# HTTPie on AOSC OS Welcome to the documentation about **packaging HTTPie for AOSC OS**. - If you do not know HTTPie, have a look [here](https://httpie.io/cli). - If you are looking for technical information about the HTTPie packaging on AOSC OS, then you are in a good place. ## About This document contains technical details, where we describe how to create a patch for the latest HTTPie version for AOSC OS. We will discuss setting up the environment, installing development tools, installing and testing changes before submitting a patch downstream. ## Overall process Open a pull request to update the [downstream file](https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/aosc-os-abbs/blob/stable/extra-web/httpie/spec) ([example](https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/aosc-os-abbs/commit/d0d3ba0bcea347387bb582a1b0b1b4e518720c80)). Notes: - The commit message must be `httpie: update to XXX`. - The commit must be signed-off (`git commit -s`). ## Hacking :construction: Work in progress.