""" Tests for the provided defaults regarding HTTP method, and --json vs. --form. """ from io import BytesIO from httpie.client import JSON_ACCEPT from .utils import MockEnvironment, http, HTTP_OK from .fixtures import FILE_PATH def test_default_headers_case_insensitive(httpbin): """ <https://github.com/httpie/httpie/issues/644> """ r = http( '--debug', '--print=H', httpbin.url + '/post', 'CONTENT-TYPE:application/json-patch+json', 'a=b', ) assert 'CONTENT-TYPE: application/json-patch+json' in r assert 'Content-Type' not in r # noinspection PyPep8Naming class TestImplicitHTTPMethod: def test_implicit_GET(self, httpbin): r = http(httpbin.url + '/get') assert HTTP_OK in r def test_implicit_GET_with_headers(self, httpbin): r = http(httpbin.url + '/headers', 'Foo:bar') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['headers']['Foo'] == 'bar' def test_implicit_POST_json(self, httpbin): r = http(httpbin.url + '/post', 'hello=world') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['json'] == {'hello': 'world'} def test_implicit_POST_form(self, httpbin): r = http('--form', httpbin.url + '/post', 'foo=bar') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['form'] == {'foo': 'bar'} def test_implicit_POST_raw(self, httpbin): r = http('--raw', 'foo bar', httpbin.url + '/post') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['data'] == 'foo bar' def test_implicit_POST_stdin(self, httpbin): env = MockEnvironment( stdin_isatty=False, stdin=BytesIO(FILE_PATH.read_bytes()) ) r = http('--form', httpbin.url + '/post', env=env) assert HTTP_OK in r class TestAutoContentTypeAndAcceptHeaders: """ Test that `Accept` and `Content-Type` correctly default to JSON, but can still be overridden. The same with Content-Type when `--form` `-f` is used. """ def test_GET_no_data_no_auto_headers(self, httpbin): # https://github.com/httpie/httpie/issues/62 r = http('GET', httpbin.url + '/headers') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['headers']['Accept'] == '*/*' assert 'Content-Type' not in r.json['headers'] def test_POST_no_data_no_auto_headers(self, httpbin): # JSON headers shouldn't be automatically set for POST with no data. r = http('POST', httpbin.url + '/post') assert HTTP_OK in r assert '"Accept": "*/*"' in r assert '"Content-Type": "application/json' not in r def test_POST_with_data_auto_JSON_headers(self, httpbin): r = http('POST', httpbin.url + '/post', 'a=b') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['headers']['Accept'] == JSON_ACCEPT assert r.json['headers']['Content-Type'] == 'application/json' def test_GET_with_data_auto_JSON_headers(self, httpbin): # JSON headers should automatically be set also for GET with data. r = http('POST', httpbin.url + '/post', 'a=b') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['headers']['Accept'] == JSON_ACCEPT assert r.json['headers']['Content-Type'] == 'application/json' def test_POST_explicit_JSON_JSON_ACCEPT(self, httpbin): r = http('--json', 'POST', httpbin.url + '/post') assert HTTP_OK in r assert r.json['headers']['Accept'] == JSON_ACCEPT # Make sure Content-Type gets set even with no data. # https://github.com/httpie/httpie/issues/137 assert 'application/json' in r.json['headers']['Content-Type'] def test_GET_explicit_JSON_explicit_headers(self, httpbin): r = http('--json', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/headers', 'Accept:application/xml', 'Content-Type:application/xml') assert HTTP_OK in r assert '"Accept": "application/xml"' in r assert '"Content-Type": "application/xml"' in r def test_POST_form_auto_Content_Type(self, httpbin): r = http('--form', 'POST', httpbin.url + '/post') assert HTTP_OK in r assert '"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded' in r def test_POST_form_Content_Type_override(self, httpbin): r = http('--form', 'POST', httpbin.url + '/post', 'Content-Type:application/xml') assert HTTP_OK in r assert '"Content-Type": "application/xml"' in r def test_print_only_body_when_stdout_redirected_by_default(self, httpbin): env = MockEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False) r = http('GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env) assert 'HTTP/' not in r def test_print_overridable_when_stdout_redirected(self, httpbin): env = MockEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False) r = http('--print=h', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env) assert HTTP_OK in r