbox($lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID]);
if ($_folder!=$lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID])
$lastFolderUsedForMove = $this->mail_bo->getFolderStatus($lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID]);
$moveaction .= $lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->mail_bo->profileID];
//if ($_folder!=$lastFolderUsedForMoveCont[$this->profileID]) $this->mail_bo->icServer->selectMailbox($_folder);
$actions = array(
'open' => array(
'caption' => lang('Open'),
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_open',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'default' => true,
'reply' => array(
'caption' => 'Reply',
'icon' => 'mail_reply',
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_compose',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'reply_all' => array(
'caption' => 'Reply All',
'icon' => 'mail_replyall',
'group' => $group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_compose',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'forward' => array(
'caption' => 'Forward',
'icon' => 'mail_forward',
'group' => $group,
'children' => array(
'forwardinline' => array(
'caption' => 'forward inline',
'icon' => 'mail_forward',
'group' => $group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_compose',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'forwardasattach' => array(
'caption' => 'forward as attachment',
'icon' => 'mail_forward',
'group' => $group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_compose',
'composeasnew' => array(
'caption' => 'Compose as new',
'icon' => 'new',
'group' => $group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_compose',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
$moveaction => array(
'caption' => lang('Move selected to').': '.(isset($lastFolderUsedForMove['shortDisplayName'])?$lastFolderUsedForMove['shortDisplayName']:''),
'icon' => 'move',
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_move2folder',
'allowOnMultiple' => true,
'infolog' => array(
'caption' => 'InfoLog',
'hint' => 'Save as InfoLog',
'icon' => 'infolog/navbar',
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_infolog',
'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.import_mail',
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'tracker' => array(
'caption' => 'Tracker',
'hint' => 'Save as ticket',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'tracker/navbar',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_tracker',
'url' => 'menuaction=tracker.tracker_ui.import_mail',
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_popup'),
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'print' => array(
'caption' => 'Print',
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_print',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'save' => array(
'caption' => 'Save',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'fileexport',
'children' => array(
'save2disk' => array(
'caption' => 'Save message to disk',
'hint' => 'Save message to disk',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'fileexport',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_save',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'save2filemanager' => array(
'caption' => 'Save to filemanager',
'hint' => 'Save message to filemanager',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'filemanager/navbar',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_save2fm',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'view' => array(
'caption' => 'View',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'kmmsgread',
'children' => array(
'header' => array(
'caption' => 'Header lines',
'hint' => 'View header lines',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'kmmsgread',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_header',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'mailsource' => array(
'caption' => 'Mail Source',
'hint' => 'View full Mail Source',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'fileexport',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_mailsource',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'mark' => array(
'caption' => 'Mark as',
'icon' => 'read_small',
'group' => ++$group,
'children' => array(
// icons used from http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
// Artist: Led24
// Iconset Homepage: http://led24.de/iconset
// License: CC Attribution 3.0
'setLabel' => array(
'caption' => 'Set Label',
'icon' => 'tag_message',
'group' => ++$group,
'children' => array(
'label1' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('urgent')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_label1',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'label2' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('job')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_label2',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'label3' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('personal')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_label3',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'label4' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('to do')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_label4',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'label5' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('later')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_label5',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
