forked from extern/egroupware
Patch is mostly created by script in egroupware/doc/fix_depricated.php in separate commit. I do NOT advice to apply this patch to a production system (it's commited to trunk!), as the automatic modified regular expressions have a good change to break something ...
399 lines
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399 lines
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include_once 'Horde/SyncML/State.php';
include_once 'Horde/SyncML/Command.php';
* The Horde_SyncML_Alert class provides a SyncML implementation of
* the Alert command as defined in SyncML Representation Protocol,
* version 1.1 5.5.2.
* $Horde: framework/SyncML/SyncML/Command/Alert.php,v 1.18 2004/07/03 15:21:14 chuck Exp $
* Copyright 2003-2004 Anthony Mills <>
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see
* @author Anthony Mills <>
* @version $Revision$
* @since Horde 3.0
* @package Horde_SyncML
class Horde_SyncML_Command_Alert extends Horde_SyncML_Command {
* @var integer $_alert
var $_alert;
* @var string $_sourceURI
var $_sourceLocURI;
* @var string $_targetURI
var $_targetLocURI;
* @var string $_metaAnchorNext
var $_metaAnchorNext;
* @var integer $_metaAnchorLast
var $_metaAnchorLast;
* Use in xml tag.
var $_isInSource;
* Creates a new instance of Alert.
function Horde_SyncML_Command_Alert($alert = null)
if ($alert != null) {
$this->_alert = $alert;
function output($currentCmdID, &$output)
$attrs = array();
$state = &$_SESSION['SyncML.state'];
// Handle unauthorized first.
if (!$state->isAuthorized()) {
$status = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Status(RESPONSE_INVALID_CREDENTIALS, 'Alert');
$currentCmdID = $status->output($currentCmdID, $output);
return $currentCmdID;
if($this->_alert < ALERT_RESULT_ALERT) {
$type = $this->_targetLocURI;
// Store client's Next Anchor in State. After successful sync
// this is then written to persistence for negotiation of
// further syncs.
$state->setClientAnchorNext($type, $this->_metaAnchorNext);
$info = $state->getSyncSummary($this->_targetLocURI);
#Horde::logMessage("SyncML: Anchor match, TwoWaySync sinceee " . $clientlast, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if (is_a($info, 'DataTreeObject')) {
$x = $info->get('ClientAnchor');
$clientlast = $x[$type];
$x = $info->get('ServerAnchor');
$state->setServerAnchorLast($type, $x[$type]);
} elseif (is_array($info)) {
$clientlast = $info['ClientAnchor'];
$state->setServerAnchorLast($type, $info['ServerAnchor']);
} else {
$clientlast = false;
$state->setServerAnchorLast($type, 0);
Horde::logMessage('SyncML: checking anchor targetLocURI: clientlast: ' . $clientlast .' / '. $this->_metaAnchorLast, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
// Set Server Anchor for this sync to current time.
if ($clientlast !== false && $clientlast == $this->_metaAnchorLast) {
// Last Sync Anchor matches, TwoWaySync will do.
$code = RESPONSE_OK;
Horde::logMessage("SyncML: Anchor match, TwoWaySync since " . $clientlast, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
} else {
Horde::logMessage("SyncML: Anchor mismatch, enforcing SlowSync clientlast $clientlast serverlast ".$this->_metaAnchorLast, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
// Mismatch, enforce slow sync. 508=RESPONSE_REFRESH_REQUIRED 201=ALERT_SLOW_SYNC
$this->_alert = 201;
$code = 508;
// create new synctype
$sync = &Horde_SyncML_Sync::factory($this->_alert);
$sync->_targetLocURI = $this->_targetLocURI;
$sync->_sourceLocURI = $this->_sourceLocURI;
$sync->_targetLocURIParameters = $this->_targetLocURIParameters;
$state->setSync($this->_targetLocURI, $sync);
// PH : no longer delete entire content_map entries for client before SlowSync,
// use content_map to verify if content is mapped correctly
$status = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Status($code, 'Alert');
if ($this->_sourceLocURI != null) {
if ($this->_targetLocURI != null) {
$status->setTargetRef((isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters) ? $this->_targetLocURI.'?/'.$this->_targetLocURIParameters : $this->_targetLocURI));
// Mirror Next Anchor from client back to client.
if (isset($this->_metaAnchorNext)) {
// Mirror Last Anchor from client back to client.
