import errno import requests from typing import Any, Dict, IO, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Type, Union from ..cli.dicts import HTTPHeadersDict from ..context import Environment from ..models import ( HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, HTTPMessage, RequestsMessage, RequestsMessageKind, OutputOptions, ) from .models import ProcessingOptions from .processing import Conversion, Formatting from .streams import ( BaseStream, BufferedPrettyStream, EncodedStream, PrettyStream, RawStream, ) from ..utils import parse_content_type_header MESSAGE_SEPARATOR = '\n\n' MESSAGE_SEPARATOR_BYTES = MESSAGE_SEPARATOR.encode() def write_message( requests_message: RequestsMessage, env: Environment, output_options: OutputOptions, processing_options: ProcessingOptions, extra_stream_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): if not output_options.any(): return write_stream_kwargs = { 'stream': build_output_stream_for_message( env=env, requests_message=requests_message, output_options=output_options, processing_options=processing_options, extra_stream_kwargs=extra_stream_kwargs ), # NOTE: `env.stdout` will in fact be `stderr` with `--download` 'outfile': env.stdout, 'flush': env.stdout_isatty or } try: if env.is_windows and 'colors' in processing_options.get_prettify(env): write_stream_with_colors_win(**write_stream_kwargs) else: write_stream(**write_stream_kwargs) except OSError as e: if processing_options.show_traceback and e.errno == errno.EPIPE: # Ignore broken pipes unless --traceback. env.stderr.write('\n') else: raise def write_stream( stream: BaseStream, outfile: Union[IO, TextIO], flush: bool ): """Write the output stream.""" try: # Writing bytes so we use the buffer interface. buf = outfile.buffer except AttributeError: buf = outfile for chunk in stream: buf.write(chunk) if flush: outfile.flush() def write_stream_with_colors_win( stream: 'BaseStream', outfile: TextIO, flush: bool ): """Like `write`, but colorized chunks are written as text directly to `outfile` to ensure it gets processed by colorama. Applies only to Windows and colorized terminal output. """ color = b'\x1b[' encoding = outfile.encoding for chunk in stream: if color in chunk: outfile.write(chunk.decode(encoding)) else: outfile.buffer.write(chunk) if flush: outfile.flush() def write_raw_data( env: Environment, data: Any, *, processing_options: Optional[ProcessingOptions] = None, headers: Optional[HTTPHeadersDict] = None, stream_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): msg = requests.PreparedRequest() msg.is_body_upload_chunk = True msg.body = data msg.headers = headers or HTTPHeadersDict() msg_output_options = OutputOptions.from_message(msg, body=True, headers=False) return write_message( requests_message=msg, env=env, output_options=msg_output_options, processing_options=processing_options or ProcessingOptions(), extra_stream_kwargs=stream_kwargs ) def build_output_stream_for_message( env: Environment, requests_message: RequestsMessage, output_options: OutputOptions, processing_options: ProcessingOptions, extra_stream_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): message_type = { RequestsMessageKind.REQUEST: HTTPRequest, RequestsMessageKind.RESPONSE: HTTPResponse, }[output_options.kind] stream_class, stream_kwargs = get_stream_type_and_kwargs( env=env, processing_options=processing_options, message_type=message_type, headers=requests_message.headers ) if extra_stream_kwargs: stream_kwargs.update(extra_stream_kwargs) yield from stream_class( msg=message_type(requests_message), output_options=output_options, **stream_kwargs, ) if (env.stdout_isatty and output_options.body and not output_options.meta and not getattr(requests_message, 'is_body_upload_chunk', False)): # Ensure a blank line after the response body. # For terminal output only. yield MESSAGE_SEPARATOR_BYTES def get_stream_type_and_kwargs( env: Environment, processing_options: ProcessingOptions, message_type: Type[HTTPMessage], headers: HTTPHeadersDict, ) -> Tuple[Type['BaseStream'], dict]: """Pick the right stream type and kwargs for it based on `env` and `args`. """ is_stream = prettify_groups = processing_options.get_prettify(env) if not is_stream and message_type is HTTPResponse: # If this is a response, then check the headers for determining # auto-streaming. raw_content_type_header = headers.get('Content-Type', None) if raw_content_type_header: content_type_header, _ = parse_content_type_header(raw_content_type_header) is_stream = (content_type_header == 'text/event-stream') if not env.stdout_isatty and not prettify_groups: stream_class = RawStream stream_kwargs = { 'chunk_size': ( RawStream.CHUNK_SIZE_BY_LINE if is_stream else RawStream.CHUNK_SIZE ) } else: stream_class = EncodedStream stream_kwargs = { 'env': env, } if message_type is HTTPResponse: stream_kwargs.update({ 'mime_overwrite': processing_options.response_mime, 'encoding_overwrite': processing_options.response_charset, }) if prettify_groups: stream_class = PrettyStream if is_stream else BufferedPrettyStream stream_kwargs.update({ 'conversion': Conversion(), 'formatting': Formatting( env=env, groups=prettify_groups,, explicit_json=processing_options.json, format_options=processing_options.format_options, ) }) return stream_class, stream_kwargs