// modified icons from http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
'unsetLabel' => array(
'caption' => 'Remove Label',
'icon' => 'untag_message',
'group' => ++$group,
'children' => array(
'unlabel1' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('urgent')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_unlabel1',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'unlabel2' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('job')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_unlabel2',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'unlabel3' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('personal')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_unlabel3',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'unlabel4' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('to do')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_unlabel4',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'unlabel5' => array(
'caption' => "".lang('later')." ",
'icon' => 'mail_unlabel5',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'flagged' => array(
'group' => ++$group,
'caption' => 'Flagged',
'icon' => 'unread_flagged_small',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
//'disableClass' => 'flagged',
//'enabled' => "javaScript:mail_disabledByClass",
'shortcut' => egw_keymanager::shortcut(egw_keymanager::F, true, true),
'unflagged' => array(
'group' => $group,
'caption' => 'Unflagged',
'icon' => 'read_flagged_small',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
//'enableClass' => 'flagged',
//'enabled' => "javaScript:mail_enabledByClass",
'shortcut' => egw_keymanager::shortcut(egw_keymanager::U, true, true),
'read' => array(
'group' => $group,
'caption' => 'Read',
'icon' => 'read_small',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
//'enableClass' => 'unseen',
//'enabled' => "javaScript:mail_enabledByClass",
'unread' => array(
'group' => $group,
'caption' => 'Unread',
'icon' => 'unread_small',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
//'disableClass' => 'unseen',
//'enabled' => "javaScript:mail_disabledByClass",
'undelete' => array(
'group' => $group,
'caption' => 'Undelete',
'icon' => 'revert',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_flag',
'enableClass' => 'deleted',
'enabled' => "javaScript:mail_enabledByClass",
'delete' => array(
'caption' => 'Delete',
'hint' => $deleteOptions[$this->mail_bo->mailPreferences->preferences['deleteOptions']],
'group' => ++$group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_delete',
'drag_mail' => array(
'dragType' => 'mail',
'type' => 'drag',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_dragStart',
'drop_move_mail' => array(
'type' => 'drop',
'acceptedTypes' => 'mail',
'icon' => 'move',
'caption' => 'Move to',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_move'
'drop_copy_mail' => array(
'type' => 'drop',
'acceptedTypes' => 'mail',
'icon' => 'copy',
'caption' => 'Copy to',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:mail_copy'
'drop_cancel' => array(
'caption' => 'Cancel',
'acceptedTypes' => 'mail',
'type' => 'drop',
// save as tracker, save as infolog, as this are actions that are either available for all, or not, we do that for all and not via css-class disabling
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['infolog']))
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['tracker']))
if (empty($lastFolderUsedForMove))
// note this one is NOT a real CAPABILITY reported by the server, but added by selectMailbox
if (!$this->mail_bo->icServer->hasCapability('SUPPORTS_KEYWORDS'))
return nextmatch_widget::egw_actions($actions, 'mail', '', $action_links);
* Callback to fetch the rows for the nextmatch widget
* @param array $query
* @param array &$rows
* @param array &$readonlys
function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Folder:'.array2string($_folderName).' FolderType:'.$folderType.' RowsFetched:'.array2string($rowsFetched)." these Uids:".array2string($uidOnly).' Headers passed:'.array2string($headers));
$maxMessages = 50; // match the hardcoded setting for data retrieval as inital value
if (isset($this->mail_bo->mailPreferences->preferences['prefMailGridBehavior']) && (int)$this->mail_bo->mailPreferences->preferences['prefMailGridBehavior'] <> 0)
$maxMessages = (int)$this->mail_bo->mailPreferences->preferences['prefMailGridBehavior'];
$previewMessage = $this->sessionData['previewMessage'];
$sRToFetch = null;
$rowsFetched['messages'] = null;
$offset = $query['start']+1; // we always start with 1
$maxMessages = $query['num_rows'];
$sort = $query['order'];
$filter = array();
$reverse = ($query['order']=='ASC'?false:true);
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' maxMessages:'.$maxMessages.' Offset:'.$offset.' Filter:'.array2string($this->sessionData['messageFilter']));
if ($maxMessages > 75)
$sR = $this->mail_bo->getSortedList(
$rowsFetched['messages'] = count($sR);
