2004-04-20 22:17:46 +00:00

78 lines
3.1 KiB

// I18N constants
// LANG: "lt", ENCODING: UTF-8
// Author: Jaroslav Šatkevič, <>
HTMLArea.I18N = {
// the following should be the filename without .js extension
// it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
lang: "en",
tooltips: {
bold: "Paryškinti",
italic: "Kursyvas",
underline: "Pabraukti",
strikethrough: "Perbraukti",
subscript: "Apatinis indeksas",
superscript: "Viršutinis indeksas",
justifyleft: "Lygiavimas pagal kairę",
justifycenter: "Lygiavimas pagal centrą",
justifyright: "Lygiavimas pagal dešinę",
justifyfull: "Lygiuoti pastraipą",
orderedlist: "Numeruotas sąrašas",
unorderedlist: "Suženklintas sąrašas",
outdent: "Sumažinti paraštę",
indent: "Padidinti paraštę",
forecolor: "Šrifto spalva",
hilitecolor: "Fono spalva",
horizontalrule: "Horizontali linija",
createlink: "Įterpti nuorodą",
insertimage: "Įterpti paveiksliuką",
inserttable: "Įterpti lentelę",
htmlmode: "Perjungti į HTML/WYSIWYG",
popupeditor: "Išplėstas redagavimo ekranas/Enlarge Editor",
about: "Apie redaktorių",
showhelp: "Pagalba naudojant redaktorių",
textindicator: "Dabartinis stilius",
undo: "Atšaukia paskutini jūsų veiksmą",
redo: "Pakartoja paskutinį atšauktą jūsų veiksmą",
cut: "Iškirpti",
copy: "Kopijuoti",
paste: "Įterpti"
buttons: {
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Atšaukti"
msg: {
"Path": "Kelias",
"TEXT_MODE": "Jūs esete teksto režime. Naudokite [<>] mygtuką grįžimui į WYSIWYG.",
"IE-sucks-full-screen" :
// translate here
"The full screen mode is known to cause problems with Internet Explorer, " +
"due to browser bugs that we weren't able to workaround. You might experience garbage " +
"display, lack of editor functions and/or random browser crashes. If your system is Windows 9x " +
"it's very likely that you'll get a 'General Protection Fault' and need to reboot.\n\n" +
"You have been warned. Please press OK if you still want to try the full screen editor."
dialogs: {
"Cancel" : "Atšaukti",
"Insert/Modify Link" : "Idėti/Modifikuoti",
"New window (_blank)" : "Naujas langas (_blank)",
"None (use implicit)" : "None (use implicit)",
"OK" : "OK",
"Other" : "Kitas",
"Same frame (_self)" : "Same frame (_self)",
"Target:" : "Target:",
"Title (tooltip):" : "Pavadinimas (tooltip):",
"Top frame (_top)" : "Top frame (_top)",
"URL:" : "URL:",
"You must enter the URL where this link points to" : "Jus privalote nurodyti URL į kuri rodo šitą nuoroda"