Mickaël Schoentgen 9dda23a322
Add Chocolatey packaging information (#1172)
* Add Chocolatey packaging information

* Fix working directory

* Fix Python dependency

* Update icon URL

* Fix local installation

* Simplify links

* Remove the workflow, it adds no real value and th etime to fix is is not worth
2021-10-07 13:53:11 +02:00

7 lines
391 B

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
$nuspecPath = "$(Join-Path (Split-Path -parent $toolsDir) ($env:ChocolateyPackageName + ".nuspec"))"
[XML]$nuspec = Get-Content $nuspecPath
$pipVersion = $nuspec.package.metadata.version
py -m pip install "$($env:ChocolateyPackageName)==$($pipVersion)" --disable-pip-version-check