#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf8 """ Many of the test cases here use httpbin.org. To make it run faster and offline you can:: # Install `httpbin` locally pip install git+https://github.com/kennethreitz/httpbin.git # Run it httpbin # Run the tests against it HTTPBIN_URL=http://localhost:5000 python setup.py test # Test all Python environments HTTPBIN_URL=http://localhost:5000 tox """ from functools import partial import subprocess import os import sys import json import argparse import tempfile import unittest import shutil from requests.compat import urlparse try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen try: from unittest import skipIf, skip except ImportError: skip = lambda msg: lambda self: None def skipIf(cond, reason): def decorator(test_method): if cond: return lambda self: None return test_method return decorator from requests import __version__ as requests_version from requests.compat import is_windows, is_py26, bytes, str ################################################################# # Utils/setup ################################################################# # HACK: Prepend ../ to PYTHONPATH so that we can import httpie form there. TESTS_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, '..'))) from httpie import exit from httpie import input from httpie.models import Environment from httpie.core import main from httpie.output import BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE from httpie.input import ParseError CRLF = '\r\n' HTTPBIN_URL = os.environ.get('HTTPBIN_URL', 'http://httpbin.org').rstrip('/') OK = 'HTTP/1.1 200' OK_COLOR = ( 'HTTP\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m/\x1b[39m\x1b' '[38;5;37m1.1\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m \x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;37m200' '\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m \x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;136mOK' ) COLOR = '\x1b[' def patharg(path): """Back slashes need to be escaped in ITEM args, even in Windows paths.""" return path.replace('\\', '\\\\\\') # Test files FILE_PATH = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'fixtures', 'file.txt') FILE2_PATH = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'fixtures', 'file2.txt') BIN_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, 'fixtures', 'file.bin') FILE_PATH_ARG = patharg(FILE_PATH) FILE2_PATH_ARG = patharg(FILE2_PATH) BIN_FILE_PATH_ARG = patharg(BIN_FILE_PATH) with open(FILE_PATH) as f: FILE_CONTENT = f.read().strip() with open(BIN_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as f: BIN_FILE_CONTENT = f.read() def httpbin(path): return HTTPBIN_URL + path def mk_config_dir(): return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='httpie_test_config_dir_') class TestEnvironment(Environment): colors = 0 stdin_isatty = True, stdout_isatty = True is_windows = False _shutil = shutil # we need it in __del__ (would get gc'd) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'stdout' not in kwargs: kwargs['stdout'] = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') if 'stderr' not in kwargs: kwargs['stderr'] = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+t') self.delete_config_dir = False if 'config_dir' not in kwargs: kwargs['config_dir'] = mk_config_dir() self.delete_config_dir = True super(TestEnvironment, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __del__(self): if self.delete_config_dir: self._shutil.rmtree(self.config_dir) def has_docutils(): try: #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import docutils return True except ImportError: return False def get_readme_errors(): p = subprocess.Popen([ 'rst2pseudoxml.py', '--report=1', '--exit-status=1', os.path.join(TESTS_ROOT, '..', 'README.rst') ], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) err = p.communicate()[1] if p.returncode: return err class BytesResponse(bytes): stderr = json = exit_status = None class StrResponse(str): stderr = json = exit_status = None def http(*args, **kwargs): """ Invoke `httpie.core.main()` with `args` and `kwargs`, and return a unicode response. Return a `StrResponse`, or `BytesResponse` if unable to decode the output. The response has the following attributes: `stderr`: text written to stderr `exit_status`: the exit status `json`: decoded JSON (if possible) or `None` Exceptions are propagated except for SystemExit. """ env = kwargs.get('env') if not env: env = kwargs['env'] = TestEnvironment() try: try: exit_status = main(args=['--traceback'] + list(args), **kwargs) except Exception: sys.stderr.write(env.stderr.read()) raise except SystemExit: exit_status = exit.ERROR env.stdout.seek(0) env.stderr.seek(0) output = env.stdout.read() try: r = StrResponse(output.decode('utf8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: r = BytesResponse(output) else: if COLOR not in r: # De-serialize JSON body if possible. if r.strip().startswith('{'): #noinspection PyTypeChecker