"""This module provides the main functionality of HTTPie. Invocation flow: 1. Read, validate and process the input (args, `stdin`). 2. Create and send a request. 3. Stream, and possibly process and format, the requested parts of the request-response exchange. 4. Simultaneously write to `stdout` 5. Exit. """ import sys import json import errno from pprint import pformat import requests import requests.auth from requests.compat import str from httpie import __version__ as httpie_version from requests import __version__ as requests_version from pygments import __version__ as pygments_version from .cli import parser from .models import Environment from .output import output_stream, write from . import EXIT FORM = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' JSON = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' def get_requests_kwargs(args): """Send the request and return a `request.Response`.""" auto_json = args.data and not args.form if args.json or auto_json: if 'Content-Type' not in args.headers and args.data: args.headers['Content-Type'] = JSON if 'Accept' not in args.headers: # Default Accept to JSON as well. args.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' if isinstance(args.data, dict): # If not empty, serialize the data `dict` parsed from arguments. # Otherwise set it to `None` avoid sending "{}". args.data = json.dumps(args.data) if args.data else None elif args.form: if not args.files and 'Content-Type' not in args.headers: # If sending files, `requests` will set # the `Content-Type` for us. args.headers['Content-Type'] = FORM credentials = None if args.auth: credentials = { 'basic': requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth, 'digest': requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth, }[args.auth_type](args.auth.key, args.auth.value) kwargs = { 'prefetch': False, 'method': args.method.lower(), 'url': args.url, 'headers': args.headers, 'data': args.data, 'verify': { 'yes': True, 'no': False }.get(args.verify,args.verify), 'timeout': args.timeout, 'auth': credentials, 'proxies': dict((p.key, p.value) for p in args.proxy), 'files': args.files, 'allow_redirects': args.allow_redirects, 'params': args.params } return kwargs def get_exist_status(code, allow_redirects=False): """Translate HTTP status code to exit status.""" if 300 <= code <= 399 and not allow_redirects: # Redirect return EXIT.ERROR_HTTP_3XX elif 400 <= code <= 499: # Client Error return EXIT.ERROR_HTTP_4XX elif 500 <= code <= 599: # Server Error return EXIT.ERROR_HTTP_5XX else: return EXIT.OK def main(args=sys.argv[1:], env=Environment()): """Run the main program and write the output to ``env.stdout``. Return exit status. """ def error(msg, *args): msg = msg % args env.stderr.write('\nhttp: error: %s\n' % msg) debug = '--debug' in args traceback = debug or '--traceback' in args status = EXIT.OK if debug: sys.stderr.write('HTTPie version: %s\n' % httpie_version) sys.stderr.write('Requests version: %s\n' % requests_version) sys.stderr.write('Pygments version: %s\n' % pygments_version) try: args = parser.parse_args(args=args, env=env) kwargs = get_requests_kwargs(args) if args.debug: sys.stderr.write( '\n>>> requests.request(%s)\n\n' % pformat(kwargs)) response = requests.request(**kwargs) if args.check_status: status = get_exist_status(response.status_code, args.allow_redirects) if status and not env.stdout_isatty: error('%s %s', response.raw.status, response.raw.reason) stream = output_stream(args, env, response.request, response) try: write(stream=stream, outfile=env.stdout, flush=env.stdout_isatty or args.stream) except IOError as e: if not traceback and e.errno == errno.EPIPE: # Ignore broken pipes unless --debug. env.stderr.write('\n') else: raise except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): if traceback: raise env.stderr.write('\n') status = EXIT.ERROR except Exception as e: # TODO: distinguish between expected and unexpected errors. # network errors vs. bugs, etc. if traceback: raise error('%s: %s', type(e).__name__, str(e)) status = EXIT.ERROR return status