
781 lines
29 KiB

DynAPI Distribution
SnapX Class by Leif Westerlind <warp-9.9 (at) usa (dot) net>
The DynAPI Distribution is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
requires: DynLayer
SnapX = {}; // used by dynapi.library
var p = DynLayer.prototype;
p._snapSetLocation = p.setLocation;
p.setLocation = function(x,y){
if (this.isSnapEnabled){
var dirX = '', dirY = '';
// get direction
if (this._snapX != this.x){
if (this._snapX < this.x){
else {
if (this._snapY != this.y){
if (this._snapY < this.y){
else {
this._snapX = this.x;
this._snapY = this.y;
this._snapDirection = dirY + dirX;
p.getSnapDirection = function (){
0 args: use defaults
1 arg : snap type [normal|null|sticky|grid]
2 args: snap type [normal|null|sticky|grid],
boundary type [inner|outer|both]
3 args: snap type [normal|null|sticky|grid],
boundary type [inner|outer|both],
4 args: snap type [normal|null|sticky|grid],
boundary type [inner|outer|both],
grid size (if applicable)
p.enableSnap = function (){
var a = arguments;
var snapBoundaryDefault = DynLayer._snapBoundaryDefault;
this.isSnapEnabled = true;
this._snapX = this.x;
this._snapY = this.y;
if ( a.length >= 0 ){
if ( a.length >= 1 ){
if ( a[0] == 'sticky' || a[0] == 'grid' ){
else if ( a[0] == 'normal' || a[0] == null ){
if ( a.length >= 2 ){
if ( a[1] == 'inner' || a[1] == 'outer' || a[1] == 'both' ){
else {
if ( a.length >= 3 ){
if ( typeof(a[2]) == 'number' ){
else {
if ( a.length >= 4 ){
if ( typeof(a[3]) == 'number' ){
else {
p.disableSnap = function(){
this.isSnapEnabled = false;
p.setSnapType = function(t){
var a = arguments;
if (a.length == 0){
this._snapType = 'normal';
else if (a.length == 1 ){
if ( a[0] == 'sticky' ){
this._snapType = a[0];
} else if ( a[0] == 'grid' ){
this._snapType = a[0];
else {
this._snapType = 'normal';
p.enableStickySnap = function(){
if (arguments.length == 0){
this.isStickySnapEnabled = true;
else if (arguments.length == 1 ){
if (arguments[0] === true){
this.isStickySnapEnabled = true;
else if (arguments[0] === false){
this.isStickySnapEnabled = false;
p.disableStickySnap = function(){
this.isStickySnapEnabled = false;
p.enableGridSnap = function(){
this.isGridSnapEnabled = true;
this._snapGridX = null;
this._snapGridY = null;
p.disableGridSnap = function(){
this.isGridSnapEnabled = false;
DynLayer._snapBoundaryTypeDefault = 'outer';
p.setSnapBoundaryTypeDefault = function(snapBoundaryType){
if (typeof(snapBoundaryType) == 'string') DynLayer._snapBoundaryTypeDefault = snapBoundaryType;
p.getSnapBoundaryTypeDefault = function(){
p.setSnapBoundaryType = function(snapBoundaryType){
if (arguments.length == 0){
this._snapBoundaryType = DynLayer._snapBoundaryTypeDefault;
else if (typeof(snapBoundaryType) == 'string'){
this._snapBoundaryType = snapBoundaryType;
p.getSnapBoundaryType = function(){
DynLayer._snapBoundaryDefault = 25;
p.setSnapBoundaryDefault = function(snapBoundary){
if(typeof(snapBoundary) == 'number') DynLayer._snapBoundaryDefault = snapBoundary;
p.getSnapBoundaryDefault = function(){
DynLayer._snapGridSizeDefault = 10;
p.setGridSnapSizeDefault = function(s){
DynLayer._snapGridSizeDefault = s;
p.getGridSnapSizeDefault = function(){
p.setGridSnapSize = function(){
if (arguments.length == 0){
this._snapGridSize = DynLayer._snapGridSizeDefault;
else if (arguments.length == 1 ){
this._snapGridSize = arguments[0];
0 args: set snapBoundaryType to snapBoundaryTypeDefault,
