import os import pytest import pytest_httpbin.certs import requests.exceptions from httpie import ExitStatus from httpie.input import SSL_VERSION_ARG_MAPPING from utils import HTTP_OK, TESTS_ROOT, http try: # Handle OpenSSL errors, if installed. # See <> # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import OpenSSL.SSL ssl_errors = ( requests.exceptions.SSLError, OpenSSL.SSL.Error, ) except ImportError: ssl_errors = ( requests.exceptions.SSLError, ) CLIENT_CERT = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'client_certs', 'client.crt') CLIENT_KEY = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'client_certs', 'client.key') CLIENT_PEM = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'client_certs', 'client.pem') # FIXME: # We test against a local httpbin instance which uses a self-signed cert. # Requests without --verify=<CA_BUNDLE> will fail with a verification error. # See: CA_BUNDLE = pytest_httpbin.certs.where() @pytest.mark.parametrize('ssl_version', SSL_VERSION_ARG_MAPPING.keys()) def test_ssl_version(httpbin_secure, ssl_version): try: r = http( '--ssl', ssl_version, httpbin_secure + '/get' ) assert HTTP_OK in r except ssl_errors as e: if ssl_version == 'ssl3': # pytest-httpbin doesn't support ssl3 assert 'SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE' in str(e) else: raise class TestClientCert: def test_cert_and_key(self, httpbin_secure): r = http(httpbin_secure + '/get', '--cert', CLIENT_CERT, '--cert-key', CLIENT_KEY) assert HTTP_OK in r def test_cert_pem(self, httpbin_secure): r = http(httpbin_secure + '/get', '--cert', CLIENT_PEM) assert HTTP_OK in r def test_cert_file_not_found(self, httpbin_secure): r = http(httpbin_secure + '/get', '--cert', '/__not_found__', error_exit_ok=True) assert r.exit_status == ExitStatus.ERROR assert 'No such file or directory' in r.stderr def test_cert_file_invalid(self, httpbin_secure): with pytest.raises(ssl_errors): http(httpbin_secure + '/get', '--cert', __file__) def test_cert_ok_but_missing_key(self, httpbin_secure): with pytest.raises(ssl_errors): http(httpbin_secure + '/get', '--cert', CLIENT_CERT) class TestServerCert: def test_verify_no_OK(self, httpbin_secure): r = http(httpbin_secure.url + '/get', '--verify=no') assert HTTP_OK in r @pytest.mark.parametrize('verify_value', ['false', 'fALse']) def test_verify_false_OK(self, httpbin_secure, verify_value): r = http(httpbin_secure.url + '/get', '--verify', verify_value) assert HTTP_OK in r def test_verify_custom_ca_bundle_path( self, httpbin_secure_untrusted ): r = http(httpbin_secure_untrusted + '/get', '--verify', CA_BUNDLE) assert HTTP_OK in r def test_self_signed_server_cert_by_default_raises_ssl_error( self, httpbin_secure_untrusted ): with pytest.raises(ssl_errors): http(httpbin_secure_untrusted.url + '/get') def test_verify_custom_ca_bundle_invalid_path(self, httpbin_secure): # since 2.14.0 requests raises IOError with pytest.raises(ssl_errors + (IOError,)): http(httpbin_secure.url + '/get', '--verify', '/__not_found__') def test_verify_custom_ca_bundle_invalid_bundle(self, httpbin_secure): with pytest.raises(ssl_errors): http(httpbin_secure.url + '/get', '--verify', __file__)