from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from httpie.context import Environment if TYPE_CHECKING: from rich.console import Console @dataclass class BaseDisplay: env: Environment def start( self, *, total: Optional[float], at: float, description: str ) -> None: ... def update(self, steps: float) -> None: ... def stop(self, time_spent: float) -> None: ... @property def console(self) -> 'Console': """Returns the default console to be used with displays (stderr).""" return self.env.rich_error_console def _print_summary( self, is_finished: bool, observed_steps: int, time_spent: float ): from rich import filesize if is_finished: verb = 'Done' else: verb = 'Interrupted' total_size = filesize.decimal(observed_steps) avg_speed = filesize.decimal(observed_steps / time_spent) minutes, seconds = divmod(time_spent, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(int(minutes), 60) if hours: total_time = f'{hours:d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:0.5f}' else: total_time = f'{minutes:02d}:{seconds:0.5f}' self.console.print(f'[progress.description]{verb}. {total_size} in {total_time} ({avg_speed}/s)') class DummyDisplay(BaseDisplay): """ A dummy display object to be used when the progress bars, spinners etc. are disabled globally (or during tests). """ class StatusDisplay(BaseDisplay): def start( self, *, total: Optional[float], at: float, description: str ) -> None: self.observed = at self.description = f'[progress.description]{description}[/progress.description]' self.status = self.console.status(self.description, spinner='line') self.status.start() def update(self, steps: float) -> None: from rich import filesize self.observed += steps observed_amount, observed_unit = filesize.decimal(self.observed).split() self.status.update(status=f'{self.description} []{observed_amount}/? {observed_unit}[/]') def stop(self, time_spent: float) -> None: self.status.stop() self.console.print(self.description) if time_spent: self._print_summary( is_finished=True, observed_steps=self.observed, time_spent=time_spent ) class ProgressDisplay(BaseDisplay): def start( self, *, total: Optional[float], at: float, description: str ) -> None: from rich.progress import ( Progress, BarColumn, DownloadColumn, TimeRemainingColumn, TransferSpeedColumn, ) assert total is not None self.console.print(f'[progress.description]{description}') self.progress_bar = Progress( '[', BarColumn(), ']', '[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%', '(', DownloadColumn(), ')', TimeRemainingColumn(), TransferSpeedColumn(), console=self.console, transient=True ) self.progress_bar.start() self.transfer_task = self.progress_bar.add_task( description, completed=at, total=total ) def update(self, steps: float) -> None: self.progress_bar.advance(self.transfer_task, steps) def stop(self, time_spent: Optional[float]) -> None: self.progress_bar.stop() if time_spent: [task] = self.progress_bar.tasks self._print_summary( is_finished=task.finished, observed_steps=task.completed, time_spent=time_spent )