
636 lines
17 KiB

* EGroupware API - managing custom-field definitions
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright 2014-16 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @version $Id$
namespace EGroupware\Api\Storage;
use EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Json\Push;
* Managing custom-field definitions
class Customfields implements \IteratorAggregate
* Name of the customfields table
const TABLE = 'egw_customfields';
* Reference to the global db class
* @var Api\Db
static protected $db;
* app the particular config class is instanciated for
* @var string
protected $app;
* User account to filter custom field private
* @var int
protected $account=false;
* Iterator initialised for custom fields
* @var \ADORecordSet
protected $iterator;
* App name used to push custom field changes
const PUSH_APP = 'api-cf';
* Constructor
* @param string $app
* @param int|boolean $account =false Filter private for given account_id,
* false for current user or true for all the private fields be returned too, default current user
* @param string $only_type2 =null if given only return fields of type2 == $only_type2
* @param int $start =0
* @param int $num_rows =null
* @param Api\Db $db =null reference to database instance to use
* @return array with customfields
function __construct($app, $account=false, $only_type2=null, $start=0, $num_rows=null, Api\Db $db=null)
$this->app = $app;
// If $account is true, no filtering otherwise use current user
$this->account = $account === true ? false :
(is_numeric($account) ? (int)$account : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']);
$query = array(
'cf_app' => $app,
if ($this->account)
$memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($this->account, true);
$memberships[] = $this->account;
$query[] = $this->commasep_match('cf_private', $memberships);
if ($only_type2)
$query[] = $this->commasep_match('cf_type2', $only_type2);
if (!$db) $db = self::$db;
$this->iterator = $db->select(self::TABLE, '*', $query, __LINE__, __FILE__,
!isset($num_rows) ? false : $start, 'ORDER BY cf_order ASC', 'phpgwapi', $num_rows);
* Return iterator required for IteratorAggregate
* @return Api\Db\CallbackIterator
function getIterator(): Api\Db\CallbackIterator
return new Api\Db\CallbackIterator($this->iterator, function($_row)
$row = Api\Db::strip_array_keys($_row, 'cf_');
$row['private'] = $row['private'] ? explode(',', $row['private']) : array();
$row['type2'] = $row['type2'] ? explode(',', $row['type2']) : array();
$row['values'] = json_decode($row['values'], true);
$row['needed'] = Api\Db::from_bool($row['needed']);
return $row;
}, array(), function($row)
return $row['cf_name'];
* Return SQL to match given values with comma-separated stored column
* @param string $column column name "cf_type2" or "cf_private"
* @param string|array $values
protected function commasep_match($column, $values)
$to_or = array($column.' IS NULL');
foreach((array) $values as $value)
$to_or[] = self::$db->concat("','", $column, "','").' LIKE '.self::$db->quote('%,'.$value.',%');
return '('.implode(' OR ', $to_or).')';
* Get customfield array of an application
* @param string $app
* @param int|boolean $account =false Filter private for given account_id,
* false for current user or true for all the private fields be returned too, default current user
* @param string $only_type2 =null if given only return fields of type2 == $only_type2
* @param Api\Db $db =null reference to database to use
* @return array with customfields
public static function get($app, $account=false, $only_type2=null, Api\Db $db=null)
$account_key = $account === true ? 'all' :
($account === false ? ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']??null) :
$cache_key = $app.':'.$account_key.':'.$only_type2;
$cfs = Api\Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__, $cache_key);
if (!isset($cfs))
$cfs = iterator_to_array(new Customfields($app, $account, $only_type2, 0, null, $db));
Api\Cache::setInstance(__CLASS__, $cache_key, $cfs);
$cached = Api\Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__, $app);
if (!in_array($cache_key, (array)$cached))
$cached[] = $cache_key;
Api\Cache::setInstance(__CLASS__, $app, $cached);
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', $account, '$only_type2') returning fields: ".implode(', ', array_keys($cfs)));
return $cfs;
* Check if any customfield uses html (type == 'htmlarea')
* @param string $app
* @param int|boolean $account =false Filter private for given account_id,
* false for current user or true for all the private fields be returned too, default current user
* @param string $only_type2 =null if given only return fields of type2 == $only_type2
* @return boolean true: if there is a custom field useing html, false if not
public static function use_html($app, $account=false, $only_type2=null)
foreach(self::get($app, $account, $only_type2) as $data)
if ($data['type'] == 'htmlarea') return true;
return false;
* Non printable custom fields eg. UI elements
* @var array
public static $non_printable_fields = array('button');
