
561 lines
15 KiB

* phpGroupWare - eTemplates - DB-Tools *
* *
* Written by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
class db_tools
var $public_functions = array
'edit' => True,
'needs_save' => True,
'writeLangFile'=> True,
//'admin' => True,
//'preferences' => True
var $debug = 0;
var $editor; // editor eTemplate
var $data; // Table definitions
var $app; // used app
var $table; // used table
var $messages = array(
'not_found' => 'Not found !!!',
'select_one' => 'Select one ...',
'writen' => 'File writen',
'error_writing' => 'Error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!!',
'give_table_name' => 'Please enter table-name first !!!',
'new_table' => 'New table created',
'select_app' => 'Select an app first !!!'
var $types = array(
'auto' => 'auto',
'blob' => 'blob',
'char' => 'char',
'date' => 'date',
'decimal' => 'decimal',
'float' => 'float',
'int' => 'int',
'longtext' => 'longtext',
'text' => 'text',
'timestamp' => 'timestamp',
'varchar' => 'varchar'
@function db_tools()
@abstract constructor of class
function db_tools($lang_on_messages=True)
$this->editor = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','etemplate.db-tools.edit');
$this->data = array();
if (!is_array($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']) || !count($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']))
$this->apps = array();
while (list($name,$data) = each($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']))
$this->apps[$name] = $data['title'];
if ($lang_on_messages)
while(list($key,$msg) = each($this->messages))
$this->messages[$key] = lang($msg);
@function edit($content='',$msg='')
@abstract this is the table editor (and the callback/submit-method too)
function edit($content='',$msg = '')
if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['app']))
$this->app = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['app'];
if (is_array($content))
if ($this->debug)
echo "content ="; _debug_array($content);
$this->app = $content['app']; // this is what the user selected
$this->table = $content['table_name'];
$posted_app = $content['posted_app']; // this is the old selection
$posted_table = $content['posted_table'];
if ($posted_app && $posted_table && // user changed app or table
($posted_app != $this->app || $posted_table != $this->table))
if ($this->needs_save('',$posted_app,$posted_table,$this->content2table($content)))
if (!$this->app)
$this->table = '';
$table_names = array('' => lang('none'));
for (reset($this->data); list($name,$table) = each($this->data); )
$table_names[$name] = $name;
if (!$this->table || $this->app != $posted_app)
list($this->table) = each($this->data); // use first table
elseif ($this->app == $posted_app && $posted_table)
$this->data[$posted_table] = $this->content2table($content);
if (isset($content['write_tables']))
$msg .= $this->messages[$this->write($this->app,$this->data) ?
'writen' : 'error_writing'];
elseif (isset($content['delete']))
list($col) = each($content['delete']);
while ($col-- > 0 && list($key,$data) = each($this->data[$posted_table]['fd'])) ;
elseif (isset($content['add_column']))
$this->data[$posted_table]['fd'][''] = array();
elseif ($content['add_table'] || $content['import'])
if (!$this->app)
$msg .= $this->messages['select_app'];
elseif (!$content['new_table_name'])
$msg .= $this->messages['give_table_name'];
elseif ($content['add_table'])
$this->table = $content['new_table_name'];
$this->data[$this->table] = array('fd' => array(),'pk' =>array(),'ix' => array(),'uc' => array(),'fk' => array());
$msg .= $this->messages['new_table'];
else // import
$oProc = CreateObject('setup.schema_proc','mysql');
$oProc->m_odb = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
while (list($key,$tbldata) = each ($oProc->m_oTranslator->sCol))
$cols .= $tbldata;
eval('$cols = array('. $cols . ');');
$this->data[$this->table = $content['new_table_name']] = array(
'fd' => $cols,
'pk' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->pk,
'fk' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->fk,
'ix' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->ix,
'uc' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->uc
elseif ($content['editor'])
// from here on, filling new content for eTemplate
$content = array(
'msg' => $msg,
'table_name' => $this->table,
'app' => $this->app,
if (!isset($table_names[$this->table])) // table is not jet written
$table_names[$this->table] = $this->table;
$sel_options = array(
'table_name' => $table_names,
'type' => $this->types,
'app' => array('' => $this->messages['select_one']) + $this->apps
if ($this->table != '' && isset($this->data[$this->table]))
$content += $this->table2content($this->data[$this->table]);
$no_button = array( );
if (!$this->app || !$this->table)
$no_button += array('write_tables' => True);
if ($this->debug)
echo 'editor.edit: content ='; _debug_array($content);
array('posted_table' => $this->table,'posted_app' => $this->app));
@function needs_save($cont='',$posted_app='',$posted_table='',$edited_table='')
@abstract checks if table was changed and if so offers user to save changes
@param $cont the content of the form (if called by process_exec)
@param $posted_app the app the table is from
@param $posted_table the table-name
@param $edited_table the edited table-definitions
@returns only if no changes
function needs_save($cont='',$posted_app='',$posted_table='',$edited_table='')
if (!$posted_app && is_array($cont))
if (isset($cont['yes']))
$this->app = $cont['app'];
$this->table = $cont['table'];
$this->data[$this->table] = $cont['edited_table'];
$msg .= $this->messages[$this->write($this->app,$this->data) ?
