Instead of having to call the configuration generation functions, the
params can just be set, and the functions will be called automatically
with additional useful settings automatically set.
The `propagationModule` config option provides a module that can be used
to propagate flakelight configuration into other module systems such as
NixOS or home-manager.
In order to speed up evalutation of flakes setting `packages.default`,
this trys to compute the pname in multiple ways, ordered by speed. The
pname can be set manually, which is fastest. To avoid computing a new
nixpkgs and flakelight overlays, the second option just uses callPackage
from stock nixpkgs. If that fails, the prior, most accurate, method is
used which creates a new nixpkgs with all the overlays available.
The set of args passed to modules is useful for more than just
autoloading. This renames it appropriately and makes it available
through pkgs arguments as well.