from __future__ import annotations import textwrap from argparse import FileType from httpie import __doc__, __version__ from httpie.cli.argtypes import (KeyValueArgType, SessionNameValidator, SSLCredentials, readable_file_arg, response_charset_type, response_mime_type) from httpie.cli.constants import (BASE_OUTPUT_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_FORMAT_OPTIONS, OUT_REQ_BODY, OUT_REQ_HEAD, OUT_RESP_BODY, OUT_RESP_HEAD, OUT_RESP_META, OUTPUT_OPTIONS, OUTPUT_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, PRETTY_MAP, PRETTY_STDOUT_TTY_ONLY, SEPARATOR_GROUP_ALL_ITEMS, SEPARATOR_PROXY, SORTED_FORMAT_OPTIONS_STRING, UNSORTED_FORMAT_OPTIONS_STRING, RequestType) from httpie.cli.options import ParserSpec, Qualifiers, to_argparse from httpie.output.formatters.colors import (AUTO_STYLE, DEFAULT_STYLE, BUNDLED_STYLES, get_available_styles) from httpie.plugins.builtin import BuiltinAuthPlugin from httpie.plugins.registry import plugin_manager from httpie.ssl_ import AVAILABLE_SSL_VERSION_ARG_MAPPING, DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHERS options = ParserSpec( 'http', description=f'{__doc__.strip()} ', epilog=""" For every --OPTION there is also a --no-OPTION that reverts OPTION to its default value. Suggestions and bug reports are greatly appreciated: """, source_file=__file__ ) ####################################################################### # Positional arguments. ####################################################################### positional_arguments = options.add_group( 'Positional arguments', description=""" These arguments come after any flags and in the order they are listed here. Only URL is required. """, ) positional_arguments.add_argument( dest='method', metavar='METHOD', nargs=Qualifiers.OPTIONAL, default=None, short_help='The HTTP method to be used for the request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...).', help=""" The HTTP method to be used for the request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...). This argument can be omitted in which case HTTPie will use POST if there is some data to be sent, otherwise GET: $ http # => GET $ http hello=world # => POST """, ) positional_arguments.add_argument( dest='url', metavar='URL', short_help='The request URL.', help=""" The request URL. Scheme defaults to 'http://' if the URL does not include one. (You can override this with: --default-scheme=http/https) You can also use a shorthand for localhost $ http :3000 # => http://localhost:3000 $ http :/foo # => http://localhost/foo """, ) positional_arguments.add_argument( dest='request_items', metavar='REQUEST_ITEM', nargs=Qualifiers.ZERO_OR_MORE, default=None, type=KeyValueArgType(*SEPARATOR_GROUP_ALL_ITEMS), short_help=( 'HTTPie’s request items syntax for specifying HTTP headers, JSON/Form' 'data, files, and URL parameters.' ), nested_options=[ ('HTTP Headers', 'Name:Value', 'Arbitrary HTTP header, e.g X-API-Token:123'), ('URL Parameters', 'name==value', 'Querystring parameter to the URL, e.g limit==50'), ('Data Fields', 'field=value', 'Data fields to be serialized as JSON (default) or Form Data (with --form)'), ('Raw JSON Fields', 'field:=json', 'Data field for real JSON types.'), ('File upload Fields', 'field@/dir/file', 'Path field for uploading a file.'), ], help=r""" Optional key-value pairs to be included in the request. The separator used determines the type: ':' HTTP headers: Referer: Cookie:foo=bar User-Agent:bacon/1.0 '==' URL parameters to be appended to the request URI: search==httpie '=' Data fields to be serialized into a JSON object (with --json, -j) or form data (with --form, -f): name=HTTPie language=Python description='CLI HTTP client' ':=' Non-string JSON data fields (only with --json, -j): awesome:=true amount:=42 colors:='["red", "green", "blue"]' '@' Form file fields (only with --form or --multipart): cv@~/Documents/CV.pdf cv@'~/Documents/CV.pdf;type=application/pdf' '=@' A data field like '=', but takes a file path and embeds its content: essay=@Documents/essay.txt ':=@' A raw JSON field like ':=', but takes a file path and embeds its content: package:=@./package.json You can use a backslash to escape a colliding separator in the field name: field-name-with\:colon=value """, ) ####################################################################### # Content type. ####################################################################### content_types = options.add_group('Predefined content types') content_types.add_argument( '--json', '-j', action='store_const', const=RequestType.JSON, dest='request_type', short_help='(default) Serialize data items from the command line as a JSON object.', help=""" (default) Data items from the command line are serialized as a JSON object. The Content-Type and Accept headers are set to application/json (if not specified). """, ) content_types.add_argument( '--form', '-f', action='store_const', const=RequestType.FORM, dest='request_type', short_help='Serialize data items from the command line as form field data.', help=""" Data items from the command line are serialized as form fields. The Content-Type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (if not specified). The presence of any file fields results in a multipart/form-data request. """, ) content_types.add_argument( '--multipart', action='store_const', const=RequestType.MULTIPART, dest='request_type', short_help=( 'Similar to --form, but always sends a multipart/form-data ' 'request (i.e., even without files).' ) ) content_types.add_argument( '--boundary', short_help=( 'Specify a custom boundary string for multipart/form-data requests. ' 'Only has effect only together with --form.' ) ) content_types.add_argument( '--raw', short_help='Pass raw request data without extra processing.', help=""" This option allows you to pass raw request data without extra processing (as opposed to the structured request items syntax): $ http --raw='data' You can achieve the same by piping the data via stdin: $ echo data | http Or have HTTPie load the raw data from a file: $ http @data.txt """, ) ####################################################################### # Content processing. ####################################################################### processing_options = options.add_group('Content processing options') processing_options.add_argument( '--compress', '-x', action='count', default=0, short_help='Compress the content with Deflate algorithm.', help=""" Content compressed (encoded) with Deflate algorithm. The Content-Encoding header is set to deflate. Compression is skipped if it appears that compression ratio is negative. Compression can be forced by repeating the argument. """, ) ####################################################################### # Output processing ####################################################################### def format_style_help(available_styles, *, isolation_mode: bool = False): text = """ Output coloring style (default is "{default}"). It can be one of: {available_styles} """ if isolation_mode: text += '\n\n' text += 'For finding out all available styles in your system, try:\n\n' text += ' $ http --style\n' text += textwrap.dedent(""" The "{auto_style}" style follows your terminal's ANSI color styles. For non-{auto_style} styles to work properly, please make sure that the $TERM environment variable is set to "xterm-256color" or similar (e.g., via `export TERM=xterm-256color' in your ~/.bashrc). """) if isolation_mode: available_styles = sorted(BUNDLED_STYLES) available_styles_text = '\n'.join( f' {line.strip()}' for line in textwrap.wrap(', '.join(available_styles), 60) ).strip() return text.format( default=DEFAULT_STYLE, available_styles=available_styles_text, auto_style=AUTO_STYLE, ) _sorted_kwargs = { 'action': 'append_const', 'const': SORTED_FORMAT_OPTIONS_STRING, 'dest': 'format_options', } _unsorted_kwargs = { 'action': 'append_const', 'const': UNSORTED_FORMAT_OPTIONS_STRING, 'dest': 'format_options', } output_processing = options.add_group('Output processing') output_processing.add_argument( '--pretty', dest='prettify', default=PRETTY_STDOUT_TTY_ONLY, choices=sorted(PRETTY_MAP.keys()), short_help='Control the processing of console outputs.', help=""" Controls output processing. The value can be "none" to not prettify the output (default for redirected output), "all" to apply both colors and formatting (default for terminal output), "colors", or "format". """, ) output_processing.add_argument( '--style', '-s', dest='style', metavar='STYLE', default=DEFAULT_STYLE, action='lazy_choices', getter=get_available_styles, short_help=f'Output coloring style (default is "{DEFAULT_STYLE}").', help_formatter=format_style_help, ) # The closest approx. of the documented resetting to default via --no-