(re-)move generic-arg-*, more concise default.nix

This commit is contained in:
Niklas Gollenstede 2023-12-04 19:30:01 +01:00
parent 9e02cd5952
commit 6f44532be5
11 changed files with 14 additions and 78 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
dirname: inputs@{ nixpkgs, functions, ...}: let
categories = functions.lib.importAll inputs dirname;
self = (builtins.foldl' (a: b: a // (if builtins.isAttrs b then b else { })) { } (builtins.attrValues (builtins.removeAttrs categories [ "setup-scripts" ]))) // categories;
in self // { __internal__ = nixpkgs.lib // { self = self; fun = functions.lib; }; }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importLib inputs dirname { rename = {
functions = "fun";
}; noSpread = [ "setup-scripts" ]; }

View File

@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ in rec {
# provide installer tools (not necessarily for system.pkgs.config.hostPlatform)
hostPath=$PATH ; PATH=${lib.makeBinPath tools}
${extractBashFunction (builtins.readFile setup-scripts.utils) "generic-arg-parse"}
source ${inputs.functions.lib.bash.generic-arg-parse}
set -o pipefail -o nounset # (do not rely on errexit)
generic-arg-parse "$@" || exit
@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ in rec {
declare-flag '*' trace "" "Turn on bash's »errtrace« option before running »COMMAND«."
declare-flag '*' quiet "" "Try to suppress all non-error output. May also swallow some error related output."
declare -g -A allowedCommands=( ) ; function declare-command { allowedCommands[$@]=$(< /dev/stdin) ; }
source ${inputs.functions.lib.bash.generic-arg-verify}
source ${inputs.functions.lib.bash.generic-arg-help}
source ${inputs.functions.lib.bash.prepend_trap}
${system.config.${installer}.build.scripts { native = pkgs; }}
if [[ ''${args[help]:-} ]] ; then (
functionDoc= ; while IFS= read -u3 -r name ; do

