forked from extern/egroupware
- All attributes of the widgets are now parsed from XML before the widget itself is created. These attributes plus all default values are then added to an associative array. The associative array is passed as second parameter to the init function of et2_widget, but is also available as this.options *after* the constructor of the et2_widget baseclass has been called. The et2_widget constructor also calls a function parseArrayMgrAttrs(_attrs) - in this function widget implementations can read the values from e.g. the content and validation_errors array and merge it into the given _attrs associative array. After the complete internal widgettree is completely loaded and created the "loadingFinished" function gets called and invokes all given setter functions. After that it "glues" the DOM tree together. This should also (I didn't measure it) be a bit faster than before, when the DOM-Tree was created on the fly. Please have a look at the changes of the et2_textbox widget to see how this affects writing widgets. Note: The "id" property is copied to the object scope on the top of the et2_widget constructor. - When widgets are cloned the "options" array gets passed along to the newly created widget. This means that changes made on the widgets during runtime are not automatically copied to the clone - as this didn't happen anyhow it is not a really disadvantage. On the other side there should be no difference between widgets directly inside the "overlay" xet tag and widgets which are inside instanciated templates. - The selbox widget doesn't work anymore - it relied on the loadAttributes function which isn't available anymore. et2_selbox should use the parseArrayMgrAttrs function to access - I've commented out some of the "validator"-code in etemplate2.js as it created some error messages when destroying the widget tree.
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424 lines
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* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Widget base class
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright Stylite 2011
* @version $Id$
* IE Fix for array.indexOf
if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf == "undefined")
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(_elem) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
if (this[i] === _elem)
return i;
return -1;
* ET2_DEBUGLEVEL specifies which messages are printed to the console. Decrease
* the value of ET2_DEBUGLEVEL to get less messages.
function et2_debug(_level)
if (typeof console != "undefined")
// Get the passed parameters and remove the first entry
var args = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
if (_level == "log" && ET2_DEBUGLEVEL >= 4 &&
typeof console.log == "function")
console.log.apply(console, args);
if (_level == "info" && ET2_DEBUGLEVEL >= 3 &&
typeof == "function")
|, args);
if (_level == "warn" && ET2_DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 &&
typeof console.warn == "function")
console.warn.apply(console, args);
if (_level == "error" && ET2_DEBUGLEVEL >= 1 &&
typeof console.error == "function")
console.error.apply(console, args);
* Array with all types supported by the et2_checkType function.
var et2_validTypes = ["boolean", "string", "float", "integer", "any", "js", "dimension"];
* Object whith default values for the above types. Do not specify array or
* objects inside the et2_typeDefaults object, as this instance will be shared
* between all users of it.
var et2_typeDefaults = {
"boolean": false,
"string": "",
"js": null,
"float": 0.0,
"integer": 0,
"any": null,
"dimension": "auto"
function et2_evalBool(_val)
return _val ? true : false;
* Checks whether the given value is of the given type. Strings are converted
* into the corresponding type. The (converted) value is returned. All supported
* types are listed in the et2_validTypes array.
function et2_checkType(_val, _type, _attr)
if (typeof _attr == "undefined")
_attr = null;
function _err() {
var res = et2_typeDefaults[_type];
et2_debug("warn", "'" + _val + "' was not of specified _type '" +
_type + (_attr != null ? "' for attribute '" + _attr + "' " : "") +
"and is now '" + res + "'");
return res;
// If the type is "any" simply return the value again
if (_type == "any")
return _val;
// If the type is boolean, check whether the given value is exactly true or
// false. Otherwise check whether the value is the string "true" or "false".
if (_type == "boolean")
if (_val === true || _val === false)
return _val;
if (typeof _val == "string")
var lcv = _val.toLowerCase();
if (lcv === "true" || lcv === "false" || lcv === "")
return _val === "true";
return _err();
if (_type == "js")
// Handle the default case
if (_val === null || _val instanceof Function)
return null;
// Create a new function containing the code
if (typeof _val == "string")
if (_val !== "")
// TODO: Parse JS code properly
return new Function(_val);
return null;
return _err();
// Check whether the given value is of the type "string"
if (_type == "string")
if (typeof _val == "string")
return _val;
return _err();
// Check whether the value is already a number, otherwise try to convert it
// to one.
if (_type == "float")
if (typeof _val == "number")
return _val;
if (!isNaN(_val))
return parseFloat(_val);
return _err();
// Check whether the value is an integer by comparing the result of
// parseInt(_val) to the value itself.
