includeNixpkgs = lib.mkOption { description = "»nixpkgs« to include in the system build."; type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.package; default = null; };
environment.etc."machine-id".text = (builtins.substring 0 32 (builtins.hashString "sha256" "${config.networking.hostName}:machine-id")); # this works, but it "should be considered "confidential", and must not be exposed in untrusted environments" (not sure _why_ though)
}) ({
# Robustness/debugging:
boot.kernelParams = [ "panic=10" "boot.panic_on_fail" ]; # Reboot on kernel panic, panic if boot fails.
# might additionally want to do this:
systemd.extraConfig = "StatusUnitFormat=name"; # Show unit names instead of descriptions during boot.
# The non-interactive version of bash does not remove »\[« and »\]« from PS1. Seems to work just fine without those. So make the prompt pretty (and informative):
programs.bash.promptInit = ''
# Provide a nice prompt if the terminal supports it.
if [ "''${TERM:-}" != "dumb" ] ; then
if [[ "$UID" == '0' ]] ; then if [[ ! "''${SUDO_USER:-}" ]] ; then # direct root: red username + green hostname