set boundary to snapBoundaryDefault
1 arg : if snapBoundaryType, set boundary to snapBoundaryDefault,
if boundary, set all sides to boundary
and snapBoundaryType to snapBoundaryTypeDefault
2 args: if snapBoundaryType,boundary, set type and boundary for all sides
if N1,N2 set inner to N1 and outer to N2 and
set snapBoundaryType to both
5 args: snapBoundaryType, t, r, b, l
8 args: ti, ri, bi, li, to, ro, bo, lo
p.setSnapBoundary = function(){
var a = arguments;
var snapBoundaryDefault = DynLayer._snapBoundaryDefault;
if (a.length == 0){
this._snapBndTi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndTo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLo = snapBoundaryDefault;
if (a.length == 1){
if(a[0] == 'inner' || a[0] == 'outer' || a[0] == 'both'){
this._snapBndTi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndTo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLo = snapBoundaryDefault;
else {
this._snapBndTi = a[0];
this._snapBndRi = a[0];
this._snapBndBi = a[0];
this._snapBndLi = a[0];
this._snapBndTo = a[0];
this._snapBndRo = a[0];
this._snapBndBo = a[0];
this._snapBndLo = a[0];
else if (a.length == 2){
if (a[0] == 'inner'){
this._snapBndTi = a[1];
this._snapBndRi = a[1];
this._snapBndBi = a[1];
this._snapBndLi = a[1];
else if (a[0] == 'outer'){
this._snapBndTo = a[1];
this._snapBndRo = a[1];
this._snapBndBo = a[1];
this._snapBndLo = a[1];
else if (a[0] == 'both' || a[0] == null){
this._snapBndTi = a[1];
this._snapBndRi = a[1];
this._snapBndBi = a[1];
this._snapBndLi = a[1];
this._snapBndTo = a[1];
this._snapBndRo = a[1];
this._snapBndBo = a[1];
this._snapBndLo = a[1];
else if (typeof(a[0]) == 'number' && typeof(a[1]) == 'number'){
this._snapBndTi = a[0];
this._snapBndRi = a[0];
this._snapBndBi = a[0];
this._snapBndLi = a[0];
this._snapBndTo = a[1];
this._snapBndRo = a[1];
this._snapBndBo = a[1];
this._snapBndLo = a[1];
else if (a.length == 5){
if(a[0] == 'inner' || a[0] == 'outer' || a[0] == 'both'){
if (this._snapBoundaryType == 'inner'){
this._snapBndTi = a[1];
this._snapBndRi = a[2];
this._snapBndBi = a[3];
this._snapBndLi = a[4];
else if (this._snapBoundaryType == 'outer'){
this._snapBndTo = a[1];
this._snapBndRo = a[2];
this._snapBndBo = a[3];
this._snapBndLo = a[4];
else if (this._snapBoundaryType == 'both'){
this._snapBndTi = a[1];
this._snapBndRi = a[2];
this._snapBndBi = a[3];
this._snapBndLi = a[4];
this._snapBndTo = a[1];
this._snapBndRo = a[2];
this._snapBndBo = a[3];
this._snapBndLo = a[4];
else if (a.length == 8){
this._snapBndTi = a[0];
this._snapBndRi = a[1];
this._snapBndBi = a[2];
this._snapBndLi = a[3];
this._snapBndTo = a[4];
this._snapBndRo = a[5];
this._snapBndBo = a[6];
this._snapBndLo = a[7];
else {
this._snapBndTi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLi = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndTo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndRo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndBo = snapBoundaryDefault;
this._snapBndLo = snapBoundaryDefault;
p.getSnapBoundary = function(t){
var To,Ro,Bo,Lo,Ti,Ri,Bi,Li,bndAry,X,Y,W,H;
X = this.x;
Y = this.y;
W = this.w;
H = this.h;
Ti = Y + this._snapBndTi;
Ri = X + W - this._snapBndRi;
Bi = Y + H - this._snapBndBi;
Li = X + this._snapBndLi;
To = Y - this._snapBndTo;
Ro = X + W + this._snapBndRo;
Bo = Y + H + this._snapBndBo;
Lo = X - this._snapBndLo;
if (t==null) bndAry = [Ti,Ri,Bi,Li,To,Ro,Bo,Lo];