if (isset($this->_metaAnchorLast)) {
$currentCmdID = $status->output($currentCmdID, $output);
if ($state->isAuthorized()) {
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Alert', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'CmdID', $attrs);
$chars = $currentCmdID;
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'CmdID');
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Data', $attrs);
$chars = $this->_alert;
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Data');
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Item', $attrs);
if ($this->_sourceLocURI != null) {
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Target', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI', $attrs);
$chars = $this->_sourceLocURI;
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Target');
if ($this->_targetLocURI != null) {
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Source', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI', $attrs);
$chars = (isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters) ? $this->_targetLocURI.'?/'.$this->_targetLocURIParameters : $this->_targetLocURI);
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Source');
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Meta', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Anchor', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Last', $attrs);
$chars = $state->getServerAnchorLast($type);
$output->endElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Last');
$output->startElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Next', $attrs);
$chars = $state->getServerAnchorNext($type);
$output->endElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Next');
$output->endElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Anchor');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Meta');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Item');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Alert');
// still needed? lars
$state->_sendFinal = true;
if($state->_devinfoRequested == false &&
$this->_sourceLocURI != null &&
is_a($state->getPreferedContentTypeClient($this->_sourceLocURI), 'PEAR_Error')) {
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Get', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'CmdID', $attrs);
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'CmdID');
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Meta', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Type', $attrs);
if(is_a($output, 'XML_WBXML_Encoder')) {
} else {
$output->endElement($state->getURIMeta(), 'Type');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Meta');
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Item', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'Target', $attrs);
$output->startElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI', $attrs);
$output->characters(($state->getVersion() == 0) ? './devinf10' : './devinf11');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'LocURI');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Target');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Item');
$output->endElement($state->getURI(), 'Get');
$state->_devinfoRequested = true;
} elseif ($this->_alert == ALERT_NEXT_MESSAGE) {
$status = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Status(RESPONSE_OK, 'Alert');
if ($this->_targetLocURI != null) {
$status->setTargetRef((isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters) ? $this->_targetLocURI.'?/'.$this->_targetLocURIParameters : $this->_targetLocURI));
if ($this->_sourceLocURI != null) {
$status->setItemTargetLocURI(isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters) ? $this->_targetLocURI.'?/'.$this->_targetLocURIParameters : $this->_targetLocURI);
$currentCmdID = $status->output($currentCmdID, $output);
} else {
$status = new Horde_SyncML_Command_Status(RESPONSE_OK, 'Alert');
if ($this->_sourceLocURI != null) {
if ($this->_targetLocURI != null) {
$status->setTargetRef((isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters) ? $this->_targetLocURI.'?/'.$this->_targetLocURIParameters : $this->_targetLocURI));
$currentCmdID = $status->output($currentCmdID, $output);
return $currentCmdID;
* Setter for property sourceURI.
* @param string $sourceURI New value of property sourceURI.
function setSourceLocURI($sourceURI)
$this->_sourceLocURI = $sourceURI;
function getTargetLocURI()
return $this->_targetURI;
* Setter for property targetURI.
* @param string $targetURI New value of property targetURI.
// is this function still used???
function setTargetURI($targetURI)
$this->_targetLocURI = $targetURI;
* Setter for property targetURI.
* @param string $targetURI New value of property targetURI.
function setTargetLocURI($targetURI)
$this->_targetLocURI = $targetURI;
function startElement($uri, $element, $attrs)
parent::startElement($uri, $element, $attrs);
switch ($this->_xmlStack) {
case 3:
if ($element == 'Target') {
$this->_isInSource = false;
} else {
$this->_isInSource = true;
function endElement($uri, $element)
switch ($this->_xmlStack) {
case 1:
$state = & $_SESSION['SyncML.state'];
$sync = $state->getSync($this->_targetLocURI);
if (!$sync && $this->_alert < ALERT_RESULT_ALERT) {
Horde::logMessage('SyncML: create new sync for ' . $this->_targetLocURI . ' ' . $this->_alert, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$sync = &Horde_SyncML_Sync::factory($this->_alert);
$sync->_targetLocURI = $this->_targetLocURI;
$sync->_sourceLocURI = $this->_sourceLocURI;
if(isset($this->_targetLocURIParameters)) {
$sync->_targetLocURIParameters = $this->_targetLocURIParameters;
$state->setSync($this->_targetLocURI, $sync);
if($this->_alert == ALERT_SLOW_SYNC || $this->_alert == ALERT_REFRESH_FROM_SERVER) {
case 2:
if ($element == 'Data') {
$this->_alert = intval(trim($this->_chars));
case 4:
if ($element == 'LocURI') {
if ($this->_isInSource) {
$this->_sourceLocURI = trim($this->_chars);
} else {
$targetLocURIData = explode('?/',trim($this->_chars));
$this->_targetLocURI = $targetLocURIData[0];
if(isset($targetLocURIData[1])) {
$this->_targetLocURIParameters = $targetLocURIData[1];
case 5:
if ($element == 'Next') {
$this->_metaAnchorNext = trim($this->_chars);
} else if ($element == 'Last') {
$this->_metaAnchorLast = trim($this->_chars);
parent::endElement($uri, $element);
function getAlert()
return $this->_alert;
function setAlert($alert)
$this->_alert = $alert;