2005-06-19 19:00:58 +00:00

524 lines
16 KiB

* The NLS:: class provides Native Language Support. This includes common
* methods for handling language detection and selection, timezones, and
* hostname->country lookups.
* $Horde: framework/NLS/NLS.php,v 1.86 2005/02/28 15:45:56 jan Exp $
* Copyright 1999-2005 Jon Parise <>
* Copyright 1999-2005 Chuck Hagenbuch <>
* Copyright 2002-2005 Jan Schneider <>
* Copyright 2003-2005 Michael Slusarz <>
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see
* @author Jon Parise <>
* @author Chuck Hagenbuch <>
* @author Jan Schneider <>
* @author Michael Slusarz <>
* @version $Revision$
* @since Horde 3.0
* @package Horde_NLS
class NLS {
* Selects the most preferred language for the current client session.
* @access public
* @return string The selected language abbreviation.
function select()
global $nls, $prefs;
$lang = Util::getFormData('new_lang');
/* First, check if language pref is locked and, if so, set it to its
value */
if (isset($prefs) && $prefs->isLocked('language')) {
$language = $prefs->getValue('language');
/* Check if the user selected a language from the login screen */
} elseif (!empty($lang)) {
$language = $lang;
/* Check if we have a language set in a cookie */
} elseif (isset($_SESSION['horde_language'])) {
$language = $_SESSION['horde_language'];
/* Use site-wide default, if one is defined */
} elseif (!empty($nls['defaults']['language'])) {
$language = $nls['defaults']['language'];
/* Try browser-accepted languages. */
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
/* The browser supplies a list, so return the first valid one. */
$browser_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
foreach ($browser_langs as $lang) {
/* Strip quality value for language */
if (($pos = strpos($lang, ';')) !== false) {
$lang = substr($lang, 0, $pos);
$lang = NLS::_map(trim($lang));
if (NLS::isValid($lang)) {
$language = $lang;
/* In case no full match, save best guess based on prefix */
if (!isset($partial_lang) &&
NLS::isValid(NLS::_map(substr($lang, 0, 2)))) {
$partial_lang = NLS::_map(substr($lang, 0, 2));
if (!isset($language)) {
if (isset($partial_lang)) {
$language = $partial_lang;
} else {
/* No dice auto-detecting, default to US English. */
$language = 'en_US';
return basename($language);
* Sets the language.
* @access public
* @param optional string $lang The language abbriviation.
function setLang($lang = null)
include_once HORDE_BASE . '/config/nls.php';
if (empty($lang) || !NLS::isValid($lang)) {
$lang = NLS::select();
if (isset($GLOBALS['language']) && $GLOBALS['language'] == $lang) {
$GLOBALS['language'] = $lang;
/* First try language with the current charset. */
$lang_charset = $lang . '.' . NLS::getCharset();
if ($lang_charset != setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang_charset)) {
/* Next try language with its default charset. */
global $nls;
$charset = !empty($nls['charsets'][$lang]) ? $nls['charsets'][$lang] : $nls['defaults']['charset'];
$lang_charset = $lang . '.' . $charset;
NLS::_cachedCharset(0, $charset);
if ($lang_charset != setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang_charset)) {
/* At last try language solely. */
$lang_charset = $lang;
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang_charset);
@putenv('LANG=' . $lang_charset);
@putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $lang_charset);
* Sets the gettext domain.
* @access public
* @param string $app The application name.
* @param string $directory The directory where the application's
* LC_MESSAGES directory resides.
* @param string $charset The charset.
function setTextdomain($app, $directory, $charset)
bindtextdomain($app, $directory);
/* The existence of this function depends on the platform. */
if (function_exists('bind_textdomain_codeset')) {
NLS::_cachedCharset(0, bind_textdomain_codeset($app, $charset));
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset);
* Determines whether the supplied language is valid.
* @access public
* @param string $language The abbreviated name of the language.
* @return boolean True if the language is valid, false if it's not
* valid or unknown.
function isValid($language)
return !empty($GLOBALS['nls']['languages'][$language]);
* Maps languages with common two-letter codes (such as nl) to the
* full gettext code (in this case, nl_NL). Returns the language
* unmodified if it isn't an alias.
* @access private
* @param string $language The language code to map.
* @return string The mapped language code.
function _map($language)
require_once 'Horde/String.php';
$aliases = &$GLOBALS['nls']['aliases'];
// Translate the $language to get broader matches.
// (eg. de-DE should match de_DE)
$trans_lang = str_replace('-', '_', $language);
$lang_parts = explode('_', $trans_lang);
$trans_lang = String::lower($lang_parts[0]);
if (isset($lang_parts[1])) {
$trans_lang .= '_' . String::upper($lang_parts[1]);
// See if we get a match for this
if (!empty($aliases[$trans_lang])) {
return $aliases[$trans_lang];
// If we get that far down, the language cannot be found.
// Return $trans_lang.
return $trans_lang;
* Returns the charset for the current language.
* @access public
* @param boolean $original If true returns the original charset of the
* translation, the actually used one otherwise.
