Nathan Gray f48424de9c * If column information is stored in a favorite, restore it along with the filters
To get column information in the favorite, change the visible columns before you create the favorite.
If the favorite has no column information, the visible columns will not be changed.
2015-05-20 15:23:55 +00:00

2618 lines
93 KiB

* InfoLog - User interface
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @package infolog
* @copyright (c) 2003-14 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* This class is the UI-layer (user interface) of InfoLog
class infolog_ui
var $public_functions = array(
'index' => True,
'edit' => True,
'delete' => True,
'close' => True,
'admin' => True,
'hook_view' => True,
'writeLangFile' => True,
'mail_import' => True
* reference to the infolog preferences of the user
* @var array
var $prefs;
* instance of the bo-class
* @var infolog_bo
var $bo;
* instance of the etemplate class
* @var etemplate
var $tmpl;
* allowed units and hours per day, can be overwritten by the projectmanager configuration, default all units, 8h
* @var string
var $duration_format = ','; // comma is necessary!
var $icons = array(
'type' => array(
'task' => 'task.gif', 'task_alt' => 'Task',
'phone' => 'phone.gif', 'phone_alt' => 'Phonecall',
'note' => 'note.gif', 'note_alt' => 'Note',
'confirm' => 'confirm.gif', 'confirm_alt' => 'Confirmation',
'reject' => 'reject.gif', 'reject_alt' => 'Reject',
'email' => 'email.gif', 'email_alt' => 'Email' ),
'action' => array(
'new' => 'new.gif', 'new_alt' => 'Add Sub',
'view' => 'view.gif', 'view_alt' => 'View Subs',
'parent' => 'parent.gif', 'parent_alt' => 'View other Subs',
'edit' => 'edit.gif', 'edit_alt' => 'Edit',
'addfile' => 'addfile.gif', 'addfile_alt' => 'Add a file',
'delete' => 'delete.gif', 'delete_alt' => 'Delete',
'close' => 'done.gif', 'close_alt' => 'Close' ,
'close_all' => 'done_all.gif', 'close_all_alt' => 'Close' ),
'status' => array(
'billed' => 'billed.gif', 'billed_alt' => 'billed',
'done' => 'done.gif', 'done_alt' => 'done',
'will-call' => 'will-call.gif', 'will-call_alt' => 'will-call',
'call' => 'call.gif', 'call_alt' => 'call',
'ongoing' => 'ongoing.gif', 'ongoing_alt' => 'ongoing',
'offer' => 'offer.gif', 'offer_alt' => 'offer' )
var $filters;
var $messages = array(
'edit' => 'InfoLog - Edit',
'add' => 'InfoLog - New',
'add_sub' => 'InfoLog - New Subproject',
'sp' => '- Subprojects from',
* Constructor
* @return infolog_ui
function __construct()
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'infolog') translation::add_app('infolog');
// Make sure Global category is infolog - on first load, it may not be
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'infolog' && !$GLOBALS['egw']->categories->app_name)
$GLOBALS['egw']->categories = new categories();
$this->bo = new infolog_bo();
$this->tmpl = new etemplate_new();
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog'];
// read the duration format from project-manager
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['projectmanager'])
$pm_config = config::read('projectmanager');
$this->duration_format = str_replace(',','',implode('', (array)$pm_config['duration_units']));
//error_log(__METHOD__."() ".__LINE__." duration_format=$this->duration_format, duration_unit=".array2string($pm_config['duration_units']));
$this->hours_per_workday = $pm_config['hours_per_workday'];
$this->filters =& $this->bo->filters;
/* these are just for testing of the notifications
for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
$this->filters['delegated-open-enddate'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "delegated due in $i day(s)";
for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
$this->filters['responsible-open-enddate'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "responsible due in $i day(s)";
for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
$this->filters['delegated-open-date'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "delegated starting in $i day(s)";
for($i = -1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
$this->filters['responsible-open-date'.date('Y-m-d',time()+$i*24*60*60)] = "responsible starting in $i day(s)";
$GLOBALS['infolog_ui'] =& $this; // make ourself availible for ExecMethod of get_rows function
// can be removed for next release / infolog update
if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->hook_exists('calendar_set','infolog'))
* Sets additional fields for one infolog entry, which are not persistent in the DB
* @param array $info infolog entry read from the db
* @param array &$readonlys ACL specific settings for the buttons
* @param string $action
* @param string/int $action_id
* @param boolean $show_links
* @param int $details
* @return array
function get_info($info,&$readonlys,$action='',$action_id='',$show_links=false,$details = 1)
if (!is_array($info))
$info = $this->bo->read($info);
$id = $info['info_id'];
$done = $info['info_status'] == 'done' || $info['info_status'] == 'billed' || $info['info_status'] == 'cancelled'; //cancelled is regarded as a completed status as well in bo
// regard an infolog as done/billed/cancelled if its percentage is 100% when there is to status like the above for that type
if (!$done && !isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['done']) && !isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['billed']) &&
!isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['cancelled']) && (int)$info['info_percent']==100) $done = true ;
$info['sub_class'] = $this->bo->enums['priority'][$info['info_priority']] . ($done ? '_done' : '');
if (!$done && $info['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
$info['end_class'] = 'infolog_overdue';
if (!isset($info['info_anz_subs'])) $info['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($id);
$this->bo->link_id2from($info,$action,$action_id); // unset from for $action:$action_id
$info['info_percent'] = (int) $info['info_percent'].'%';
$editrights = $this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT);
$isresposible = $this->bo->is_responsible($info);
if ((!($editrights || // edit rights or more then standard responsible rights
$isresposible && array_diff($this->bo->responsible_edit,array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted')))))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoEdit ';
if ($info['status'] == 'deleted' && !$this->bo->check_access($info, EGW_ACL_UNDELETE))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoUndelete ';
if (($done || (!($editrights || $isresposible))))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoClose ';
// this one is supressed, when you are not allowed to edit, or not responsible, or the entry is closed
// and has no children. If you want that this one is shown if there are children regardless of the status of the current or its childs,
// then modify ($done) to ($done && !$info['info_anz_subs'])
if ($done || !$info['info_anz_subs'] || (!($editrights || $isresposible)))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoCloseAll ';
if (!$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_DELETE))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoDelete ';
if (!$this->bo->check_access($info,EGW_ACL_ADD))
$info['class'] .= 'rowNoSubs ';
if ($info['info_id_parent']) $info['class'] .= 'infolog_rowHasParent ';
if ($info['info_anz_subs'] > 0) $info['class'] .= 'infolog_rowHasSubs ';
$info['row_mod'] = $info['info_datemodified'];
if (!$show_links) $show_links = $this->prefs['show_links'];
if (($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' ||
$this->prefs['show_times'] || isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet'])) &&
(isset($info['links']) || ($info['links'] = egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true,true))))
$timesheets = array();
foreach ($info['links'] as $link)
// incl. link modification time into row_mod (link's lastmod is always in server-time!)
$link_mod = egw_time::server2user($link['lastmod']);
if ($info['row_mod'] < $link_mod) $info['row_mod'] = $link_mod;
if ($link['deleted']) continue; // skip deleted links, but incl. them in row_mod!
if ($show_links != 'none' && $show_links != 'no_describtion' &&
$link['link_id'] != $info['info_link_id'] &&
($link['app'] != $action || $link['id'] != $action_id) &&
($show_links == 'all' || ($show_links == 'links') === ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)))
$info['filelinks'][] = $link;
if (!$info['pm_id'] && $link['app'] == 'projectmanager')
$info['pm_id'] = $link['id'];
if ($link['app'] == 'timesheet') $timesheets[] = $link['id'];
if ($this->prefs['show_times'] && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']) && $timesheets)
$sum = ExecMethod('timesheet.timesheet_bo.sum',$timesheets);
$info['info_sum_timesheets'] = $sum['duration'];
// incl. max timesheet modification in row_mod
if ($info['row_mod'] < $sum['max_modified']) $info['row_mod'] = $sum['max_modified'];
$info['info_type_label'] = $this->bo->enums['type'][$info['info_type']];
$info['info_status_label'] = isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']]) ?