else {
if (t=='inner') bndAry = [Ti,Ri,Bi,Li];
else if (t=='outer') bndAry = [To,Ro,Bo,Lo];
else if (t=='both') bndAry = [Ti,Ri,Bi,Li,To,Ro,Bo,Lo];
p._checkForSnap = function(){
switch (this._snapBoundaryType) {
case 'outer' :
case 'inner' :
case 'both' :
p._checkForSnapInner = function(){
if (!this.parent.children.length>0) return(false);
if (!this.isSnapEnabled==true) return(false);
var ch,chX1,chY1,chX2,chY2,
sX1 = this.x;
sY1 = this.y;
sW = this.w;
sH = this.h;
sX2 = sX1 + sW;
sY2 = sY1 + sH;
sDir = this.getSnapDirection();
for (var i in this.parent.children){
ch = this.parent.children[i];
if (ch != this && ch.isSnapEnabled == true){
chX1 = ch.x;
chY1 = ch.y;
chX2 = chX1 + ch.w;
chY2 = chY1 + ch.h;
chBndAry = ch.getSnapBoundary('inner');
chBiX1 = chBndAry[3];
chBiY1 = chBndAry[0];
chBiX2 = chBndAry[1];
chBiY2 = chBndAry[2];
// Cases B1 - B8 test TRUE if source corner is in snap border.
// Cases D1 - D8 test TRUE if the corresponding direction of
// movement of the corner is towards the boundary.
// Cases C1 - C8 test TRUE if the corresponding B and D cases
// are true for standard or sticky snap.
// inner top-left corner, source top-left, move N, NW, W
B1 = (sX1 <= chBiX1 && sX1 > chX1 && sY1 <= chBiY1 && sY1 > chY1);
D1 = (sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W');
C1 = (B1 && (D1 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner top-middle side, source top-left, move NE, N, NW
B2a = (sX1 > chBiX1 && sX1 < chBiX2 && sY1 <= chBiY1 && sY1 > chY1);
D2a = (sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW');
C2a = (B2a && (D2a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner top-middle side, source top-right, move NE, N, NW
B2b = (sX2 > chBiX1 && sX2 < chBiX2 && sY1 <= chBiY1 && sY1 > chY1);
D2b = (sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW');
C2b = (B2b && (D2b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner top-right corner, source top-right, move E, NE, N
B3 = (sX2 >= chBiX2 && sX2 < chX2 && sY1 <= chBiY1 && sY1 > chY1);
D3 = (sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N');
C3 = (B3 && (D3 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner right-middle side, source top-right, move SE, E, NE
B4a = (sX2 >= chBiX2 && sX2 < chX2 && sY1 > chBiY1 && sY1 < chBiY2);
D4a = (sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE');
C4a = (B4a && (D4a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner right-middle side, source bottom-right, move SE, E, NE
B4b = (sX2 >= chBiX2 && sX2 < chX2 && sY2 > chBiY1 && sY2 < chBiY2);
D4b = (sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE');
C4b = (B4b && (D4b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner bottom-right corner, source lower-right, move dir E, SE, S
B5 = (sX2 >= chBiX2 && sX2 < chX2 && sY2 >= chBiY2 && sY2 < chY2);
D5 = (sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'S');
C5 = (B5 && (D5 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner bottom-middle side, source lower-left, move SW, S, SE
B6a = (sX1 > chBiX1 && sX1 < chBiX2 && sY2 >= chBiY2 && sY2 < chY2);
D6a = (sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S' || sDir == 'SE');
C6a = (B6a && (D6a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner bottom-middle side, source lower-right, move SW, S, SE
B6b = (sX2 > chBiX1 && sX2 < chBiX2 && sY2 >= chBiY2 && sY2 < chY2);