* Format a single custom field value as string
* @param array $field field definition incl. type
* @param string $value field value
* @return string formatted value
public static function format(array $field, $value)
case 'select-account':
if ($value)
$values = array();
foreach($field['rows'] > 1 ? explode(',', $value) : (array) $value as $value)
$values[] = is_numeric($value) ? Api\Accounts::username($value) : $value;
$value = implode(', ',$values);
case 'checkbox':
$value = $value ? 'X' : '';
case 'select':
case 'radio':
if ($field['values'] && count($field['values']) == 1 && isset($field['values']['@']))
$field['values'] = self::get_options_from_file($field['values']['@']);
$values = array();
foreach($field['rows'] > 1 ? explode(',', $value) : (array) $value as $value)
$values[] = isset($field['values'][$value]) ? $field['values'][$value] : '#'.$value;
$value = implode(', ', $values);
case 'date':
case 'date-time':
if ($value)
$value = Api\DateTime::to($value, $field['type'] == 'date' ? true : '');
case 'htmlarea': // ToDo: EMail probably has a nicer html2text method
if ($value) $value = strip_tags(preg_replace('/<(br|p)[^>]*>/i', "\r\n", str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $value)));
case 'ajax_select': // ToDo: returns unchanged value for now
// handling for several link types
if ($value && in_array($field['type'], self::get_link_types()))
if ($field['type'] == 'link-entry' || strpos($value, ':') !== false)
list($app, $value) = explode(':', $value);
$app = $field['type'];
if ($value) $value = Api\Link::title($app, $value);
return $value;
* Read the options of a 'select' or 'radio' custom field from a file
* For security reasons that file has to be relative to the eGW root
* (to not use that feature to explore arbitrary files on the server)
* and it has to be a php file setting one variable called options,
* (to not display it to anonymously by the webserver).
* The $options var has to be an array with value => label pairs, eg:
* <?php
* $options = array(
* 'a' => 'Option A',
* 'b' => 'Option B',
* 'c' => 'Option C',
* );
* @param string $file file name inside the eGW server root, either relative to it or absolute
* @return array in case of an error we return a single option with the message
public static function get_options_from_file($file)
$options = array();
if (!($path = realpath($file[0] == '/' ? $file : EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/'.$file)) || // file does not exist
substr($path,0,strlen(EGW_SERVER_ROOT)+1) != EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/' || // we are NOT inside the eGW root
basename($path,'.php').'.php' != basename($path) || // extension is NOT .php
basename($path) == '') // dont allow to include our header again
return array(lang("'%1' is no php file in the eGW server root (%2)!".': '.$path,$file,EGW_SERVER_ROOT));
return $options;
* Get the customfield types containing links
* @return array with customefield types as values
public static function get_link_types()
static $link_types = null;
if (is_null($link_types))
$link_types = array_keys(array_intersect(Api\Link::app_list('query'),Api\Link::app_list('title')));
$link_types[] = 'link-entry';
return $link_types;
* Check if there are links in the custom fields and update them
* This function have to be called manually by an application, if cf's linking
* to other entries should be stored as links too (beside as cf's).
* @param string $own_app own appname
* @param array $values new values including the custom fields
* @param array $old =null old values before the update, if existing
* @param string $id_name ='id' name/key of the (link-)id in $values
public static function update_links($own_app,array $values,array $old=null,$id_name='id')
$link_types = self::get_link_types();
foreach(self::get($own_app) as $name => $data)
if (!in_array($data['type'],$link_types)) continue;
// do we have a different old value --> delete that link
if ($old && $old['#'.$name] && $old['#'.$name] != $values['#'.$name])
if ($data['type'] == 'link-entry')
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$old['#'.$name]);
$app = $data['type'];
$id = $old['#'.$name];
if ($data['type'] == 'link-entry')
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$values['#'.$name]);
$app = $data['type'];
$id = $values['#'.$name];
if ($id) // create new link, does nothing for already existing links
* Save a single custom field and invalidate cache
* @param array $cf
public static function update(array $cf)
$op = $cf['id'] ? 'update' : 'insert';
// Check to see if field order needs to be re-done
$update = array();
$cfs = self::get($cf['app'], true);
$old = $cfs[$cf['name']];
// Add new one in for numbering
// Make sure name is safe
$cf['name'] = str_replace(array(">", "<", '"', "&"), "", $cf['name']);
$cfs[$cf['name']] = $cf;
if($old['order'] != $cf['order'] || $cf['order'] % 10 !== 0)
$cfs[$cf['name']]['order'] = $cf['order'];
uasort($cfs, function($a1, $a2){
return $a1['order'] - $a2['order'];
$n = 0;
foreach($cfs as $old_cf)
$n += 10;
if($old_cf['order'] != $n)
$old_cf['order'] = $n;
if($old_cf['name'] != $cf['name'])