$this->bo->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']] : $info['info_status'];
if (!$this->prefs['show_percent'] || $this->prefs['show_percent'] == 2 && !$details)
if ($info['info_status'] == 'ongoing' && $info['info_type'] != 'phone')
$info['info_status'] = $info['info_status_label'] = $info['info_percent'];
$readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"] = true;
elseif($readonlys["edit_percent[$id]"]) // show percent, but button is switched off
$info['info_percent2'] = $info['info_percent'];
if ($this->prefs['show_id'] == 1 || $this->prefs['show_id'] == 2 && $details)
$info['info_number'] = $info['info_id'];
//error_log(__METHOD__."() returning ".array2string($info));
return $info;
* Check if no filter is active
* @param array $query
* @return string name of 1. filter found or null
protected static function filter(array $query)
$filter = $query['filter'] ? 'filter' : ($query['cat_id'] ? 'cat_id' : null);
foreach((array)$query['col_filter'] as $name => $value)
if ((string)$value !== '')
$filter = $name;
//error_log(__METHOD__."(col_filter=".array2string($query['col_filter']).") returning ".array2string($filter));
return $filter;
* Callback for nextmatch widget
* @param array &$query
* @param array &$rows
* @param array &$readonlys
* @return int
function get_rows(&$query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
//error_log(__METHOD__."() query[csv_export]=".array2string($query['csv_export']).", query[filter]=".array2string($query['filter']).", query[col_filter]=".array2string(array_diff($query['col_filter'],array('',0))).' '.function_backtrace());
if (!$query['csv_export'])
if (!$query['col_filter']['parent_id'] && !$query['search'] &&
($this->prefs['listNoSubs'] == '1' || $this->prefs['listNoSubs'] === 'filter' && !self::filter($query)))
$parent_id = 0;
$parent_id = $query['col_filter']['parent_id'];
//error_log(__METHOD__."() prefs[listNoSubs]=".array2string($this->prefs['listNoSubs'])." --> parent_id=$parent_id");
egw_cache::setSession('infolog', $query['session_for'].'session_data', $query);
$query['actions'] = $this->get_actions($query);
$query['row_id'] = 'info_id';
$query['row_modified'] = 'row_mod';
$query['parent_id'] = 'info_id_parent';
$query['is_parent'] = 'info_anz_subs';
$query['action_var'] = 'multi_action'; // as 'action' is already used in infolog
// nextmatch opened an infolog containing children --> do not filter them, always show all children
elseif($query['csv_export'] === 'children')
$query['filter'] = $query['search'] = $query['cat_id'] = '';
$query['col_filter'] = array('info_id_parent' => $query['col_filter']['info_id_parent']);
$orginal_colfilter = $query['col_filter'];
if (isset($parent_id)) $query['col_filter']['info_id_parent'] = (string)$parent_id;
//echo "<p>infolog_ui.get_rows(start=$query[start],search='$query[search]',filter='$query[filter]',cat_id=$query[cat_id],action='$query[action]/$query[action_id]',col_filter=".print_r($query['col_filter'],True).",sort=$query[sort],order=$query[order])</p>\n";
if (!isset($query['start'])) $query['start'] = 0;
// handle action and linked filter (show only entries linked to a certain other entry)
$link_filters = array();
$links = array();
if ($query['col_filter']['linked'])
$link_filters['linked'] = $query['col_filter']['linked'];
$links['linked'] = array();
if($query['action'] && in_array($query['action'], array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'])) && $query['action_id'])
$link_filters['action'] = array('app'=>$query['action'], 'id' => $query['action_id']);
$links['action'] = array();
foreach($link_filters as $key => $link)
// Legacy string style
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$link);
// Full info
$app = $link['app'];
$id = $link['id'];
if(!is_array($id)) $id = explode(',',$id);
if (!($linked = egw_link::get_links_multiple($app,$id,true,'infolog','',$query['col_filter']['info_status'] == 'deleted')))
$rows = array(); // no infologs linked to selected link --> no rows to return
return 0;
foreach($linked as $infos)
$links[$key] = array_merge($links[$key],$infos);
$links[$key] = array_unique($links[$key]);
if($key == 'linked')
$linked = array('app' => $app, 'id' => $id, 'title' => (count($id) == 1 ? egw_link::title($app, $id) : lang('multiple')));
$query['col_filter']['info_id'] = count($links) > 1 ? call_user_func_array('array_intersect', $links) : $links[$key];
// check if we have a custom, type-specific template
$old_template = $query['template'];
// Reset custom, type-specific template if type was cleared (without changing it for home)
if(!$query['template'] || stripos($query['template'], 'infolog.index.rows') === 0)
$query['template'] = 'infolog.index.rows';
if ($query['col_filter']['info_type'])
$tpl = new etemplate_new;
if ($tpl->read('infolog.index.rows.'.$query['col_filter']['info_type']))
$query['template'] = $tpl->name;
$query['custom_fields'] = true; // read the custom fields too
// If status is not valid for selected type, clear status filter
if($query['col_filter']['info_status'] && $query['col_filter']['info_status'] != 'deleted' &&
!in_array($query['col_filter']['info_status'], $this->bo->status[$query['col_filter']['info_type']]))
$query['col_filter']['info_status'] = '';
// Template change forces the UI to do a full update first, no point in getting rows right now
if($old_template && $old_template != $query['template']) return 0;
// do we need to read the custom fields, depends on the column is enabled and customfields exist, prefs are filter specific
// so we have to check that as well
$details = $query['filter2'] == 'all';
$columnselection_pref = 'nextmatch-'.($query['action'] ? 'infolog.'.$query['action'] : ($tpl && $tpl->name == $query['template'] ? $query['template'] : 'infolog.index.rows'))
.($details ? '-details' : '');
//error_log(__METHOD__."(start=$query[start], num_rows=$query[num_rows]) query[col_filter][info_type]={$query['col_filter']['info_type']} --> query[template]=$query[template], columselection_pref=$columnselection_pref");
$columselection = $this->prefs[$columnselection_pref];
if (!$query['selectcols'] && $columselection)
$columselection = is_array($columselection) ? $columselection : explode(',',$columselection);
$columselection = $query['selectcols'] ? (is_array($query['selectcols']) ? $query['selectcols'] : explode(',',$query['selectcols'])) : array();
// do we need to query the cf's
$query['custom_fields'] = $this->bo->customfields && (!$columselection || in_array('customfields',$columselection));
$infos = $this->bo->search($query);
$query['col_filter'] = $orginal_colfilter;
if (!is_array($infos))
$infos = array( );
// add a '-details' to the name of the columnselection pref
if ($details)
$query['default_cols'] = '!cat_id,info_used_time_info_planned_time,info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time,info_id';
$query['default_cols'] = '!cat_id,info_datemodified,info_used_time_info_planned_time,info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time,info_id';
// set old show_times pref, that get_info calculates the cumulated time of the timesheets (we only check used&planned to work for both time cols)
$this->prefs['show_times'] = strpos($this->prefs[$query['columnselection_pref']],'info_used_time_info_planned_time') !== false;
// query all links and sub counts in one go
if ($infos && (!$query['csv_export'] || !is_array($query['csv_export'])))
$links = egw_link::get_links_multiple('infolog',array_keys($infos),true,'','link_lastmod DESC',true); // true=incl. deleted
$anzSubs = $this->bo->anzSubs(array_keys($infos));
$rows = array();
// Don't add parent in if info_id_parent (expanding to show subs)
if ($query['action_id'] && $query['csv_export'] !== 'children')
$parents = $query['action'] == 'sp' && $query['action_id'] ? (array)$query['action_id'] : array();
if (count($parents) == 1 && is_array($query['action_id']))
$query['action_id'] = array_shift($query['action_id']); // display single parent as app_header
$parent_first = count($parents) == 1;
$parent_index = 0;
// et2 nextmatch listens to total, and only displays that many rows, so add parent in or we'll lose the last row
if($parent_first || $query['action'] == 'sp' && is_array($query['action_id'])) $query['total']++;
// Check to see if we need to remove description
foreach($infos as $id => $info)
if (!(strpos($info['info_addr'],',')===false) && strpos($info['info_addr'],', ')===false) $info['info_addr'] = str_replace(',',', ',$info['info_addr']);
if (!$query['csv_export'] || !is_array($query['csv_export']))
$info['links'] =& $links[$id];
$info['info_anz_subs'] = (int)$anzSubs[$id];
$info = $this->get_info($info,$readonlys,null,null,false,$details);
// for subs view ('sp') add parent(s) in front of subs once(!)
if ( $parent_first && ($main = $this->bo->read($query['action_id'])) ||
$parents && ($parent_index = array_search($info['info_id_parent'], $parents)) !== false &&
($main = $this->bo->read($info['info_id_parent'])))
$main = $this->get_info($main, $readonlys);
$main['class'] .= 'th ';
// if only certain custom-fields are to be displayed, we need to unset the not displayed ones manually
// as read() always read them all, while search() only reads the selected ones
if ($query['custom_fields'])
foreach($columselection as $col)
if ($col[0] == '#')
foreach(array_keys($main) as $n)
if ($n[0] == '#' && !in_array($n, $columselection)) unset($main[$n]);
$parent_first = false;
if($query['start'] == 0)
array_splice($rows, $id, 0, array($main));
$rows[] = $info;
if ($query['cat_id']) $rows['no_cat_id'] = true;
if ($query['no_actions']) $rows['no_actions'] = true;
$rows['no_timesheet'] = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet']);
// switch cf column off, if we have no cf's
if (!$query['custom_fields']) $rows['no_customfields'] = true;
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'none' &&
$rows['no_info_owner_info_responsible'] = true;
// dont show owner, responsible in the columnselection
$query['options-selectcols']['info_owner'] = $query['options-selectcols']['info_responsible'] = false;
// if filtered by type, show only the stati of the filtered type
$rows['sel_options']['info_status'] = $this->bo->get_status($query['col_filter']['info_type']);
if ($this->bo->history)
$rows['sel_options']['info_status']['deleted'] = 'deleted';
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'infolog' && !$this->called_by)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Infolog');
if ($query['filter'] != '' && !empty($this->filters[$query['filter']]))
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] .= ' - '.lang($this->filters[$query['filter']]);
if ($query['action'] && ($title = $query['action_title'] || is_array($query['action_id']) ?
