Andreas Stöckel d486e50a57 phpgwapi:
* Changed way of how "webserverUrl" gets set - any type of data can now be
	  injected into the egw object by creating an object with the data and an
	  entry "prefsOnly" set to true. This allows to ensure, that "webserverUrl"
	  is the first thing that is being set in the egw object (as needed when
	  including new JS/CSS files at runtime)

	* Fixed including JS/CSS files at runtime in other windows than the root
	* Added "ready" function/module, which provides an alternative to the
	  $j("ready") function. The ready module provides the functionality to
	  postpone calling the "ready" until certain events happened.
	* using jQuery calendar object instead of jscalendar in the calendar
	* added "jquery" module which takes care of including all jQuery modules
	  in all windows
	* added possibility for modules to update constants using the "constant"
	* added possibility for modules to access certain other modules using
	  the "module" function

	* Using new egw(window).ready function to build the template first if
	  loading has finished.
2012-03-09 15:32:29 +00:00

143 lines
4.5 KiB

* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - Execution layer for legacy event code
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright Stylite 2011
* @version $Id: et2_core_phpExpressionCompiler.js 38256 2012-03-05 13:07:38Z igel457 $
"use strict";
(function() {
* Resolve javascript pseudo functions in onclick or onchange:
* - egw::link('$l','$p') calls$l,$p)
* - form::name('name') returns expanded name/id taking into account the name at that point of the template hierarchy
* - egw::lang('Message ...') translate the message, calls egw.lang()
* - confirm('message') translates 'message' and adds a '?' if not present
* - replaces it with egw_openWindowCentered2()
* - xajax_doXMLHTTP('etemplate. replace ajax calls in widgets with special handler not requiring etemplate run rights
* @param string _val onclick, onchange, ... action
* @param string _cname name-prefix / name-space
* @return string
function js_pseudo_funcs(_val)
if (_val.indexOf('egw::link(') != -1)
_val = _val.replace(/egw::link\(/g,'');
if (_val.indexOf('form::name(') != -1)
// XXX Use the widget reference XXX
//_val = _val.replace(/form::name\(/g,_cname ? "et2_form_name('"+_cname+"'," : '(');
if (_val.indexOf('egw::lang(') != -1)
_val = _val.replace(/egw::lang\(/g,'egw.lang(');
// ToDo: inserts the styles of a named template
/*if (preg_match('/template::styles\(["\']{1}(.*)["\']{1}\)/U',$on,$matches))
$tpl = $matches[1] == $this->name ? $this : new etemplate($matches[1]);
$on = str_replace($matches[0],"'<style>".str_replace(array("\n","\r"),'',$tpl->style)."</style>'",$on);
// translate messages in confirm()
if (_val.indexOf('confirm(') != -1)
_val = _val.replace(/confirm\((['"])(.*?)(\?)?['"]\)/,"confirm(egw.lang($1$2$1)+'$3')"); // add ? if not there, saves extra phrase
// replace with EGw's egw_openWindowCentered2()
if (_val.indexOf('') != -1)
_val = _val.replace(/\('(.*)','(.*)','dependent=yes,width=([^,]*),height=([^,]*),scrollbars=yes,status=(.*)'\)/,
"egw_openWindowCentered2('$1', '$2', $3, $4, '$5')");
// replace xajax calls to code in widgets, with the "etemplate" handler,
// this allows to call widgets with the current app, otherwise everyone would need etemplate run rights
if (_val.indexOf("xajax_doXMLHTTP('etemplate.") != -1)
_val = _val.replace(/^xajax_doXMLHTTP\('etemplate\.([a-z]+_widget\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\'/,
return _val;
this.et2_compileLegacyJS = function(_code, _widget, _context) {
// Replace the javascript pseudo-functions
_code = js_pseudo_funcs(_code);
// Check whether _code is simply "1" -- if yes replace it accordingly
if (_code === '1')
_code = 'return true;';
// Check whether some pseudo-variables still reside inside of the code,
// if yes, replace them.
if (_code.indexOf("$") >= 0 || _code.indexOf("@") >= 0)
// Get the content array manager for the widget
var mgr = _widget.getArrayMgr("content");
if (mgr)
_code = mgr.expandName(_code);
// Context is the context in which the function will run. Set context to
// null as a default, so that it's possible to find bugs where "this" is
// accessed in the code, but not properly set.
var context = _context ? _context : null;
// Check whether the given widget implements the "et2_IDOMNode"
// interface
if (!context && _widget.implements(et2_IDOMNode))
context = _widget.getDOMNode();
// Generate the function itself, if it fails, log the error message and
// return a function which always returns false
try {
var func = new Function('egw', 'widget', 'window', 'document', _code);
} catch(e) {
_widget.egw().debug('error', 'Error while compiling JS code ', _code);
return (function() {return false});
// Execute the code and return its results, pass the egw instance and
// the widget
return function() {
// Get the egw reference
var egw = _widget.egw();
// Dump the executed code for debugging
egw.debug('log', 'Executing legacy JS code: ', _code);
// Return the result of the called function
return, egw, _widget, egw.window,