from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Union

from httpie.context import Environment
from httpie.models import HTTPMessage
from httpie.output.processing import Conversion, Formatting

    b'| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |\n'

class BinarySuppressedError(Exception):
    """An error indicating that the body is binary and won't be written,
     e.g., for terminal output)."""


class BaseStream:
    """Base HTTP message output stream class."""

    def __init__(
        msg: HTTPMessage,
        on_body_chunk_downloaded: Callable[[bytes], None] = None
        :param msg: a :class:`models.HTTPMessage` subclass
        :param with_headers: if `True`, headers will be included
        :param with_body: if `True`, body will be included

        assert with_headers or with_body
        self.msg = msg
        self.with_headers = with_headers
        self.with_body = with_body
        self.on_body_chunk_downloaded = on_body_chunk_downloaded

    def get_headers(self) -> bytes:
        """Return the headers' bytes."""
        return self.msg.headers.encode('utf8')

    def iter_body(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        """Return an iterator over the message body."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        """Return an iterator over `self.msg`."""
        if self.with_headers:
            yield self.get_headers()
            yield b'\r\n\r\n'

        if self.with_body:
                for chunk in self.iter_body():
                    yield chunk
                    if self.on_body_chunk_downloaded:
            except BinarySuppressedError as e:
                if self.with_headers:
                    yield b'\n'
                yield e.message

class RawStream(BaseStream):
    """The message is streamed in chunks with no processing."""

    CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 100

    def __init__(self, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, **kwargs):
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size

    def iter_body(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        return self.msg.iter_body(self.chunk_size)

class EncodedStream(BaseStream):
    """Encoded HTTP message stream.

    The message bytes are converted to an encoding suitable for
    `self.env.stdout`. Unicode errors are replaced and binary data
    is suppressed. The body is always streamed by line.

    CHUNK_SIZE = 1

    def __init__(self, env=Environment(), **kwargs):
        if env.stdout_isatty:
            # Use the encoding supported by the terminal.
            output_encoding = env.stdout_encoding
            # Preserve the message encoding.
            output_encoding = self.msg.encoding
        # Default to utf8 when unsure.
        self.output_encoding = output_encoding or 'utf8'

    def iter_body(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        for line, lf in self.msg.iter_lines(self.CHUNK_SIZE):
            if b'\0' in line:
                raise BinarySuppressedError()
            yield line.decode(self.msg.encoding) \
                      .encode(self.output_encoding, 'replace') + lf

class PrettyStream(EncodedStream):
    """In addition to :class:`EncodedStream` behaviour, this stream applies
    content processing.

    Useful for long-lived HTTP responses that stream by lines
    such as the Twitter streaming API.


    CHUNK_SIZE = 1

    def __init__(
        self, conversion: Conversion,
        formatting: Formatting,
        self.formatting = formatting
        self.conversion = conversion
        self.mime = self.msg.content_type.split(';')[0]

    def get_headers(self) -> bytes:
        return self.formatting.format_headers(

    def iter_body(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        first_chunk = True
        iter_lines = self.msg.iter_lines(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
        for line, lf in iter_lines:
            if b'\0' in line:
                if first_chunk:
                    converter = self.conversion.get_converter(self.mime)
                    if converter:
                        body = bytearray()
                        # noinspection PyAssignmentToLoopOrWithParameter
                        for line, lf in chain([(line, lf)], iter_lines):
                        self.mime, body = converter.convert(body)
                        assert isinstance(body, str)
                        yield self.process_body(body)
                raise BinarySuppressedError()
            yield self.process_body(line) + lf
            first_chunk = False

    def process_body(self, chunk: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
        if not isinstance(chunk, str):
            # Text when a converter has been used,
            # otherwise it will always be bytes.
            chunk = chunk.decode(self.msg.encoding, 'replace')
        chunk = self.formatting.format_body(content=chunk, mime=self.mime)
        return chunk.encode(self.output_encoding, 'replace')

class BufferedPrettyStream(PrettyStream):
    """The same as :class:`PrettyStream` except that the body is fully
    fetched before it's processed.

    Suitable regular HTTP responses.


    CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 10

    def iter_body(self) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        # Read the whole body before prettifying it,
        # but bail out immediately if the body is binary.
        converter = None
        body = bytearray()

        for chunk in self.msg.iter_body(self.CHUNK_SIZE):
            if not converter and b'\0' in chunk:
                converter = self.conversion.get_converter(self.mime)
                if not converter:
                    raise BinarySuppressedError()

        if converter:
            self.mime, body = converter.convert(body)

        yield self.process_body(body)