$query['action_title'] : egw_link::title($query['action']=='sp'?'infolog':$query['action'],$query['action_id'])))
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] .= ': '.$title;
if (isset($linked)) $query['col_filter']['linked'] = $linked; // add linked back to the colfilter
return $query['total'];
* Hook for timesheet to set some extra data and links
* @param array $data
* @param int $data[id] info_id
* @return array with key => value pairs to set in new timesheet and link_app/link_id arrays
function timesheet_set($data)
$set = array();
if ((int)$data['id'] && ($info = $this->bo->read($data['id'])))
if ($info['info_cat']) $set['cat_id'] = $info['info_cat'];
foreach(egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true) as $link)
if ($link['app'] != 'timesheet' && $link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)
$set['link_app'][] = $link['app'];
$set['link_id'][] = $link['id'];
return $set;
* Hook for calendar to set some extra data and links
* @param array $data event-array preset by calendar plus
* @param int $data[entry_id] info_id
* @return array with key => value pairs to set in new event and link_app/link_id arrays
function calendar_set($data)
if (!($infolog = $this->bo->read($data['entry_id'])))
return $data;
$event = array_merge($data,array(
'category' => $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->check_list(EGW_ACL_READ, $infolog['info_cat']),
'priority' => $infolog['info_priority'] + 1,
'public' => $infolog['info_access'] != 'private',
'title' => $infolog['info_subject'],
'description' => $infolog['info_des'],
'location' => $infolog['info_location'],
'start' => $infolog['info_startdate'],
'end' => $infolog['info_enddate'] ? $infolog['info_enddate'] : $infolog['info_datecompleted']
if (!$event['end']) $event['end'] = $event['start'] + (int) $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['defaultlength']*60;
// Match categories by name
$event['category'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->name2id(categories::id2name($infolog['info_cat']));
// make current user the owner of the new event, not the selected calendar, if current user has rights for it
$event['owner'] = $user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// add/modify participants according to prefs
$prefs = explode(',',$this->prefs['calendar_set'] ? $this->prefs['calendar_set'] : 'responsible,contact,user');
// if no default participants (selected calendars) --> remove all
if (!in_array('selected',$prefs))
$event['participants'] = $event['participant_types'] = array();
// Add responsible as participant
if (in_array('responsible',$prefs))
foreach($infolog['info_responsible'] as $responsible)
$event['participants'][$responsible] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$responsible] =
// Add linked contact as participant
if (in_array('contact',$prefs) && $infolog['info_link']['app'] == 'addressbook')
$event['participants'][calendar_so::combine_user('c',$infolog['info_link']['id'])] =
$event['participant_types']['c'][$infolog['info_link']['id']] = calendar_so::combine_status('U');
if (in_array('owner',$prefs))
$event['participants'][$infolog['info_owner']] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$infolog['info_owner']] =
// Add current user, if set or no other participants, which is not allowed
if (in_array('user',$prefs))
$event['participants'][$user] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$user] =
// Add infolog link to calendar entry
$event['link_app'][] = $infolog['info_link']['app'];
$event['link_id'][] = $infolog['info_link']['id'];
// Copy infolog's links
foreach(egw_link::get_links('infolog',$infolog['info_id'],'','link_lastmod DESC',true) as $link)
if ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME)
$event['link_app'][] = $link['app'];
$event['link_id'][] = $link['id'];
// Copy same custom fields
foreach(array_keys(config::get_customfields('calendar')) as $name)
if ($this->bo->customfields[$name]) $event['#'.$name] = $infolog['#'.$name];
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($data).') infolog='.array2string($infolog).' returning '.array2string($event));
return $event;
* Shows the infolog list
* @param array/string $values etemplate content or 'reset_action_view' if called by index.php to reset an action-view
* @param string $action if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
* @param string $action_id if set only entries liked to that $action:$action_id are shown
* @param mixed $called_as is how we got called, for a hook eg. the call-params of that page containing the hook
* @param boolean $e$extra_app_header * @param boolean $return_html=false
* @param string $own_referer='' this is our own referer
* @param string $action_title='' app_header for the action, if '' we try the link-title
function index($values = null,$action='',$action_id='',$called_as=0,$extra_app_header=False,$return_html=False,$own_referer='',$action_title='')
unset($extra_app_header); // not used, but dont want to change signature
if (is_array($values))
$called_as = $values['called_as'];
$own_referer = $values['own_referer'];
elseif ($own_referer === '')
$own_referer = common::get_referer();
if (strpos($own_referer,'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit') !== false)
$own_referer = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('own_session','infolog');
// Handle legacy buttons like actions
foreach(array('document', 'view', 'delete') as $button)
list($id) = @each($values['nm']['rows'][$button]);
$values['nm']['multi_action'] = $button;
$values['nm']['selected'] = array($id);
break; // Only one can come per submit
if (is_array($values) && !empty($values['nm']['multi_action']))
if (!count($values['nm']['selected']) && !$values['nm']['select_all'])
$msg = lang('You need to select some entries first');
// Some processing to add values in for links and cats
$multi_action = $values['nm']['multi_action'];
// Action has an additional action - add / delete, etc. Buttons named <multi-action>_action[action_name]
if(in_array($multi_action, array('link', 'responsible')))
// eTemplate ignores the _popup namespace, but et2 doesn't
$popup =& $values[$multi_action.'_popup'];
$popup =& $values;
$values['nm']['multi_action'] .= '_' . key($popup[$multi_action . '_action']);
if($multi_action == 'link')
$popup[$multi_action] = $popup['link']['app'] . ':'.$popup['link']['id'];
else if(is_array($popup[$multi_action]))
$popup[$multi_action] = implode(',',$popup[$multi_action]);
$values['nm']['multi_action'] .= '_' . $popup[$multi_action];
$success = $failed = $action_msg = null;
if ($this->action($values['nm']['multi_action'], $values['nm']['selected'], $values['nm']['select_all'],
$success, $failed, $action_msg, $values['nm'], $msg, $values['nm']['checkboxes']['no_notifications']))
$msg .= lang('%1 entries %2',$success,$action_msg);
$msg .= lang('%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!',$success,$action_msg,$failed);
$msg .= "\n".lang('%1 entries %2, %3 failed.',$success,$action_msg,$failed);
if (!$action)
$action = is_array($values) && $values['action'] ? $values['action'] : get_var('action',array('POST','GET'));
$action_id = is_array($values) && $values['action_id'] ? $values['action_id'] : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
$action_title = is_array($values) && $values['action_title'] ? $values['action_title'] : get_var('action_title',array('POST','GET'));
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."(action='$action/$action_id',called_as='$called_as/$values[referer]',own_referer='$own_referer') values=\n"; _debug_array($values);
if (!is_array($values))
$nm = egw_cache::getSession('infolog', $this->called_by.'session_data');
if ($values === 'reset_action_view')
$action = '';
$action_id = 0;
$action_title = '';
if($_GET['ajax'] === 'true')
$nm['action'] = '';
$nm['action_id'] = 0;
$nm['action_title'] = '';
// check if action-view reset filter and restore it
if (($filter = egw_cache::getSession('infolog', 'filter_reset_from')))
$nm['filter'] = $filter;
egw_cache::unsetSession('infolog', 'filter_reset_from');
$values = array('nm' => $nm);
if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' || !isset($values['nm']['filter']) && !$this->called_by)
$values['nm']['filter'] = $_GET['filter'] && $_GET['filter'] != 'default' ? $_GET['filter'] :
if (!isset($values['nm']['order']) || !$values['nm']['order'])
$values['nm']['order'] = 'info_datemodified';
$values['nm']['sort'] = 'DESC';
if (!$values['nm']['session_for'] && $this->called_by) $values['nm']['session_for'] = $this->called_by;
$action_id = $values['action_id'] = $action ? $action_id : $nm['action_id'];
$action_title = $values['action_title'] = $action ? $action_title : $nm['action_title'];
$action = $values['action'] = $action ? $action : $nm['action'];
if($_GET['search']) $values['nm']['search'] = $_GET['search'];
if ($values['nm']['add'])
$values['add'] = $values['nm']['add'];
unset($values['nm']['rows']['checked']); // not longer used, but hides button actions
if ($values['add'] || $values['cancel'] || isset($values['main']))
if ($values['add'])
list($type) = each($values['add']);
return $this->edit(0,$action,$action_id,$type,$called_as);
elseif ($values['cancel'] && $own_referer)
egw_cache::setSession('infolog', $values['nm']['session_for'].'session_data', $values['nm']);
list($do,$do2) = each($values['main']);
list($do_id) = @each($do2);
case 'close':
case 'close_all':
case 'view':
$value = array();
$action = 'sp';
$action_id = $do_id;
$value = array();
$action = '';
$action_id = 0;
switch ($action)
case 'sp':
if (!is_array($action_id) && strpos($action_id, 'infolog:') === 0) $action_id = (int)substr($action_id, 8);
if ((is_array($action_id) && !$this->bo->read(current($action_id))) || !$this->bo->read($action_id))
$action = '';
$action_id = 0;
$values['nm']['col_filter']['info_id_parent'] = $action_id;
// Nothing
$readonlys['cancel'] = $action != 'sp';
$values['nm']['options-filter'] = $this->filters;
$values['nm']['get_rows'] = 'infolog.infolog_ui.get_rows';
$values['nm']['options-filter2'] = (in_array($this->prefs['show_links'],array('all','no_describtion')) ? array() : array(
'' => 'default',
)) + array(
'no_describtion' => 'no details',
'all' => 'details',
//apply infolog_filter_change javascript method (hide/show of date filter form) over onchange filter
$values['nm']['filter_onchange'] = "app.infolog.filter_change();";
//apply infolog_filter2_change javascript method (show/hide details each rows) over onchange filter2
$values['nm']['filter2_onchange'] = "app.infolog.filter2_change";
// disable favories dropdown button, if not running as infolog
if ($called_as && $called_as != 'infolog')
$values['nm']['favorites'] = false;
// Allow saving parent ID into favorites
$values['nm']['favorites'] = array('action','action_id');
// Allow add actions even when there's no rows
$values['nm']['placeholder_actions'] = array('new');
if(!isset($values['nm']['filter2'])) $values['nm']['filter2'] = $this->prefs['nextmatch-'.($action ? 'infolog.'.$action : 'infolog.index.rows').'-details-pref'];
// disable columns for main entry as set in the pref for details or no details
$values['nm']['columnselection_pref'] = 'nextmatch-'.($action ? 'infolog.'.$action : 'infolog.index.rows')
.($values['nm']['filter2']=='all' ? '-details' : '');
if ($action == 'sp')
$pref = $values['nm']['columnselection_pref'];
foreach(array('info_used_time_info_planned_time_info_replanned_time','info_datemodified','info_owner_info_responsible','customfields') as $name)
$values['main']['no_'.$name] = strpos($this->prefs[$pref],$name) === false;
if (!$values['main']['no_customfields'])
// set the column-header of the main table for the customfields.