r.json = json.loads(r) elif r.count('Content-Type:') == 1 and 'application/json' in r: try: j = r.strip()[r.strip().rindex('\r\n\r\n'):] except ValueError: pass else: try: r.json = json.loads(j) except ValueError: pass r.stderr = env.stderr.read() r.exit_status = exit_status return r finally: env.stdout.close() env.stderr.close() class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): if is_py26: def assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None): self.assertTrue(member in container, msg) def assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None): self.assertTrue(member not in container, msg) def assertDictEqual(self, d1, d2, msg=None): self.assertEqual(set(d1.keys()), set(d2.keys()), msg) self.assertEqual(sorted(d1.values()), sorted(d2.values()), msg) ################################################################# # High-level tests using httpbin. ################################################################# class HTTPieTest(BaseTestCase): def test_GET(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) def test_DELETE(self): r = http( 'DELETE', httpbin('/delete') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) def test_PUT(self): r = http( 'PUT', httpbin('/put'), 'foo=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"foo": "bar"', r) def test_POST_JSON_data(self): r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"foo": "bar"', r) def test_POST_form(self): r = http( '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"foo": "bar"', r) def test_POST_form_multiple_values(self): r = http( '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar', 'foo=baz', ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertDictEqual(r.json['form'], { 'foo': ['bar', 'baz'] }) def test_POST_stdin(self): with open(FILE_PATH) as f: env = TestEnvironment( stdin=f, stdin_isatty=False, ) r = http( '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), env=env ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn(FILE_CONTENT, r) def test_headers(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/headers'), 'Foo:bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"User-Agent": "HTTPie', r) self.assertIn('"Foo": "bar"', r) class QuerystringTest(BaseTestCase): def test_query_string_params_in_url(self): r = http( '--print=Hhb', 'GET', httpbin('/get?a=1&b=2') ) path = '/get?a=1&b=2' url = httpbin(path) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('GET %s HTTP/1.1' % path, r) self.assertIn('"url": "%s"' % url, r) def test_query_string_params_items(self): r = http( '--print=Hhb', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), 'a==1', 'b==2' ) path = '/get?a=1&b=2' url = httpbin(path) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('GET %s HTTP/1.1' % path, r) self.assertIn('"url": "%s"' % url, r) def test_query_string_params_in_url_and_items_with_duplicates(self): r = http( '--print=Hhb', 'GET', httpbin('/get?a=1&a=1'), 'a==1', 'a==1', 'b==2', ) path = '/get?a=1&a=1&a=1&a=1&b=2' url = httpbin(path) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('GET %s HTTP/1.1' % path, r) self.assertIn('"url": "%s"' % url, r) class AutoContentTypeAndAcceptHeadersTest(BaseTestCase): """ Test that Accept and Content-Type correctly defaults to JSON, but can still be overridden. The same with Content-Type when --form -f is used. """ def test_GET_no_data_no_auto_headers(self): # https://github.com/jkbr/httpie/issues/62 r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/headers') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Accept": "*/*"', r) self.assertNotIn('"Content-Type": "application/json', r) def test_POST_no_data_no_auto_headers(self): # JSON headers shouldn't be automatically set for POST with no data. r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Accept": "*/*"', r) self.assertNotIn('"Content-Type": "application/json', r) def test_POST_with_data_auto_JSON_headers(self): r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'a=b' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Accept": "application/json"', r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8', r) def test_GET_with_data_auto_JSON_headers(self): # JSON headers should automatically be set also for GET with data. r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'a=b' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Accept": "application/json"', r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8', r) def test_POST_explicit_JSON_auto_JSON_accept(self): r = http( '--json', 'POST', httpbin('/post') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertEqual(r.json['headers']['Accept'], 'application/json') self.assertFalse(r.json['headers'].get('Content-Type')) def test_GET_explicit_JSON_explicit_headers(self): r = http( '--json', 'GET', httpbin('/headers'), 'Accept:application/xml', 'Content-Type:application/xml' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Accept": "application/xml"', r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "application/xml"', r) def