// if $sR is false, something failed fundamentally
if($reverse === true) $sR = ($sR===false?array():array_reverse((array)$sR));
$sR = array_slice((array)$sR,($offset==0?0:$offset-1),$maxMessages); // we need only $maxMessages of uids
$sRToFetch = $sR;//array_slice($sR,0,50); // we fetch only the headers of a subset of the fetched uids
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Rows fetched (UID only):'.count($sR).' Data:'.array2string($sR));
$maxMessages = 75;
$sortResultwH['header'] = array();
if (count($sRToFetch)>0)
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Headers to fetch with UIDs:'.count($sRToFetch).' Data:'.array2string($sRToFetch));
$sortResult = array();
// fetch headers
$sortResultwH = $this->mail_bo->getHeaders(
$sortResult = array();
// fetch headers
$sortResultwH = $this->mail_bo->getHeaders(
$rowsFetched['messages'] = $sortResultwH['info']['total'];
if (is_array($sR) && count($sR)>0)
foreach ((array)$sR as $key => $v)
if (array_key_exists($key,(array)$sortResultwH['header'])==true)
$sortResult['header'][] = $sortResultwH['header'][$key];
if (!empty($v)) $sortResult['header'][] = array('uid'=>$v);
$sortResult = $sortResultwH;
$rowsFetched['rowsFetched'] = count($sortResult['header']);
if (empty($rowsFetched['messages'])) $rowsFetched['messages'] = $rowsFetched['rowsFetched'];
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Rows fetched:'.$rowsFetched.' Data:'.array2string($sortResult));
$cols = array('row_id','uid','check','status','attachments','subject','toaddress','fromaddress','date','size');
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['select_mode']=='EGW_SELECTMODE_TOGGLE') unset($cols[0]);
$rows = $this->header2gridelements($sortResult['header'],$cols, $_folderName, $folderType,$previewMessage);
return $rowsFetched['messages'];
* function header2gridelements - to populate the grid elements with the collected Data
* @param array $_headers, headerdata to process
* @param array $cols, cols to populate
* @param array $_folderName, used to ensure the uniqueness of the uid over all folders
* @param array $_folderType=0, foldertype, used to determine if we need to populate from/to
* @param array $previewMessage=0, the message previewed
* @return array populated result array
public function header2gridelements($_headers, $cols, $_folderName, $_folderType=0, $previewMessage=0)
$timestamp7DaysAgo =
mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d")-7, date("Y"));
$timestampNow =
mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$dateToday = date("Y-m-d");
$rv = array();
$firstuid = null;
foreach((array)$_headers as $header)
$data = array();
$result = array(
"id" => $header['uid'],
"group" => "mail", // activate the action links for mail objects
$message_uid = $header['uid'];
$data['uid'] = $message_uid;
#if($i<10) {$i++;continue;}
#if($i>20) {continue;} $i++;
// create the listing of subjects
$maxSubjectLength = 60;
$maxAddressLength = 20;
$maxSubjectLengthBold = 50;
$maxAddressLengthBold = 14;
$flags = "";
if(!empty($header['recent'])) $flags .= "R";
if(!empty($header['flagged'])) $flags .= "F";
if(!empty($header['answered'])) $flags .= "A";
if(!empty($header['forwarded'])) $flags .= "W";
if(!empty($header['deleted'])) $flags .= "D";
if(!empty($header['seen'])) $flags .= "S";
if(!empty($header['label1'])) $flags .= "1";
if(!empty($header['label2'])) $flags .= "2";
if(!empty($header['label3'])) $flags .= "3";
if(!empty($header['label4'])) $flags .= "4";
if(!empty($header['label5'])) $flags .= "5";
$data["status"] = " ";
//error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($header).' Flags:'.$flags);
// the css for this row
$css_styles = array("mail");
if ($header['deleted']) {
$css_styles[] = 'deleted';
if ($header['recent'] && !($header['deleted'] || $header['seen'] || $header['answered'] || $header['forwarded'])) {
$css_styles[] = 'recent';
if ($header['priority'] < 3) {
$css_styles[] = 'prio_high';
if ($header['flagged']) {
$css_styles[] = 'flagged';
if (!$header['seen'])
$css_styles[] = 'flagged_unseen';
$css_styles[] = 'flagged_seen';
if (!$header['seen']) {
$css_styles[] = 'unseen'; // different status image for recent // solved via css !important
if ($header['answered']) {
$css_styles[] = 'replied';
if ($header['forwarded']) {
$css_styles[] = 'forwarded';
if ($header['label1']) {
$css_styles[] = 'label1';
if ($header['label2']) {
$css_styles[] = 'label2';
if ($header['label3']) {
$css_styles[] = 'label3';
if ($header['label4']) {
$css_styles[] = 'label4';
if ($header['label5']) {
$css_styles[] = 'label5';
//if (in_array("check", $cols))
// don't overwrite check with "false" as this forces the grid to
// deselect the row - sending "0" doesn't do that
if (in_array("check", $cols)) $data["check"] = $previewMessage == $header['uid'] ? true : 0;// $row_selected; //TODO:checkbox true or false
//$data["check"] =' ';
if (in_array("subject", $cols))
// filter out undisplayable characters
$search = array('[\016]','[\017]',
$replace = '';
$header['subject'] = preg_replace($search,$replace,$header['subject']);
$headerSubject = $header['subject'];//mail_bo::htmlentities($header['subject'],$this->charset);
$header['subject'] = $headerSubject;
// curly brackets get messed up by the template!
