import re from typing import Iterable from enum import Enum, auto from httpie.output.writer import MESSAGE_SEPARATOR from tests.utils import CRLF class Expect(Enum): """ Predefined token types we can expect in the output. """ REQUEST_HEADERS = auto() RESPONSE_HEADERS = auto() BODY = auto() SEPARATOR = auto() SEPARATOR_RE = re.compile(f'^{MESSAGE_SEPARATOR}') def make_headers_re(message_type: Expect): assert message_type in {Expect.REQUEST_HEADERS, Expect.RESPONSE_HEADERS} # language=RegExp crlf = r'[\r][\n]' non_crlf = rf'[^{CRLF}]' # language=RegExp http_version = r'HTTP/\d+\.\d+' if message_type is Expect.REQUEST_HEADERS: # POST /post HTTP/1.1 start_line_re = fr'{non_crlf}*{http_version}{crlf}' else: # HTTP/1.1 200 OK start_line_re = fr'{http_version}{non_crlf}*{crlf}' return re.compile( fr''' ^ {start_line_re} ({non_crlf}+:{non_crlf}+{crlf})+ {crlf} ''', flags=re.VERBOSE ) BODY_ENDINGS = [ MESSAGE_SEPARATOR, CRLF, # Not really but useful for testing (just remember not to include it in a body). ] TOKEN_REGEX_MAP = { Expect.REQUEST_HEADERS: make_headers_re(Expect.REQUEST_HEADERS), Expect.RESPONSE_HEADERS: make_headers_re(Expect.RESPONSE_HEADERS), Expect.SEPARATOR: SEPARATOR_RE, } class OutputMatchingError(ValueError): pass def expect_tokens(tokens: Iterable[Expect], s: str): for token in tokens: s = expect_token(token, s) if s: raise OutputMatchingError(f'Unmatched remaining output for {tokens} in {s!r}') def expect_token(token: Expect, s: str) -> str: if token is Expect.BODY: s = expect_body(s) else: s = expect_regex(token, s) return s def expect_regex(token: Expect, s: str) -> str: match = TOKEN_REGEX_MAP[token].match(s) if not match: raise OutputMatchingError(f'No match for {token} in {s!r}') return s[match.end():] def expect_body(s: str) -> str: """ We require some text, and continue to read until we find an ending or until the end of the string. """ if 'content-disposition:' in s.lower(): # Multipart body heuristic. final_boundary_re = re.compile('\r\n--[^-]+?--\r\n') match = if match: return s[match.end():] endings = [s.index(sep) for sep in BODY_ENDINGS if sep in s] if not endings: s = '' # Only body else: end = min(endings) if end == 0: raise OutputMatchingError(f'Empty body: {s!r}') s = s[end:] return s