forked from extern/egroupware
- read rights are not checks in each traversed directory (via sql in a single query to locate the path) - diropen additionally checks for execute rights - fopen checks for read or write depending on the mode - chmod, chgrp, chown methods in sqlfs and egw_vfs/vfs plus an egw_vfs::$is_root var used to grant root rights (no access controll and chown or chgrp without being the owner of a file) - find method (some more params to come) to recursivly search and optionaly execute some callback - egw_vfs::remove doing a "rm -r" / recursive remove or dirs and files - new files or dirs inherit the perms and ownership from the parent directory (no umask) - files/dirs the user has no read rights, in a directory where he has no write rights, get hidden (eg. not showing all the other users / groups home dirs - many new cli commands (chmod, chgrp, chown, find), recursive option for most commands and the ability to use it with root rights, see the usage message if called without options - "cp -r -p" to copy a whole tree incl. ownership and perms, eg. backing up /home to /backup
568 lines
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568 lines
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* eGroupWare API: VFS - static methods to use the new eGW virtual file system
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @subpackage vfs
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright (c) 2008 by Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
* Class containing static methods to use the new eGW virtual file system
* This extension of the vfs stream-wrapper allows to use the following static functions,
* which only allow access to the eGW VFS and need no 'vfs://default' prefix for filenames:
* - resource egw_vfs::fopen($path,$mode) like fopen, returned resource can be used with fwrite etc.
* - resource egw_vfs::opendir($path) like opendir, returned resource can be used with readdir etc.
* - boolean egw_vfs::copy($from,$to) like copy
* - boolean egw_vfs::rename($old,$new) renaming or moving a file in the vfs
* - boolean egw_vfs::mkdir($path) creating a new dir in the vfs
* - boolean egw_vfs::rmdir($path) removing (an empty) directory
* - boolean egw_vfs::unlink($path) removing a file
* - boolean egw_vfs::touch($path,$mtime=null) touch a file
* - boolean egw_vfs::stat($path) returning status of file like stat(), but only with string keys (no numerical indexes)!
* With the exception of egw_vfs::touch() (not yet part of the stream_wrapper interface)
* you can always use the standard php functions, if you add a 'vfs://default' prefix
* to every filename or path. Be sure to always add the prefix, as the user otherwise gains
* access to the real filesystem of the server!
* The two following methods can be used to persitently mount further filesystems (without editing the code):
* - boolean/array egw_vfs::mount($url,$path) to mount $ur on $path or to return the fstab when called without argument
* - boolean egw_vfs::umount($path) to unmount a path or url
* The stream wrapper interface allows to access hugh files in junks to not be limited by the
* memory_limit setting of php. To do you should path a resource to the opened file and not the content:
* $file = egw_vfs::fopen('/home/user/somefile','r');
* $content = fread($file,1024);
* You can also attach stream filters, to eg. base64 encode or compress it on the fly,
* without the need to hold the content of the whole file in memmory.
* If you want to copy a file, you can use stream_copy_to_stream to do a copy of a file far bigger then
* php's memory_limit:
* $from = egw_vfs::fopen('/home/user/fromfile','r');
* $to = egw_vfs::fopen('/home/user/tofile','w');
* stream_copy_to_stream($from,$to);
* The static egw_vfs::copy() method does exactly that, but you have to do it eg. on your own, if
* you want to copy eg. an uploaded file into the vfs.
class egw_vfs extends vfs_stream_wrapper
* Readable bit, for dirs traversable
const READABLE = 4;
* Writable bit, for dirs delete or create files in that dir
const WRITABLE = 2;
* Excecutable bit, here only use to check if user is allowed to search dirs
const EXECUTABLE = 1;
* Current user has root rights, no access checks performed!
* @var boolean
static $is_root = false;
* Current user id, in case we ever change if away from $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']
* @var int
static $user;
* fopen working on just the eGW VFS
* @param string $path filename with absolute path in the eGW VFS
* @param string $mode 'r', 'w', ... like fopen
* @return resource
static function fopen($path,$mode)
if ($path[0] != '/')
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("Filename '$path' is not an absolute path!");
return fopen(self::SCHEME.'://default'.$path);
* opendir working on just the eGW VFS
* @param string $path filename with absolute path in the eGW VFS
* @return resource
static function opendir($path)
if ($path[0] != '/')
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("Directory '$path' is not an absolute path!");
return opendir(self::SCHEME.'://default'.$path);
* copy working on just the eGW VFS
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @return boolean
static function copy($from,$to)
$ret = false;
if (($from_fp = self::fopen($from,'r')) &&
($to_fp = self::fopen($to,'w')))
$ret = stream_copy_to_stream($from,$to) !== false;
if ($from_fp)
if ($to_fp)
return $ret;
* stat working on just the eGW VFS (alias of url_stat)
* @param string $path filename with absolute path in the eGW VFS
* @return resource
static function stat($path)
if ($path[0] != '/')
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("File '$path' is not an absolute path!");
return self::url_stat($path,0);
* Mounts $url under $path in the vfs, called without parameter it returns the fstab
* The fstab is stored in the eGW configuration and used for all eGW users.