test_POST_form_auto_Content_Type(self): r = http( '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn( '"Content-Type":' ' "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"', r ) def test_POST_form_Content_Type_override(self): r = http( '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'Content-Type:application/xml' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "application/xml"', r) def test_print_only_body_when_stdout_redirected_by_default(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment( stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False ) ) self.assertNotIn('HTTP/', r) def test_print_overridable_when_stdout_redirected(self): r = http( '--print=h', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment( stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False ) ) self.assertIn(OK, r) class ImplicitHTTPMethodTest(BaseTestCase): def test_implicit_GET(self): r = http(httpbin('/get')) self.assertIn(OK, r) def test_implicit_GET_with_headers(self): r = http( httpbin('/headers'), 'Foo:bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"Foo": "bar"', r) def test_implicit_POST_json(self): r = http( httpbin('/post'), 'hello=world' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"hello": "world"', r) def test_implicit_POST_form(self): r = http( '--form', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"foo": "bar"', r) def test_implicit_POST_stdin(self): with open(FILE_PATH) as f: env = TestEnvironment( stdin_isatty=False, stdin=f, ) r = http( '--form', httpbin('/post'), env=env ) self.assertIn(OK, r) class PrettyOptionsTest(BaseTestCase): """Test the --pretty flag handling.""" def test_pretty_enabled_by_default(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment(colors=256), ) self.assertIn(COLOR, r) def test_pretty_enabled_by_default_unless_stdout_redirected(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self.assertNotIn(COLOR, r) def test_force_pretty(self): r = http( '--pretty=all', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment(stdout_isatty=False, colors=256), ) self.assertIn(COLOR, r) def test_force_ugly(self): r = http( '--pretty=none', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), ) self.assertNotIn(COLOR, r) def test_subtype_based_pygments_lexer_match(self): """Test that media subtype is used if type/subtype doesn't match any lexer. """ r = http( '--print=B', '--pretty=all', httpbin('/post'), 'Content-Type:text/foo+json', 'a=b', env=TestEnvironment(colors=256) ) self.assertIn(COLOR, r) def test_colors_option(self): r = http( '--print=B', '--pretty=colors', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), 'a=b', env=TestEnvironment(colors=256), ) #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences # Tests that the JSON data isn't formatted. self.assertEqual(r.strip().count('\n'), 0) self.assertIn(COLOR, r) def test_format_option(self): r = http( '--print=B', '--pretty=format', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), 'a=b', env=TestEnvironment(colors=256), ) #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences # Tests that the JSON data is formatted. self.assertEqual(r.strip().count('\n'), 2) self.assertNotIn(COLOR, r) class VerboseFlagTest(BaseTestCase): def test_verbose(self): r = http( '--verbose', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), 'test-header:__test__' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.assertEqual(r.count('__test__'), 2) def test_verbose_form(self): # https://github.com/jkbr/httpie/issues/53 r = http( '--verbose', '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar', 'baz=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('foo=bar&baz=bar', r) def test_verbose_json(self): r = http( '--verbose', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo=bar', 'baz=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.assertEqual(r.count('"baz": "bar"'), 2) class MultipartFormDataFileUploadTest(BaseTestCase): def test_non_existent_file_raises_parse_error(self): self.assertRaises(ParseError, http, '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'foo@/__does_not_exist__', ) def test_upload_ok(self): r = http( '--form', '--verbose', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'test-file@%s' % FILE_PATH_ARG, 'foo=bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"', r) self.assertIn('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="test-file";' ' filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(FILE_PATH), r) #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.assertEqual(r.count(FILE_CONTENT), 2) self.assertIn('"foo": "bar"', r) class BinaryRequestDataTest(BaseTestCase): def test_binary_stdin(self): with open(BIN_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as stdin: env = TestEnvironment( stdin=stdin, stdin_isatty=False, stdout_isatty=False ) r = http( '--print=B', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), env=env, ) self.assertEqual(r, BIN_FILE_CONTENT) def