2012-08-18 23:07:36 +02:00

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HTTPie: cURL for Humans
v0.2.8-alpha (`stable version`_)
HTTPie is a **command line HTTP client** whose goal is to make CLI interaction
with web services as **human-friendly** as possible. It provides a
simple ``http`` command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests with a
simple and natural syntax, and displays colorized responses. HTTPie can be used
for **testing, debugging**, and generally **interacting** with HTTP servers.
.. image::
:alt: HTTPie compared to cURL
:width: 835
:height: 835
HTTPie is written in Python, and under the hood it uses the excellent
`Requests`_ for HTTP and `Pygments`_ for colorizing.
**Table of Contents**
.. contents::
:depth: 1
:backlinks: none
Main Features
* Expressive and intuitive syntax
* Formatted and colorized terminal output
* Built-in JSON support
* Forms and file uploads
* HTTPS, proxies, and authentication
* Arbitrary request data
* Custom headers
* Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.x support
* Linux, Mac OS X and Windows support
* Documentation
* Test coverage
The latest **stable version** of HTTPie can always be installed or updated
to via `pip`_ (prefered)
or ``easy_install``:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -U httpie
.. code-block:: bash
$ easy_install httpie
Or, you can install the **development version** directly from GitHub:
.. image::
:alt: Build Status of the master branch
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -U
There are also packages available for `Ubuntu`_, `Debian`_, and possibly other
Linux distributions as well. However, they may be a significant delay between
releases and package updates.
Hello World:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http
.. code-block:: bash
$ http [flags] [METHOD] URL [ITEM [ITEM]]
See also ``http --help``.
Custom `HTTP method`_, `HTTP headers`_ and `JSON`_ data:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http PUT X-API-Token:123 name=John
Submitting `forms`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -f POST hello=World
See the request that is being sent using on of the `output options`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -v
Use `Github API`_ to post a comment on an issue with `authentication`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -a USERNAME POST body='HTTPie is awesome!'
Upload a file using `redirected input`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http < file.json
Download a file and save it via `redirected output`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http > file
*What follows is a detailed documentation. It covers the command syntax,
advances usage, and also features additional examples.*
HTTP Method
The name of the HTTP method comes right before the URL argument:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http DELETE
Which looks similar to the actual ``Request-Line`` that is sent:
.. code-block:: http
DELETE /todos/7 HTTP/1.1
When the ``METHOD`` argument is **omitted** from the command, HTTPie defaults to
either ``GET`` (with no request data) or ``POST`` (with request data).
Request URL
The only information HTTPie needs to perform a request is a URL.
The default scheme is, somewhat unsurprisingly, ``http://``,
and can be omitted from the argument ``http`` works just fine.
If find yourself manually constructing URLs with **querystring parameters**
on the terminal, you may appreciate the ``param==value`` syntax for appending
URL parameters so that you don't have to worry about escaping the ``&``
separators. To search for ``HTTPie`` on Google Images you could use this
.. code-block:: bash
$ http GET search==HTTPie tbm==isch
.. code-block:: http
GET /?search=HTTPie&tbm=isch HTTP/1.1
Request Items
There are five different *request item* types that provide a
convenient mechanism for specifying HTTP headers, simple JSON and
form data, files, and URL parameters.
They are key/value pairs specified after the URL. All have in
common that they become part of the actual request that is sent and that
their type is distinguished only by the separator used:
``:``, ``=``, ``:=``, ``@``, and ``==``.
| Item Type | Description |
| HTTP Headers | Arbitrary HTTP header, e.g. ``X-API-Token:123``. |
| ``Name:Value`` | |
| URL parameters | Appends the given name/value pair as a query |
| ``name==value`` | string parameter to the URL. |
| | The ``==`` separator is used |
| Data Fields | Request data fields to be serialized as a JSON |
| ``field=value`` | object (default), or to be form encoded (``--form`` |
| | / ``-f``). |
| Raw JSON fields | Useful when sending JSON and one or |
| ``field:=json`` | more fields need to be a ``Boolean``, ``Number``, |
| | nested ``Object``, or an ``Array``, e.g., |
| | ``meals:='["ham","spam"]'`` or ``pies:=[1,2,3]`` |
| | (note the quotes). |
| Files | Only available with ``-f`` / ``--form``. |
| ``field@/dir/file`` | For example ``screenshot@~/Pictures/img.png``. |
| | The presence of a file field results |
| | in a ``multipart/form-data`` request. |
You can use ``\`` to escape characters that shouldn't be used as separators
(or parts thereof). e.g., ``foo\==bar`` will become a data key/value
pair (``foo=`` and ``bar``) instead of a URL parameter.