'writen' : 'error_writing'];
// return to edit with everything set, so the user gets the table he asked for
'app' => $cont['new_app'],
'table_name' => $cont['app']==$cont['new_app'] ? $cont['new_table'] : '',
'posted_app' => $cont['new_app']
return True;
$new_app = $this->app; // these are the ones, the users whiches to change too
$new_table = $this->table;
$this->app = $posted_app;
$this->data = array();
if (isset($this->data[$posted_table]) &&
$this->app = $new_app;
$this->data = array();
return False; // continue edit
$content = array(
'app' => $posted_app,
'table' => $posted_table
$preserv = $content + array(
'new_app' => $new_app,
'new_table' => $new_table,
'edited_table' => $edited_table
$tmpl = new etemplate('etemplate.db-tools.ask_save');
return True; // dont continue in edit
@function table2content($table)
@abstract creates content-array from a $table
@param $table table-definition, eg. $phpgw_baseline[$table_name]
@returns content-array
function table2content($table)
$content = array();
for ($n = 1; list($col_name,$col_defs) = each($table['fd']); ++$n)
$col_defs['name'] = $col_name;
$col_defs['pk'] = in_array($col_name,$table['pk']);
$col_defs['uc'] = in_array($col_name,$table['uc']);
$col_defs['ix'] = in_array($col_name,$table['ix']);
$col_defs['fk'] = $table['fk'][$col_name];
if (isset($col_defs['default']) && $col_defs['default'] == '')
$col_defs['default'] = "''"; // spezial value for empty, but set, default
$col_defs['n'] = $n;
$content["Row$n"] = $col_defs;
if ($this->debug >= 3)
echo "<p>table2content: content ="; _debug_array($content);
return $content;
@function content2table($content)
@abstract creates table-definition from posted content
@param $content posted content-array
@returns table-definition
function content2table($content)
$table = array();
$table['fd'] = array(); // do it in the default order of tables_*
$table['pk'] = array();
$table['fk'] = array();
$table['ix'] = array();
$table['uc'] = array();
for (reset($content),$n = 1; isset($content["Row$n"]); ++$n)
$col = $content["Row$n"];
if (($name = $col['name']) != '') // ignoring lines without column-name
while (list($prop,$val) = each($col))
switch ($prop)
case 'default':
case 'type': // selectbox ensures type is not empty
case 'precision':
case 'scale':
case 'nullable':
if ($val != '' || $prop == 'nullable')
$table['fd'][$name][$prop] = $prop=='default'&& $val=="''" ? '' : $val;
case 'pk':
case 'uc':
case 'ix':
if ($val)
$table[$prop][] = $name;
case 'fk':
if ($val != '')
$table['fk'][$name] = $val;
if ($this->debug >= 2)
echo "<p>content2table: table ="; _debug_array($table);
return $table;
@function read($app,&$phpgw_baseline)
@abstract includes $app/setup/
@param $app application name
@param $phpgw_baseline where to put the data
@returns True if file found, False else
function read($app,&$phpgw_baseline)
$file = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup/";
$phpgw_baseline = array();
if ($app != '' && file_exists($file))
return False;
if ($this->debug >= 5)
echo "<p>read($app): file='$file', phpgw_baseline =";
return True;
function write_array($arr,$depth,$parent='')
if (in_array($parent,array('pk','fk','ix','uc')))
$depth = 0;
if ($parent != 'fk')
$only_vals = True;
if ($depth)
$tabs = "\n";
for ($n = 0; $n < $depth; ++$n)
$tabs .= "\t";
$def = "array($tabs".($tabs ? "\t" : '');
for ($n = 0; list($key,$val) = each($arr); ++$n)
if (!$only_vals)
$def .= "'$key' => ";
if (is_array($val))
$def .= $this->write_array($val,$parent == 'fd' ? 0 : $depth,$key,$only_vals);
if (!$only_vals && $key == 'nullable')
$def .= $val ? 'True' : 'False';
$def .= "'$val'";
if ($n < count($arr)-1)
$def .= ",$tabs".($tabs ? "\t" : '');
$def .= "$tabs)";
return $def;
@function write($app,$phpgw_baseline)
@abstract writes tabledefinitions $phpgw_baseline to file /$app/setup/
@param $app app-name
@param $phpgw_baseline tabledefinitions
@return True if file writen else False
function write($app,$phpgw_baseline)
$file = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup/";
if (file_exists($file) && ($f = fopen($file,'r')))
$header = fread($f,filesize($file));
$header = substr($header,0,strpos($header,'$phpgw_baseline'));
if (is_writable(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup"))
while ($header[strlen($header)-1] == "\t")
$header = substr($header,0,strlen($header)-1);
if (!$header)
$header = "<?php\n\n";
if (!is_writeable(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup") || !($f = fopen($file,'w')))
return False;
$def .= "\t\$phpgw_baseline = ";
$def .= $this->write_array($phpgw_baseline,1);
$def .= ";\n";
fwrite($f,$header . $def);
return True;
@function normalize($table)
@abstract sets all nullable properties to True or False
@returns the new array
function normalize($table)
$all_props = array('type','precision','nullable','default');
while (list($col,$props) = each($table['fd']))
$table['fd'][$col] = array(
'type' => ''.$props['type'],
'precision' => 0+$props['precision'],
'scale' => 0+$props['scale'],
'nullable' => !!$props['nullable'],
'default' => ''.$props['default']
return array(
'fd' => $table['fd'],
'pk' => $table['pk'],
'fk' => $table['fk'],
'ix' => $table['ix'],
'uc' => $table['uc']
@function tables_identical($old,$new)
@abstract compares two table-definitions
@returns True if they are identical or False else
function tables_identical($a,$b)
$a = serialize($this->normalize($a));
$b = serialize($this->normalize($b));
//echo "<p>checking if tables identical = ".($a == $b ? 'True' : 'False')."<br>\n";
//echo "a: $a<br>\nb: $b</p>\n";
return $a == $b;
@function writeLangFile
@abstract writes langfile with all templates and messages registered here
@discussion can be called via http://domain/phpgroupware/index.php?etemplate.db_tools.writeLangFile
function writeLangFile()
$m = new db_tools(False); // no lang on messages