test_binary_file_path(self): env = TestEnvironment( stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False ) r = http( '--print=B', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), '@' + BIN_FILE_PATH_ARG, env=env, ) self.assertEqual(r, BIN_FILE_CONTENT) def test_binary_file_form(self): env = TestEnvironment( stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False ) r = http( '--print=B', '--form', 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'test@' + BIN_FILE_PATH_ARG, env=env, ) self.assertIn(bytes(BIN_FILE_CONTENT), bytes(r)) class BinaryResponseDataTest(BaseTestCase): url = 'http://www.google.com/favicon.ico' @property def bindata(self): if not hasattr(self, '_bindata'): self._bindata = urlopen(self.url).read() return self._bindata def test_binary_suppresses_when_terminal(self): r = http( 'GET', self.url ) self.assertIn(BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode(), r) def test_binary_suppresses_when_not_terminal_but_pretty(self): r = http( '--pretty=all', 'GET', self.url, env=TestEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False) ) self.assertIn(BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode(), r) def test_binary_included_and_correct_when_suitable(self): r = http( 'GET', self.url, env=TestEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=False) ) self.assertEqual(r, self.bindata) class RequestBodyFromFilePathTest(BaseTestCase): """ `http URL @file' """ def test_request_body_from_file_by_path(self): r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), '@' + FILE_PATH_ARG ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn(FILE_CONTENT, r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "text/plain"', r) def test_request_body_from_file_by_path_with_explicit_content_type(self): r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), '@' + FILE_PATH_ARG, 'Content-Type:x-foo/bar' ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn(FILE_CONTENT, r) self.assertIn('"Content-Type": "x-foo/bar"', r) def test_request_body_from_file_by_path_no_field_name_allowed(self): env = TestEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True) r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), 'field-name@' + FILE_PATH_ARG, env=env ) self.assertIn('perhaps you meant --form?', r.stderr) def test_request_body_from_file_by_path_no_data_items_allowed(self): r = http( 'POST', httpbin('/post'), '@' + FILE_PATH_ARG, 'foo=bar', env=TestEnvironment(stdin_isatty=False) ) self.assertIn('cannot be mixed', r.stderr) class AuthTest(BaseTestCase): def test_basic_auth(self): r = http( '--auth=user:password', 'GET', httpbin('/basic-auth/user/password') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"authenticated": true', r) self.assertIn('"user": "user"', r) @skipIf(requests_version == '0.13.6', 'Redirects with prefetch=False are broken in Requests 0.13.6') def test_digest_auth(self): r = http( '--auth-type=digest', '--auth=user:password', 'GET', httpbin('/digest-auth/auth/user/password') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"authenticated": true', r) self.assertIn('"user": "user"', r) def test_password_prompt(self): input.AuthCredentials._getpass = lambda self, prompt: 'password' r = http( '--auth', 'user', 'GET', httpbin('/basic-auth/user/password') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertIn('"authenticated": true', r) self.assertIn('"user": "user"', r) class ExitStatusTest(BaseTestCase): def test_ok_response_exits_0(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/status/200') ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.OK) def test_error_response_exits_0_without_check_status(self): r = http( 'GET', httpbin('/status/500') ) self.assertIn('HTTP/1.1 500', r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.OK) self.assertTrue(not r.stderr) def test_timeout_exit_status(self): r = http( '--timeout=0.5', 'GET', httpbin('/delay/1') ) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.ERROR_TIMEOUT) def test_3xx_check_status_exits_3_and_stderr_when_stdout_redirected(self): r = http( '--check-status', '--headers', # non-terminal, force headers 'GET', httpbin('/status/301'), env=TestEnvironment(stdout_isatty=False,) ) self.assertIn('HTTP/1.1 301', r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.ERROR_HTTP_3XX) self.assertIn('301 moved permanently', r.stderr.lower()) @skipIf(requests_version == '0.13.6', 'Redirects with prefetch=False are broken in Requests 0.13.6') def test_3xx_check_status_redirects_allowed_exits_0(self): r = http( '--check-status', '--follow', 'GET', httpbin('/status/301') ) # The redirect will be followed so 200 is expected. self.assertIn('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.OK) def test_4xx_check_status_exits_4(self): r = http( '--check-status', 'GET', httpbin('/status/401') ) self.assertIn('HTTP/1.1 401', r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.ERROR_HTTP_4XX) # Also stderr should be empty since stdout isn't redirected. self.assertTrue(not