foreach(array_keys($this->bo->customfields) as $lname)
$values['nm']['header_row'] = 'infolog.index.header_right';
if ($values['nm']['filter']=='bydate')
foreach (array_keys($values['nm']['col_filter']) as $colfk)
if (is_int($colfk)) unset($values['nm']['col_filter']);
$values['action'] = $persist['action'] = $values['nm']['action'] = $action;
$values['action_id'] = $persist['action_id'] = $values['nm']['action_id'] = $action_id;
$values['action_title'] = $persist['action_title'] = $values['nm']['action_title'] = $action_title;
$values['duration_format'] = ','.$this->duration_format;
$persist['called_as'] = $called_as;
$persist['own_referer'] = $own_referer;
// store whole $values[nm] in etemplate request
$persist['nm'] = $values['nm'];
if (!$called_as)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologIndex');
$values['css'] = '<style type="text/css">@import url('.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/infolog/templates/default/app.css);'."</style>";
// Avoid DOM conflicts
// add scrollbar to long description, if user choose so in his prefs
if ($this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] > 0 || (string)$this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] == '')
$values['css'] .= '<style type="text/css">@media screen { .infoDes { '.
' max-height: '.
(($this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] ? $this->prefs['limit_des_lines'] : 5) * 1.35). // dono why em is not real lines
'em; overflow: auto; }}</style>';
$sel_options = array(
'info_type' => $this->bo->enums['type'],
'pm_id' => array(lang('No project')),
'info_priority' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
// remove group-types user has not any rights to as filter
// does not take implicit rights as delegated into account, so they will not be available as filters
foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
if (!isset($this->bo->grants[$group])) unset($sel_options['info_type'][$type]);
return $this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.index',$values,$sel_options,$readonlys,$persist,$return_html ? -1 : 0);
* Get valid types
* @return array - array of valid types
private function get_validtypes()
// Types
$types = $this->bo->enums['type'];
if ($this->bo->group_owners)
// remove types owned by groups the user has no edit grant
foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
if (!($this->bo->grants[$group] & EGW_ACL_EDIT))
return $types;
* Get actions / context menu items
* @param array $query
* @return array see nextmatch_widget::get_actions()
private function get_actions(array $query)
for($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i += 10)
$percent[$i] = $i.'%';
// Types
$types = $this->get_validtypes();
$types_add = array();
foreach($types as $type => &$data)
if ($type=='email') continue;//requirement by sales that it should not be shown in right - click - action dialog
$data = array(
'caption' => $data,
'icon' => $type,
$types_add[$type] = $data + array(
'onExecute' => "javaScript:app.infolog.add_action_handler"
$icons = null;
$statis = $this->bo->get_status($query['col_filter']['info_type'], $icons);
foreach($statis as $type => &$data)
$data = array(
'caption' => $data,
'icon' => $icons[$type],
$actions = array(
'open' => array(
'caption' => 'Open',
'default' => true,
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&info_id=$id',
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
'group' => $group=1,
'parent' => array(
'caption' => 'View parent with children',
'icon' => 'up.grey',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'enabled' => 'javaScript:app.infolog.has_parent',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.infolog.view_parent',
'group' => $group,
'add' => array(
'caption' => 'Add',
'group' => $group,
'children' => array(
'new' => array(
'caption' => 'New',
'children' => $types_add,
'icon' => 'task',
'sub' => array(
'caption' => 'Sub-entry',
'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=sp&action_id=$id',
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'hint' => 'Add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry',
'icon' => 'new',
'copy' => array(
'caption' => 'Copy',
'url' => 'menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=copy&info_id=$id',
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('infolog', 'add_popup'),
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'icon' => 'copy',
'no_notifications' => array(
'caption' => 'Do not notify',
'checkbox' => true,
'hint' => 'Do not notify of these changes',
'group' => $group,
// modifying content of one or multiple infolog(s)
'change' => array(
'caption' => 'Change',
'group' => ++$group,
'icon' => 'edit',
'disableClass' => 'rowNoEdit',
'children' => array(
'type' => array(
'caption' => 'Type',
'prefix' => 'type_',
'children' => $types,
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'task',
'status' => array(
'caption' => 'Status',
'prefix' => 'status_',
'children' => $statis,
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'ongoing',
'completion' => array(
'caption' => 'Completed',
'prefix' => 'completion_',
'children' => $percent,
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'completed',
'cat' => nextmatch_widget::category_action(
'infolog',$group,'Change category','cat_'
'responsible' => array(
'caption' => 'Delegation',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'users',
'nm_action' => 'open_popup',
'link' => array(
'caption' => 'Links',
'group' => $group,
'nm_action' => 'open_popup',
'close' => array(
'caption' => 'Close',
'icon' => 'done',
'group' => $group,
'disableClass' => 'rowNoClose',
'close_all' => array(
'caption' => 'Close all',
'icon' => 'done_all',
'group' => $group,
'hint' => 'Sets the status of this entry and its subs to done',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'disableClass' => 'rowNoCloseAll',
'print' => array(
'caption' => 'Print',
'icon' => 'print',
'group' => $group,
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.infolog.infolog_menu_print'
++$group; // integration with other apps
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager'])
$actions['filemanager'] = array(
'icon' => 'filemanager/navbar',
'caption' => 'Filemanager',
'url' => 'menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_ui.index&path=/apps/infolog/$id&ajax=true',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'group' => $group,
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'])
$actions['calendar'] = array( // interactive add for a single event
'icon' => 'calendar/navbar',
'caption' => 'Schedule appointment',
'group' => $group,
'url' => 'menuaction=calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&'.
egw_link::get_registry('calendar', 'add_app') . '[]=infolog&'.egw_link::get_registry('calendar','add_id').'[]=$id',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('calendar', 'add_popup'),
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['timesheet'])
$actions['timesheet'] = array( // interactive add for a single event
'icon' => 'timesheet/navbar',
'caption' => 'Timesheet',
'url' => 'menuaction=timesheet.timesheet_ui.edit&link_app[]=infolog&link_id[]=$id',
'group' => $group,
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('timesheet', 'add_popup'),
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['tracker'])
$actions['to_tracker'] = array(
'icon' => 'tracker/navbar',
'caption' => 'Tracker',
'hint' => 'Convert to a ticket',
'group' => $group,
'url' => 'menuaction=tracker.tracker_ui.edit&'.
egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_app') . '[]=infolog&'.egw_link::get_registry('tracker','add_id').'[]=$id',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'popup' => egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_popup'),
$actions['documents'] = infolog_merge::document_action(
$this->prefs['document_dir'], ++$group, 'Insert in document', 'document_',
$actions['ical'] = array(
'icon' => 'ical',
'caption' => 'Export iCal',
'postSubmit' => true, // download needs post submit to work
'group' => $group,
'allowOnMultiple' => true,
$actions['delete'] = array(
'caption' => 'Delete',
'group' => ++$group,
'disableClass' => 'rowNoDelete',
'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.infolog.confirm_delete',
if ($query['col_filter']['info_status'] == 'deleted')
$actions['undelete'] = array(
'caption' => 'Un-Delete',
'group' => $group,
'icon' => 'revert',
'disableClass' => 'rowNoUndelete',
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($do_email, $tid_filter, $org_view)</p>\n"; _debug_array($actions);
return $actions;
* Handles actions on multiple infologs
* @param string $_action
* @param array $checked contact id's to use if !$use_all
* @param boolean $use_all if true use all entries of the current selection (in the session)
* @param int &$success number of succeded actions
* @param int &$failed number of failed actions (not enought permissions)
* @param string &$action_msg translated verb for the actions, to be used in a message like '%1 entries deleted'
* @param array $query get_rows parameter
* @param string &$msg on return user feedback
* @param boolean $skip_notifications true to NOT notify users about changes
* @return boolean true if all actions succeded, false otherwise
function action($_action, $checked, $use_all, &$success, &$failed, &$action_msg,
array $query, &$msg, $skip_notifications = false)
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."('$action',".array2string($checked).','.(int)$use_all.",...)</p>\n";
$success = $failed = 0;
if ($use_all)
@set_time_limit(0); // switch off the execution time limit, as it's for big selections to small
$query['num_rows'] = -1; // all
$result = $readonlys = null;
$checked = array();
foreach($result as $key => $info)
$checked[] = $info['info_id'];
// Actions with options in the selectbox
list($action, $settings) = explode('_', $_action, 2);
// Actions that can handle a list of IDs
case 'link':
list($add_remove, $link) = explode('_', $settings, 2);
list($app, $link_id) = explode(strpos($link,':') !== false ? ':' : ',', $link);
$action_msg = 'linked';
$msg = lang('You need to select an entry for linking.');
$title = egw_link::title($app, $link_id);
foreach($checked as $id)
if(!$this->bo->check_access($id, EGW_ACL_EDIT))
if($add_remove == 'add')
$action_msg = lang('linked to %1', $title);
if(egw_link::link('infolog', $id, $app, $link_id))
$action_msg = lang('unlinked from %1', $title);
$count = egw_link::unlink(0, 'infolog', $id, '', $app, $link_id);
$success += $count;
return $failed == 0;
case 'document':
if (!$settings) $settings = $this->prefs['default_document'];
$document_merge = new infolog_merge();
$msg = $document_merge->download($settings, $checked, '', $this->prefs['document_dir']);
$failed = count($checked);
return false;
case 'ical':
// infolog_ical lets horde be auto-loaded, so it must go first
$boical = new infolog_ical();
echo $boical->exportvCalendar($checked);
// Actions that need to loop
foreach($checked as $id)
if(!$entry = $this->bo->read($id))
case 'close':
$action_msg = lang('closed');
$this->close($id, '', false, $skip_notifications);
case 'delete':
$action_msg = $settings == 'sub' ? lang(' (and children) deleted') : lang('deleted');
$result = $this->bo->delete($id, $settings=='sub', false, $skip_notifications);
if($result == true)
case 'type':
$action_msg = lang('changed type');
// Dont allow to change the type, if user has no delete rights from the group-owner
if ($id && !($this->bo->grants[$entry['info_owner']] & EGW_ACL_DELETE))
$entry['info_type'] = $settings;
try {
$this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications,true); // Throw exceptions
catch (egw_exception_wrong_userinput $e)
$msg .= "\n".$e->getMessage();
case 'completion':
$action_msg = lang('changed completion to %1%', $settings);
$entry['info_percent'] = $settings;
// Done entries will get changed right back if we don't change the status too
if($entry['info_status'] == 'done')
$entry['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
case 'undelete': // set it to valid status != 'deleted' for that type
$settings = isset($this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']]['done']) ?
