forked from extern/flakelight
Using ./. as nixDir can cause confusion on repos with unrelated directories that get picked up inadvertently.
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518 lines
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# flakelite -- Framework for making flakes simple
# Copyright (C) 2023 Archit Gupta <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
inherit (builtins) intersectAttrs isPath readDir;
inherit (localInputs.nixpkgs.lib) attrNames attrVals attrValues
callPackageWith composeManyExtensions concat concatStringsSep filter
filterAttrs findFirst foldAttrs foldl functionArgs genAttrs hasSuffix
isFunction isList isString listToAttrs mapAttrs mapAttrsToList mapAttrs'
mergeAttrs nameValuePair optional optionalAttrs parseDrvName pathExists pipe
recursiveUpdate removePrefix removeSuffix zipAttrsWith;
/* Attributes in flakelite's lib output.
exports = {
inherit mkFlake systems importDir autoImport autoImportAttrs defaultPkgName
supportedSystem mergeModules moduleAttrs rootAttrs ensureFn callFn
filterArgs callPkg callPkgs tryImport mkApp mkCheck liftFn2 fnConcat
/* Module which is always included as first module.
baseModule = { inputs, root, args }: {
# Ensures nixpkgs and flakelite are available for modules.
inputs = {
flakelite = localInputs.self;
inherit (localInputs) nixpkgs;
withOverlay = final: prev: {
# Allows access to flakelite lib functions from package sets.
# Also adds pkgs-specific additional args.
flakelite = args // {
# Inputs with system auto-selected.
# i.e. inputs.self.packages.${system} -> inputs'.self.packages
inputs' = mapAttrs
(_: mapAttrs
(_: v: v.${prev.system} or { }))
# Default package meta attribute generated from root module attrs.
meta = {
platforms =;
} // optionalAttrs (root ? description) {
inherit (root) description;
} // optionalAttrs (root ? license) {
license =
if isList root.license
then attrVals root.license final.lib.licenses
else final.lib.licenses.${root.license};
# These attrs are important enough for top-level pkg set.
inherit (final.flakelite) inputs inputs';
builtinModules = attrValues (importDir ./builtin-modules);
/* Import each nix file in a directory as attrs. Attr name is file name with
extension stripped. To allow use in an importable directory, default.nix is
skipped. To provide a file that will result in a "default" attr, name the
file "_default.nix".
importDir = path: genAttrs
(pipe (readDir path) [
(filter (s: s != "default.nix"))
(filter (hasSuffix ".nix"))
(map (removeSuffix ".nix"))
(map (removePrefix "_"))
(p: import (path + (if pathExists
(path + "/_${p}.nix") then "/_${p}.nix" else "/${p}.nix")));
/* Try to load a name from a directory. If a nix file by that name exits,
import it. If an importable directory with that name exists, import it.
Else, if a non-importable directory with that name exists, load the nix
files in that dir as an attrset. Returns null if the name could not be
loaded. If name is a list, tries all names in that list.
autoImport = dir: name:
if isList name
then findFirst (x: x != null) null (map (autoImport dir) name)
if pathExists (dir + "/${name}.nix")
then import (dir + "/${name}.nix")
else if pathExists (dir + "/${name}/default.nix")
then import (dir + "/${name}")
else if pathExists (dir + "/${name}")
then importDir (dir + "/${name}")
else null;
/* List of attrs that can be provided by a module.
moduleAttrs = [
/* List of handled attrs in root module. Does not have optionally checked
attrs like name, description, or license, or attrs used by modules.
rootAttrs = moduleAttrs ++ [
/* Alternative names for autoloading root attrs.
attrAliases = {
"nixosConfigurations" = [ "nixos" ];
"homeConfigurations" = [ "home" ];
# Lets `nix-shell` shell.nix be used automatically if no ./nix dir.
"devShell" = [ "shell" ];
"nixpkgsConfig" = [ "nixpkgs/config" ];
/* Generate an attrset by importing attrs from dir. Filters null values.