$update[] = $old_cf;
$cf['order'] = $n;
self::$db->$op(self::TABLE, array(
'cf_label' => $cf['label'],
'cf_type' => $cf['type'],
'cf_type2' => $cf['type2'] ? (is_array($cf['type2']) ? implode(',', $cf['type2']) : $cf['type2']) : null,
'cf_help' => $cf['help'],
'cf_values' => $cf['values'] ? json_encode($cf['values']) : null,
'cf_len' => (string)$cf['len'] !== '' ? $cf['len'] : null,
'cf_rows' => (string)$cf['rows'] !== '' ? $cf['rows'] : null,
'cf_order' => $cf['order'],
'cf_needed' => $cf['needed'],
'cf_private' => $cf['private'] ? implode(',', $cf['private']) : null,
'cf_modifier' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],
'cf_modified' => time(),
), array(
'cf_name' => $cf['name'],
'cf_app' => $cf['app'],
), __LINE__, __FILE__);
foreach($update as $old_cf)
self::$db->$op(self::TABLE, array(
'cf_order' => $old_cf['order'],
), array(
'cf_name' => $old_cf['name'],
'cf_app' => $old_cf['app'],
), __LINE__, __FILE__);
// push category change
$type = 'update';
$cfs = self::get($cf['app'], true);
$cf = $cfs[$cf['name']];
$type = 'add';
$accounts = Push::ALL;
if(is_array($cf['private']) && count($cf['private']) > 0)
$accounts = [];
foreach($cf['private'] as $account_id)
$accounts = array_merge(
$account_id > 0 ? [$account_id] :
$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($account_id, true)
$push = new Push($accounts);
$push->apply("egw.push", [[
'app' => self::PUSH_APP,
'id' => $cf['id'],
'type' => $type,
'acl' => ['private' => $cf['private']],
'account_id' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']
* Save all custom fields of an app
* @param string $app
* @param array $cfs
public static function save($app, array $cfs)
$query = array('cf_app' => $app);
if ($cfs) $query[] = self::$db->expression(self::TABLE, 'NOT ', array('cf_name' => array_keys($cfs)));
self::$db->delete(self::TABLE, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
foreach($cfs as $name => $cf)
if (empty($cf['name'])) $cf['name'] = $name;
if (empty($cf['app'])) $cf['app'] = $app;
* Invalidate instance cache for all custom fields of given app
* @param string $app
protected static function invalidate_cache($app)
if (($cached = Api\Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__, $app)))
foreach($cached as $key)
Api\Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__, $key);
Api\Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__, $app);
* Return names of custom fields containing account-ids
* @param string $app
* @return array account[-commasep] => array of name(s) pairs
public static function get_account_cfs($app)
$types = array();
if (($cfs = self::get($app, true)))
foreach($cfs as $name => $data)
if ($data['type'] == 'select-account' || $data['type'] == 'api-accounts')
$types['account'.($data['rows'] > 1 ? '-commasep' : '')][] = $name;
return $types;
* Return names of custom fields containing url-email
* @param string $app
* @return array of url-email fields
public static function get_email_cfs($app)
$fields = array();
if (($cfs = self::get($app, true)))
foreach($cfs as $name => $data)
if ($data['type'] == 'url-email')
$fields[] = $name;
return $fields;
* Initialise our db
* We use a reference here (no clone), as we no longer use Api\Db::row() or Api\Db::next_record()!
public static function init_static()
if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->db))
self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db;
self::$db = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db;
* Handle any uploaded files that weren't dealt with immediately when uploaded.
* This usually happens for new entries, where we don't have the entry's ID
* to properly file it in the VFS. Files are stored temporarily until we
* have the ID, then here we move the files to their proper location.
* @staticvar array $_customfields List of custom field data, kept to avoid
* loading it multiple times if called again.
* @param string $app Current application
* @param string $entry_id Application ID of the new entry
* @param array $values Array of entry data, including custom fields.
* File information from the VFS widget (via self::validate()) will be found &
* dealt with. Successful or not, the value is cleared to avoid trying to insert it into
* the database, which would generate errors.
* @param array $customfields Pass the custom field list if you have it to avoid loading it again
public static function handle_files($app, $entry_id, &$values, &$customfields = array())
if(!is_array($values) || !$entry_id) return;
static $_customfields = array();
$_customfields[$app] = Api\Storage\Customfields::get($app);
$customfields = $_customfields[$app];
foreach ($customfields as $field_name => $field)
if($field['type'] == 'filemanager' && $value =& $values[Api\Storage::CF_PREFIX.$field_name])
static::handle_file($entry_id, $field, $value);
protected static function handle_file($entry_id, $field, $value)
$path = Api\Etemplate\Widget\Vfs::get_vfs_path($field['app'].":$entry_id:".$field['label']);
foreach($value as $file)
$file['tmp_name'] = Api\Vfs::PREFIX.$file['path'];
Api\Etemplate\Widget\Vfs::store_file($path, $file);