r.stderr) def test_5xx_check_status_exits_5(self): r = http( '--check-status', 'GET', httpbin('/status/500') ) self.assertIn('HTTP/1.1 500', r) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status, exit.ERROR_HTTP_5XX) class WindowsOnlyTests(BaseTestCase): @skip('FIXME: kills the runner') #@skipIf(not is_windows, 'windows-only') def test_windows_colorized_output(self): # Spits out the colorized output. http(httpbin('/get'), env=Environment()) class FakeWindowsTest(BaseTestCase): def test_output_file_pretty_not_allowed_on_windows(self): r = http( '--output', os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '__httpie_test_output__'), '--pretty=all', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment(is_windows=True) ) self.assertIn( 'Only terminal output can be colorized on Windows', r.stderr) class StreamTest(BaseTestCase): # GET because httpbin 500s with binary POST body. @skipIf(is_windows, 'Pretty redirect not supported under Windows') def test_pretty_redirected_stream(self): """Test that --stream works with prettified redirected output.""" with open(BIN_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as f: r = http( '--verbose', '--pretty=all', '--stream', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment( colors=256, stdin=f, stdin_isatty=False, stdout_isatty=False, ) ) self.assertIn(BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode(), r) # We get 'Bad Request' but it's okay. #self.assertIn(OK_COLOR, r) def test_encoded_stream(self): """Test that --stream works with non-prettified redirected terminal output.""" with open(BIN_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as f: r = http( '--pretty=none', '--stream', '--verbose', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment( stdin=f, stdin_isatty=False ), ) self.assertIn(BINARY_SUPPRESSED_NOTICE.decode(), r) # We get 'Bad Request' but it's okay. #self.assertIn(OK, r) def test_redirected_stream(self): """Test that --stream works with non-prettified redirected terminal output.""" with open(BIN_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as f: r = http( '--pretty=none', '--stream', '--verbose', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=TestEnvironment( stdout_isatty=False, stdin=f, stdin_isatty=False ) ) # We get 'Bad Request' but it's okay. #self.assertIn(OK.encode(), r) self.assertIn(BIN_FILE_CONTENT, r) class LineEndingsTest(BaseTestCase): """Test that CRLF is properly used in headers and as the headers/body separator.""" def _validate_crlf(self, msg): #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences lines = iter(msg.splitlines(True)) for header in lines: if header == CRLF: break self.assertTrue(header.endswith(CRLF), repr(header)) else: self.fail('CRLF between headers and body not found in %r' % msg) body = ''.join(lines) self.assertNotIn(CRLF, body) return body def test_CRLF_headers_only(self): r = http( '--headers', 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) body = self._validate_crlf(r) self.assertFalse(body, 'Garbage after headers: %r' % r) def test_CRLF_ugly_response(self): r = http( '--pretty=none', 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self._validate_crlf(r) def test_CRLF_formatted_response(self): r = http( '--pretty=format', 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self.assertEqual(r.exit_status,0) self._validate_crlf(r) def test_CRLF_ugly_request(self): r = http( '--pretty=none', '--print=HB', 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self._validate_crlf(r) def test_CRLF_formatted_request(self): r = http( '--pretty=format', '--print=HB', 'GET', httpbin('/get') ) self._validate_crlf(r) ################################################################# # CLI argument parsing related tests. ################################################################# class ItemParsingTest(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): self.key_value_type = input.KeyValueArgType( input.SEP_HEADERS, input.SEP_QUERY, input.SEP_DATA, input.SEP_DATA_RAW_JSON, input.SEP_FILES, ) def test_invalid_items(self): items = ['no-separator'] for item in items: self.assertRaises(argparse.ArgumentTypeError, lambda: self.key_value_type(item)) def test_escape(self): headers, data, files, params = input.parse_items([ # headers self.key_value_type('foo\\:bar:baz'), self.key_value_type('jack\\@jill:hill'), # data self.key_value_type('baz\\=bar=foo'), # files self.key_value_type('bar\\@baz@%s' % FILE_PATH_ARG) ]) self.assertDictEqual(headers, { 'foo:bar': 'baz', 'jack@jill': 'hill', }) self.assertDictEqual(data, { 'baz=bar': 'foo', }) self.assertIn('bar@baz', files) def test_escape_longsep(self): headers, data, files, params = input.parse_items([ self.key_value_type('bob\\:==foo'), ]) self.assertDictEqual(params, { 'bob:': 'foo', }) def test_valid_items(self): headers, data, files, params = input.parse_items([ self.key_value_type('string=value'), self.key_value_type('header:value'), self.key_value_type('list:=["a", 