$this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']]['done'] :
// fall-through
case 'status':
$action_msg = lang('changed status to %1', lang($this->bo->status[$entry['info_type']][$settings]));
if($settings != 'done' && $entry['info_status'] == 'done' && $entry['info_percent'] == 100)
// Done entries will get changed right back if we don't change the completion too
$entry['info_percent'] = 99;
$entry['info_status'] = $settings;
if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
$msg .= lang('Invalid status for entry type %1.', lang($this->bo->enums['type'][$entry['info_type']]));
case 'cat':
$cat_name = categories::id2name($settings);
$action_msg = lang('changed category to %1', $cat_name);
$action_msg = lang('removed category');
$entry['info_cat'] = $settings;
if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
case 'responsible':
list($add_remove, $user_str) = explode('_', $settings, 2);
$action_msg = ($add_remove == 'add' ? lang('added') : lang('removed')) . ' ';
$names = array();
$users = explode(',', $user_str);
foreach($users as $account_id)
$names[] = common::grab_owner_name($account_id);
$action_msg .= implode(', ', $names);
$function = $add_remove == 'add' ? 'array_merge' : 'array_diff';
$entry['info_responsible'] = array_unique($function($entry['info_responsible'], (array)$users));
if($this->bo->write($entry, true,true,true,$skip_notifications))
return $failed == 0;
* Closes an infolog
* @param int|array $values=0 info_id (default _GET[info_id])
* @param string $_referer=''
* @param boolean $closesingle=false
function close($values=0,$_referer='',$closesingle=false,$skip_notification = false)
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($values,$referer,$closeall)</p>\n";
$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $_referer;
if ($info_id)
$info = $this->bo->read($info_id);
$status = $info['info_status'];
// closed stati assumed array('done','billed','cancelled')
if (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['done'])) {
$status ='done';
} elseif (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['billed'])) {
$status ='billed';
} elseif (isset($this->bo->status[$info['info_type']]['cancelled'])) {
$status ='cancelled';
$values = array(
'info_id' => $info_id,
'info_type' => $info['info_type'],
'info_status' => $status,
'info_percent'=> 100,
'info_datecompleted' => $this->bo->now_su,
$this->bo->write($values, true,true,true,$skip_notification);
$query = array('action'=>'sp','action_id'=>$info_id);
if (!$closesingle) {
foreach((array)$this->bo->search($query) as $info)
if ($info['info_id_parent'] == $info_id) // search also returns linked entries!
$this->close($info['info_id'],$referer,$closesingle,$skip_notification); // we call ourselfs recursive to process subs from subs too
if ($referer) $this->tmpl->location($referer);
* Deletes an InfoLog entry
* @param array|int $values info_id (default _GET[info_id])
* @param string $_referer
* @param string $called_by
* @param boolean $skip_notification Do not send notification of deletion
function delete($values=0,$_referer='',$called_by='',$skip_notification=False)
$info_id = (int) (is_array($values) ? $values['info_id'] : ($values ? $values : $_GET['info_id']));
$referer = is_array($values) ? $values['referer'] : $_referer;
if (!is_array($values) && $info_id > 0 && !$this->bo->anzSubs($info_id)) // entries without subs get confirmed by javascript
$values = array('delete' => true);
//echo "<p>infolog_ui::delete(".print_r($values,true).",'$referer','$called_by') info_id=$info_id</p>\n";
if (is_array($values) || $info_id <= 0)
if (($values['delete'] || $values['delete_subs']) && $info_id > 0 && $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE))
$deleted = $this->bo->delete($info_id,$values['delete_subs'],$values['info_id_parent'], $skip_notification);
if ($called_by) // direct call from the same request
return $deleted ? lang('InfoLog entry deleted') : '';
if ($values['called_by'] == 'edit') // we run in the edit popup => give control back to edit
'info_id' => $info_id,
'button' => array('deleted' => true), // not delete!
'referer' => $referer,
'msg' => $deleted ? lang('Infolog entry deleted') : '',
return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index();
$readonlys = $values = array();
$values['main'][1] = $this->get_info($info_id,$readonlys['main']);
$values['nm'] = array(
'action' => 'sp',
'action_id' => $info_id,
'options-filter' => $this->filters,
'get_rows' => 'infolog.infolog_ui.get_rows',
'no_filter2' => True
$values['main']['no_actions'] = $values['nm']['no_actions'] = True;
$persist['info_id'] = $info_id;
$persist['referer'] = $referer;
$persist['info_id_parent'] = $values['main'][1]['info_id_parent'];
$persist['called_by'] = $called_by;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Delete');
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => 'ManualInfologDelete');
$this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.delete',$values,array(),$readonlys,$persist,$called_by == 'edit' ? 2 : 0);
* Edit/Create an InfoLog Entry
* @param array $content Content from the eTemplate Exec call or info_id on inital call
* @param string $action Name of an app of 'sp' for a infolog-sub
* @param int $action_id of app-entry to which a link is created
* @param string $type Type of log-entry: note,todo,task
* @param string $referer array with param/get-vars of the refering page
function edit($content = null,$action = '',$action_id=0,$type='',$referer='')
if (($submit = is_array($content)))
//echo "infolog_ui::edit: content="; _debug_array($content);
$info_id = $content['info_id'];
$action = $content['action']; unset($content['action']);
$action_id = $content['action_id']; unset($content['action_id']);
$referer = $content['referer']; unset($content['referer']);
$no_popup = $content['no_popup']; unset($content['no_popup']);
list($button) = @each($content['button']);
if (!$button && $action) $button = $action; // action selectbox
//info_cc expects an comma separated string
if (empty($content['info_cc'])) $content['info_cc'] = "";
if (is_array($content['info_cc']))
foreach($content['info_cc'] as $i => $value)
//imap_rfc822 should not be used, but it works reliable here, until we have some regex solution or use horde stuff
$addresses = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($value, '');
$content['info_cc'][$i]=$addresses[0]->host ? $addresses[0]->mailbox.'@'.$addresses[0]->host : $addresses[0]->mailbox;
if (!empty($content['info_cc'])) $content['info_cc'] = implode(',',$content['info_cc']);
if ($button)
// Copy or schedule Infolog
if (in_array($button,array('copy','schedule','ical','tracker')))
$action = $button;
if (!$info_id || $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT))
$button = 'apply'; // need to store infolog first
//Validate the enddate must be grather than startdate
if (!empty($content['info_enddate']) && !empty($content['info_startdate']))
$duration_date = $content['info_enddate']-$content['info_startdate'];
if ($duration_date < 0)
$this->tmpl->set_validation_error('info_startdate', lang('Startdate must be before Enddate!!!'));
$button = $action = ''; // stop save or apply
//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit(info_id=$info_id) '$button' button pressed, content="; _debug_array($content);
if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && isset($content['info_subject']) && empty($content['info_subject']))
$this->tmpl->set_validation_error('info_subject',lang('Field must not be empty !!!'));
$button = $action = ''; // stop save or apply
if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && $info_id)
$old = $this->bo->read($info_id);
if (!($edit_acl = $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT)))
$status_only = $this->bo->is_responsible($old);
$undelete = $this->bo->check_access($old,EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);
if (($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply') && (!$info_id || $edit_acl || $status_only || $undelete))
$operation = $info_id ? 'edit' : 'add';
if ($content['info_contact'])
$old_link_id = (int)$content['info_link_id'];
// eTemplate2 returns the array all ready
$app = $content['info_contact']['app'];
$id = $content['info_contact']['id'];
// if project has been removed, but is still info_contact --> also remove it
if ($app == 'projectmanager' && $id && $id == $content['old_pm_id'] && !$content['pm_id'])
unset($content['info_link_id'], $id, $content['info_contact']['id']);
elseif ($app && $id)
$content['link_to'] = array();
$content['info_link_id'] = (int)($info_link_id = egw_link::link('infolog',$content['link_to']['to_id'],$app,$id));
if ($old_link_id && $old_link_id != $content['info_link_id'])
$link = egw_link::get_link($old_link_id);
// remove selected project, if removed link is that project
if($link['link_app2'] == 'projectmanager' && $link['link_id2'] == $content['old_pm_id'])
unset($content['pm_id'], $content['old_pm_id']);
// if added link is a project and no other project selected, also add as project
if ($app == 'projectmanager' && $id && !$content['pm_id'])
$content['old_pm_id'] = $content['pm_id'] = $id;
if (is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
$content['info_link_id'] = 0; // as field has to be int
$active_tab = $content['tabs'];
if (!($info_id = $this->bo->write($content, true, true, true, $content['no_notifications'])))
$content['msg'] = $info_id !== 0 || !$content['info_id'] ? lang('Error: saving the entry') :
lang('Error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!').'<br />'.
lang('Copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.','<a href="'.