$header['subject'] = str_replace(array('{','}'),array('{','}'),$header['subject']);
if (!empty($header['subject'])) {
// make the subject shorter if it is to long
$fullSubject = $header['subject'];
$subject = $header['subject'];
#$this->t->set_var('attachments', $header['attachment']);
} else {
$subject = @htmlspecialchars('('. lang('no subject') .')', ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset);
if($_folderType == 2 || $_folderType == 3) {
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.uicompose.composeFromDraft',
'icServer' => 0,
'folder' => base64_encode($_folderName),
'uid' => $header['uid'],
'id' => $header['id'],
$url_read_message = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
$windowName = 'composeFromDraft_'.$header['uid'];
$read_message_windowName = $windowName;
$preview_message_windowName = $windowName;
} else {
# _debug_array($header);
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.uidisplay.display',
'showHeader' => 'false',
'mailbox' => base64_encode($_folderName),
'uid' => $header['uid'],
'id' => $header['id'],
$url_read_message = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
$windowName = ($_readInNewWindow == 1 ? 'displayMessage' : 'displayMessage_'.$header['uid']);
if ($this->use_preview) $windowName = 'MessagePreview_'.$header['uid'].'_'.$_folderType;
$preview_message_windowName = $windowName;
$data["subject"] = /*''.$subject.' ';//*/ $subject; // the mailsubject
if (in_array("attachments", $cols))
if($header['mimetype'] == 'multipart/mixed' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'multipart/signed' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'multipart/related' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'multipart/report' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'text/calendar' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'text/html' ||
substr($header['mimetype'],0,11) == 'application' ||
substr($header['mimetype'],0,5) == 'audio' ||
substr($header['mimetype'],0,5) == 'video' ||
$header['mimetype'] == 'multipart/alternative')
$linkDataAttachments = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.uidisplay.displayAttachments',
'showHeader' => 'false',
'mailbox' => base64_encode($_folderName),
'uid' => $header['uid'],
'id' => $header['id'],
$windowName = 'displayMessage_'.$header['uid'];
$image = html::image('mail','attach');
if (//$header['mimetype'] != 'multipart/mixed' &&
$header['mimetype'] != 'multipart/signed'
if ($this->mail_bo->icServer->_connected != 1)
$this->mail_bo->openConnection($this->profileID); // connect to the current server
//$attachments = $this->mail_bo->getMessageAttachments($header['uid'],$_partID='', $_structure='', $fetchEmbeddedImages=true, $fetchTextCalendar=false, $resolveTNEF=false);
if (count($attachments)<1) $image = ' ';
if (count($attachments)>0) $image = "link('/index.php',$linkDataAttachments)."', '".$windowName."', this); return false;\"
title=\"".$header['subject']."\">".$image." ";
$attachmentFlag = $image;
} else {
$attachmentFlag =' ';
// show priority flag
if ($header['priority'] < 3) {
$image = html::image('mail','prio_high');
} elseif ($header['priority'] > 3) {
$image = html::image('mail','prio_low');
} else {
$image = '';
// show a flag for flagged messages
$imageflagged ='';
if ($header['flagged'])
$imageflagged = html::image('mail','unread_flagged_small');
$data["attachments"] = $image.$attachmentFlag.$imageflagged; // icon for attachments available
// sent or draft or template folder -> to address
if (in_array("toaddress", $cols))
if(!empty($header['to_name'])) {
list($mailbox, $host) = explode('@',$header['to_address']);
$senderAddress = imap_rfc822_write_address($mailbox,
} else {