D6b = (sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S' || sDir == 'SE');
C6b = (B6b && (D6b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner bottom-left corner, source lower-left, move W, SW, S
B7 = (sX1 <= chBiX1 && sX1 > chX1 && sY2 >= chBiY2 && sY2 < chY2);
D7 = (sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S');
C7 = (B7 && (D7 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner left-middle side, source top-left, move NW, W, SW
B8a = (sX1 <= chBiX1 && sX1 > chX1 && sY1 > chBiY1 && sY1 < chBiY2);
D8a = (sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW');
C8a = (B8a && (D8a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// inner left-middle side, source bottom-left, move NW, W, SW
B8b = (sX1 <= chBiX1 && sX1 > chX1 && sY2 > chBiY1 && sY2 < chBiY2);
D8b = (sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW');
C8b = (B8b && (D8b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
if (C1){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1, chY1);
else if (C3){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX2 - ( Math.floor( ( chX2 - sX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2-sW, chY1);
else if (C5){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX2 - ( Math.floor( ( chX2 - sX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY2 - sH - ( Math.floor( ( chY2 - sY2 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2-sW, chY2-sH);
else if (C7){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY2 - sH - ( Math.floor( ( chY2 - sY2 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1, chY2-sH);
else if (C2a || C2b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, chY1);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(sX1, chY1);
else if (C4a || C4b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(chX2-sW, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2-sW, sY1);
else if (C6a || C6b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, chY2-sH);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(sX1, chY2-sH);
else if (C8a || C8b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(chX1 , tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1 , sY1);
if (C1 || C2a || C2b || C3 || C4a || C4b || C5 || C6a || C6b || C7 || C8a || C8b){
p._checkForSnapOuter = function(){
if (! this.parent.children.length > 0) return(false);
if (! this.isSnapEnabled == true) return(false);
var ch,chX1,chY1,chX2,chY2,
if( Math.abs( this._snapX - this._snapGridX ) > this._snapGridSize ) this._snapGridX=null;
if( Math.abs( this._snapY - this._snapGridY ) > this._snapGridSize ) this._snapGridY=null;
this._snapSetLocation( this._snapGridX || this._snapX, this._snapGridY || this._snapY );
sX1 = this.x;
sY1 = this.y;
sW = this.w;
sH = this.h;
sX2 = sX1 + sW;
sY2 = sY1 + sH;
sDir = this.getSnapDirection();
for (var i in this.parent.children){
ch = this.parent.children[i];
if (ch != this && ch.isSnapEnabled == true){
chX1 = ch.x;
chY1 = ch.y;
chX2 = chX1 + ch.w;
chY2 = chY1 + ch.h;
chBndAry = ch.getSnapBoundary('outer');
chBoX1 = chBndAry[3];
chBoY1 = chBndAry[0];
chBoX2 = chBndAry[1];
chBoY2 = chBndAry[2];
// Cases B1 - B8 test TRUE if source corner is in snap border.
// Cases D1 - D8 test TRUE if the corresponding direction of
// movement of the corner is towards the boundary.
// Cases C1 - C8 test TRUE if the corresponding B and D cases
// are true for standard, sticky or grid snap.
