import json import pytest import responses from unittest.mock import Mock from httpie.compat import is_windows from httpie.cli.constants import PRETTY_MAP from httpie.output.streams import BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE from httpie.plugins import ConverterPlugin from httpie.plugins.registry import plugin_manager from .utils import StdinBytesIO, http, MockEnvironment, DUMMY_URL from .fixtures import BIN_FILE_CONTENT, BIN_FILE_PATH PRETTY_OPTIONS = list(PRETTY_MAP.keys()) class SortJSONConverterPlugin(ConverterPlugin): @classmethod def supports(cls, mime): return mime == 'json/bytes' def convert(self, body): body = body.lstrip(b'\x00') data = json.loads(body) return 'application/json', json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True) # GET because httpbin 500s with binary POST body. @pytest.mark.skipif(is_windows, reason='Pretty redirect not supported under Windows') def test_pretty_redirected_stream(httpbin): """Test that --stream works with prettified redirected output.""" env = MockEnvironment( colors=256, stdin=StdinBytesIO(BIN_FILE_PATH.read_bytes()), stdin_isatty=False, stdout_isatty=False, ) r = http('--verbose', '--pretty=all', '--stream', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env) assert BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode() in r def test_pretty_stream_ensure_full_stream_is_retrieved(httpbin): env = MockEnvironment( stdin=StdinBytesIO(), stdin_isatty=False, stdout_isatty=False, ) r = http('--pretty=format', '--stream', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/stream/3', env=env) assert r.count('/stream/3') == 3 @pytest.mark.parametrize('pretty', PRETTY_OPTIONS) @pytest.mark.parametrize('stream', [True, False]) @responses.activate def test_pretty_options_with_and_without_stream_with_converter(pretty, stream): plugin_manager.register(SortJSONConverterPlugin) try: # Cover PluginManager.__repr__() assert 'SortJSONConverterPlugin' in str(plugin_manager) body = b'\x00{"foo":42,\n"bar":"baz"}' responses.add(responses.GET, DUMMY_URL, body=body, stream=True, content_type='json/bytes') args = ['--pretty=' + pretty, 'GET', DUMMY_URL] if stream: args.insert(0, '--stream') r = http(*args) assert 'json/bytes' in r if pretty == 'none': assert BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode() in r else: # Ensure the plugin was effectively used and the resulting JSON is sorted assert '"bar": "baz",' in r assert '"foo": 42' in r finally: plugin_manager.unregister(SortJSONConverterPlugin) def test_encoded_stream(httpbin): """Test that --stream works with non-prettified redirected terminal output.""" env = MockEnvironment( stdin=StdinBytesIO(BIN_FILE_PATH.read_bytes()), stdin_isatty=False, ) r = http('--pretty=none', '--stream', '--verbose', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env) assert BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode() in r def test_redirected_stream(httpbin): """Test that --stream works with non-prettified redirected terminal output.""" env = MockEnvironment( stdout_isatty=False, stdin_isatty=False, stdin=StdinBytesIO(BIN_FILE_PATH.read_bytes()), ) r = http('--pretty=none', '--stream', '--verbose', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env) assert BIN_FILE_CONTENT in r # /drip endpoint produces 3 individual lines, # if we set text/event-stream HTTPie should stream # it by default. Otherwise, it will buffer and then # print. @pytest.mark.parametrize('extras, expected', [ ( ['Accept:text/event-stream'], 3 ), ( ['Accept:text/plain'], 1 ) ]) def test_auto_streaming(http_server, extras, expected): env = MockEnvironment() env.stdout.write = Mock() http(http_server + '/drip', *extras, env=env) assert len([ call_arg for call_arg in env.stdout.write.call_args_list if b'test' in call_arg[0][0] ]) == expected