$senderAddress = $header['to_address'];
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'mail.uicompose.compose',
'send_to' => base64_encode($senderAddress)
$windowName = 'compose_'.$header['uid'];
// sent or drafts or template folder means foldertype > 0, use to address instead of from
$header2add = $header['to_address'];//mail_bo::htmlentities($header['to_address'],$this->charset);
$header['to_address'] = $header2add;
if (!empty($header['to_name'])) {
$header2name = $header['to_name'];//mail_bo::htmlentities($header['to_name'],$this->charset);
$header['to_name'] = $header2name;
$sender_name = $header['to_name'];
$full_address = $header['to_name'].' <'.$header['to_address'].'>';
} else {
$sender_name = $header['to_address'];
$full_address = $header['to_address'];
//$data["toaddress"] = "link('/index.php',$linkData)."', '".$windowName."', this); return false;\" title=\"".@htmlspecialchars($full_address, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, $this->charset,false)."\">".@htmlspecialchars($sender_name, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, $this->charset,false)." ";
$data["toaddress"] = $full_address;
if (in_array("fromaddress", $cols))
$header2add = $header['sender_address'];//mail_bo::htmlentities($header['sender_address'],$this->charset);
$header['sender_address'] = $header2add;
if (!empty($header['sender_name'])) {
$header2name = $header['sender_name'];//mail_bo::htmlentities($header['sender_name'],$this->charset);
$header['sender_name'] = $header2name;
$sender_name = $header['sender_name'];
$full_address = $header['sender_name'].' <'.$header['sender_address'].'>';
} else {
$sender_name = $header['sender_address'];
$full_address = $header['sender_address'];
if(!empty($header['sender_name'])) {
list($mailbox, $host) = explode('@',$header['sender_address']);
$senderAddress = imap_rfc822_write_address($mailbox,
} else {
$senderAddress = $header['sender_address'];
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'mail.uicompose.compose',
'send_to' => base64_encode($senderAddress)
$windowName = 'compose_'.$header['uid'];
$data["fromaddress"] = "link('/index.php',$linkData)."', '".$windowName."', this); return false;\" title=\"".@htmlspecialchars($full_address, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, $this->charset,false)."\">".@htmlspecialchars($sender_name, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, $this->charset,false)." ";
$data["fromaddress"] = $full_address;
if (in_array("date", $cols))
if ($dateToday == mail_bo::_strtotime($header['date'],'Y-m-d')) {
$dateShort = mail_bo::_strtotime($header['date'],($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat']==12?'h:i:s a':'H:i:s'));
} else {
$dateShort = mail_bo::_strtotime($header['date'],str_replace('Y','y',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']).' '.
($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i'));
$data["date"] = $header['date'];//$dateShort;//''.$dateShort.' ';
if (in_array("size", $cols))
$data["size"] = self::show_readable_size($header['size']); /// size
//TODO: url_add_to_addressbook isn't in any of the templates.
//If you want to use it, you need to adopt syntax to the new addressbook (popup)
//$result["data"] = $data;
//$result["rowClass"] = implode(' ', $css_styles);
$rv[] = $data;
return $rv;
* Returns a string showing the size of the message/attachment
* @param int $bytes
* @param string mode (not used)
* @return string ($bytes $type)
static function show_readable_size($bytes, $_mode='short')
$bytes /= 1024;
$type = 'k';
if ($bytes / 1024 > 1)
$bytes /= 1024;
$type = 'M';
if ($bytes < 10)
$bytes *= 10;
settype($bytes, 'integer');
$bytes /= 10;
settype($bytes, 'integer');
return $bytes . ' ' . $type ;