View File

@ -3,72 +3,6 @@
# Utilities
## Performs a simple and generic parsing of CLI arguments. Creates a global associative array »args« and a global normal array »argv«.
# Named options may be passed as »--name[=value]«, where »value« defaults to »1«, and are assigned to »args«.
# Everything else, or everything following the »--« argument, ends up as positional arguments in »argv«.
# Checking the validity of the parsed arguments is up to the caller.
function generic-arg-parse { # ...
declare -g -A args=( ) ; declare -g -a argv=( ) # this ends up in the caller's scope
while (( "$#" )) ; do
if [[ $1 == -- ]] ; then shift ; argv+=( "$@" ) ; \return 0 ; fi
if [[ $1 == --* ]] ; then
if [[ $1 == *=* ]] ; then
local key=${1/=*/} ; args[${key/--/}]=${1/$key=/}
else args[${1/--/}]=1 ; fi
else argv+=( "$1" ) ; fi
shift ; done
## Shows the help text for a program and exits, if »--help« was passed as argument and parsed, or does nothing otherwise.
# Expects to be called between parsing and verifying the arguments.
# Uses »allowedArgs« for the list of the named arguments (the values are the descriptions).
# »name« should be the program name/path (usually »$0«), »args« the form/names of any positional arguments expected (e.g. »SOURCE... DEST«) and is included in the "Usage" description,
# »description« the introductory text shown before the "Usage", and »suffix« any text printed after the argument list.
function generic-arg-help { # 1: name, 2?: args, 3?: description, 4?: suffix, 5?: usageLine
if [[ ! ${args[help]:-} ]] ; then : ${allowedArgs[help]:=1} ; \return 0 ; fi
[[ ! ${3:-} ]] || echo "$3"
printf "${5:-'Usage:\n %s [FLAG[=value]]... [--] %s\n\nWhere »FLAG« may be any of:\n'}" "$1" "${2:-}"
local name ; while IFS= read -u3 -r name ; do
printf ' %s\n %s\n' "$name" "${allowedArgs[$name]//$'\n'/$'\n '}"
done 3< <( printf '%s\n' "${!allowedArgs[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort )
printf ' %s\n %s\n' "--help" "Do nothing but print this message and exit with success."
[[ ! ${4:-} ]] || echo "$4"
\exit 0
## Performs a basic verification of the named arguments passed by the user and parsed by »generic-arg-parse« against the names in »allowedArgs«.
# Entries in »allowedArgs« should have the form »[--name]="description"« for boolean flags, and »[--name=VAL]="description"« for string arguments.
# »description« is used by »generic-arg-help«. Boolean flags may only have the values »1« (as set by »generic-ags-parse« for flags without value) or be empty.
# »VAL« is purely nominal. Any argument passed that is not in »allowedArgs« raises an error.
function generic-arg-verify { # 1?: exitCode
local exitCode=${exitCode:-${1:-1}}
local names=' '"${!allowedArgs[@]}"
for name in "${!args[@]}" ; do
if [[ ${allowedArgs[--$name]:-} ]] ; then
if [[ ${args[$name]} == '' || ${args[$name]} == 1 ]] ; then continue ; fi
echo "Argument »--$name« should be a boolean, but its value is: ${args[$name]}" 1>&2 ; \return $exitCode
if [[ $names == *' --'"$name"'='* || $names == *' --'"$name"'[='* ]] ; then continue ; fi
if [[ ${undeclared:-} && $name =~ $undeclared ]] ; then continue ; fi
echo "Unexpected argument »--$name«.${allowedArgs[help]:+ Call with »--help« for a list of valid arguments.}" 1>&2 ; \return $exitCode
## Prepends a command to a trap. Especially useful fo define »finally« commands via »prepend_trap '<command>' EXIT«.
# NOTE: When calling this in a sub-shell whose parents already has traps installed, make sure to do »trap - trapName« first. On a new shell, this should be a no-op, but without it, the parent shell's traps will be added to the sub-shell as well (due to strange behavior of »trap -p« (in bash ~5.1.8)).
function prepend_trap { # 1: command, ...: trapNames
fatal() { printf "ERROR: $@\n" 1>&2 ; \return 1 ; }
local cmd=$1 ; shift 1 || fatal "${FUNCNAME} usage error"
local name ; for name in "$@" ; do
trap -- "$( set +x
printf '%s\n' "( ${cmd} ) || true ; "
p3() { printf '%s\n' "${3:-}" ; }
eval "p3 $(trap -p "${name}")"
)" "${name}" || fatal "unable to add to trap ${name}"
declare -f -t prepend_trap # required to modify DEBUG or RETURN traps
## Given the name to an existing bash function, this creates a copy of that function with a new name (in the current scope).
function copy-function { # 1: existingName, 2: newName
local original=$(declare -f "${1?existingName not provided}") ; if [[ ! $original ]] ; then echo "Function $1 is not defined" 1>&2 ; \return 1 ; fi

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@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importModules inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importModules inputs dirname { }

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@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importModules inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importModules inputs dirname { }

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importModules inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importModules inputs dirname { }

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importModules inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importModules inputs dirname { }

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ in let hostModule = {
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s ${cfg.system.build.toplevel} $out/system
ln -s ${pkgs.writeShellScript name ''
${lib.fun.extractBashFunction (builtins.readFile lib.self.setup-scripts.utils) "generic-arg-parse"}
source ${lib.fun.bash.generic-arg-parse}
generic-arg-parse "$@" ; set -- ; set -o pipefail -u #; set -x
script=''${argv[0]:?'The first positional argument must be the script to execute in the VM'} ; argv=( "''${argv[@]:1}" )

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importOverlays inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importOverlays inputs dirname { }

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
dirname: inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ...}: self.lib.__internal__.fun.importPatches inputs dirname { }
dirname: inputs: inputs.functions.lib.importPatches inputs dirname { }