Niklas Gollenstede b51cf19f4a make partitioning reproducible, add sgdisk patch,
do partitioning during build instead of install,
fix qemu's efi vars,
add config.wip.dropbear.hostKeys
2022-06-13 21:16:20 +02:00

37 lines
2.1 KiB

{ description = (
"Work In Progress: a collection of Nix things that are used in more than one project, but aren't refined enough to be standalone libraries/modules/... (yet)."
* This flake file defines the main inputs (all except for some files/archives fetched by hardcoded hash) and exports almost all usable results.
* It should always pass »nix flake check« and »nix flake show --allow-import-from-derivation«, which means inputs and outputs comply with the flake convention.
); inputs = {
# To update »./flake.lock«: $ nix flake update
nixpkgs = { url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05"; };
config = { type = "github"; owner = "NiklasGollenstede"; repo = "nix-wiplib"; dir = "example/defaultConfig"; rev = "5e9cc7ce3440be9ce6aeeaedcc70db9c80489c5f"; }; # Use some previous commit's »./example/defaultConfig/flake.nix« as the default config for this flake.
}; outputs = inputs: let patches = {
nixpkgs = [
# ./patches/nixpkgs-test.patch # after »nix build«, check »result/inputs/nixpkgs/patched!« to see that these patches were applied
# ./patches/nixpkgs-fix-systemd-boot-install.patch
}; in (import "${./.}/lib/flakes.nix" "${./.}/lib" inputs).patchFlakeInputsAndImportRepo inputs patches ./. (inputs@ { self, nixpkgs, ... }: repo@{ overlays, lib, ... }: let
systemsFlake = lib.wip.mkSystemsFlake (rec {
#systems = { dir = "${inputs.self}/hosts"; exclude = [ ]; }; # (implicit)
inherit inputs;
scripts = (lib.attrValues lib.wip.setup-scripts) ++ [ ./example/ ];
in [ # Run »nix flake show --allow-import-from-derivation« to see what this merges to:
(if true then systemsFlake else { })
(lib.wip.forEachSystem [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] (localSystem: {
packages = lib.wip.getModifiedPackages (lib.wip.importPkgs inputs { system = localSystem; }) overlays;
defaultPackage = systemsFlake.packages.${localSystem}.all-systems;
{ patches = import "${inputs.self}/patches" "${inputs.self}/patches" inputs; }
]); }