* @return string The character set that should be used with the current
* locale settings.
function getCharset($original = false)
global $language, $nls;
/* Get cached results. */
$cacheKey = intval($original);
$charset = NLS::_cachedCharset($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($charset)) {
return $charset;
if ($original) {
$charset = empty($nls['charsets'][$language]) ? $nls['defaults']['charset'] : $nls['charsets'][$language];
} else {
require_once 'Horde/Browser.php';
$browser = &Browser::singleton();
if ($browser->hasFeature('utf') &&
(Util::extensionExists('iconv') ||
Util::extensionExists('mbstring'))) {
$charset = 'UTF-8';
if (is_null($charset)) {
$charset = NLS::getExternalCharset();
NLS::_cachedCharset($cacheKey, $charset);
return $charset;
* Returns the current charset of the environment
* @access public
* @return string The character set that should be used with the current
* locale settings.
function getExternalCharset()
global $language, $nls;
/* Get cached results. */
$charset = NLS::_cachedCharset(2);
if (!is_null($charset)) {
return $charset;
$lang_charset = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0);
if (strpos($lang_charset, ';') === false &&
strpos($lang_charset, '/') === false) {
$lang_charset = explode('.', $lang_charset);
if ((count($lang_charset) == 2) && !empty($lang_charset[1])) {
NLS::_cachedCharset(2, $lang_charset[1]);
return $lang_charset[1];
return (!empty($nls['charsets'][$language])) ? $nls['charsets'][$language] : $nls['defaults']['charset'];
* Sets or returns the charset used under certain conditions.
* @access private
* @param integer $index The ID of a cache slot. 0 for the UI charset, 1
* for the translation charset and 2 for the
* external charset.
* @param string $charset If specified, this charset will be stored in the
* given cache slot. Otherwise the content of the
* specified cache slot will be returned.
function _cachedCharset($index, $charset = null)
static $cache;
if (!isset($cache)) {
$cache = array();
if ($charset == null) {
return isset($cache[$index]) ? $cache[$index] : null;
} else {
$cache[$index] = $charset;
* Returns the charset to use for outgoing emails.
* @return string The preferred charset for outgoing mails based on
* the user's preferences and the current language.
function getEmailCharset()
global $prefs, $language, $nls;
$charset = $prefs->getValue('sending_charset');
if (!empty($charset)) {
return $charset;
return isset($nls['emails'][$language]) ? $nls['emails'][$language] :
(isset($nls['charsets'][$language]) ? $nls['charsets'][$language] : $nls['defaults']['charset']);
* Check to see if character set is valid for htmlspecialchars() calls.
* @access public
* @param string $charset The character set to check.
* @return boolean Is charset valid for the current system?
function checkCharset($charset)
static $check;
if (is_null($charset) || empty($charset)) {
return false;
if (isset($check[$charset])) {
return $check[$charset];
} elseif (!isset($check)) {
$check = array();
$valid = true;
ini_set('track_errors', 1);
@htmlspecialchars('', ENT_COMPAT, $charset);
if (isset($php_errormsg)) {
$valid = false;
$check[$charset] = $valid;
return $valid;
* Sets the current timezone, if available.
* @access public
function setTimeZone()
global $prefs;
$tz = $prefs->getValue('timezone');
if (!empty($tz)) {
@putenv('TZ=' . $tz);
* Get the locale info returned by localeconv(), but cache it, to
* avoid repeated calls.
* @access public
* @return array The results of localeconv().
function getLocaleInfo()
static $lc_info;
if (!isset($lc_info)) {
$lc_info = localeconv();
return $lc_info;
* Get the language info returned by nl_langinfo(), but cache it, to
* avoid repeated calls.
* @access public
* @since Horde 3.1
* @param const $item The langinfo item to return.
* @return array The results of nl_langinfo().
function getLangInfo($item)
static $nl_info = array();
if (!isset($nl_info[$item])) {
$nl_info[$item] = nl_langinfo($item);
return $nl_info[$item];
* Get country information from a hostname or IP address.
* @access public
* @param string $host The hostname or IP address.
* @return mixed On success, return an array with the following entries:
* 'code' => Country Code
* 'name' => Country Name
* On failure, return false.
function getCountryByHost($host)
global $conf;
/* List of generic domains that we know is not in the country TLD
list. See: */
$generic = array(
'aero', 'biz', 'com', 'coop', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'int', 'mil',
'museum', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pro'
$checkHost = $host;
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/', $host)) {
$checkHost = @gethostbyaddr($host);
/* Get the TLD of the hostname. */
$pos = strrpos($checkHost, '.');
if ($pos === false) {
return false;
$domain = String::lower(substr($checkHost, $pos + 1));
/* Try lookup via TLD first. */
if (!in_array($domain, $generic)) {
require 'Horde/NLS/tld.php';
if (isset($tld[$domain])) {
return array('code' => $domain, 'name' => $tld[$domain]);
/* Try GeoIP lookup next. */
if (!empty($conf['geoip']['datafile'])) {
require_once 'Horde/NLS/GeoIP.php';
$geoip = &NLS_GeoIP::singleton($conf['geoip']['datafile']);
$id = $geoip->countryIdByName($checkHost);
if (!empty($id)) {
return array('code' => String::lower($GLOBALS['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES'][$id]), 'name' => $GLOBALS['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES'][$id]);
return false;
* Returns a Horde image link to the country flag.
* @access public
* @param string $host The hostname or IP address.
* @return string The image URL, or the empty string on error.
function generateFlagImageByHost($host)
global $registry;
$data = NLS::getCountryByHost($host);
if ($data !== false) {
$img = $data['code'] . '.png';
if (file_exists($registry->get('themesfs', 'horde') . '/graphics/flags/' . $img)) {
return Horde::img($img, $data['name'], '', $registry->getImageDir('horde') . '/flags');
} else {
return '[' . $data['name'] . ']';
return '';
* Returns either a specific or all ISO-3166 country names.
* @access public
* @param optional string $code The ISO 3166 country code.
* @return mixed If a country code has been requested will return the
* corresponding country name. If empty will return an
* array of all the country codes and their names.
function &getCountryISO($code = '')
static $countries = array();
if (empty($countries)) {
require_once 'Horde/NLS/countries.php';
if (empty($code)) {
return $countries;
} elseif (isset($countries[$code])) {
return $countries[$code];
return false;