############################################################################### # See ./CONTRIBUTING.md ############################################################################### .PHONY: build ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) VERSION=$(shell grep __version__ httpie/__init__.py) H1="\n\n\033[0;32m\#\#\# " H1END=" \#\#\# \033[0m\n" # Only used to create our venv. SYSTEM_PYTHON=python3 VENV_ROOT=venv VENV_BIN=$(VENV_ROOT)/bin VENV_PIP=$(VENV_BIN)/pip3 VENV_PYTHON=$(VENV_BIN)/python export PATH := $(VENV_BIN):$(PATH) default: list-tasks ############################################################################### # Default task to get a list of tasks when `make' is run without args. # ############################################################################### list-tasks: @echo Available tasks: @echo ---------------- @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | grep -E -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' @echo ############################################################################### # Installation ############################################################################### all: uninstall-httpie install test install: venv install-reqs install-reqs: @echo $(H1)Updating package tools$(H1END) $(VENV_PIP) install --upgrade pip wheel build @echo $(H1)Installing dev requirements$(H1END) $(VENV_PIP) install --upgrade '.[dev]' '.[test]' @echo $(H1)Installing HTTPie$(H1END) $(VENV_PIP) install --upgrade --editable . @echo clean: @echo $(H1)Cleaning up$(H1END) rm -rf $(VENV_ROOT) # Remove symlink for virtualenvwrapper, if we’ve created one. [ -n "$(WORKON_HOME)" -a -L "$(WORKON_HOME)/httpie" -a -f "$(WORKON_HOME)/httpie" ] && rm $(WORKON_HOME)/httpie || true rm -rf *.egg dist build .coverage .cache .pytest_cache httpie.egg-info find . -name '__pycache__' -delete -o -name '*.pyc' -delete @echo venv: @echo $(H1)Creating a Python environment $(VENV_ROOT) $(H1END) $(SYSTEM_PYTHON) -m venv --prompt httpie $(VENV_ROOT) @echo @echo done. @echo @echo To active it manually, run: @echo @echo " source $(VENV_BIN)/activate" @echo @echo '(learn more: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html)' @echo @if [ -n "$(WORKON_HOME)" ]; then \ echo $(ROOT_DIR) > $(VENV_ROOT)/.project; \ if [ ! -d $(WORKON_HOME)/httpie -a ! -L $(WORKON_HOME)/httpie ]; then \ ln -s $(ROOT_DIR)/$(VENV_ROOT) $(WORKON_HOME)/httpie ; \ echo ''; \ echo 'Since you use virtualenvwrapper, we created a symlink'; \ echo 'so you can also use "workon httpie" to activate the venv.'; \ echo ''; \ fi; \ fi ############################################################################### # Testing ############################################################################### test: @echo $(H1)Running tests$(HEADER_EXTRA)$(H1END) $(VENV_BIN)/python -m pytest $(COV) @echo test-cover: COV=--cov=httpie --cov=tests test-cover: HEADER_EXTRA=' (with coverage)' test-cover: test # test-all is meant to test everything — even this Makefile test-all: clean install test test-dist codestyle @echo test-dist: test-sdist test-bdist-wheel @echo test-sdist: clean venv @echo $(H1)Testing sdist build an installation$(H1END) $(VENV_PYTHON) setup.py sdist $(VENV_PIP) install --force-reinstall --upgrade dist/*.gz $(VENV_BIN)/http --version @echo test-bdist-wheel: clean venv @echo $(H1)Testing wheel build an installation$(H1END) $(VENV_PIP) install wheel $(VENV_PYTHON) setup.py bdist_wheel $(VENV_PIP) install --force-reinstall --upgrade dist/*.whl $(VENV_BIN)/http --version @echo twine-check: twine check dist/* # Kept for convenience, "make codestyle" is preferred though pycodestyle: codestyle codestyle: @echo $(H1)Running flake8$(H1END) @[ -f $(VENV_BIN)/flake8 ] || $(VENV_PIP) install --upgrade --editable '.[dev]' $(VENV_BIN)/flake8 httpie/ tests/ extras/profiling/ docs/packaging/brew/ *.py @echo codecov-upload: @echo $(H1)Running codecov$(H1END) @[ -f $(VENV_BIN)/codecov ] || $(VENV_PIP) install codecov # $(VENV_BIN)/codecov --required $(VENV_BIN)/codecov @echo doc-check: @echo $(H1)Running documentations checks$(H1END) mdl --git-recurse --style docs/markdownlint.rb . ############################################################################### # Publishing to PyPi ############################################################################### build: rm -rf build/ dist/ mv httpie/internal/__build_channel__.py httpie/internal/__build_channel__.py.original echo 'BUILD_CHANNEL = "pip"' > httpie/internal/__build_channel__.py $(VENV_PYTHON) -m build --sdist --wheel --outdir dist/ mv httpie/internal/__build_channel__.py.original httpie/internal/__build_channel__.py publish: test-all publish-no-test publish-no-test: @echo $(H1)Testing wheel build an installation$(H1END) @echo "$(VERSION)" @echo "$(VERSION)" | grep -q "dev" && echo '!!!Not publishing dev version!!!' && exit 1 || echo ok make build make twine-check $(VENV_BIN)/twine upload --repository=httpie dist/* @echo ############################################################################### # Uninstalling ############################################################################### uninstall-httpie: @echo $(H1)Uninstalling httpie$(H1END) - $(VENV_PIP) uninstall --yes httpie &2>/dev/null @echo "Verifying…" cd .. && ! $(VENV_PYTHON) -m httpie --version &2>/dev/null @echo "Done" @echo ############################################################################### # Homebrew ############################################################################### brew-deps: docs/packaging/brew/brew-deps.py brew-test: @echo $(H1)Uninstalling httpie$(H1END) - brew uninstall httpie @echo $(H1)Building from source…$(H1END) - brew install --HEAD --build-from-source ./docs/packaging/brew/httpie.rb @echo $(H1)Verifying…$(H1END) http --version https --version @echo $(H1)Auditing…$(H1END) brew audit --strict httpie ############################################################################### # Regeneration ############################################################################### regen-all: regen-man-pages regen-install-methods regen-man-pages: install @echo $(H1)Regenerate man pages$(H1END) $(VENV_PYTHON) extras/scripts/generate_man_pages.py regen-install-methods: @echo $(H1)Updating installation instructions in the docs$(H1END) $(VENV_PYTHON) docs/installation/generate.py