## Prompts for the password of every user that uses a »passwordFile«, to later use that password for home encryption and/or save it in the »passwordFile«. function prompt-for-user-passwords { # (void) declare -g -A userPasswords=( ) # (this ends up in the caller's scope) for user in "@{!config.users.users!catAttrSets.password[@]}" ; do # Also grab any plaintext passwords for testing setups. userPasswords[$user]=@{config.users.users!catAttrSets.password[$user]} done for user in "@{!config.users.users!catAttrSets.passwordFile[@]}" ; do if ! userPasswords[$user]=$(prompt-new-password "for the user account »$user«") ; then return 1 ; fi done } ## Mounts a ramfs as the host's keystore and populates it with keys as requested by »config.wip.fs.keystore.keys«. # Depending on the specified key types/sources, this may prompt for user input. function populate-keystore { { # (void) local keystore=/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8} mkdir -p $keystore && chmod 750 $keystore && prepend_trap "rmdir $keystore" EXIT mount ramfs -t ramfs $keystore && prepend_trap "umount $keystore" EXIT } && ( set -eu declare -A methods=( ) ; declare -A options=( ) for usage in "@{!config.wip.fs.keystore.keys[@]}" ; do methodAndOptions="@{config.wip.fs.keystore.keys[$usage]}" method=$(<<<"$methodAndOptions" cut -d= -f1) methods[$usage]=$method ; options[$usage]=${methodAndOptions/$method=/} # TODO: if no options are provided, this passes the method string as options (use something like ${methodAndOptions:(- $(( ${#method} + 1 ))}) done for usage in "${!methods[@]}" ; do if [[ "${methods[$usage]}" != inherit ]] ; then continue ; fi from=${options[$usage]} methods[$usage]=${methods[$from]} ; options[$usage]=${options[$from]} done for usage in "${!methods[@]}" ; do if [[ "${methods[$usage]}" == home-composite || "${methods[$usage]}" == copy ]] ; then continue ; fi for attempt in 2 3 x ; do if gen-key-"${methods[$usage]}" "$usage" "${options[$usage]}" | write-secret "$keystore"/"$usage".key ; then break ; fi if [[ $attempt == x ]] ; then return 1 ; fi ; echo "Retrying ($attempt/3):" done done for usage in "${!methods[@]}" ; do if [[ "${methods[$usage]}" != home-composite ]] ; then continue ; fi gen-key-"${methods[$usage]}" "$usage" "${options[$usage]}" | write-secret "$keystore"/"$usage".key || return 1 done for usage in "${!methods[@]}" ; do if [[ "${methods[$usage]}" != copy ]] ; then continue ; fi gen-key-"${methods[$usage]}" "$usage" "${options[$usage]}" | write-secret "$keystore"/"$usage".key || return 1 done )} ## Creates the LUKS devices specified by the host using the keys created by »populate-keystore«. function create-luks-layers {( set -eu # (void) keystore=/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8} for luksName in "@{!config.boot.initrd.luks.devices!catAttrSets.device[@]}" ; do rawDev=@{config.boot.initrd.luks.devices!catAttrSets.device[$luksName]} if ! is-partition-on-disks "$rawDev" "${blockDevs[@]}" ; then echo "Partition alias $rawDev used by LUKS device $luksName does not point at one of the target disks ${blockDevs[@]}" ; exit 1 ; fi primaryKey="$keystore"/luks/"$luksName"/0.key keyOptions=( --pbkdf=pbkdf2 --pbkdf-force-iterations=1000 ) ( PATH=@{native.cryptsetup}/bin ; ${_set_x:-:} ; cryptsetup --batch-mode luksFormat --key-file="$primaryKey" "${keyOptions[@]}" -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha256 "$rawDev" ) for index in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do if [[ -e "$keystore"/luks/"$luksName"/"$index".key ]] ; then ( PATH=@{native.cryptsetup}/bin ; ${_set_x:-:} ; cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file="$primaryKey" "${keyOptions[@]}" "$rawDev" "$keystore"/luks/"$luksName"/"$index".key ) fi done done )} ## Opens the LUKS devices specified by the host, using the opened host's keystore. function open-luks-layers { # (void) keystore=/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8} for luksName in "@{!config.boot.initrd.luks.devices!catAttrSets.device[@]}" ; do if [[ -e /dev/mapper/$luksName ]] ; then continue ; fi rawDev=@{config.boot.initrd.luks.devices!catAttrSets.device[$luksName]} primaryKey="$keystore"/luks/"$luksName"/0.key ( PATH=@{native.cryptsetup}/bin ; ${_set_x:-:} ; cryptsetup --batch-mode luksOpen --key-file="$primaryKey" "$rawDev" "$luksName" ) && prepend_trap "@{native.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup close $luksName" EXIT done }