// outer top-left corner, source lower-right, move dir E, SE, S
B1 = (sX2 >= chBoX1 && sX2 < chX1 && sY2 >= chBoY1 && sY2 < chY1);
D1 = (sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'S');
C1 = (B1 && (D1 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer top-middle side, source lower-left, move SW, S, SE
B2a = (sX1 >= chX1 && sX1 <= chX2 && sY2 >= chBoY1 && sY2 < chY1);
D2a = (sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S' || sDir == 'SE');
C2a = (B2a && (D2a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer top-middle side, source lower-right, move SW, S, SE
B2b = (sX2 >= chX1 && sX2 <= chX2 && sY2 >= chBoY1 && sY2 < chY1);
D2b = (sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S' || sDir == 'SE');
C2b = (B2b && (D2b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer top-right corner, source lower-left, move W, SW, S
B3 = (sX1 <= chBoX2 && sX1 > chX2 && sY2 >= chBoY1 && sY2 < chY1);
D3 = (sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW' || sDir == 'S');
C3 = (B3 && (D3 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer right-middle side, source top-left, move NW, W, SW
B4a = (sX1 <= chBoX2 && sX1 > chX2 && sY1 >= chY1 && sY1 <= chY2);
D4a = (sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW');
C4a = (B4a && (D4a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer right-middle side, source bottom-left, move NW, W, SW
B4b = (sX1 <= chBoX2 && sX1 > chX2 && sY2 >= chY1 && sY2 <= chY2);
D4b = (sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W' || sDir == 'SW');
C4b = (B4b && (D4b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer bottom-right corner, source top-left, move N, NW, W
B5 = (sX1 <= chBoX2 && sX1 > chX2 && sY1 <= chBoY2 && sY1 > chY2);
D5 = (sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW' || sDir == 'W');
C5 = (B5 && (D5 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer bottom-middle side, source top-left, move NE, N, NW
B6a = (sX1 >= chX1 && sX1 <= chX2 && sY1 <= chBoY2 && sY1 > chY2);
D6a = (sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW');
C6a = (B6a && (D6a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer bottom-middle side, source top-right, move NE, N, NW
B6b = (sX2 >= chX1 && sX2 <= chX2 && sY1 <= chBoY2 && sY1 > chY2);
D6b = (sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N' || sDir == 'NW');
C6b = (B6b && (D6b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer bottom-left corner, source top-right, move E, NE, N
B7 = (sX2 >= chBoX1 && sX2 < chX1 && sY1 <= chBoY2 && sY1 > chY2);
D7 = (sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE' || sDir == 'N');
C7 = (B7 && (D7 || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer left-middle side, source top-right, move SE, E, NE
B8a = (sX2 >= chBoX1 && sX2 < chX1 && sY1 >= chY1 && sY1 <= chY2);
D8a = (sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE');
C8a = (B8a && (D8a || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
// outer left-middle side, source bottom-right, move SE, E, NE
B8b = (sX2 >= chBoX1 && sX2 < chX1 && sY2 >= chY1 && sY2 <= chY2);
D8b = (sDir == 'SE' || sDir == 'E' || sDir == 'NE');
C8b = (B8b && (D8b || ch.isStickySnapEnabled || ch.isGridSnapEnabled));
if (C1){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 - ( Math.floor( ( chX1 - sX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 - ( Math.floor( ( chY1 - sY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1-sW, chY1-sH);
else if (C3){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 - ( Math.floor( ( chY1 - sY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2, chY1-sH);
else if (C5){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 + ( Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2, chY2);
else if (C7){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
var tmpX = chX1 - ( Math.floor( ( chX1 - sX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
var tmpY = chY1 + ( Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1-sW, chY2);
else if (C2a || C2b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
//if(!this._snapGridY) this._snapGridY=chY1-sH;
//this._snapSetLocation(sX1 , this._snapGridY);
var tmpX = chX1 + Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX , chY1-sH);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(sX1, chY1-sH);
else if (C4a || C4b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
//if(!this._snapGridX) this._snapGridX=chX2;
//this._snapSetLocation(this._snapGridX, sY1);
var tmpY = chY1 + Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(chX2, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX2, sY1);
else if (C6a || C6b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
//if(!this._snapGridY) this._snapGridY=chY2;
//this._snapSetLocation(sX1 , this._snapGridY);
var tmpX = chX1 + Math.floor( ( sX1 - chX1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(tmpX , chY2);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(sX1, chY2);
else if (C8a || C8b){
if (this.isGridSnapEnabled){
//if(!this._snapGridX) this._snapGridX=chX1-sW;
//this._snapSetLocation(chX1-sW , sY1);
var tmpY = chY1 + Math.floor( ( sY1 - chY1 ) / this._snapGridSize ) * this._snapGridSize;
this._snapSetLocation(chX1-sW, tmpY);
else {
this._snapSetLocation(chX1-sW, sY1);
if (C1 || C2a || C2b || C3 || C4a || C4b || C5 || C6a || C6b || C7 || C8a || C8b){