1, {}, false]'), self.key_value_type('obj:={"a": "b"}'), self.key_value_type('eh:'), self.key_value_type('ed='), self.key_value_type('bool:=true'), self.key_value_type('test-file@%s' % FILE_PATH_ARG), self.key_value_type('query==value'), ]) self.assertDictEqual(headers, { 'header': 'value', 'eh': '' }) self.assertDictEqual(data, { "ed": "", "string": "value", "bool": True, "list": ["a", 1, {}, False], "obj": {"a": "b"}, }) self.assertDictEqual(params, { 'query': 'value', }) self.assertIn('test-file', files) class ArgumentParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.parser = input.Parser() def test_guess_when_method_set_and_valid(self): args = argparse.Namespace() args.method = 'GET' args.url = 'http://example.com/' args.items = [] self.parser._guess_method(args, TestEnvironment()) self.assertEqual(args.method, 'GET') self.assertEqual(args.url, 'http://example.com/') self.assertEqual(args.items, []) def test_guess_when_method_not_set(self): args = argparse.Namespace() args.method = None args.url = 'http://example.com/' args.items = [] self.parser._guess_method(args, TestEnvironment()) self.assertEqual(args.method, 'GET') self.assertEqual(args.url, 'http://example.com/') self.assertEqual(args.items, []) def test_guess_when_method_set_but_invalid_and_data_field(self): args = argparse.Namespace() args.method = 'http://example.com/' args.url = 'data=field' args.items = [] self.parser._guess_method(args, TestEnvironment()) self.assertEqual(args.method, 'POST') self.assertEqual(args.url, 'http://example.com/') self.assertEqual( args.items, [input.KeyValue( key='data', value='field', sep='=', orig='data=field')]) def test_guess_when_method_set_but_invalid_and_header_field(self): args = argparse.Namespace() args.method = 'http://example.com/' args.url = 'test:header' args.items = [] self.parser._guess_method(args, TestEnvironment()) self.assertEqual(args.method, 'GET') self.assertEqual(args.url, 'http://example.com/') self.assertEqual( args.items, [input.KeyValue( key='test', value='header', sep=':', orig='test:header')]) def test_guess_when_method_set_but_invalid_and_item_exists(self): args = argparse.Namespace() args.method = 'http://example.com/' args.url = 'new_item=a' args.items = [ input.KeyValue( key='old_item', value='b', sep='=', orig='old_item=b') ] self.parser._guess_method(args, TestEnvironment()) self.assertEqual(args.items, [ input.KeyValue( key='new_item', value='a', sep='=', orig='new_item=a'), input.KeyValue(key ='old_item', value='b', sep='=', orig='old_item=b'), ]) class READMETest(BaseTestCase): @skipIf(not has_docutils(), 'docutils not installed') def test_README_reStructuredText_valid(self): errors = get_readme_errors() self.assertFalse(errors, msg=errors) class SessionTest(BaseTestCase): @property def env(self): return TestEnvironment(config_dir=self.config_dir) def setUp(self): # Start a full-blown session with a custom request header, # authorization, and response cookies. self.config_dir = mk_config_dir() r = http( '--follow', '--session=test', '--auth=username:password', 'GET', httpbin('/cookies/set?hello=world'), 'Hello:World', env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.config_dir) def test_session_create(self): # Verify that the session has been created. r = http( '--session=test', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r) self.assertEqual(r.json['headers']['Hello'], 'World') self.assertEqual(r.json['headers']['Cookie'], 'hello=world') self.assertIn('Basic ', r.json['headers']['Authorization']) def test_session_update(self): # Get a response to a request from the original session. r1 = http( '--session=test', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r1) # Make a request modifying the session data. r2 = http( '--follow', '--session=test', '--auth=username:password2', 'GET', httpbin('/cookies/set?hello=world2'), 'Hello:World2', env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r2) # Get a response to a request from the updated session. r3 = http( '--session=test', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r3) self.assertEqual(r3.json['headers']['Hello'], 'World2') self.assertEqual(r3.json['headers']['Cookie'], 'hello=world2') self.assertNotEqual(r1.json['headers']['Authorization'], r3.json['headers']['Authorization']) def test_session_read_only(self): # Get a response from the original session. r1 = http( '--session=test', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r1) # Make a request modifying the session data but # with --session-read-only. r2 = http( '--follow', '--session-read-only=test', '--auth=username:password2', 'GET', httpbin('/cookies/set?hello=world2'), 'Hello:World2', env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r2) # Get a response from the updated session. r3 = http( '--session=test', 'GET', httpbin('/get'), env=self.env ) self.assertIn(OK, r3) # Should be the same as before r2. self.assertDictEqual(r1.json, r3.json) if __name__ == '__main__': #noinspection PyCallingNonCallable unittest.main()