if (_type == "integer")
if (parseInt(_val) == _val)
return parseInt(_val);
return _err();
// Parse the given dimension value
if (_type == "dimension")
// Case 1: The value is "auto"
if (_val == "auto")
return _val;
// Case 2: The value is simply a number, attach "px"
if (!isNaN(_val))
return parseFloat(_val) + "px";
// Case 3: The value is already a valid css pixel value or a percentage
if (typeof _val == "string" &&
((_val.indexOf("px") == _val.length - 2 && !isNaN(_val.split("px")[0])) ||
(_val.indexOf("%") == _val.length - 1 && !isNaN(_val.split("%")[0]))))
return _val;
return _err();
// We should never come here
throw("Invalid type identifier supplied.");
* If et2_no_init is set as default value, the initAttributes function will not
* try to initialize the attribute with the default value.
var et2_no_init = new Object();
* Validates the given attribute with the given id. The validation checks for
* the existance of a human name, a description, a type and a default value.
* If the human name defaults to the given id, the description defaults to an
* empty string, the type defaults to any and the default to the corresponding
* type default.
function et2_validateAttrib(_id, _attrib)
// Default ignore to false.
if (typeof _attrib["ignore"] == "undefined")
_attrib["ignore"] = false
// Break if "ignore" is set to true.
if (_attrib.ignore)
if (typeof _attrib["name"] == "undefined")
_attrib["name"] = _id;
et2_debug("log", "Human name ('name'-Field) for attribute '" +
_id + "' has not been supplied, set to '" + _id + "'");
if (typeof _attrib["description"] == "undefined")
_attrib["description"] = "";
et2_debug("log", "Description for attribute '" +
_id + "' has not been supplied");
if (typeof _attrib["type"] == "undefined")
_attrib["type"] = "any";
if (et2_validTypes.indexOf(_attrib["type"]) < 0)
et2_debug("error", "Invalid type for attribute '" + _id +
"' supplied.");
// Set the defaults
if (typeof _attrib["default"] == "undefined")
_attrib["default"] = et2_typeDefaults[_attrib["type"]];
* Equivalent to the PHP array_values function
function et2_arrayValues(_arr)
var result = [];
for (var key in _arr)
if (parseInt(key) == key)
return result;
* Equivalent to the PHP substr function, partly take from phpjs, licensed under
* the GPL.
function et2_substr (str, start, len) {
var end = str.length;
if (start < 0)
start += end;
end = typeof len === 'undefined' ? end : (len < 0 ? len + end : len + start);
return start >= str.length || start < 0 || start > end ? "" : str.slice(start, end);
* Split a $delimiter-separated options string, which can contain parts with
* delimiters enclosed in $enclosure. Ported from
* Examples:
* - et2_csvSplit('"1,2,3",2,3') === array('1,2,3','2','3')
* - et2_csvSplit('1,2,3',2) === array('1','2,3')
* - et2_csvSplit('"1,2,3",2,3',2) === array('1,2,3','2,3')
* - et2_csvSplit('"a""b,c",d') === array('a"b,c','d') // to escape enclosures double them!
* @param string _str
* @param int _num=null in how many parts to split maximal, parts over this
* number end up (unseparated) in the last part
* @param string _delimiter=','
* @param string _enclosure='"'
* @return array
function et2_csvSplit(_str, _num, _delimiter, _enclosure)
// Default the parameters
if (typeof _num == "undefined")
_num = null;
if (typeof _delimiter == "undefined")
_delimiter = ",";
if (typeof _enclosure == "undefined")
_enclosure = '"';
// If the _enclosure string does not occur in the string, simply use the
// split function
if (_str.indexOf(_enclosure) == -1)
return _num === null ? _str.split(_delimiter) :
_str.split(_delimiter, _num);
// Split the string at the delimiter and join it again, when a enclosure is
// found at the beginning/end of a part
var parts = _str.split(_delimiter);
for (var n = 0; typeof parts[n] != "undefined"; n++)
var part = parts[n];
if (part.charAt(0) === _enclosure)
var m = n;
while (typeof parts[m + 1] != "undefined" && parts[n].substr(-1) !== _enclosure)
parts[n] += _delimiter + parts[++m];
parts[n] = et2_substr(parts[n].replace(
new RegExp(_enclosure + _enclosure, 'g'), _enclosure), 1 , -1);
n = m;
// Rebuild the array index
parts = et2_arrayValues(parts);
// Limit the parts to the given number
if (_num !== null && _num > 0 && _num < parts.length && parts.length > 0)
parts[_num - 1] = parts.slice(_num - 1, parts.length).join(_delimiter);
parts = parts.slice(0, _num);
return parts;
* Creates a copy of the given object (non recursive)
function et2_cloneObject(_obj)
var result = {};
for (var key in _obj)
result[key] = _obj[key];
return result;