 * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Execution layer for legacy event code
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel
 * @copyright Stylite 2011-13
 * @version $Id: et2_core_phpExpressionCompiler.js 38256 2012-03-05 13:07:38Z igel457 $


	"use strict";

	* Resolve javascript pseudo functions in onclick or onchange:
	* - egw::link('$l','$p') calls egw.link($l,$p)
	* - form::name('name') returns expanded name/id taking into account the name at that point of the template hierarchy
	* - egw::lang('Message ...') translate the message, calls egw.lang()
	* - confirm('message') translates 'message' and adds a '?' if not present
	* - window.open() replaces it with egw_openWindowCentered2()
	* - xajax_doXMLHTTP('etemplate. replace ajax calls in widgets with special handler not requiring etemplate run rights
	* @param string _val onclick, onchange, ... action
	* @param string _cname name-prefix / name-space
	* @ToDo replace xajax_doXMLHTTP with egw.json()
	* @ToDo replace (common) cases of confirm with new dialog, idea: calling function supplys function to call after confirm
	* @ToDo template::styles(name) inserts the styles of a named template
	* @return string
	function js_pseudo_funcs(_val,widget)
		if (_val.indexOf('egw::link(') != -1)
			_val = _val.replace(/egw::link\(/g,'egw.link(');

		if (_val.indexOf('form::name(') != -1)
			// et2_form_name doesn't care about ][, just [
			var _cname = widget.getPath() ? widget.getPath().join("[") : false;
			_val = _val.replace(/form::name\(/g, "'"+widget.getRoot()._inst.uniqueId+"_'+"+(_cname ? "et2_form_name('"+_cname+"'," : '('));

		if (_val.indexOf('egw::lang(') != -1)
			_val = _val.replace(/egw::lang\(/g,'egw.lang(');

		// ToDo: inserts the styles of a named template
		/*if (preg_match('/template::styles\(["\']{1}(.*)["\']{1}\)/U',$on,$matches))
			$tpl = $matches[1] == $this->name ? $this : new etemplate($matches[1]);
			$on = str_replace($matches[0],"'<style>".str_replace(array("\n","\r"),'',$tpl->style)."</style>'",$on);

		// translate messages in confirm()
		if (_val.indexOf('confirm(') != -1)
			_val = _val.replace(/confirm\((['"])(.*?)(\?)?['"]\)/,"confirm(egw.lang($1$2$1)+'$3')"); // add ? if not there, saves extra phrase

		// replace window.open() with EGw's egw_openWindowCentered2()
		if (_val.indexOf('window.open(') != -1)
			_val = _val.replace(/window.open\('(.*)','(.*)','dependent=yes,width=([^,]*),height=([^,]*),scrollbars=yes,status=(.*)'\)/,
				"egw_openWindowCentered2('$1', '$2', $3, $4, '$5')");

		// replace xajax calls to code in widgets, with the "etemplate" handler,
		// this allows to call widgets with the current app, otherwise everyone would need etemplate run rights
		if (_val.indexOf("xajax_doXMLHTTP('etemplate.") != -1)
			_val = _val.replace(/^xajax_doXMLHTTP\('etemplate\.([a-z]+_widget\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\'/,

		if (_val.indexOf('this.form.submit()') != -1)
			_val = _val.replace('this.form.submit()','widget.getInstanceManager().submit()');
		return _val;

	this.et2_compileLegacyJS = function(_code, _widget, _context) {
		// Replace the javascript pseudo-functions
		_code = js_pseudo_funcs(_code,_widget);

		// Check whether _code is simply "1" -- if yes replace it accordingly
		if (_code === '1')
			_code = 'widget.getInstanceManager().submit(); return false;';

		// Check whether some pseudo-variables still reside inside of the code,
		// if yes, replace them.
		if (_code.indexOf("$") >= 0 || _code.indexOf("@") >= 0)
			// Get the content array manager for the widget
			var mgr = _widget.getArrayMgr("content");
			if (mgr)
				_code = mgr.expandName(_code);

		// Context is the context in which the function will run. Set context to
		// null as a default, so that it's possible to find bugs where "this" is
		// accessed in the code, but not properly set.
		var context = _context ? _context : null;

		// Check whether the given widget implements the "et2_IDOMNode"
		// interface
		if (!context && _widget.implements(et2_IDOMNode))
			context = _widget.getDOMNode();

		// Generate the function itself, if it fails, log the error message and
		// return a function which always returns false
		try {
			// Code is app.appname.function, add the arguments so it can be executed
			if (typeof _code == 'string' && _code.indexOf('app') == 0 && _code.split('.').length >= 3 && _code.indexOf('(') == -1)
				_code += '(ev,widget)';
			var func = new Function('ev', 'widget', _code);
		} catch(e) {
			_widget.egw().debug('error', 'Error while compiling JS code ', _code);
			return (function() {return false;});

		// Execute the code and return its results, pass the egw instance and
		// the widget
		return function(ev) {
			// Dump the executed code for debugging
			egw.debug('log', 'Executing legacy JS code: ', _code);

			if(arguments && arguments.length > 2)
				egw.debug('warn', 'Legacy JS code only supports 2 arguments (event and widget)', _code, arguments);
			// Return the result of the called function
			return func.call(context, ev, _widget);
