
377 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-07-14 01:10:29 +02:00
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, inject, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, onUpdated, ref, watch, watchEffect } from 'vue';
2023-07-15 12:10:32 +02:00
import Card, { type Post } from './components/Card.vue';
2023-07-14 01:10:29 +02:00
import { useWindowSize, watchDebounced } from '@vueuse/core'
import ConfigModal from './components/ConfigModal.vue';
import { loadConfig, type Config } from './config';
const config = ref<Config>();
const allPosts = ref<Array<Post>>([])
const pinned = ref<Array<string>>([])
const hidden = ref<Array<string>>([])
const banned = ref<Array<string>>([])
const updateInProgress = ref(false)
const lastError = ref<string>()
var updateIntervalHandle: number;
const userToId: Record<string, string> = {}
onMounted(async () => {
config.value = await loadConfig()
// Trigger update once. Timed updates are started by a watcher below.
await updateWall()
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
// Re-layout Masonry on dom updates or window size changes
const fixLayout = inject('redrawVueMasonry') as () => void
onUpdated(() => fixLayout())
const windowSize = useWindowSize()
watchDebounced(windowSize.width, () => { fixLayout() }, { debounce: 500, maxWait: 1000 })
// Watch for a theme changes
watch(() => config.value?.theme, () => {
document.body!.parentElement!.dataset.bsTheme = config.value?.theme || "light"
// Watch for a update interval changes
watch(() => config.value?.interval, () => {
if (!config.value) return
// Update interval is large enough to not hit the mastodon default rate limit
const rqPerUpdate = config.value.accounts.length * 2 + config.value.tags.length
const maxPerSecond = 300 / (5 * 60) / 2 // Be nice, use only half rate limit
const minInternal = Math.ceil(rqPerUpdate / maxPerSecond)
const interval = Math.max(minInternal, config.value.interval)
updateIntervalHandle = setInterval(() => {
}, interval * 1000)
async function fetchJson(url: string) {
var rs = await fetch(url)
// Auto-retry rate limit errors
var errCount = 0
while (!rs.ok) {
if (errCount++ > 3)
break // Do not retry anymore
if (rs.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining") === "0") {
const resetTime = new Date(rs.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset") || (new Date().getTime() + 10000)).getTime();
const referenceTime = new Date(rs.headers.get("Date") || new Date()).getTime();
const sleep = Math.max(0, resetTime - referenceTime) + 1000 // 1 second leeway
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, sleep));
} else {
break // Do not retry
// Retry
rs = await fetch(url)
const json = await rs.json()
if (json.error) {
console.warn(`Fetch error: ${rs.status} ${JSON.stringify(json)}`)
throw new Error(json.error)
return json
async function getUserId(name: string) {
const cfg = config.value
if (!cfg) return
if (!userToId.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
try {
userToId[name] = (await fetchJson(`https://${cfg.server}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${encodeURIComponent(name)}`)).id
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to fetch id for user ${name}`)
return userToId[name]
const filterStatus = (post: any) => {
// Filter sensitive posts (TODO: Allow if configured)
if (post?.sensitive) return false;
// Filter replies (TODO: Allow if configured)
if (post?.in_reply_to_id) return false;
// Filter non-public posts
if (post?.visibility !== "public") return false;
// Filter bad actors
if (post?.account?.suspended) return false;
if (post?.account?.limted) return false;
// Filter bots
//if(post?.account?.bot) return false;
// Accept anything else
return true;
const statusToWallPost = (post: any): Post => {
var date = post.created_at
if (post.reblog)
post = post.reblog
var media;
const image = post.media_attachments?.find((m: any) => m.type == "image")
if (image)
media = image.url
return {
id: post.id,
url: post.url,
author: {
name: post.account.display_name || post.account.username,
url: post.account.url,
avatar: post.account.avatar,
content: post.content,
async function fetchPosts() {
const cfg = config.value
if (!cfg) return []
const posts: Array<Post> = [];
const addOrReplace = (post?: Post) => {
if (!post) return
const i = posts.findIndex(p => p.id === post.id)
if (i >= 0)
posts[i] = post
for (var tag of cfg.tags) {
const items = await fetchJson(`https://${cfg.server}/api/v1/timelines/tag/${encodeURIComponent(tag)}?limit=${cfg.limit}`) as any[];
for (var user of cfg.accounts) {
const userId = await getUserId(user)
if (!userId) continue;
const items = await fetchJson(`https://${cfg.server}/api/v1/accounts/${encodeURIComponent(userId)}/statuses?limit=${cfg.limit}&exclude_replies=True`) as any[];
return posts;
async function updateWall() {
const cfg = config.value
if (!cfg) return
if (updateInProgress.value) {
console.debug("Wall update skipped: Already in progress")
console.debug("Startung wall update...")