Alternative names from aliases are used.
autoImportAttrs = dir: attrs: aliases:
filterAttrs (_: v: v != null) (genAttrs attrs
(attr: autoImport dir ([ attr ] ++ aliases.${attr} or [ ])));
/* Makes the parameter callable, if it isn't. This allows values that are not
always functions to be applied to parameters.
ensureFn = v: if isFunction v then v else _: v;
/* Takes a binary function and returns a binary function that operates on
functions that return the original parameter types.
Type: liftFn2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> a) -> (d -> b) -> d -> c
liftFn2 = fn: a: b: args: fn (a args) (b args);
fnConcat = liftFn2 concat;
fnMergeAttrs = liftFn2 mergeAttrs;
/* Takes a function which takes a list, and returns a binary function.
Type: mkBinary :: ([a] -> b) -> a -> a -> b
mkBinary = fn: a: b: fn [ a b ];
/* Merges attrsets of overlays, combining overlays with same name.
mergeOverlayAttrs = mkBinary (zipAttrsWith (_: composeManyExtensions));
fnConcatScripts = liftFn2 (mkBinary (concatStringsSep "\n"));
mergeModules = a: b: mapAttrs (n: v: v a.${n} b.${n}) {
inputs = mergeAttrs;
withOverlays = concat;
nixpkgsConfig = mergeAttrs;
packages = mergeAttrs;
devTools = fnConcat;
shellHook = fnConcatScripts;
devShells = fnMergeAttrs;
env = fnMergeAttrs;
overlays = mergeOverlayAttrs;
apps = fnMergeAttrs;
checks = fnMergeAttrs;
nixosModules = mergeAttrs;
nixosConfigurations = mergeAttrs;
homeModules = mergeAttrs;
homeConfigurations = mergeAttrs;
templates = mergeAttrs;
formatters = fnMergeAttrs;
/* Calls f with required arguments from args. If the function does not have
named arguments, just passes it args instead of nothing like callPackage
does. If f is not a function, returns f.
callFn = args: f:
f' = ensureFn f;
if functionArgs f' == { } then f' args
else f' (intersectAttrs (functionArgs f) args);
/* Ensures x is called with only it's required parameters.
filterArgs = x: args: callFn args x;
/* If arg is importable, imports it, else returns arg as is.
tryImport = x: if (isPath x) || (isString x) then import x else x;
/* Like callFn, but intended for functions that return derivations. Uses
callPackage so will make result overridable. Trys importing the value if a
callPkg = args: f:
f' = ensureFn (tryImport f);
if functionArgs f' == { } then f' args
else (args.callPackage or (callPackageWith args)) f' { };
callPkgs = pkgs: mapAttrs (_: callPkg pkgs);
/* Gets the name for the default package using value set in root module or
derivation attrs.
defaultPkgName = root: pkg: or pkg.pname or (parseDrvName pkg).name;
/* Merges elements of a list of sets recursively. Each element can optionally
be a function that takes the merged previous elements.
recUpdateSets = foldl (acc: x: recursiveUpdate acc ((ensureFn x) acc)) { };
isApp = x: (x ? type) && (x.type == "app") && (x ? program);
/* Turns app into an app attribute, if it is not already. Passes it pkgs if it
is a function.
mkApp = pkgs: app:
app' = callFn pkgs app;
if isApp app' then app'
else { type = "app"; program = "${app'}"; };
/* Makes cmd into a derivation for a flake's checks output. If it is not
already a derivation, makes one that runs cmd on the flake source and
depends on its success. Passes cmd pkgs if it is its a function.
mkCheck = pkgs: src: name: cmd:
cmd' = callFn pkgs cmd;
if pkgs.lib.isDerivation cmd' then cmd' else
pkgs.runCommand "check-${name}" { } ''
cp --no-preserve=mode -r ${src} src
cd src
touch $out
/* Takes a packages set and a package and returns true if the package is
supported on the system for that packages set. If unknown, returns true.