Note that data fields aren't the only way to specify request data,
`redirected input`_ allows passing arbitrary data to be sent with the request.
JSON is the *lingua franca* of modern web services and it is also the
**default content type** HTTPie uses:
If your command includes some data items, they are serialized as a JSON
object by default. HTTPie also automatically sets the following headers,
both of which can be overwritten:
================ =======================================
``Content-Type`` ``application/json; charset=utf-8``
``Accept`` ``application/json``
================ =======================================
You can use ``--json`` / ``-j`` to set ``Accept`` to ``application/json``
regardless of whether you are sending data (it's a shortcut for setting
the header via the usual header notation
``http url Accept:application/json``).
Simple example:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http PUT name=John
.. code-block:: http
PUT / HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, compress, gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.2.7dev
"name": "John",
"email": ""
Non-string fields use the ``:=`` separator, which allows you to embed raw JSON
into the resulting object:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http PUT name=John age:=29 married:=false hobbies:='["http", "pies"]'
.. code-block:: http
PUT /person/1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.2.7dev
"age": 29,
"hobbies": [
"married": false,
"name": "John"
Send JSON data stored in a file (see `redirected input`_ for more examples):
.. code-block:: bash
$ http POST < person.json
Submitting forms is very similar to sending `JSON`_ requests. Often the only
difference is in adding the ``--form`` / ``-f`` option, which ensures that
data fields are serialized as, and ``Content-Type`` is set to,
``application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8``.
Regular Forms
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --form POST name='John Smith'
.. code-block:: http
POST /person/1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.2.7dev
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
File Upload Forms
If one or more file fields is present, the serialization and content type is
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -f POST name='John Smith' cv@~/Documents/cv.pdf
The request above is the same as if the following HTML form were
.. code-block:: html
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="file" name="cv" />
HTTP Headers
To set custom headers you can use the ``Header:Value`` notation:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http User-Agent:Bacon/1.0 Cookie:valued-visitor=yes X-Foo:Bar Referer:
.. code-block:: http
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, compress, gzip
Cookie: valued-visitor=yes
User-Agent: Bacon/1.0
X-Foo: Bar
There are a couple of default headers that HTTPie sets:
.. code-block:: http
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, compress, gzip
User-Agent: HTTPie/<version>
Host: <taken-from-URL>
Any of the default headers can be overwritten.
The currently supported authentication schemes are Basic and Digest (more to
come). There are two flags that control authentication:
=================== ======================================================
``--auth, -a`` Pass a ``username:password`` pair as
the argument. Or, if you only specify a username
(``-a username``), you'll be prompted for
the password before the request is sent.
To send a an empty password, pass ``username:``.
``--auth-type`` Specify the auth mechanism. Possible values are
``basic`` and ``digest``. The default value is
``basic`` so it can often be omitted.
=================== ======================================================
Authorization information from ``.netrc`` is respected as well.
Basic auth:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -a username:password
Digest auth:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --auth-type=digest -a username:password
With password prompt:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -a username
You can specify proxies to be used through the ``--proxy`` argument:
.. code-block:: bash
http --proxy=http: --https:
With Basic authentication:
.. code-block:: bash
http --proxy=http:http://user:pass@
You can also configure proxies by environment variables ``HTTP_PROXY`` and
``HTTPS_PROXY``, and the underlying Requests library will pick them up as well.
If you want to disable proxies configured through the environment variables for
certain hosts, you can specify them in ``NO_PROXY``.
In your ``~/.bash_profile``:
.. code-block:: bash
export HTTP_PROXY=
export NO_PROXY=localhost,
To skip the host's SSL certificate verification, you can pass ``--verify=no``
(default is ``yes``). You can also use ``--verify`` to set a custom CA bundle
path. The path can also be configured via the environment variable
*This is an experimental feature.*
HTTPie supports named sessions, where several options and cookies sent
by the server persist between requests:
.. code-block:: bash
http --session=user1 --auth=user1:password X-Foo:Bar
Now you can always refer to the session by passing ``--session=user1``,
and the credentials, custom headers and cookies will be reused:
.. code-block:: bash
http --session=user1
Note that session cookies respect the cookie domain and path.