'menuaction' => 'infolog.infolog_ui.edit',
'info_id' => $content['info_id'],
'no_popup' => $no_popup,
'referer' => $referer,
$button = $action = ''; // not exiting edit
$info_id = $content['info_id'];
$content['msg'] = lang('InfoLog entry saved');
$content['tabs'] = $active_tab;
if ((int) $content['pm_id'] != (int) $content['old_pm_id'])
//echo "<p>pm_id changed: $content[old_pm_id] -> $content[pm_id]</p>\n";
// update links accordingly, if selected project changed
if ($content['pm_id'])
//echo "<p>this->link->link('infolog',{$content['link_to']['to_id']},'projectmanager',{$content['pm_id']});</p>";
// making the project the selected link, if no other link selected
if (!$info_link_id || $info_link_id == 'projectmanager:'.$content['old_pm_id'])
$info_link_id = 'projectmanager:'.$content['pm_id'];
if ($content['old_pm_id'])
//echo "<p>this->link->unlink2(0,infolog,{$content['link_to']['to_id']},0,'projectmanager',{$content['old_pm_id']});</p>\n";
$content['old_pm_id'] = $content['pm_id'];
// writing links for a new entry
if ($info_id && is_array($content['link_to']['to_id']) && count($content['link_to']['to_id']))
//echo "<p>writing links for new entry $info_id</p>\n"; _debug_array($content['link_to']['to_id']);
$content['link_to']['to_id'] = $info_id;
if ($info_link_id && strpos($info_link_id,':') !== false) // updating info_link_id if necessary
list($app,$id) = explode(':',$info_link_id);
$link = egw_link::get_link('infolog',$info_id,$app,$id);
if ((int) $content['info_link_id'] != (int) $link['link_id'])
$content['info_link_id'] = $link['link_id'];
$to_write = array(
'info_id' => $content['info_id'],
'info_link_id' => $content['info_link_id'],
'info_from' => $content['info_from'],
'info_type' => $content['info_type'],
'info_owner' => $content['info_owner'],
//echo "<p>updating info_link_id: ".print_r($to_write,true)."</p>\n";
$this->bo->write($to_write,False,true,true,true); // last true = no notifications, as no real change
// we need eg. the new modification date, for further updates
$content = array_merge($content,$to_write);
elseif ($button == 'delete' && $info_id > 0)
if (!$referer && $action) $referer = array(
'menuaction' => 'infolog.infolog_ui.index',
'action' => $action,
'action_id' => $action_id
if (!($content['msg'] = $this->delete($info_id,$referer,'edit'))) return; // checks ACL first
// called again after delete confirmation dialog
elseif ($button == 'deleted' && $content['msg'])
if ($button == 'save' || $button == 'cancel' || $button == 'delete' || $button == 'deleted')
if ($no_popup)
egw::redirect_link($referer,array('msg' => $content['msg']));
// on a type-change, set the status to the default status of that type, if the actual status is not supported by the new type
if (!array_key_exists($content['info_status'],$this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]))
$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
if ($content['info_status'] != 'done') $content['info_datecompleted'] = '';
else // new call via GET
//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit: info_id=$info_id, action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";
$action = $action ? $action : get_var('action', array('POST','GET'));
$action_id = $action_id ? $action_id : get_var('action_id',array('POST','GET'));
$info_id = $content ? $content : get_var('info_id', array('POST','GET'));
$type = $type ? $type : get_var('type', array('POST','GET'));
$referer = $referer !== '' ? $referer : ($_GET['referer'] ? $_GET['referer'] :
if (strpos($referer, 'msg=') !== false) $referer = preg_replace('/([&?]{1})msg=[^&]+&?/','\\1',$referer); // remove previou/old msg from referer
$no_popup = $_GET['no_popup'];
$print = (int) $_REQUEST['print'];
//echo "<p>infolog_ui::edit: info_id=$info_id, action='$action', action_id='$action_id', type='$type', referer='$referer'</p>\n";
$content = $this->bo->read( $info_id || $action != 'sp' ? $info_id : $action_id );
if (!(strpos($content['info_addr'],',')===false) && strpos($content['info_addr'],', ')===false) $content['info_addr'] = str_replace(',',', ',$content['info_addr']);
foreach(array('info_subject', 'info_des') as $key)
if(!isset($content[$key]) || strlen($content[$key]) < 75)
$contlines = explode("\n", $content[$key]);
$clarray = array();
foreach ($contlines as &$line)
if(strlen($line) < 75)
$clarray[] = $line;
$cont = explode(' ', $line);
$ckarray = array();
foreach($cont as &$word)
// set blank behind all , and . if words are too long, apply wordwrap afterwards to make sure we get
if (strlen($word)>75)
$buff = html::activate_links($word);
if (strlen($buff) == strlen($word)) // no links -> try to break overlong words
if (!(strpos($word,',')===false) && strpos($word,', ')===false) $word = str_replace(',',', ',$word);
if (!(strpos($word,'.')===false) && strpos($word,'. ')===false) $word = str_replace('.','. ',$word);
$word = wordwrap($word, 75, ' ', true);
$ckarray[] =$word;
$line = join(' ',$ckarray);
$clarray[] = $line;
$content[$key] = join("\n",$clarray);
if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['cat_id']))
$content['info_cat'] = (int) $_REQUEST['cat_id'];
if (!$content)
$content['info_cat'] = $this->prefs['cat_add_default'];
if ($_GET['msg']) $content['msg'] = strip_tags($_GET['msg']); // dont allow HTML!
case 'date': default: $set_startdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('d',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('Y',$this->bo->user_time_now)); break;
case 'datetime': $set_startdate = $this->bo->user_time_now; break;
case 'empty': $set_startdate = 0; break;
if ((int)$content['info_link_id'] > 0 && !egw_link::get_link($content['info_link_id']))
$content['info_link_id'] = 0; // link has been deleted
if (!$content['info_custom_link']) $content['info_from'] = '';
if (!$info_id && $action_id && $action == 'sp') // new SubProject
if (!$this->bo->check_access($action_id,EGW_ACL_ADD))
return $referer ? $this->tmpl->location($referer) : $this->index(0,$action,$action_id);
$undelete = $this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);
$content['links'] = $content['link_to'] = array(
'to_id' => $info_id,
'to_app' => 'infolog',
// new call via GET or some actions handled here, as they can happen both ways ($_GET[action] or button/action in GUI)
if (!$submit || in_array($action,array('sp','copy','schedule','ical','to_tracker')))
switch ($action)
case 'schedule':
'menuaction' => 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit',
'link_app' => 'infolog',
'link_id' => $info_id,
case 'ical':
$boical = new infolog_ical();
$result = $boical->exportVTODO($content,'2.0','PUBLISH',false);
html::content_header('todo.ics', 'text/calendar');
echo $result;
case 'sp':
case 'copy':
$info_id = 0;
$this->create_copy($content, $action == 'sp');
if ($action == 'sp') // for sub-entries use type or category, like for new entries
if ($type) $content['info_type'] = $type;
if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['cat_id'])) $content['info_cat'] = (int) $_REQUEST['cat_id'];
unset($action); // it get stored in $content and will cause an other copy after [apply]
case 'to_tracker':
'menuaction' => 'tracker.tracker_ui.edit',
egw_link::get_registry('tracker', 'add_app').'[]' => 'infolog',
egw_link::get_registry('tracker','add_id').'[]' => $info_id,
case 'projectmanager':
$pm_links = array($action_id);
default: // to allow other apps to participate
$content['info_subject'] = egw_link::title($action, $id);
$action_ids = explode(',',$action_id);
if(count($action_ids) == 1)
$content['info_contact'] = $action.':'.$action_id;
foreach ($action_ids as $n => $id)
egw_link::link('infolog', $content['link_to']['to_id'], $action, $id);
// calling "infolog_set" hook for first, in case app wants to set some more values
if (!$n && ($set = $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->single(array('location'=>'infolog_set','id'=>$action_id),$action)))