* @param string $url=null url of the filesystem to mount, eg. oldvfs://default/
* @param string $path=null path to mount the filesystem in the vfs, eg. /
* @return array/boolean array with fstab, if called without parameter or true on successful mount
static function mount($url=null,$path=null)
if (is_null($url) || is_null($path))
return self::$fstab;
if (isset(self::$fstab[$path]))
return true; // already mounted
if (stat($url) === false && opendir($url) === false)
return false; // url does not exist
self::$fstab[$path] = $url;
uksort(self::$fstab,create_function('$a,$b','return strlen($a)-strlen($b);'));
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_fstab'] = self::$fstab;
return true;
* Unmounts a filesystem part of the vfs
* @param string $path url or path of the filesystem to unmount
static function umount($path)
if (!isset(self::$fstab[$path]) && ($path = array_search($path,self::$fstab)) === false)
return false; // $path not mounted
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_fstab'] = self::$fstab;
return true;
* find = recursive search over the filesystem
* @param string/array $base base of the search
* @param array $params=null
* @param string/array/true $exec=null function to call with each found file or dir as first param or
* true to return file => stat pairs
* @param array $exec_params=null further params for exec as array, path is always the first param!
* @return array of pathes if no $exec, otherwise path => stat pairs
function find($base,$params=null,$exec=null,$exec_params=null)
$type = $params['type']; // 'd' or 'f'
$dirs_last = $params['dirs_last']; // list dirs after the files they contain
if (!is_array($base))
$base = array($base);
foreach($base as $path)
// check our fstab if we need to add some of the mountpoints
$basepath = parse_url($path,PHP_URL_PATH);
foreach(self::$fstab as $mounted => $src_url)
if (dirname($mounted) == $basepath)
$base[] = $mounted;
$result = array();
foreach($base as $path)
/* if (($scheme = parse_url($path,PHP_URL_SCHEME)))
if (!$type || ($type[0]=='d') == is_dir($path))
if (!($stat = self::url_stat($path,0))) continue;
if (!$dirs_last || !is_dir($path))
$result[$path] = $stat;
if (is_dir($path) && ($dir = opendir($path)))
while($file = readdir($dir))
$file = $path.'/'.$file;
if (!$type || ($type[0]=='d') == is_dir($file))
if (!($stat = self::url_stat($file,0))) continue;
$result[$file] = $stat;
if (is_dir($file))
foreach(self::find($file,$params,true) as $p => $s)
$result[$p] = $s;
if ($dirs_last)
$result[$path] = $stat;
if ($exec !== true && is_callable($exec))
if (!is_array($exec_params))
$exec_params = is_null($exec_params) ? array() : array($exec_params);
foreach($result as $path => &$stat)
$params = $exec_params;
//echo "calling ".print_r($exec,true).print_r($params,true)."\n";
$stat = call_user_func_array($exec,$params);
return $result;
if ($exec !== true)
return array_keys($result);
return $result;
* Recursiv remove all given url's, including it's content if they are files
* @param string/array $urls url or array of url's
* @return array
static function remove($urls)
return self::find($urls,array('dirs_last'=>true),array(__CLASS__,'_rm_rmdir'));
* Helper function for remove: either rmdir or unlink given url (depending if it's a dir or file)
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
static function _rm_rmdir($url)
if (is_dir($url))
return rmdir($url);
return unlink($url);
* The stream_wrapper interface checks is_{readable|writable|executable} against the webservers uid,
* which is wrong in case of our vfs, as we use the current users id and memberships
* @param string $path
* @param int $check=4 mode to check: 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = executable
* @return boolean
static function is_readable($path,$check = 4)
if (!($stat = self::stat($path)))
return false;
return self::check_access($stat,$check);
* The stream_wrapper interface checks is_{readable|writable|executable} against the webservers uid,
* which is wrong in case of our vfs, as we use the current users id and memberships
* @param array $stat
* @param int $check mode to check: one or more or'ed together of: 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = executable
* @return boolean
static function check_access($stat,$check)
if (self::$is_root)
return true;
if (!$stat)
//error_log(__METHOD__."(stat[name]={$stat['name']},stat[mode]=".sprintf('%o',$stat['mode']).",$check) no stat array!");
return false; // file not found
// check if other rights grant access
if (($stat['mode'] & $check) == $check)
//error_log(__METHOD__."(stat[name]={$stat['name']},stat[mode]=".sprintf('%o',$stat['mode']).",$check) access via other rights!");
return true;
// check if there's owner access and we are the owner
if (($stat['mode'] & ($check << 6)) == ($check << 6) && $stat['uid'] && $stat['uid'] == self::$user)
//error_log(__METHOD__."(stat[name]={$stat['name']},stat[mode]=".sprintf('%o',$stat['mode']).",$check) access via owner rights!");
return true;
// check if there's a group access and we have the right membership
if (($stat['mode'] & ($check << 3)) == ($check << 3) && $stat['gid'])
static $memberships;
if (is_null($memberships))
$memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships(self::$user,true);
if (in_array(-abs($stat['gid']),$memberships))
//error_log(__METHOD__."(stat[name]={$stat['name']},stat[mode]=".sprintf('%o',$stat['mode']).",$check) access via group rights!");
return true;
// here could be a check for extended acls ...