Session data are stored in ``~/.httpie/sessions/<name>.json``.
You can view and manipulate existing sessions via the ``httpie`` management
command, see ``httpie --help``.
Output Options
By default, HTTPie outputs the whole response message (headers as well as the
You can control what should be printed via several options:
================= =====================================================
``--headers, -h`` Only the response headers are printed.
``--body, -b`` Only the response body is printed.
``--verbose, -v`` Print the whole HTTP exchange (request and response).
``--print, -p`` Selects parts of the HTTP exchange.
================= =====================================================
``--verbose`` can often be useful for debugging the request and generating
documentation examples:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --verbose PUT hello=world
PUT /put HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, compress, gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.2.7dev
"hello": "world"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 477
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 00:25:23 GMT
Server: gunicorn/0.13.4
All the other options are just a shortcut for ``--print`` / ``-p``.
It accepts a string of characters each of which represents a specific part of
the HTTP exchange:
========== ==================
Character Stands for
========== ==================
``H`` Request headers.
``B`` Request body.
``h`` Response headers.
``b`` Response body.
========== ==================
Print request and response headers:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --print=Hh PUT hello=world
Conditional Body Download
As an optimization, the response body is downloaded from the server
only if it's part of the output. This is similar to performing a ``HEAD``
request, except that it applies to any HTTP method you use.
Let's say that there is an API that returns the whole resource when it is
updated, but you are only interested in the response headers to see the
status code after an update:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --headers PATCH name='New Name'
Since we are only printing the HTTP headers here, the connection to the server
is closed as soon as all the response headers have been received.
Therefore, bandwidth and time isn't wasted downloading the body
which you don't care about.
The response headers are downloaded always, even if they are not part of
the output
Redirected Input
**A universal method for passing request data is through redirected** ``stdin``
(standard input). Such data is buffered and then with no further processing
used as the request body. There are multiple useful ways to use piping:
Redirect from a file:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http PUT X-API-Token:123 < person.json
Or the output of another program:
.. code-block:: bash
$ grep /var/log/httpd/error_log '401 Unauthorized' | http POST
You can use ``echo`` for simple data:
.. code-block:: bash
$ echo '{"name": "John"}' | http PATCH X-API-Token:123
You can even pipe web services together using HTTPie:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http GET | http POST
You can use ``cat`` to enter multiline data on the terminal:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cat | http POST
.. code-block:: bash
$ cat | http POST Content-Type:text/plain
- buy milk
- call parents
On OS X, you can send the contents of the clipboard with ``pbpaste``:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pbpaste | http PUT
Passing data through ``stdin`` cannot be combined with data fields specified
on the command line.
Body Data From a Filename
**An alternative to redirected** ``stdin`` is specifying a filename (as
``@/path/to/file``) whose content is used as if it came from ``stdin``.
It has the advantage that **the** ``Content-Type``
**header is automatically set** to the appropriate value based on the
filename extension. For example, the following request sends the
verbatim contents of that XML file with ``Content-Type: application/xml``:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http PUT @/data/file.xml
Terminal Output
HTTPie does several things by default in order to make its terminal output
easy to read.
Colors and Formatting
Syntax highlighting is applied to HTTP headers and bodies (where it makes
sense). You can choose your prefered color scheme via the ``--style`` option
if you don't like the default one (see ``$ http --help`` for the possible
Also, the following formatting is applied:
* HTTP headers are sorted by name.
* JSON data is indented, sorted by keys, and unicode escapes are converted
to the characters they represent.
One of these options can be used to control output processing:
==================== ========================================================
``--pretty=all`` Apply both colors and formatting.
Default for terminal output.
``--pretty=colors`` Apply colors.
``--pretty=format`` Apply formatting.
``--pretty=none`` Disables output processing.
Default for redirected output.