foreach((array)$set['link_app'] as $i => $l_app)
if (($l_id=$set['link_id'][$i])) egw_link::link('infolog',$content['link_to']['to_id'],$l_app,$l_id);
$content = array_merge($content, $set);
// fall through
case '':
if ($info_id)
if (!isset($pm_links))
$pm_links = egw_link::get_links('infolog',$info_id,'projectmanager');
break; // normal edit
case 'new': // new entry, set some defaults, if not set by infolog_set hook
if (empty($content['info_startdate'])) $content['info_startdate'] = (int) $_GET['startdate'] ? (int) $_GET['startdate'] : $set_startdate;
if (empty($content['info_priority'])) $content['info_priority'] = 1; // normal
$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
if ($type != '' && empty($content['info_type']))
$content['info_type'] = $type;
else if ($type == '' && empty($content['info_type']) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog']['preferred_type']))
$content['info_type'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog']['preferred_type'];
if (empty($content['info_status'])) $content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
if (empty($content['info_percent'])) $content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
if (!isset($this->bo->enums['type'][$content['info_type']]))
$content['info_type'] = 'note';
// group owners
$types = $this->bo->enums['type'];
if ($this->bo->group_owners)
// remove types owned by groups the user has no edit grant (current type is made readonly)
foreach($this->bo->group_owners as $type => $group)
if (!($this->bo->grants[$group] & EGW_ACL_EDIT))
if ($type == $content['info_type'])
//echo "<p>setting type to r/o as user has no edit rights from group #$group</p>\n";
$readonlys['info_type'] = true;
// set group as owner if type has a group-owner set
if (isset($this->bo->group_owners[$content['info_type']]))
$content['info_owner'] = $this->bo->group_owners[$content['info_type']];
// Dont allow to change the type, if user has no delete rights from the group-owner
if ($info_id && !($this->bo->grants[$content['info_owner']] & EGW_ACL_DELETE))
//echo "<p>setting type to r/o as user has no delete rights from group #$group</p>\n";
$readonlys['info_type'] = true;
// disable info_access for group-owners
$readonlys['info_access'] = true;
elseif($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($content['info_owner']) == 'g')
$content['info_owner'] = $this->user;
$preserv = $content;
// Don't preserve message or links
unset($preserv['links']); unset($preserv['link_to']);
// for no edit rights or implizit edit of responsible user make all fields readonly, but status and percent
if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_EDIT) && !$undelete)
$readonlys['__ALL__'] = true; // make all fields not explicitly set readonly
if ($this->bo->is_responsible($content))
foreach($this->bo->responsible_edit as $name)
$readonlys[$name] = false;
$readonlys['button[edit]'] = $readonlys['button[save]'] = $readonlys['button[apply]'] = $readonlys['no_notifications'] = false;
$readonlys['action'] = $readonlys['button[cancel]'] = false; // always allowed
elseif (!$info_id)
$readonlys['action'] = true;
// ToDo: use the old status before the delete
if ($info_id && $undelete)
$content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
$this->tmpl->setElementAttribute('button[save]', 'label', 'Un-Delete');
if (!($readonlys['button[delete]'] = !$info_id || !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE)))
$content['info_anz_subs'] = $this->bo->anzSubs($info_id); // to determine js confirmation of delete or not
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang($this->messages[$info_id ? 'edit' : ($action == 'sp' ? 'add_sub' : 'add')]);
// use a typ-specific template (, if one exists, otherwise fall back to the generic one
if (!$this->tmpl->read('infolog.edit.'.$content['info_type']))
$this->tmpl->read($print ? 'infolog.edit.print':'infolog.edit');
if ($this->bo->has_customfields($content['info_type']))
$content['customfields'] = $content['info_type'];
$readonlys['tabs']['customfields'] = true;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager']))
$readonlys['tabs']['project'] = true; // disable the project tab
$content['duration_format'] = $this->duration_format;
$content['hours_per_workday'] = $this->hours_per_workday;
if ($this->prefs['show_id']) $content['info_number'] = $info_id;
$content['info_anz_subs'] = (int)$content['info_anz_subs']; // gives javascript error if empty!
$old_pm_id = is_array($pm_links) ? array_shift($pm_links) : $content['old_pm_id'];
if (!isset($content['pm_id']) && $old_pm_id) $content['pm_id'] = $old_pm_id;
if ($info_id && $this->bo->history)
$content['history'] = array(
'id' => $info_id,
'app' => 'infolog',
'status-widgets' => array(
'Ty' => $types,
//'Li', // info_link_id
'parent' => 'link-entry:infolog',
'Ca' => 'select-cat',
'Pr' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
'Ow' => 'select-account',
//'Ac', // info_access: private||public
'St' => $this->bo->status[$content['info_type']]+array('deleted' => 'deleted'),
'Pe' => 'select-percent',
'Co' => 'date-time',
'st' => 'date-time',
'Mo' => 'date-time',
'En' => 'date',
'Re' => 'select-account',
// PM fields, ToDo: access control!!!
'pT' => 'date-duration',
'uT' => 'date-duration',
'replanned' => 'date-duration',
// 'pL' => 'projectmanager-pricelist',
'pr' => 'float',
$history_stati = array();
$tracking = new infolog_tracking($this);
foreach($tracking->field2history as $field => $history)
$history_stati[$history] = $tracking->field2label[$field];
// Modified date removed from field2history, we don't need that in the history
$history_stati['Mo'] = $tracking->field2label['info_datemodified'];
$readonlys['tabs']['history'] = true;
$sel_options = array(
'info_type' => $types,
'info_priority' => $this->bo->enums['priority'],
'info_confirm' => $this->bo->enums['confirm'],
'info_status' => $this->bo->status[$content['info_type']],
'status' => $history_stati,
'action' => array(
'copy' => array('label' => 'Copy', 'title' => 'Copy this Infolog'),
'sp' => 'Sub-entry',
'print' => array('label' => 'Print', 'title' => 'Print this Infolog'),
'ical' => array('label' => 'Export iCal', 'title' => 'Export iCal'),
'to_tracker' => array('label' => 'Tracker', 'title' => 'Convert to a ticket'),
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'])
$sel_options['action']['schedule'] = array('label' => 'Schedule', 'title' => 'Schedule appointment');
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.
($content['status_only'] ? lang('Edit Status') : lang('Edit'));
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['params']['manual'] = array('page' => ($info_id ? 'ManualInfologEdit' : 'ManualInfologAdd'));
//$content['info_des'] = substr($content['info_des'],0,1793);
//echo "<p>infolog_ui.edit(info_id='$info_id',action='$action',action_id='$action_id') readonlys="; print_r($readonlys); echo ", content = "; _debug_array($content);
//$content['info_cc'] is expected (by the widget) to be an array of emailaddresses, but is stored as comma separated string
if (!empty($content['info_cc'])&&!is_array($content['info_cc']))$content['info_cc'] = explode(',',$content['info_cc']);
$this->tmpl->exec('infolog.infolog_ui.edit',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv+array( // preserved values
'info_id' => $info_id,
'action' => $action,
'action_id' => $action_id,
'referer' => $referer,
'no_popup' => $no_popup,
'old_pm_id' => $old_pm_id,
),$no_popup ? 0 : 2);
* Create copy or sub-entry from an entry currently read into $content
* Taking into account prefs and config about what to copy
* @param array &$content
* @param boolean $create_sub true: create a sub-entry instead of a copy, default false to create a copy
private function create_copy(array &$content, $create_sub=false)
$info_id = $content['info_id']; // it will be unset by exclude-fields
// empty fields configured to be excluded (also contains id, uid, ...)