updateInProgress.value = true
try {
allPosts.value = await fetchPosts()
lastError.value = undefined
console.debug("Update completed")
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Update failed", e)
lastError.value = (e as Error).toString()
} finally {
updateInProgress.value = false;
const filteredPosts = computed(() => {
// copy to make sure those are detected as a reactive dependency
var posts: Array<Post> = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(allPosts.value))
const pinnedLocal = [...pinned.value]
const hiddenLocal = [...hidden.value]
const bannedLocal = [...banned.value]
// Filter hidden posts or banned authors
posts = posts.filter((p) => !hiddenLocal.includes(p.id))
posts = posts.filter((p) => !p.author?.url || !bannedLocal.includes(p.author.url))
// Mark pinned posts
posts.forEach(p => { p.pinned = pinnedLocal.includes(p.id) })
// Sort by pinned status / date
posts = posts.sort((a, b) => {
const aPinned = a.pinned ? 1 : 0
const bPinned = b.pinned ? 1 : 0
return bPinned - aPinned || new Date(b.date).getTime() - new Date(a.date).getTime()
return posts
function toggle<T>(array: T[], value: T) {
if (array.includes(value))
array.splice(array.indexOf(value), 1)
const pin = (id: string) => {
toggle(pinned.value, id)
const hide = (id: string) => {
toggle(hidden.value, id)
const hideAuthor = (url: string) => {
toggle(banned.value, url)
const toggleTheme = () => {
if (!config.value) return
config.value.theme = config.value.theme === "dark" ? "light" : "dark"
const aboutLink = computed(() => {
if (config.value?.server.length)
return `https://${config.value.server}/about`
return "#"
const privacyLink = computed(() => {
if (config.value?.server.length)
return `https://${config.value.server}/privacy-policy`
return "#"
<div id="page">
<span v-show="updateInProgress" class="position-fixed bottom-0 start-0 m-1 opacity-25 text-muted"></span>
<header v-if="config?.info === 'top'" class="secret-hover">
This wall shows <a :href="aboutLink" target="_blank" class="">{{ config.server }}</a> posts
<template v-if="config.accounts.length">by
2023-07-15 12:10:32 +02:00
<a v-for="a in config.accounts" class="me-1"
:href="`https://${config.server}/@${encodeURIComponent(a).replace('%40', '@')}`">@{{
a }}</a>
2023-07-14 01:10:29 +02:00
<template v-if="config.accounts.length && config?.tags.length"> or </template>
<template v-if="config.tags.length">tagged with
<a v-for="t in config.tags" class="me-1" :href="`https://${config.server}/tags/${encodeURIComponent(t)}`">#{{
t }}</a>
<small class="text-secondary secret">
[<a href="#" class="text-secondary" @click.prevent="config.info = 'hide'">hide</a> -
<a href="#" class="text-secondary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#configModal">edit</a>]
<div v-if="filteredPosts.length === 0 && updateInProgress">Loading first posts ...</div>
<div v-else-if="filteredPosts.length === 0">Nothing there yet ...</div>
<div v-else v-masonry transition-duration="1s" item-selector=".wall-item" stamp=".stamp" percent-position="true"
fit-width="true" id="wall">
<Card v-masonry-tile class="wall-item secret-hover" v-for="(post, index) in filteredPosts" :key="post.id"
<template v-slot:topleft>
<div class="dropdown secret">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown"
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click.prevent="pin(post.id)">{{ post.pinned ? "Unpin" : "Pin"
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click.prevent="hide(post.id)">Hide Post</a></li>
<li v-if="post.author?.url"><a class="dropdown-item" href="#"
<ConfigModal v-if="config" v-model="config" id="configModal" />
<button class="btn btn-link text-muted" @click="toggleTheme(); false">[{{ config?.theme == "dark" ? "Light" :
"Dark" }} mode]</button>
<button class="btn btn-link text-muted" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#configModal">[configure]</button>
<a :href="privacyLink" target="_blank" class="mx-1">Privacy policy</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/defnull/fediwall" target="_blank" class="mx-1">Github</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/defnull/fediwall#readme" target="_blank" class="mx-1">Documentation</a>
body {
background-color: var(--bs-dark-bg-subtle)
#page {
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#page a,
#page button.btn-link {
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#page main {
2023-07-15 12:10:32 +02:00
padding: 1rem 1rem;
2023-07-14 01:10:29 +02:00
.secret-hover .secret {
visibility: hidden;
.secret-hover:hover .secret {
visibility: visible;
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font-size: 1.2em;
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
#page footer {
padding: 1em;
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
#wall {
margin: 0 auto;
.wall-item {
2023-07-15 12:10:32 +02:00
width: 100%;
max-width: 25rem;
@media (max-width: 40rem) {
.wall-item {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;