==================== ========================================================
Binary data
Binary data is suppressed for terminal output, which makes it safe to perform
requests to URLs that send back binary data. Binary data is suppressed also in
redirected, but prettified output. The connection is closed as soon as we know
that the response body is binary,
.. code-block:: bash
You will nearly instantly see something like this:
.. code-block:: http
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: video/quicktime
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |
Redirected Output
HTTPie uses **different defaults** for redirected output than for
`terminal output`_:
* Formatting and colors aren't applied (unless ``--pretty`` is specified).
* Only the response body is printed (unless one of the `output options`_ is set).
* Also, binary data isn't suppressed.
The reason is to make piping HTTPie's output to another programs and
downloading files work with no extra flags. Most of the time, only the raw
response body is of an interest when the output is redirected.
Download a file:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http >
Download an image of Octocat, resize it using ImageMagick, upload it elsewhere:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http | convert - -resize 25% - | http
Force colorizing and formatting, and show both the request and the response in
``less`` pager:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --pretty=all --verbose | less -R
The ``-R`` flag tells ``less`` to interpret color escape sequences included
HTTPie`s output.
Streamed Responses
Responses are downloaded and printed in chunks, which allows for streaming
and large file downloads without using too much RAM. However, when
`colors and formatting`_ is applied, the whole response is buffered and only
then processed at once.
You can use the ``--stream, -S`` flag to make two things happen:
1. The output is flushed in **much smaller chunks** without any buffering,
which makes HTTPie behave kind of like ``tail -f`` for URLs.
2. Streaming becomes enabled even when the output is prettified: It will be
applied to **each line** of the response and flushed immediately. This makes
it possible to have a nice output for long-lived requests, such as one
to the Twitter streaming API.
Prettified streamed response:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http --stream -f -a YOUR-TWITTER-NAME track='Justin Bieber'
Streamed output by small chunks alá ``tail -f``:
.. code-block:: bash
# Send each new tweet (JSON object) mentioning "Apple" to another
# server as soon as it arrives from the Twitter streaming API:
$ http --stream -f -a YOUR-TWITTER-NAME track=Apple \
| while read tweet; do echo "$tweet" | http POST ; done
When using HTTPie from **shell scripts**, it can be handy to set the
``--check-status`` flag. It instructs HTTPie to exit with an error if the
HTTP status is one of ``3xx``, ``4xx``, or ``5xx``. The exit status will
be ``3`` (unless ``--allow-redirects`` is set), ``4``, or ``5``,
respectively. Also, the ``--timeout`` option allows to overwrite the default
30s timeout:
.. code-block:: bash
if http --timeout=2.5 --check-status HEAD &> /dev/null; then
echo 'OK!'
case $? in
2) echo 'Request timed out!' ;;
3) echo 'Unexpected HTTP 3xx Redirection!' ;;
4) echo 'HTTP 4xx Client Error!' ;;
5) echo 'HTTP 5xx Server Error!' ;;
*) echo 'Other Error!' ;;
Interface Design
The syntax of the command arguments closely corresponds to the actual HTTP
requests sent over the wire. It has the advantage that it's easy to remember
and read. It is often possible to translate an HTTP request to an HTTPie
argument list just by inlining the request elements. For example, compare this
HTTP request:
.. code-block:: http
POST /collection HTTP/1.1
X-API-Key: 123
User-Agent: Bacon/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
with the HTTPie command that sends it:
.. code-block:: bash
$ http -f POST \
X-API-Key:123 \
User-Agent:Bacon/1.0 \
name=value \
Notice that both the order of elements and the syntax is very similar,
and that only a small portion of the command is used to control HTTPie and
doesn't directly correspond to any part of the request (here it's only ``-f``
asking HTTPie to send a form request).
The two modes, ``--pretty=all`` (default for terminal) and ``--pretty=none``
(default for redirected output), allow for both user-friendly interactive use
and usage from scripts, where HTTPie serves as a generic HTTP client.
As HTTPie is still under heavy development, the existing command line
syntax and some of the ``--OPTIONS`` may change slightly before
HTTPie reaches its final version ``1.0``. All changes are recorded in the
Bug reports and code and documentation patches are greatly appretiated. You can
also help by using the development version of HTTPie and reporting any bugs you
might encounter.
Before working on a new feature or a bug, please browse the `existing issues`_
to see whether it has been previously discussed. If the change in question
is a bigger one, it's always good to discuss before your starting working on
Then fork and clone `the repository`_.