supportedSystem = { lib, stdenv, ... }: pkg:
if pkg ? meta.platforms
then lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform pkg
else true;
systems = rec {
# Linux systems with binary caches.
linuxDefault = [
# Linux systems supported as a host platform.
linuxAll = linuxDefault ++ [
/* Creates flake outputs; takes the path of the flake and the root module.
mkFlake = src: root:
# These are passed to modules and non-system-dependent module attrs.
nonSysArgs = exports // {
args = nonSysArgs;
flakelite = exports;
root = root';
inherit src;
inherit (merged) inputs;
inherit (merged.inputs.nixpkgs) lib;
applyNonSysArgs = callFn nonSysArgs;
moduleAttrDefaults = {
inputs = { };
withOverlays = [ ];
nixpkgsConfig = { };
packages = { };
devTools = _: [ ];
shellHook = _: "";
devShells = _: { };
env = _: { };
overlays = { };
apps = _: { };
checks = _: { };
nixosModules = { };
nixosConfigurations = { };
homeModules = { };
homeConfigurations = { };
templates = { };
formatters = _: { };
normalizeModule = module:
module' = moduleAttrDefaults // module;
module' // {
withOverlays = (applyNonSysArgs module'.withOverlays)
++ optional (module' ? withOverlay) module'.withOverlay;
nixpkgsConfig = applyNonSysArgs module'.nixpkgsConfig;
packages = (applyNonSysArgs module'.packages)
// optionalAttrs (module' ? package) {
default = module'.package;
devTools = filterArgs module'.devTools;
shellHook = filterArgs module'.shellHook;
devShells = fnMergeAttrs (filterArgs module'.devShells)
(_: optionalAttrs (module' ? devShell) {
default = module'.devShell;
env = filterArgs module'.env;
overlays = (applyNonSysArgs module'.overlays)
// optionalAttrs (module' ? overlay) {
default = module'.overlay;
apps = fnMergeAttrs (filterArgs module'.apps)
(_: optionalAttrs (module' ? app) {
default = module'.app;
checks = filterArgs module'.checks;
nixosModules = (applyNonSysArgs module'.nixosModules)
// optionalAttrs (module' ? nixosModule) {
default = module'.nixosModule;
nixosConfigurations = applyNonSysArgs module'.nixosConfigurations;
homeModules = (applyNonSysArgs module'.homeModules)
// optionalAttrs (module' ? homeModule) {
default = module'.homeModule;
homeConfigurations = applyNonSysArgs module'.homeConfigurations;
templates = (applyNonSysArgs module'.templates)
// optionalAttrs (module' ? template) {
default = module'.template;
formatters = filterArgs module'.formatters;
# Root module with autoloads, normalization, and additional attrs.
root' =
appliedRoot = applyNonSysArgs root;
nixDir = appliedRoot.nixDir or (src + /nix);
fullRoot = (autoImportAttrs nixDir rootAttrs attrAliases)
// appliedRoot;
normalizeModule fullRoot // {
modules = fullRoot.modules or
(pipe (removeAttrs root'.inputs [ "self" ]) [
(filterAttrs (_: v: v ? flakeliteModule))
(mapAttrsToList (_: v: v.flakeliteModule))
systems = applyNonSysArgs ( or systems.linuxDefault);
perSystem = filterArgs (fullRoot.perSystem or { });
outputs = applyNonSysArgs (fullRoot.outputs or { });
inherit nixDir;
modules = [ baseModule ] ++ builtinModules ++ root'.modules;
# Merge result of all the modules.
merged = foldl mergeModules moduleAttrDefaults
((map (m: normalizeModule (applyNonSysArgs m)) modules)
++ [ root' ]);
# Returns package set for a system.
pkgsFor = system: import merged.inputs.nixpkgs {
inherit system;
config = merged.nixpkgsConfig;
overlays = merged.withOverlays ++ [
(final: _: callPkgs final merged.packages)
# Attrset mapping systems to corresponding package sets.
systemPkgs = listToAttrs (map
(system: nameValuePair system (pkgsFor system))
# Calls fn for each supported system. Fn should return an attrset whose
# attrs normally would have values in system attrs. Merges results into
# attrset with system attrs.
eachSystem = fn: foldAttrs mergeAttrs { } (map
(system: mapAttrs
(_: v: { ${system} = v; })
(fn systemPkgs.${system}))
# Replaces the "default" attr in set with the default package name.
replaceDefault = set:
if set ? default
then (removeAttrs set [ "default" ]) //
{ ${defaultPkgName root' set.default} = set.default; }
else set;
recUpdateSets [
(optionalAttrs (merged.packages != { }) ({
# Packages in overlay depend on withOverlays which are not in pkg set.
overlays.default = final: _: callPkgs
(final.appendOverlays merged.withOverlays)
(replaceDefault merged.packages);
} // eachSystem (pkgs: rec {
# Packages are generated in overlay on system pkgs; grab from there.
packages = filterAttrs (_: supportedSystem pkgs)
(intersectAttrs merged.packages pkgs);
checks = mapAttrs' (n: nameValuePair ("packages-" + n)) packages;
(prev: optionalAttrs (merged.overlays != { }) ({
overlays = mergeOverlayAttrs (prev.overlays or { }) merged.overlays;
(eachSystem ({ pkgs, lib, ... }:
optionalAttrs (merged.formatters pkgs != { }) rec {
formatter = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "formatter" ''
PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (merged.devTools pkgs)}
for f in "$@"; do
if [ -d "$f" ]; then
${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd "$f" -Htf -x "$0"
case "$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/basename "$f")" in
${toString (mapAttrsToList
(n: v: "${n}) ${callFn pkgs v} \"$f\";;")
(merged.formatters pkgs))}
done &>/dev/null
checks.formatting = mkCheck pkgs src "formatting" ''
${lib.getExe formatter} .
${pkgs.diffutils}/bin/diff -qr ${src} . |\
sed 's/Files .* and \(.*\) differ/File \1 not formatted/g'
(eachSystem (pkgs:
checks = mapAttrs (mkCheck pkgs src) (merged.checks pkgs);
optionalAttrs (checks != { }) { inherit checks; }))
(eachSystem (pkgs:
apps = mapAttrs (_: mkApp pkgs) (merged.apps pkgs);
optionalAttrs (apps != { }) { inherit apps; }))
(optionalAttrs (merged.nixosModules != { }) {
inherit (merged) nixosModules;
(optionalAttrs (merged.nixosConfigurations != { }) {
inherit (merged) nixosConfigurations;
checks = recUpdateSets (mapAttrsToList
(n: v: {
${v.config.nixpkgs.system}."nixos-${n}" =
(optionalAttrs (merged.homeModules != { }) {
inherit (merged) homeModules;
(optionalAttrs (merged.homeConfigurations != { }) {
inherit (merged) homeConfigurations;
checks = recUpdateSets (mapAttrsToList
(n: v: {
${v.config.nixpkgs.system}."home-${n}" = v.activationPackage;
(optionalAttrs (merged.templates != { }) {
inherit (merged) templates;
(prev: eachSystem ({ pkgs, system, mkShell, ... }: {
devShells.default = mkShell (merged.env pkgs // {
inputsFrom = optional (prev ? packages.${system}.default)
packages = merged.devTools pkgs;
shellHook = merged.shellHook pkgs;
} // (callPkgs pkgs (merged.devShells pkgs))))
(eachSystem root'.perSystem)
(_: root'.outputs)
lib = exports;
__functor = _: mkFlake;