//error_log(__METHOD__."(stat[name]={$stat['name']},stat[mode]=".sprintf('%o',$stat['mode']).",$check) no access!");
return false;
* The stream_wrapper interface checks is_{readable|writable|executable} against the webservers uid,
* which is wrong in case of our vfs, as we use the current users id and memberships
* @param string $path
* @return boolean
static function is_writable($path)
return self::is_readable($path,2);
* The stream_wrapper interface checks is_{readable|writable|executable} against the webservers uid,
* which is wrong in case of our vfs, as we use the current users id and memberships
* @param string $path
* @return boolean
static function is_executable($path)
return self::is_readable($path,1);
* Private constructor to prevent instanciating this class, only it's static methods should be used
private function __construct()
* Convert a symbolic mode string or octal mode to an integer
* @param string/int $set comma separated mode string to set [ugo]+[+=-]+[rwx]+
* @param int $mode=0 current mode of the file, necessary for +/- operation
* @return int
static function mode2int($set,$mode=0)
if (is_int($set)) // already an integer
return $set;
if (is_numeric($set)) // octal string
//error_log(__METHOD__."($set,$mode) returning ".(int)base_convert($set,8,10));
return (int)base_convert($set,8,10); // convert octal to decimal
foreach(explode(',',$set) as $s)
if (!preg_match($use='/^([ugoa]*)([+=-]+)([rwx]+)$/',$s,$matches))
$use = str_replace(array('/','^','$','(',')'),'',$use);
throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput("$s is not an allowed mode, use $use !");
$base = (strpos($matches[3],'r') !== false ? self::READABLE : 0) |
(strpos($matches[3],'w') !== false ? self::WRITABLE : 0) |
(strpos($matches[3],'x') !== false ? self::EXECUTABLE : 0);
for($n = $m = 0; $n < strlen($matches[1]); $n++)
case 'o':
$m |= $base;
case 'g':
$m |= $base << 3;
case 'u':
$m |= $base << 6;
case 'a':
$m = $base | ($base << 3) | ($base << 6);
case '+':
$mode |= $m;
case '=':
$mode = $m;
case '-':
$mode &= ~$m;
//error_log(__METHOD__."($set,) returning ".sprintf('%o',$mode));
return $mode;
* Convert a numerical mode to a symbolic mode-string
* @param int $mode
* @return string
static function int2mode( $mode )
if($mode & 0x1000) // FIFO pipe
$sP = 'p';
elseif($mode & 0x2000) // Character special
$sP = 'c';
elseif($mode & 0x4000) // Directory
$sP = 'd';
elseif($mode & 0x6000) // Block special
$sP = 'b';
elseif($mode & 0x8000) // Regular
$sP = '-';
elseif($mode & 0xA000) // Symbolic Link
$sP = 'l';
elseif($mode & 0xC000) // Socket
$sP = 's';
else // UNKNOWN
$sP = 'u';
// owner
$sP .= (($mode & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0040) ? (($mode & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
(($mode & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
// group
$sP .= (($mode & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0008) ? (($mode & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
(($mode & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
// world
$sP .= (($mode & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($mode & 0x0001) ? (($mode & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
(($mode & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
return $sP;
egw_vfs::$user = (int) $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];