It's very useful to point the ``http`` command to your local branch during
development. To do so, install HTTPie with ``pip`` in editable mode:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --editable .
Please run the existing suite of tests before a pull request is submitted:
.. code-block:: bash
python test
`Tox`_ can also be used to conveniently run tests in all of the
`supported Python environments`_:
.. code-block:: bash
# Install tox
pip install tox
# Run tests
Don't forget to add yourself to `AUTHORS.rst`_.
`Jakub Roztocil`_ (`@jakubroztocil`_) created HTTPie and `these fine people`_
have contributed.
Please see `LICENSE`_.
*You can click a version name to see a diff with the previous one.*
* `0.2.8-alpha`_
* Added persistent session support.
* Improved the usability of ``http --help``.
* Fixed installation on Windows with Python 3.
* Fixed colorized output on Windows with Python 3.
* CRLF HTTP header field separation in the output.
* Added exit status code ``2`` for timed-out requests.
* Added the option to separate colorizing and formatting
(``--pretty=all``, ``--pretty=colors`` and ``--pretty=format``).
``--ugly`` has bee removed in favor of ``--pretty=none``.
* `0.2.7`_ (2012-08-07)
* Compatibility with Requests 0.13.6.
* Streamed terminal output. ``--stream`` / ``-S`` can be used to enable
streaming also with ``--pretty`` and to ensure a more frequent output
* Support for efficient large file downloads.
* Sort headers by name (unless ``--pretty=none``).
* Response body is fetched only when needed (e.g., not with ``--headers``).
* Improved content type matching.
* Updated Solarized color scheme.
* Windows: Added ``--output FILE`` to store output into a file
(piping results in corrupted data on Windows).
* Proper handling of binary requests and responses.
* Fixed printing of ``multipart/form-data`` requests.
* Renamed ``--traceback`` to ``--debug``.
* `0.2.6`_ (2012-07-26)
* The short option for ``--headers`` is now ``-h`` (``-t`` has been
removed, for usage use ``--help``).
* Form data and URL parameters can have multiple fields with the same name
(e.g.,``http -f url a=1 a=2``).
* Added ``--check-status`` to exit with an error on HTTP 3xx, 4xx and
5xx (3, 4, and 5, respectively).
* If the output is piped to another program or redirected to a file,
the default behaviour is to only print the response body.
(It can still be overwritten via the ``--print`` flag.)
* Improved highlighting of HTTP headers.
* Added query string parameters (``param==value``).
* Added support for terminal colors under Windows.
* `0.2.5`_ (2012-07-17)
* Unicode characters in prettified JSON now don't get escaped for
improved readability.
* --auth now prompts for a password if only a username provided.
* Added support for request payloads from a file path with automatic
``Content-Type`` (``http URL @/path``).
* Fixed missing query string when displaying the request headers via
* Fixed Content-Type for requests with no data.
* `0.2.2`_ (2012-06-24)
* The ``METHOD`` positional argument can now be omitted (defaults to
``GET``, or to ``POST`` with data).
* Fixed --verbose --form.
* Added support for `Tox`_.
* `0.2.1`_ (2012-06-13)
* Added compatibility with ``requests-0.12.1``.
* Dropped custom JSON and HTTP lexers in favor of the ones newly included
in ``pygments-1.5``.
* `0.2.0`_ (2012-04-25)
* Added Python 3 support.
* Added the ability to print the HTTP request as well as the response
(see ``--print`` and ``--verbose``).
* Added support for Digest authentication.
* Added file upload support
(``http -f POST file_field_name@/path/to/file``).
* Improved syntax highlighting for JSON.
* Added support for field name escaping.
* Many bug fixes.
* `0.1.6`_ (2012-03-04)
.. _Requests:
.. _Pygments:
.. _pip:
.. _Tox:
.. _Github API:
.. _supported Python environments:
.. _Ubuntu:
.. _Debian:
.. _the repository:
.. _these fine people:
.. _Jakub Roztocil:
.. _@jakubroztocil:
.. _existing issues:
.. _0.1.6:
.. _0.2.0:
.. _0.2.1:
.. _0.2.2:
.. _0.2.5:
.. _0.2.6:
.. _0.2.7:
.. _0.2.8-alpha:
.. _stable version:
.. _AUTHORS.rst: