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119 lines
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# Key Generation Methods
# See »../../modules/fs/« for more documentation.
# It is probably generally advisable that these functions output ASCII strings.
# Keys used as ZFS encryption keys (with the implicit »keyformat = hex«) must be 64 (lowercase?) hex digits.
## Outputs nothing (/ an empty key), causing that ZFS dataset to be unencrypted, even if it's parent is encrypted.
function gen-key-unencrypted {( set -eu # 1: usage
## Uses the hostname as a trivial key.
function gen-key-hostname {( set -eu # 1: usage
if [[ ! "$usage" =~ ^(luks/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8}/.*)$ ]] ; then printf '»trivial« key mode is only available for the keystore itself.\n' 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
printf %s "@{config.networking.hostName}"
## Obtains a key by reading it from a bootkey partition (see »add-bootkey-to-keydev«).
function gen-key-usb-part {( set -eu # 1: usage
if [[ ! "$usage" =~ ^(luks/keystore-[^/]+/[1-8])$ ]] ; then printf '»usb-part« key mode is only available for the keystore itself.\n' 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
cat /dev/disk/by-partlabel/"$bootkeyPartlabel"
## Outputs a key by simply printing an different keystore entry (that must have been generated before).
function gen-key-copy {( set -eu # 1: _, 2: source
keystore=/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8} ; source=$2
cat "$keystore"/"$source".key
## Outputs a key by simply using the constant »$value« passed in.
function gen-key-constant {( set -eu # 1: _, 2: value
printf %s "$value"
## Obtains a key by prompting for a password.
function gen-key-password {( set -eu # 1: usage
( prompt-new-password "as key for @{config.networking.hostName}:$usage" || exit 1 )
## Generates a key by prompting for (or reusing) a »$user«'s password, combining it with »$keystore/home/$user.key«.
function gen-key-home-composite {( set -eu # 1: usage, 2: user
keystore=/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8} ; usage=$1 ; user=$2
if [[ ${!userPasswords[@]} && ${userPasswords[$user]:-} ]] ; then
password=$(prompt-new-password "that will be used as component of the key for »@{config.networking.hostName}:$usage«")
if [[ ! $password ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi
( cat "$keystore"/home/"$user".key && cat <<<"$password" ) | sha256sum | head -c 64
## Generates a reproducible, host-independent key by challenging slot »$slot« of YubiKey »$serial« with »$user«'s password.
function gen-key-home-yubikey {( set -eu # 1: usage, 2: serialAndSlotAndUser(as »serial:slot:user«)
usage=$1 ; args=$2
serial=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f1 ) ; slot=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f2 )
if [[ ${!userPasswords[@]} && ${userPasswords[$user]:-} ]] ; then
password=$(prompt-new-password "as YubiKey challenge for »@{config.networking.hostName}:$usage«")
if [[ ! $password ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi
gen-key-yubikey-challenge "$usage" "$serial:$slot:home-$user=$password" true "»${user}«'s password (for key »${usage}«)"
## Generates a reproducible secret by prompting for a pin/password and then challenging slot »$slot« of YubiKey »$serial«.
function gen-key-yubikey-pin {( set -eu # 1: usage, 2: serialAndSlot(as »serial:slot«)
usage=$1 ; serialAndSlot=$2
password=$(prompt-new-password "/ pin as challenge to YubiKey »$serialAndSlot« as key for »@{config.networking.hostName}:$usage«")
if [[ ! $password ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi
gen-key-yubikey-challenge "$usage" "$serialAndSlot:$password" true "password / pin as key for »@{config.networking.hostName}:$usage«"
## Generates a reproducible secret for a certain »$use«case and optionally »$salt« on a »$host« by challenging slot »$slot« of YubiKey »$serial«.
function gen-key-yubikey {( set -eu # 1: usage, 2: serialAndSlotAndSalt(as »serial:slot:salt«)
usage=$1 ; args=$2
serial=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f1 ) ; slot=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f2 )
usagE="$usage" ; if [[ "$usage" =~ ^(luks/.*/[0-8])$ ]] ; then usagE="${usage:0:(-2)}" ; fi # produce the same secret, regardless of the target luks slot
gen-key-yubikey-challenge "$usage" "$serial:$slot:$challenge"
## Generates a reproducible secret by challenging slot »$slot« of YubiKey »$serial« with the fixed »$challenge«.
function gen-key-yubikey-challenge {( set -eu # 1: _, 2: serialAndSlotAndChallenge(as »$serial:$slot:$challenge«), 3?: onlyOnce, 4?: message
args=$2 ; message=${4:-}
serial=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f1 ) ; slot=$( <<<"$args" cut -d: -f2 )
if [[ "$serial" != "$( @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykinfo -sq 2>/dev/null )" ]] ; then printf 'Please insert / change to YubiKey with serial %s!\n' "$serial" 1>&2 ; fi
if [[ ! "${3:-}" ]] ; then
read -p 'Challenging YubiKey '"$serial"' slot '"$slot"' twice with '"${message:-challenge »"$challenge":1/2«}"'. Enter to continue, or Ctrl+C to abort:'
read -p 'Challenging YubiKey '"$serial"' slot '"$slot"' once with '"${message:-challenge »"$challenge"«}"'. Enter to continue, or Ctrl+C to abort:'
if [[ "$serial" != "$( @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykinfo -sq )" ]] ; then printf 'YubiKey with serial %s not present, aborting.\n' "$serial" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
if [[ ! "${3:-}" ]] ; then
secret="$( @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykchalresp -"$slot" "$challenge":1 )""$( sleep .5 || : ; @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykchalresp -"$slot" "$challenge":2 || @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykchalresp -"$slot" "$challenge":2 )" # the second consecutive challenge tends to fail if it follows immediately
if [[ ${#secret} != 80 ]] ; then printf 'YubiKey challenge failed, aborting.\n' "$serial" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
secret="$( @{native.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykchalresp -"$slot" "$challenge" )"
if [[ ${#secret} != 40 ]] ; then printf 'YubiKey challenge failed, aborting.\n' "$serial" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
printf %s "$secret" | head -c 64
## Generates a random secret key.
function gen-key-random {( set -eu # 1: usage
</dev/urandom tr -dc 0-9a-f | head -c 64