$exclude_fields = $create_sub ? $this->bo->sub_excludefields : $this->bo->copy_excludefields;
foreach ($exclude_fields as $field)
if ($field == 'info_from') unset($content['info_link_id']); // both together is called contact in UI
if ($create_sub)
$content['info_id_parent'] = $info_id;
// no startdate or startdate in the past --> set startdate from pref
if (!isset($content['info_startdate']) || $content['info_startdate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
case 'date': default: $set_startdate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('d',$this->bo->user_time_now),date('Y',$this->bo->user_time_now)); break;
case 'datetime': $set_startdate = $this->bo->user_time_now; break;
case 'empty': $set_startdate = 0; break;
$content['info_startdate'] = $set_startdate;
// enddate in the past --> uset it
if (isset($content['info_enddate']) || $content['info_enddate'] < $this->bo->user_time_now)
if (!isset($content['info_type']))
$types = array_keys($this->get_validtypes());
$content['info_type'] = $types[0];
// get a consistent status, percent and date-completed
if (!isset($content['info_status'])) $content['info_status'] = $this->bo->status['defaults'][$content['info_type']];
if (!isset($content['info_percent'])) $content['info_percent'] = $content['info_status'] == 'done' ? '100%' : '0%';
$content['info_datecompleted'] =$content['info_status'] == 'done' ? $this->bo->user_time_now : 0;
if (!isset($content['info_cat'])) $content['info_cat'] = $this->prefs['cat_add_default'];
if(!is_array($content['link_to'])) $content['link_to'] = array();
$content['link_to']['to_app'] = 'infolog';
$content['link_to']['to_id'] = 0;
// Get links to be copied, if not excluded
if (!in_array('link_to',$exclude_fields) || !in_array('attachments',$exclude_fields))
foreach(egw_link::get_links($content['link_to']['to_app'], $info_id) as $link)
if ($link['app'] != egw_link::VFS_APPNAME && !in_array('link_to', $exclude_fields))
egw_link::link('infolog', $content['link_to']['to_id'], $link['app'], $link['id'], $link['remark']);
elseif ($link['app'] == egw_link::VFS_APPNAME && !in_array('attachments', $exclude_fields))
egw_link::link('infolog', $content['link_to']['to_id'], egw_link::VFS_APPNAME, array(
'tmp_name' => egw_link::vfs_path($link['app2'], $link['id2']).'/'.$link['id'],
'name' => $link['id'],
), $link['remark']);
$content['links'] = $content['link_to'];
if ($content['info_link_id'])
$info_link_id = $content['info_link_id'];
// we need this if copy is triggered via context menu action
if (!isset($content['info_contact']) || empty($content['info_contact']) || $content['info_contact'] === 'copy:')
$linkinfos = egw_link::get_link($info_link_id);
$content['info_contact'] = $linkinfos['link_app1']=='infolog'? $linkinfos['link_app2'].':'.$linkinfos['link_id2']:$linkinfos['link_app1'].':'.$linkinfos['link_id1'];
if (stripos($content['info_contact'],'projectmanager')!==false) $content['pm_id'] = $linkinfos['link_app1']=='projectmanager'? $linkinfos['link_id1']:$linkinfos['link_id2'];
$content['info_owner'] = !(int)$this->owner || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_ADD,0,$this->owner) ? $this->user : $this->owner;
if (!empty($content['info_subject']))
if ($create_sub)
$config = config::read('infolog');
$prefix = lang(empty($config['sub_prefix']) ? 'Re:': $config['sub_prefix']);
$prefix = lang('Copy of:');
$content['info_subject'] = $prefix.' '.$content['info_subject'];
if (!$create_sub)
$content['msg'] .= ($content['msg']?"\n":'').lang('Infolog copied - the copy can now be edited');
function icon($cat,$id,$status='')
if (!$status || !($icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status]))
$icon = $this->icons[$cat][$id];
if ($icon && !is_readable(common::get_image_dir() . '/' . $icon))
$icon = False;
if (!$status || !($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_'.$status.'_alt']))
if (!($alt = $this->icons[$cat][$id.'_alt']))
$alt = $id;
return $icon ? html::image('infolog',$icon,lang($alt),'border=0') : lang($alt);
* stripping slashes from an array
* @static
* @param array $arr
* @return array
function array_stripslashes($arr)
foreach($arr as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
$arr[$key] = self::array_stripslashes($val);
$arr[$key] = stripslashes($val);
return $arr;
* Infolog's site configuration
public function admin($content = array())
$fields = array(
'info_cat' => 'Category',
'info_from' => 'Contact',
'info_addr' => 'Phone/Email',
'info_subject' => 'Subject',
'info_des' => 'Description',
'link_to' => 'Links',
'info_priority' => 'Priority',
'info_location' => 'Location',
'info_planned_time' => 'Planned time',
'info_used_time' => 'Used time',
$excludefields = array(
'info_cat' => 'Category',
'info_from' => 'Contact',
'info_addr' => 'Phone/Email',
'info_subject' => 'Subject',
'info_des' => 'Description',
'link_to' => 'Links',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'info_priority' => 'Priority',
'info_location' => 'Location',
'info_planned_time' => 'Planned time',
'info_used_time' => 'Used time',
'info_type' => 'Type',
'info_owner' => 'Owner',
'info_responsible' => 'Responsible',
'info_access' => 'Access',
'info_startdate' => 'Startdate',
'info_enddate' => 'Enddate',
'info_id_parent' => 'Parent',
'info_status' => 'Status',
'info_confirm' => 'Confirm',
'pl_id' => 'pricelist',
'info_price' => 'price',
'info_percent' => 'completed',
'info_datecompleted' => 'date completed',
'info_replanned_time' => 're-planned time',
'info_cc' => 'CC',
// add customfields to field list
foreach(config::get_customfields('infolog') as $name => $data)
$excludefields['#'.$name] = $data['label'];
$sub_excludefields = $excludefields;
unset($sub_excludefields['info_id_parent']); // always set to parent!
$config = config::read('infolog');
// Save
$button = key($content['button']);
if($button == 'save' || $button == 'apply')
$this->bo->responsible_edit = array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted');
if ($content['responsible_edit'])
$extra = array_intersect($content['responsible_edit'],array_keys($fields));
$this->bo->responsible_edit = array_unique(array_merge($this->bo->responsible_edit,$extra));
config::save_value('copy_excludefields', $content['copy_excludefields'] ? $content['copy_excludefields'] : null, 'infolog');
config::save_value('sub_excludefields', $content['sub_excludefields'] ? $content['sub_excludefields'] : array('*NONE*'), 'infolog');
config::save_value('responsible_edit', $this->bo->responsible_edit, 'infolog');
config::save_value('implicit_rights', $this->bo->implicit_rights = $content['implicit_rights'] == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'read', 'infolog');
config::save_value('history', $this->bo->history = $content['history'], 'infolog');
config::save_value('index_load_cfs', implode(',', (array)$content['index_load_cfs']), 'infolog');
config::save_value('sub_prefix', $content['sub_prefix'], 'infolog');
// Notifications
$notifications =& $config[infolog_tracking::CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION];
$notifications[$content['notification_type']] = $content['notification'];
config::save_value(infolog_tracking::CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION, $notifications,'infolog');
if($button == 'save' || $button == 'cancel')
egw::redirect_link('/index.php', array(
'menuaction' => 'admin.admin_ui.index',
'ajax' => 'true'
), 'admin');
// Load
$content = $config;
$content['implicit_rights'] = $this->bo->implicit_rights;
$content['responsible_edit'] = $this->bo->responsible_edit;
$content['copy_excludefields'] = $this->bo->copy_excludefields;
$content['sub_excludefields'] = $this->bo->sub_excludefields;
$content['history'] = $this->bo->history;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('Site configuration');
// Load selected custom notification
$content['notification_type'] = '~global~';
$content['notification'] = $config[infolog_tracking::CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION][$content['notification_type']];
$sel_options = array(
'implicit_rights' => array(
'read' => 'read rights (default)',
'edit' => 'edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!)',
'responsible_edit' => $fields,
'copy_excludefields' => $excludefields,
'sub_excludefields' => $sub_excludefields,
'history' => array(
'' => lang('No'),
'history' => lang('Yes, with purging of deleted items possible'),
'history_admin_delete' => lang('Yes, only admins can purge deleted items'),
'history_no_delete' => lang('Yes, noone can purge deleted items'),
'index_load_cfs' => $this->bo->enums['type'],
'notification_type' => array('~global~' => 'all') + $this->bo->enums['type']
$preserve['notification_old_type'] = $content['notification_type'];
* imports a mail as infolog
* @param array $mailContent = null content of mail
* @return array
function mail_import(array $mailContent=null)
// It would get called from compose as a popup with egw_data
if (!is_array($mailContent) && ($_GET['egw_data']))
// get the mail raw data
egw_link::get_data ($_GET['egw_data']);
return false;
return $this->edit($this->bo->import_mail($mailContent['addresses'],
* shows infolog in other applications
* @param $args['location'] location des hooks: {addressbook|projects|calendar}_view|infolog
* @param $args['view'] menuaction to view, if location == 'infolog'
* @param $args['app'] app-name, if location == 'infolog'
* @param $args['view_id'] name of the id-var for location == 'infolog'
* @param $args[$args['view_id']] id of the entry
* this function can be called for any app, which should include infolog: \
* $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array( \
* * 'location' => 'infolog', \
* * 'app' => <your app>, \
* * 'view_id' => <id name>, \
* * <id name> => <id value>, \
* * 'view' => <menuaction to view an entry in your app> \
* ));
function hook_view($args)
// Load JS for infolog actions
switch ($args['location'])
case 'addressbook_view':
$app = 'addressbook';
$view_id = 'ab_id';
$view_id2 = 'contact_id';
$view = 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.view';
case 'projects_view':
$app = 'projects';
$view_id = 'project_id';
$view = 'projects.uiprojects.view';
$app = $args['app'];
$view_id = $args['view_id'];
$view = $args['view'];
if (!is_array($args) || $args['debug'])
echo "<p>infolog_ui::hook_view("; print_r($args); echo "): app='$app', $view_id='$args[$view_id]', view='$view'</p>\n";
if (!isset($app) || !isset($args[$view_id]))
return False;
$this->called_by = $app; // for read/save_sessiondata, to have different sessions for the hooks
// Set to calling app, so actions wind up in the correct place client side
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $app;
// Still want infolog categories though
$GLOBALS['egw']->categories = new categories('','infolog');
'menuaction' => $view,
isset($view_id2) ? $view_id2 : $view_id => $args[$view_id]
* Defines the fields for the csv export
* @param string $type infolog type to include only the matching custom fields if set
* @return array
function csv_export_fields($type=null)
$fields = array(
'info_type' => lang('Type'),
'info_from' => lang('Contact'),
'info_addr' => lang('Phone/Email'),
// 'info_link_id' => lang('primary link'),
'info_cat' => array('label' => lang('Category'),'type' => 'select-cat'),
'info_priority' => lang('Priority'),
'info_owner' => array('label' => lang('Owner'),'type' => 'select-account'),
'info_access' => lang('Access'),
'info_status' => lang('Status'),
'info_percent' => lang('Completed'),
'info_datecompleted' => lang('Date completed'),
'info_datemodified' => lang('Last modified'),
'info_modifier' => array('label' => lang('Modifier'),'type' => 'select-account'),
'info_location' => lang('Location'),
'info_startdate' => lang('Startdate'),
'info_enddate' => lang('Enddate'),
'info_responsible' => array('label' => lang('Responsible'),'type' => 'select-account'),
'info_subject' => lang('Subject'),
'info_des' => lang('Description'),
'info_id' => lang('Id'),
// PM fields
'info_planned_time' => lang('planned time'),
'info_used_time' => lang('used time'),
'pl_id' => lang('pricelist'),
'info_price' => lang('price'),
foreach($this->bo->timestamps as $name)
$fields[$name] = array('label' => $fields[$name],'type' => 'date-time');
foreach($this->bo->customfields as $name => $data)
if ($data['type2'] && $type && !in_array($type,explode(',',$data['type2']))) continue;
$fields['#'.$name] = array(
'label' => $data['label'],
'type' => $data['type'],
return $fields;