Ralf Becker a3a85a862d import htmlarea 3.0beta
eGW code to use it, is in phpgwapi/inc/ the translations (via eGW standard translation system) are in phpgwapi/inc/htmlarea-lang.php
2004-01-08 09:03:17 +00:00

37 lines
1.1 KiB

// I18N constants
HTMLArea.I18N = {
// the following should be the filename without .js extension
// it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
lang: "fr",
tooltips: {
bold: "Gras",
italic: "Italique",
underline: "Souligné",
strikethrough: "Barré",
subscript: "Subscript",
superscript: "Superscript",
justifyleft: "Aligné à gauche",
justifycenter: "Centré",
justifyright: "Aligné à droite",
justifyfull: "Justifié",
orderedlist: "Numérotation",
unorderedlist: "Puces",
outdent: "Augmenter le retrait",
indent: "Diminuer le retrait",
forecolor: "Couleur du texte",
backcolor: "Couleur du fond",
horizontalrule: "Ligne horizontale",
createlink: "Insérer un lien",
insertimage: "Insérer une image",
inserttable: "Insérer un tableau",
htmlmode: "Passer au code source HTML",
popupeditor: "Agrandir l'éditeur",
about: "A propos de cet éditeur",
help: "Aide sur l'éditeur",
textindicator: "Style courant"