""" Generate the contributors database. FIXME: replace `requests` calls with the HTTPie API, when available. """ import json import os import re import sys from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from subprocess import check_output from time import sleep from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Set import requests FullNames = Set[str] GitHubLogins = Set[str] Person = Dict[str, str] People = Dict[str, Person] UserInfo = Dict[str, Any] CO_AUTHORS = re.compile(r'Co-authored-by: ([^<]+) <').finditer API_URL = 'https://api.github.com' REPO = OWNER = 'httpie' REPO_URL = f'{API_URL}/repos/{REPO}/{OWNER}' HERE = Path(__file__).parent DB_FILE = HERE / 'people.json' DEFAULT_PERSON: Person = {'committed': [], 'reported': [], 'github': '', 'twitter': ''} SKIPPED_LABELS = {'invalid'} GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') assert GITHUB_TOKEN, 'GITHUB_TOKEN envar is missing' class FinishedForNow(Exception): """Raised when remaining GitHub rate limit is zero.""" def main(previous_release: str, current_release: str) -> int: since = release_date(previous_release) until = release_date(current_release) contributors = load_awesome_people() try: committers = find_committers(since, until) reporters = find_reporters(since, until) except Exception as exc: # We want to save what we fetched so far. So pass. print(' !! ', exc) try: merge_all_the_people(current_release, contributors, committers, reporters) fetch_missing_users_details(contributors) except FinishedForNow: # We want to save what we fetched so far. So pass. print(' !! Committers:', committers) print(' !! Reporters:', reporters) exit_status = 1 else: exit_status = 0 save_awesome_people(contributors) return exit_status def find_committers(since: str, until: str) -> FullNames: url = f'{REPO_URL}/commits' page = 1 per_page = 100 params = { 'since': since, 'until': until, 'per_page': per_page, } committers: FullNames = set() while 'there are commits': params['page'] = page data = fetch(url, params=params) for item in data: commit = item['commit'] committers.add(commit['author']['name']) debug(' >>> Commit', item['html_url']) for co_author in CO_AUTHORS(commit['message']): name = co_author.group(1) committers.add(name) if len(data) < per_page: break page += 1 return committers def find_reporters(since: str, until: str) -> GitHubLogins: url = f'{API_URL}/search/issues' page = 1 per_page = 100 params = { 'q': f'repo:{REPO}/{OWNER} is:issue closed:{since}..{until}', 'per_page': per_page, } reporters: GitHubLogins = set() while 'there are issues': params['page'] = page data = fetch(url, params=params) for item in data['items']: # Filter out unwanted labels. if any(label['name'] in SKIPPED_LABELS for label in item['labels']): continue debug(' >>> Issue', item['html_url']) reporters.add(item['user']['login']) if len(data['items']) < per_page: break page += 1 return reporters def merge_all_the_people(release: str, contributors: People, committers: FullNames, reporters: GitHubLogins) -> None: """ >>> contributors = {'Alice': new_person(github='alice', twitter='alice')} >>> merge_all_the_people('2.6.0', contributors, {}, {}) >>> contributors {'Alice': {'committed': [], 'reported': [], 'github': 'alice', 'twitter': 'alice'}} >>> contributors = {'Bob': new_person(github='bob', twitter='bob')} >>> merge_all_the_people('2.6.0', contributors, {'Bob'}, {'bob'}) >>> contributors {'Bob': {'committed': ['2.6.0'], 'reported': ['2.6.0'], 'github': 'bob', 'twitter': 'bob'}} >>> contributors = {'Charlotte': new_person(github='charlotte', twitter='charlotte', committed=['2.5.0'], reported=['2.5.0'])} >>> merge_all_the_people('2.6.0', contributors, {'Charlotte'}, {'charlotte'}) >>> contributors {'Charlotte': {'committed': ['2.5.0', '2.6.0'], 'reported': ['2.5.0', '2.6.0'], 'github': 'charlotte', 'twitter': 'charlotte'}} """ # Update known contributors. for name, details in contributors.items(): if name in committers: if release not in details['committed']: details['committed'].append(release) committers.remove(name) if details['github'] in reporters: if release not in details['reported']: details['reported'].append(release) reporters.remove(details['github']) # Add new committers. for name in committers: user_info = user(fullname=name) contributors[name] = new_person( github=user_info['login'], twitter=user_info['twitter_username'], committed=[release], ) if user_info['login'] in reporters: contributors[name]['reported'].append(release) reporters.remove(user_info['login']) # Add new reporters. for github_username in reporters: user_info = user(github_username=github_username) contributors[user_info['name'] or user_info['login']] = new_person( github=github_username, twitter=user_info['twitter_username'], reported=[release], ) def release_date(release: str) -> str: date = check_output(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%ai', release], text=True).strip() return datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z').isoformat() def load_awesome_people() -> People: try: with DB_FILE.open(encoding='utf-8') as fh: return json.load(fh) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): return {} def fetch(url: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> UserInfo: headers = { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authentication': f'token {GITHUB_TOKEN}' } for retry in range(1, 6): debug(f'[{retry}/5]', f'{url = }', f'{params = }') with requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) as req: try: req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: if exc.response.status_code == 403: # 403 Client Error: rate limit exceeded for url: ... now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()) xrate_limit_reset = int(exc.response.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset']) wait = xrate_limit_reset - now if wait > 20: raise FinishedForNow() debug(' !', 'Waiting', wait, 'seconds before another try ...') sleep(wait) continue return req.json() assert ValueError('Rate limit exceeded') def new_person(**kwargs: str) -> Person: data = deepcopy(DEFAULT_PERSON) data.update(**kwargs) return data def user(fullname: Optional[str] = '', github_username: Optional[str] = '') -> UserInfo: if github_username: url = f'{API_URL}/users/{github_username}' return fetch(url) url = f'{API_URL}/search/users' for query in (f'fullname:{fullname}', f'user:{fullname}'): params = { 'q': f'repo:{REPO}/{OWNER} {query}', 'per_page': 1, } user_info = fetch(url, params=params) if user_info['items']: user_url = user_info['items'][0]['url'] return fetch(user_url) def fetch_missing_users_details(people: People) -> None: for name, details in people.items(): if details['github'] and details['twitter']: continue user_info = user(github_username=details['github'], fullname=name) if not details['github']: details['github'] = user_info['login'] if not details['twitter']: details['twitter'] = user_info['twitter_username'] def save_awesome_people(people: People) -> None: with DB_FILE.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: json.dump(people, fh, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def debug(*args: Any) -> None: if os.getenv('DEBUG') == '1': print(*args) if __name__ == '__main__': ret = 1 try: ret = main(*sys.argv[1:]) except TypeError: ret = 2 print(f''' Fetch contributors to a release. Usage: python {sys.argv[0]} {sys.argv[0]} Example: python {sys.argv[0]} 2.4.0 2.5.0 Define the DEBUG=1 environment variable to enable verbose output. ''') except KeyboardInterrupt: ret = 255 sys.exit(ret)